• Published 12th Sep 2015
  • 3,684 Views, 430 Comments

I'm Famous? WHAT! - One of the Crowd

When you are asked to appear at a convention; you think it's a normal one. Not me however because my invitation took me to magical horse land! Now I've got to deal with crazed fans and people that hate me for no reason. This isn't going to be fun.

  • ...

Getting Situated

Chapter 8: Getting Situated

We were high in the sky now since we left Canterlot an hour ago. I can't believe it took them 3 days to tell me the name of that city. Anyway while Gretch piloted the 'ship' for now me and Ruby were exploring to see if there was anything of interest in there. It definitely was going to take us at least an hour just to go through one level of the thing!

Starting from the base of the ship I discovered multiple bedrooms for I assume various crew members. Aside from that however there was a storage room art the back of the place. A hatch was opened back there for some reason however so I quickly closed it so nothing could try to come in here

Since there wasn't much else to see on the bottom of the ship we made my way back towards Gretch's station since that's where the ladder to get to everywhere else was. A bad design if you ask me because what if that ladder gets dislodged and falls on Gretch? It's not like we can fix the damn thing, but it's still something I'm going to have a problem with.

"Yo," I said as I entered the room.

"Hey. So you really are that human from that show those ponies watch?" Gretch asked.

"Yeah, Why?"

"Just trying to see the appeal. A few friends tried getting me to watch, but I didn't enjoy it, no offence"

" It's Alright, It's not like I rightly care if people like the show or not. Hell, I didn't even know I was on the show until now," I said as I walked up beside Gretch so I could look out the window. There was hardly a cloud in the sky and looking down I could see a small town in the distance.

"And you're fine with that? I figured it would drive someone crazy. I mean having someone else dictate your actions like that,"

"I handle it by using the multiverse theory. It makes things like this easier to handle," Looking over to our right I could see mountains as far as the eye could see. Looks like that village is in some kind of valley or something.

"I guess that's practical. I don't think I could handle that though. I mean you never even knew anyone was watching you," Gretch said taking her eyes of the sky a moment to look at me. "I'd be a nervous wreck, and I fly into war torn areas in the world."

I just nodded to her before making my way to the ladder that was a few feet behind her. Grabbing a hold I started to ascend to the second level to meet up with Ruby and see what she found.

"Let me know if anything interesting happens," I said when I finally reached the top of the stairs. Gretch just held up a claw to signify she heard me before going back to focusing on the sky. "RUBY! YOU FIND ANYTHING!" Ruby's head popped out of one of the doors and yelled back,

"I'M RIGHT HERE! So don't yell," she walked out of whatever room it was she was in and had something behind her back.

"What's that?"

"Check it out," She said as she revealed a... I have no fucking idea what she revealed. It was a weird box thing with symbols all over it.

"That's great! What is it?" I asked as I took the box and started messing with the lock.

"Right, you don't have these where you're from. Basically it's a box that duplicates whatever is put in it."

"Damn! That thing can make me rich as hell!" I said while I tried to pry open the box with extra vigor.

"It only works on plants and certain materials. I don't think it works on money," Ruby said as she took the fancy ass box away from me. I just shrugged my shoulders as I looked around the room we were in when my eyes fell upon something big at the back of the blimp. This normally wouldn't catch my eye, but it was on wheels and had a wooden support.

Making my way over to the object I soon began to realize what it was.

"WHY DO WE HAVE CANNONS?" This shit is for ships not blimps! What is the point of us having these things if we're just gathering ingredients for a portal? What is the point of that box thing too now that I think about it? "WHY DO WE NEED HALF THE SHIT WE HAVE?"

"WILL YOU STOP YELLING!" A small voice resounded from my shoulder. Turning my head I saw a very small pony by the name of seabreeze.

"Sorry, but seriously. We don't need half this stuff,"

"I don't know about you, but I'm happy we got cannons," Seabreeze said as he floated over towards the cannon's barrel. "Nothing says bad ass like a cannon,"

"What are we going to use them for? It's not like we're going to need them," I said while moving back towards the ladder to pick a room on the lower deck.

"We might. Have you ever met a dragon before?" Ruby asked. I just pointed back to her to answer the question as I started to descend the ladder back to the bottom deck.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Gretch yelled from the below which spurred me to get down there faster. I slid down the ladder to speed myself up and when I turned around to see what was going on I was shocked. Gretch had that mare Bon Bon in a choke hold next to the wheel.

"What the hell is going on?"

Author's Note:

Hello everyone. I have an announcement; I am going to take a break from writing this week. Don't worry It's just until Saturday so you wont have to wait to long. Thanks for taking your time to read, and I hope to see you next time.