• Published 5th Sep 2015
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Equestria’s Changeling Queen and the Abyssal Empress - vren55

After Alternia, changeling queen and former regent for a missing Celestia, is coronated as Equestria’s third ruling princess, she must face her first crisis in the depths of the Eastern Sea. Sequel to Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen.

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Chapter 28: Calming Seas

A haggard looking Celestia rested her back against the chair in the conference room she couldn’t remember, in the Vanhoofer city hall that she had never visited until today.

Despite the numerous crystal balls, each containing the face of some Equestrian or other, the room felt deserted. Chrysalis, Retariusil, and herself were the only ones physically present.

Not to mention the two queens, both bandaged and just as battered as Celestia, looked near to tears.

Even the unflappable Admiral Marenitz, her image in the crystal ball, looked as grim as if they were still at war.

“That bad?”

Celestia nodded. “Out of three thousand Dragoon Guard, a thousand were killed and they didn’t even fire a shot, or swing a blade, and half the cannon crews were killed. All by the waves that crashed on the beach, and the hailstones that fell from the sky.”

Caesar Salad held his breath. “Colonel Octavius? Major Sponge-Ram?”

“Your son is alive, but… I’m going to get to that, but he’s going to need severe psychiatric counselling and will have to be discharged for at least several years. Major Sponge-Ram was crushed by an artillery piece. He’s crippled,” Celestia said.

“And the changelings?” asked Blueblood, looking in concern at Chrysalis and Retariusil.

“Nearly two hundred killed,” croaked Chrysalis, before falling silent.

“That’s not the worse of it. Every single changeling or soldier not killed was wounded. Moreover, all of them need to be discharged immediately for some form of long term counselling. We’re hopeful they will recover, but it’ll take a lot of effort and support. The earthworks protected them for a bit, but not for long, and not against the sheer terror that Shi-Nihalar struck into them.”

Celestia shut her eyes, trying not to think about what her subjects had suffered. It wouldn’t help Caesar who was looking more and more horrified.

“The sheer sight of Shi-Nihalar on the soldiers, who weren’t immediately blessed by Empress Tethys, well they went insane. We, and the Empress, hadn’t anticipated this, and thought that while those fighting Shi-Nihalar up close would need protection, soldiers farther away wouldn’t be so affected. We were wrong. Most of them were incapacitated without being able to do anything else. It’s why they couldn’t protect themselves or flee the waves that struck the beach.”

Celestia checked the sheet of paper laid in front of her and her shoulders fell. “An uncountable number of missing civilian vessels and crew have been killed before the mind control was finally dispelled with Shi-Nihalar’s death. Some of the Wonderbolts in the relief force were also wounded, with five dead. Our two missing destroyers were completely lost, with all hooves. Their crews had been mind controlled and the Wonderbolts and Aquestrian Dragon Turtles had to kill them.”

Groaning Celestia cringed as she read the next statistic. “The thousands mind controlled are all going to need therapy. They can’t believe what they were doing at the time, and… well they have memories of Shi-Nihalar dominating their will.”

“The good news is that we’ve killed hundreds of Shi-Nihalar’s cultists and captured quite a few when the mind control was finally broken,” noted Marenitz. “The REINS is still processing those who have been mind controlled and those who might be lying to get away. The real cultists certainly didn’t expect their god to be defeated though, so we’re not having too hard a time.”

Retariusil cleared her throat. “As for our rearguard, thanks to the effort of the Others that Shi-Nihalar summoned, most of the Royal Guard, Lunar Guard, and Venecian Marines was wounded, with a third of them dead. I’m afraid every changeling in the Mirror Guard also got wounded, and about a third of them are also dead. Captain Harlequin’s alive, but he’s lost both wings. However, Captain Pike is dead and Captain Vlad’s rear leg was broken in three places. He’ll never return to frontline combat.”

Across the seas, Sebastiana winced.

Retariusil took a sip of water from her cup on the table. “The kelpies were the ones that really saved the Rearguard. The Abyssal Guard… I don’t know how many they brought and Captain Ebb wouldn’t tell me how many they lost. We couldn’t count the bodies either because they turn into water.” Retariusil cringed. “However, I could sense Captain Ebb’s fury and sadness. It was… intense. We offered some of our training dummies to let her loose some steam off and she… well, she eviscerated them.”

“Basically, it’s clear that the kelpies suffered the brunt of the casualties. I suspect casualties they haven’t experienced since their war with Samudra. It was a shock to them.”

Princess Cadance wiped the tears from her eyes as Shining Armor held her hoof. “By the Great Creator… so many dead.”

“What kind of victory is this? What are we going to tell the Equestrian public?” wondered Caesar.

“The truth.”

Eyes turned to Celestia as her eyes hardened, a grim tension in her shoulders.

“We tell them we fought an opponent that could destroy Equestria with ease. We tell them we, ponies, changelings, kelpies, threw everything we had at him. We tell them that we fought to the bitter end and that in the end, we triumphed. We killed Shi-Nihalar.”

Blueblood frowned. “But… Tethys… well she’s even more powerful. I hate to say this, but with our losses, how do we sell that? I think we can trust her, but the public?”

Celestia paused. “I admit, I have reservations and I will meet with her to confirm, or deny them, but she has the power she wants. More importantly, her subjects have what they always wanted. Up to the battle she displayed a willingness to cooperate that’s been unexpected and promising.” Celestia blinked and smiled. “Moreover, we can give her less motive to go after us by making her significant contributions public. Tethys wants a stable power relationship between Equestria and Aquestria after all. The environment of her home, its long term prospects of reconstruction and development are at stake, and can far too easily be spoiled by a single careless entrepreneur with too much industrial waste.”

“That’s… very Alternia of you, Celestia,” said Retariusil.

The alicorn froze for a second, before forcing herself to reply.


Chrysalis coughed, drawing attention to herself, even as a sneer twisted her lips.

“Speaking of the public story… we have something my sisters and I have something we want to add in light of the recent display by the Queens Council.”

That Evening...

She should be sleeping now, but Celestia needed to see Luna. Somepony had informed her that she was awake and doing well. Still, Celestia needed to see it for herself.

Luna was using her magic to read a novel, a newer one if Celestia recalled it correctly. Garth Greenhoof’s Sabriel, a very… grim story about a necromancer who tries to stop a kingdom from falling apart. Alternia had hoof-selected a number of popular fiction works for them all and made Celestia and Luna read them.


Throwing the book onto the nightstand Luna cried out. “Celestia!”

“Oh Luna!” and Celestia nearly threw herself atop of her sister as she embraced her.

“I’m sorry I could not come earlier. You were asleep and I did not want to wake you.”

Luna chuckled. “That is alright, Celestia. I was occupying myself.” She sighed. “I heard about our casualties.”

“Do not trouble yourself with this, Luna. Let me deal with it,” insisted Celestia.

“Alright, but I worry, Celestia. Equestria has not come out of this unscathed. We need to reassure our ponies, but I have heard Alternia is unconscious and…” Luna winced as she stared at the stump that was her missing leg. “I need time to recover.”

“I will ensure the public understands what transpired, Luna. But for now… do you need anything to keep you… less bored?”

Luna arched an eyebrow. “Just your company, sister. Do you perhaps have one of those board games that Shining Armor is so found of?”

The second day after the Battle of Vanhoofer…

Each Equestrian town hall had a spare royal guest room for visiting dignitaries, and princesses. There was at one point a movement by Equestrian nobles to have all the major cities build separate Royal villas, aimed at impressing the crown’s prestige on the public and displaying each city’s wealth. Alternia had pointedly turned down the proposal and suggested this rather more practical solution to a princess’s travel needs.

Lounging in her four-poster in the Vanhoofer city hall, Celestia sipped her coffee, and looked out of the Prench door to her right and over the harbour. The clean, elegant white decor of the room was nice, but the princess couldn’t help but think back to the colorful tapestry-filled chambers she used to enjoy.

Still, hot breakfast in bed, quiet without any distractions of state, not even a newspaper, was a rather good substitute. Today, there were buttermilk pancakes drizzled in maple syrup, with haybacon, eggs sunny side up, potato hash and beans.

It was just as well that Celestia could enjoy this silence. Cyndra had put together a rather tight schedule for her that she would have to follow to the minute if she wanted to get everything done without going near-insane. It didn’t help that Alternia was still unconscious.

So when she heard a knock, Celestia couldn’t help but sigh, put her coffee back down on the tray and call, “Enter.”

Blueblood trotted in, a scowl on his face.

“Celestia,” he dipped his head. Without waiting for her to reply, he quickly spoke, “I’m sorry for interrupting your breakfast, but I need to return to Canterlot immediately to quiet the parliament.”

“What do you mean? What’s wrong with parliament?” Celestia asked.

“After the morning news report finally released our casualty figures at 8:30am Canterlot time, the parliament scheduled a session to discuss the aftermath of the battle for tomorrow. The public and parliament are likely to be horrified by what happened and call for increased military expenditure.”

Celestia frowned. “Blueblood, in light of recent events, I think it would be most prudent to upgrade and expand our military, particularly our army and airship fleet.”

Blueblood pursed his lips in thought. “What do you have in mind?”

“Our military did not perform adequately in this crisis and against Shi-Nihalar. We need to reevaluate its abilities and weaknesses and address them accordingly. I understand that the various branches will be looking into the issue, but Parliament must assert its role in coordinating this reorganization.”

“If we do so, we’ll break military parity with the Griffon Kingdom, possibly provoking them into an arms race,” Blueblood pointed out.

“Unfortunately, there are new standards of power at play.” Celestia took a deep breath to gather her thoughts. “My sister’s return was within Alternia’s calculations. However, Discord’s return was a warning that our military has trouble dealing with massive magical threats. Then you have this crisis.” Celestia’s gaze hardened. “We are the Equestrian Triumvirate, the three most powerful magical users in Equestria. Now, one is still in a coma, and will most likely suffer from further mental trauma. The other has lost a leg. I even lost half my horn to Tethys. Equestria cannot rely on us alone to protect it. This crisis has clearly illustrated the risks of us taking to the field.”

Blueblood shook his head. “I see your point Celestia, but we need to have a measured response to this. I also came because there has been a development with the Griffons.” The prince took a deep breath. “Put it bluntly, they’re afraid, confused and really worried. I don’t think they expected us to beat Shi-Nihalar and neither did they think Tethys would actually make good on her promises to us and not simply destroy us.”

“They’re that afraid?”

Blueblood winced. “Their actual diplomats have a pretty good understanding of the situation and want to negotiate with Tethys through us acting as an intermediary, but their public… well.. Let’s say it’s in a frenzy for Griffon military buildup against an unholy Equestrian-Aquestrian alliance.”

“Unholy alliance… what the hell is going on in Griffonia? We worked together, but I would hardly call it a permanent alliance!

“Unlike our news organisations which are free to speak the truth, their organisations… well their media is a mess. Some is controlled by the state, others by private businessgriffons who only speak profit through falsehood, and others act as… mere echo chambers that confirm what people think they know,” explained Blueblood. The prince coughed officiously. “The point is, if we launch ourselves into an arms race and an arms buildup, we will aggravate the Griffons. Yes they are a monarchy, but the people will pressure the king. Additionally, we need a plan for reforming and re-equipping our forces, if the problem is so great. We can’t just rush into it now.”

Celestia mused on the question for several long moments.

“You’re right. What would you suggest?”

“I’ll inform parliament to begin an inquiry that will analyze the strategic and tactical capacity of our armed forces and their weaknesses, based off of past and recent engagements. Such a committee should have members from our armed forces and diplomatic service.”

“I think it’s a good proposal, Blueblood. I think you should present it to parliament, but go visit Luna first and get her opinion. I think she and I are of the same mind, but I want… no, I need her input,” said Celestia.

“Very wise of you, Celestia.”


“Wow… we heard the reports, but I didn’t realize how terrifying it was,” said Sunset’s image in Celestia’s crystal ball.

“Is… how is Alternia?” asked Twilight, peaking out from behind Sunset.

Celestia sighed. “Still in a coma. Empress Tethys has healed her physical wounds, but there’s been undoubtedly some severe mental trauma. She’s physically healthy, but it will be a while until she wakes up.” Celestia pursed her lips. “By the way Sunset, Twilight, reports have come in indicating that a massive fireball shot across Equestria from the rough direction of Vol Oros, you wouldn’t know anything about that would you?”

“Oh, actually that was from us in Vol Oros, Celestia. The fireball was Rarity’s work,” said Twilight.


“We realized that Shi-Nihilar was large enough to be targetable with the magical amplifier of Vol Oros. We started by first dragging Shi-Nihalar closer to shore. Later, Rarity used the amplifier to launch a fireball at the Old God,” explained Sunset.

“That’s… ingenious. Thank all involved for that. Bringing Shi-Nihalar to shore really helped us to support Tethys,” said Celestia. She paused. “In the meantime, Sunset, Twilight, and the Elements of Harmony should return to Equestria with the next airship run. Your role in the crisis is over and I need your help, Sunset.”

“Understood, Celestia,” said Sunset, nodding.

A few days later…

“I wonder when they are going to respond,” Belladonna mused.

The three changeling sisters and Retariusil were all gathered in the same wardroom. Simulacris and Belladonna were both in hospital beds, whilst Retariusil and Chrysalis were sitting at a table and desk, sipping juice. They all had a nice plate of cookies each.

Chrysalis swallowed down a macadamia nut cookie, making an internal note of herself to buy some of them before she went back to the Badlands.

“Fairly soon. It’s why we asked the staff to give us some lovely refreshments as we wait,” she said.

Retariusil practically cackled, unable to hide her glee. “Mom was ridiculously happy to oblige. But by the Hive Mothers, I couldn’t believe what she told me. I mean… that? I never would have guessed.”

“I guessed, but then again, I have my sources,” chuckled Simulacris. She adjusted the cast on her leg and daintily levitated another cookie to her mouth.

Belladonna didn’t care, and she spoke with her mouth full, crumbs flying onto the bedspread. “Bloody hell Simmy, the dirt you have scares even me, and that’s considering the reach of my Shadow Empire.”

Simularis smiled. “Why thank you sister, though I’m more interested though in how Tethys is going to react to this. I think she’s going to find this immensely amusing.”

The queens suddenly froze as they heard the mental voices from their crystals. All grinning widely, they simultaneously closed their eyes.

Queens Chrysalis, Simulacris, and Murmillar. What is the meaning of this? roared Queen Sarar.

In Vol Oros, in her dimly lit chambers, Murmillar chuckled as she held onto her queens crystal. Just got the papers, Sarar?

To be honest, I’m asking the same question, mom. I didn’t think you would resort to these measures. said Grennel.

Sorry we couldn’t tell you dear, but we could only really get into contact with Murmillar before we kicked this off. I think you’ll agree with us once we explain, said Belladonna.

The changeling queens couldn’t see Queen Shebar, but her emotions basically told them that she was frothing at the mouth, so hysterical was her screeching.

Agree with you? How can any changeling queen in their right mind agree with what you’ve done!

Our mother certainly would, shot back Chrysalis.

Lionore sounded as if she was trying to remain calm, but the Griffonian changeling queen had a… tenseness to her thoughts that traveled over the link.

Look, Chrysalis, Simulacris, Murmillar, I understand you’re frustrated, but this… this is unprecedented. It goes against everything we have known.

Belladonna laughed. Everything we have known, Lionore? Well here’s what this glorious council knew. This Council knew that Shi-Nihalar had shown up. Knew he was a threat to changelingkind. Knew that we, the daughters and descendants of Chamelia were committing themselves to stop him, but did nothing. Nothing!

We helped to save your sister, said Kleis Patra.

From the safety of your hives. Whilst our changelings assembled on the beaches and died. More than two hundred of them! With the rest nearly driven to insanity! It’ll take years for them to recover, perhaps not even completely! railed Chrysalis.

But… but because of this… You… You three have signed a pact with the devil. said Didor in disbelief.

The devil? You mean our sister and her friends who have been more supportive of our hives throughout this crisis than the Council? That’s a nice devil. A really nice devil who loves us, and whose friends and subjects appreciate our contributions. said Simulacris acerbically.

Enough! Queens Chrysalis, Simulacris, Belladonna and Murmillar. Explain to this Council why we should let this go unpunished. Why should we let you... The normally cool-headed Kagura’s rage and confusion was so fierce, she momentarily lost the capacity to form coherent thoughts. Why should we let you, your hives, and the territory you control, join the Kingdom of Equestria as semi-autonomous Dominions that answer to the Equestrian Triumvirate!

Retariusil coughed and said officiously. Well, Council of Queens, let me, Retariusil, Murmillar’s Daughter, explain in simple language, so you simpletons can get it.

Retariusil seemed to take a deep mental breath… which was rather warranted considering she was speaking to all the queens in the entire world.

We’re pissed at you because we’re fairly sure you wanted to get us killed.


Followed by protests. Lots of protests. A cacophony of voices filled the link as accusations and defenses filled the mental connection between the queens.

It took Sarar and Kagura a long, long time to get them to quiet down.

Silence damn you all! This is a serious accusation, Queen Retariusil! What evidence do you have?

None directly, but circumstances are telling. Most of the queens in this world despise us, envy our relationship and ties with Equestria. That was abundantly clear when Tethys forced you to assist us. However, that wasn’t the only thing that bothered us.

Retariusil’s thoughts filled with a dark, fury, restrained, but evident.

You see councilmembers, while many of you did not understand the extent of the danger, all of the major players of the council did to some extent. Queen Simulacris and Queen Murmillar’s infiltrators have provided us reports of Dido and Kleis Patra gathering their forces in the west. Sarar and Kagura making plans. Pythadora and Wutien planning routes and ensuring supply lines to Equestria. Lionore taking her forces to the Northern Channel, the shortest route from Griffonia to Equestria. Shebar and Borte making military plans. You all knew about the danger to some extent, yet you refused to send us aid. Now why is that?

Quiet filled the link.

Some of you were likely cautious. I think a few of you genuinely were, but I may be wrong. Moreover, that doesn’t account for the rest. Where were you, and why did you move, but so slowly?

What are you suggesting, you impudent larvae? Borte the IV demanded, her thoughts coming out like a snarl.

Simulacris took over. What we’re saying is that we’re onto you. We know you wanted Equestria, the kelpies, us, and Shi-Nihalar to kill each other off. We know that once we were weakened, in victory or defeat, you’d swoop in, seize our territory, or “save” us and make us indebted to you.

Did you think we would not see through such an obvious ploy? snapped Chrysalis, before the queens could protest. Were you so arrogant you think we wouldn’t guess what you were up to?

Throwing in our lot with you at the outset would have been suicide. We weren’t trying to kill you… at least I wasn’t. We were making a calculated choice. said Didor, clearly attempting to keep her thoughts calm.

A tinge of regret seeped into Belladonna’s thoughts. I want to believe you… old friend. I really do, but my hive and the hives of my sisters, and their descendants are in danger. They have had no choice, but this to guarantee their safety. In the face of this Council’s apathy at best, and their schemes at worst.

But you would have deprived yourself of your independence, your freedom to act as changelings! protested Kleis Patra.

In exchange for safety, and for a place in a new world out of the shadows. A new world where changelings are recognized alongside ponies. Celestia’s new terms were excellent, and mutually beneficial. We’ll have to assist Equestria in conflicts, but we’d own our land, dictate our own policies. Our agreement even provides very specific criteria for how much we have to commit. said Murmillar smugly.

We can forbid you to do so. You still are queens of this council and you still must answer to the council’s will as Chamelia did. said Kagural.

You won’t. replied Simulacris evenly.

The sheer… confidence of Simulacris’s thoughts made the queens in the link pause for a second.

Why not? asked Wutien slowly.

I made a note of this in my initial overtures to you, and I didn’t force it because an unwilling ally is as good as an enemy, but you have left me, and Murmillar, with no choice, said Simulacris. She took a moment to collect her thoughts. To put it bluntly, we will send this Council crashing down.

Murmillar took over. Simulacris and I have gathered centuries worth of secrets, of scandal, of controversy and blackmail that will return this Council to the chaos of the Unspeakable Times when the Great Hive Mothers and their daughters spilled enough blood to stain the Eastern Sea. If you try to oppose this, if you dare try to go after us, we will unleash it all.

Kagura and Sarar froze, reconsidering even as many queens across the globe, the world, Domus, laughed.

There’s no way you have anything that bad. snorted Borte.

In Vol Oros, Murmillar shrugged and let rip.

Empress Tethys, if you’re listening in, sorry about not telling you this earlier. It wasn’t really relevant, just rather amusing. Murmillar licked her lips. She was going to enjoy this.

Queen Ratched was intimate with Queen Pythadora and Queen Wutien, at the same time. They had a very kinky relationship.

Stunned silence. The shock coming from Wutien and Pythadora just made this silence even longer.

I would have said you were lying Murmillar, but that makes way too much sense. There was no way such a young queen could amass that much weaponry and transport it to Nasty Bone Parter though. said Lionore slowly.

Correct. The Griffon Warlord Nasty Bone Parter pretty much got his weapons thanks to Ratched seducing Wutien and Pythadora. Pythadora used her smuggling network to feed Ratched the arms, and a lot more, whilst Wutien provided transit, and apparently a lot of movement. Not that Pythadora or Wutien knew about where their help was going to. Ratched was a wily little manipulator for an insane, power-hunger changeling queen.

Kagura… did you know about this? demanded Sarar.

I heard rumors… but never did I imagine… Kagura’s fury pulsed through the link. You were screwing my daughter and you didn’t realize her intentions? Didn’t even try to stop her!

Kagura paused… fuming, her rage searing her link to the queens crystal. You thick shelled, worthless, imbeciles! Your stupidity nearly revealed the entire changeling race to the Equestrians! The REINS literally was steps away from identifying the smugglers before Sarar shut them down!

We didn’t know! She…We… we loved her… babbled Wutien.

Pythadora sounded so despondent, it was almost difficult to get mad at her. She… we believed in her. We didn’t want to see the clues.

Chrysalis spoke up again. The point is that this we have, and more. The only reason we don’t want to destroy you all right now, is because you begrudgingly helped us save Alternia. Moreover, this Council is needed to stop rogue queens like Ratched. There is still a use to this blasted institution. However...

Chrysalis’s thoughts were vehement enough to make the younger queens have a near-heart attack If you dare try to harm us, our family, our hives, or Equestria… we’ll unleash it all, and watch you burn. As you watched our changelings die. Consider this your only warning.

Belladonna grinned. Now, thank you for listening, and please contact us through the nearest Equestrian embassy if you have any inquires. Our daughters should use their normal methods to get into touch with us as soon as possible for their protection. Equestria has some room left after all. And finally, Empress, I hope you’ve thoroughly enjoyed this show.

Far in the depths of the channel between Vanhoofer island and the city itself. Tethys chuckled darkly.

And you call my kelpies bloodthirsty

Two days later…

Celestia wished her escort of Vanhoofer Seaforth Highlanders in their uniforms with tartan kilts would actually live up to the legacy of their regiment and not tremble slightly in their boots, but well… these weren’t normal circumstances.

For towering over the thirty story hospital, with most of her body in the actual Vanhoofer harbour, was Empress Tethys, her face mere feet away from Celestia, still dripping with seawater. Ebb and Prince Typhon were also with her, on the roof of the hospital though.

“Empress Tethys, I am glad you have recovered from your injuries,” said Celestia as warmly as she could.

“Princess Celestia,” greeted the Empress, stoic as ever. “Where is Princess Alternia?”

“In a coma. Still recovering from the trauma of Shi-Nihalar’s attacks,” Celestia said in a level tone.

“Inform me as soon as she recovers. I wish to speak to her privately.”

Celestia wanted to press Tethys, but she knew better by now. “Alright. How shall we inform you?”

“My representatives in Vanhoofer.” Tethys paused. “But to why I called this meeting. We must discuss when your sister shall go to Aquestria amongst other matters.”

“She’s still recovering from the loss of her leg.” Celestia paused. “I anticipate it would take at least two weeks for her to recover. And several more weeks for physical therapy.”

“Understood. Aquestria also desires to establish an embassy on Vanhoofer Island.”

“May I ask why?”

Prince Typhon spoke up. “We want to have better communication with Equestria. The Western Passage’s opening is going to allow Aquestria to expand to the Western seas, and tame its currents. We are aware that this does provide an opportunity for Equestrian expansion and we want to pre-empt a situation where there might be a dispute over coastal areas.”

“The thought had not crossed my mind at the moment, but I concur with your assessment. Are the waters off of Vanhoofer island clean enough for your diplomats?”

“They are marginally acceptable,” said Tethys.

“Good. I’ll direct your diplomats to my staff so we can select a spot.” Celestia took a deep breath. “Before we continue, Empress, I would like to ask what exactly did you do to Alternia?”

“I strengthened her mind, and body,” said the Empress, without flinching.

“Ah. It is just that the changes are very… interesting.” Celestia’s voice caught in her throat. “Is she still a changeling queen?”

“Yes. Her appearance is merely due to the fact I am more acquainted with kelpie physiology than changeling,” said Tethys.

“Right, of course,” Celestia stammered.

“You are afraid of my new power,” stated the Empress.

“The form you took was… terrifying. But providing it did not change your personality, I trust that you will stick to our agreements,” Celestia said.

Tethys got the hint. “Shi-Nihalar has no control over me and the power I gained from him is now mine alone.”

“That’s reassuring, Empress. What else would you like to discuss?”

“The family exchange. We want to start it immediately.”

“Of course. How is….”

Alternia opened her eyes to a sense of deja-vu and, groaning, pulled herself up, ears flicking as she heard the soft beep of the monitors beside her.

It seemed to be a habit of hers to keep getting knocked out in these battles. She wasn’t in Canterlot, though. The ceiling was white, the room well-lit, but it appeared to be a hospital bed. Probably in Vanhoofer.

Groaning, the changeling tapped her carapace with her hooves, noting the sensor-patch over her chest.

Her chest… wait what?

Blinking, Alternia pulled off her sheets, her blue eyes looking down at herself.

The wound… the massive hole that had been left by the Equestria First’s spell… it was gone!

Her chest looked different though… Alternia frowned. Instead of a single rounded plate of smooth carapace, the armor on her front took the form of several curved, v-shape ridges that looked more like armor. It was much thicker than her previous carapace.

Her eyes narrowed, the queen tapped her front and then noticed her legs… well they seemed to have fewer, smaller holes than she remembered. And her memory was quite fresh of counting them during her last stay in the hospital.

In fact, now that her mind was slowly shaking off the grogginess of exhaustion, she felt… different.


Ears flicking up, Alternia turned to the doorway of her room and held her breath at the sight of Chrysalis.

“Chrysalis. What happened? Did we win?”

Her older sister didn’t answer her immediately though. She had practically jumped onto the bed and wrapped Alternia in a tight hug.

“Yes. Yes we did! Tethys devoured Shi-Nihalar and we managed to dispatch the rest of the remaining Others with her help.”

Alternia sighed in relief, resting her cheek on Chrysalis’s forehead. “Good.”

There was something odd about Chrysalis’s hug though, and Alternia frowned. Why… why did Chrysalis seem so much smaller in her grasp?

Was this… was this another trick of the Old One?

Was Shi-Nihalar really dead?

Or was this another illusion, another world?

No. It couldn’t be. She heard Shi-Nihalar’s despairing call. It had to be dead. It had to be...

A faint voice seemed to echo through her ears, growing louder and louder until Alternia blinked.

Chrysalis was shaking Alternia’s shoulder and the queen found herself staring into her sister’s concerned green eyes. Several white-clad doctors also stood behind her.

“What just happened?” asked Alternia.

“You… you spaced out. For five minutes.”

Alternia’s eyes widened. “Five minutes? But… but that’s… That’s impossible. Unless… this is all a dream and I’m still fighting Shi-Nihalar?” The changeling shivered, the memories… pushing to the forefront of her mind. “No. I can’t… there’s no way—”

“Alternia! Get ahold of yourself!” yelled Chrysalis. For good measure, she sent a burst of love, a green beam that shot from her horn into Alternia’s.

As the love, pure and real, suffused into her body, Alternia’s thoughts cleared and she shook her head.

“What… what’s wrong with me? This isn’t normal. I… I know this is real. I don’t know why but I have an odd feeling it is, but these thoughts… ” Alternia grimaced hoof to her head. “Doctor?”

One of the doctors stepped forward. “Your highness, according to what the Empress Tethys informed us, our own scans, and Queen Belladonna’s medical expertise, the assault Shi-Nihalar made on your mind left… well, it left significant mental trauma.”

“What kind?” asked Alternia.

“Emotional, but also physical. You’re going to have moments where you space out. Nightmares too, and existential crises. All to be expected considering what we think the Old God did to you,” explained the doctor.

“Why is my chest healed?” Alternia asked.

Chrysalis spoke up. “While the Empress was reinforcing your mind, she also had to make a great deal of physiological changes. She took the liberty of…” Chrysalis pursed her lips. “Reshaping your form a bit.”

Alternia stared at Chrysalis for a second, and immediately panicked.

“Wait, how? Why? Am I a changeling? What did she do to me?”

Trembling Alternia prodded herself with her hooves, trying to figure out how she was different.

So, Chrysalis levitated the mirror on Alternia’s nightstand into her sister’s magical field, who immediately played with the angles of it to have a good look at herself, tossing the bedsheet completely aside.

She was bigger. In fact, Alternia was quite sure if she could have the strength to stand, she’d probably be taller than Chrysalis now by half a head. She still had a fairly elegant form, but she also looked… bulkier. Streamlined, but heavier-set. Her carapace had been thickened and numerous raised segmented ridges reinforced vulnerable areas of her body, like her underside, her flanks. Her wings also had been deprived of holes and looked a bit larger.

As for her face, it looked the same, though her head itself looked larger. Her horn was longer, more streamlined, and actually turned into a thick triangular blade like Tethys’s, despite the fact the jaggedness remained. Her crown antenna had also significantly grown in size. The blue bobbles on it were larger, and there were far more antennae on the crown itself that looked less delicate, and more angular.

“I… I look like…”

“A little like a kelpie. I know. You’ll have to ask Tethys on that.”

“… I’m still a queen right? I don’t need to… to….eat….”

“No, I’m sure you don’t need to eat others. You’ve been feeding off of our love energy for the past week. Why don’t you get some rest for now?” Chrysalis suggested.

Alternia had so many questions about her new form, but her eyelids felt so heavy… “Alright, um…” Alternia’s shoulders stiffened. “What were the casualties? How’s Luna?”

Chrysalis winced. “Alternia, please, you don’t need to know this right now.”

Alternia swallowed. “It’s bad isn’t it?”

“Celestia, Luna and Harlequin are alive. Let’s leave it at that,” said Chrysalis.

Sensing she wouldn’t be able to get more out of her sister, Alternia nodded and a silence settled on both of them, and the doctor who quietly exited the room to give them some privacy. Neither were quite sure what to say.


“Yes, Chrysalis?”

The older changeling slowly wrapped her hooves around her sisters, and a warmth Alternia hadn’t realized she had been wanting quickly spread through her. Tears springing to their eyes, the two leaned into one another, just glad to be alive.

Alternia, Celestia and Luna had expected that Tethys would want to meet Alternia alone on the hospital roof.

So when Tethys had shown up at the front of the hospital, the size of an alicorn, and escorted by Ebb and several kelpies, they understandably caught Celestia and Alternia off guard.

“Greetings, Empress Tethys. If you will follow me, I will show you to Alternia’s room,” said Celestia, giving a small nod.

Although smaller, the black, armored form of the Empress was just as imposing… and even a little menacing as her pupil-less eyes were now at eye-level to Celestia’s own and bored right into the alicorn.

“Celestia. You seem surprised.”

“We expected you on the roof.”

“It would not be private enough,” said Tethys as they trotted down the purposefully dimly lit corridors.

Celestia, Luna and Alternia had considered that, but they thought Tethys would still want to look intimidating. Reducing her size to this extent… was rare for her.

The group quietly trotted to Alternia’s room, which was curtained and had its lights turned off. Alternia could see decently in the dark after all. Celestia could see through the open door that Alternia and her bed had been moved back into her room. Not stopping, Tethys raised a tentacle, stopping Ebb and her escort, and strode in, whilst Celestia closed the door.

All could only wonder what would transpire in the room.

Alternia trusted Tethys enough to be left alone with a life-monitoring spell cast by Celestia, but she was afraid. There were no guards from either Alternia or Tethys. It was just the two of them in a room, and according to Celestia, Tethys’s form had been horrifying. Apparently the kelpie had been all but unrecognizable to Celestia after devouring Shi-Nihalar.

“Greetings, Equestria’s Changeling Queen,” said Tethys.

Alternia nodded, trying not to quaver, but failing.

“Greetings, Empress Tethys.” She swallowed. “I must admit, I am mystified as to the purpose of this meeting.”

The Empress’s stoic mask didn’t quiver an inch, but what she said next dropped Alternia’s jaw.

“I owe you a favour.”

Alternia blinked and to her credit, managed to shut her mouth and sit a little higher in her bed.

“Pardon me, but I am not sure why you owe me a favour.”

Impassive as ever, the Empress stated, “You persuaded Equestria to broker a peace with us, and to fight beside us. Thus, you have served Aquestria’s interests well and so I owe you a favour.”

The Empress leaned forward a bit, the tentacles of her mane shifting in the darkness.

“I trust you will choose wisely.”

Alternia didn’t fail to realize the significance of this and suddenly everything made sense. There was no way Tethys wanted to admit she owed Alternia in front of her guards, or other ponies. She could not use it to change any existing agreements they had, but such a gift…was equal parts terrifying and awe-striking.

“I will, Empress, and I will not speak of it,” said Alternia.

It was at this moment Alternia recalled something from… the nightmare she had suffered.

The moment when Tethys had started to alter her, she had felt an influence… this… unquantifiable presence, so miniscule she had nearly missed it in her delirium. Something tied to Tethys.

Alternia considered telling Tethys, but she doubted she had even sensed such a thing. It could be simply her delirium, her near insanity. And if she did… what would it change? It was likely the presence was too small to directly control Tethys’s mind… but what was it there for?

“Empress, I’m going to be honest. When I was going…” Alternia winced. “Insane, and when you were changing my form, I thought I sensed something with you.”

There was a spike of interest that Alternia could sense in the Empress, though it was dulled, possibly because of Tethys’s new magic, or just her usual stoicism.

“What?” she asked.

Alternia tried to recall. She really did, but as she thought back to the moment she had sensed it, the memories seeped back into her mind.

And she was back again, in the chair, bound, her limbs numb thanks to the straitjacket, helpless, in this damming quiet. Her prison for god knows how long. White all around her. She felt no hunger, her senses suffused by cloth against her carapace and stale, dry air.

No. It was over! It had to be over! She wasn’t...


Alternia opened her eyes to her hoarse panting, the Empress’s features, completely filling her vision. Shocked, Alternia pushed herself further back into her bed even as Tethys pulled back.

“Sorry, I’m fine,” gasped Alternia. Looking back up, she saw Tethys’s eyes had narrowed. “I’m sorry, I… I can’t. I don’t know even how to describe it. It was just small. Different from you. Miniscule in fact.”

“Were you not delusional during that time?” Tethys asked.

Alternia wanted to retort instinctively, but she paused and pursed her lips. The Empress was right. She had been, for the most part, completely insane. Even now, there were times at night were she would wake up, panting, thinking she wasn’t actually alive.

“You’re right. Though I’m curious to know… Empress, you don’t know much about changeling psychology, our minds, is that correct?”

Tethys nodded.

“How were you able to change me with power you just acquired, into something that didn’t just… well… malfunction?” Alternia asked.

“I went with what I know best, which is why you resemble one of us kelpies now. You are at your core still changeling.”

That explained a lot, but… the Empress hadn’t quite answered Alternia’s question. The changeling was too tired to debate it with Tethys though. Belladonna had checked her and she was a changeling. A unique one now, but a changeling.

“Thank you for reassuring me on that,” Alternia said.

“I do wish to inform you though, Shi-Nihalar is not dead,” said Tethys.

The fear hit Alternia back with full force and she froze, her eyes wide with horror.

Sputtering, the changeling couldn’t speak until she managed a brief… whisper-like:

“That’s impossible.”

“Calm down, Alternia,” ordered Tethys, her commanding voice arresting Alternia’s fear for a moment. “Old Gods are notoriously difficult to destroy, and he still has followers. With his physical form, his anchor to this world destroyed, all it can do is try to gather what power he can from the void between realms.”

Alternia bit her lip, forcing pain to try to undo her terror. Sitting up straighter, she forced a nod. “Okay. But I’m nonetheless ordering the REINS to hunt the rest of his cultists down. What form is the Primal God in now?”

“A fate worse than death. On top of being cast out from this world, its power has been reduced to almost nothing, less than a ghost. A terrible existence, but nevertheless, not to be underestimated,” said Tethys.

“He deserved it,” said Alternia, wincing as the savage words left her mouth. “I’m sorry, is there anything else you wish to discuss, Tethys?”


Alternia straightened up in her bed. “Well then, until we meet again, Empress,” she said formally.

The Empress nodded, her cold, straight-lips curving up at the edges, so slightly Alternia thought she had imagined it.

“Until we meet again, Princess.”

With that, the Empress, with slow, deliberate, grace, turned around and exited the room.

Exhausted, Alternia let her shoulders fall and she fell back into her bed, letting her neck relax against the pillows.

Author's Note:

Woot! Tomorrow we'll have an update as well to wrap this all up. Thanks for sticking with Zervziel and I all this time. More details on the Discord live chat session we're holding will also be in that update.