• Published 9th Sep 2015
  • 5,117 Views, 27 Comments

Rainbow's Sleeping Beauty - Manes

Rainbow has a bit of trouble waking up her marefriend, Twilight. Everything she tries just doesn't seem to work, and as she's about to give up, a sly idea pops into her mind.

  • ...

The Kiss That Shall Wake Her

Rainbow yawned, stretching under the covers as the sun’s morning light streamed into Twilight’s bedroom. She cracked open her eyes and rolled onto her back, staring up at the vaulted crystal ceiling. Twilight had stayed up exceptionally late last night, and she literally had to beg for her to come to bed. Around two in the morning, Twilight had finally acquiesced and had let Rainbow lead her to her bed. They had snuggled up, and Rainbow wasn’t all too surprised to find that Twilight was already asleep before she had gotten comfortable.

Rainbow let out a long, deep sigh, her bedhead fluttering in its breeze. She glanced over at Twilight and smiled. Rolling over, she ran a hoof through her marefriend’s mane and slid closer to her.

“Morning, sleepyhead...” Rainbow murmured. She flicked her tail to land around Twilight’s rump and unfurled a wing. Laying it over Twilight’s back, Rainbow gently shook her lover. “Want to get up? I’ll make us a big ‘ol pot of coffee...” When Twilight didn’t respond, she lifted an eyebrow and peered at her.

Twilight was still fast asleep. Even though she knew Twilight was a heavy sleeper, she had thought that that would have been enough to wake her up. She heard a bunch of fillies run outside their bedroom window, their voices loud enough to be heard clearly through the open window. Much to her disbelief, their high-pitched voices did little to stir Twilight awake, and yet there she lay, snoring like a hibernating bear.

Rainbow leaned closer to Twilight. She held her breath and turned her muzzle to the side as she closed the gap between them. Her eyes drifted shut as she laid a small kiss on Twilight’s lips, then she whipped back in a flash. She expected Twilight to groan and wake up like she usually did when she did that, but instead she started to snore even louder.

She held onto her smile for a few moments only for it to melt into a frown. Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight’s mane, all ruffled up like Scootaloo’s mane sticking out in the air. With a smirk spreading across her face, she reached out to her mare’s nose and tickled it.

She held her hoof to her mouth to contain her chuckles as she watched Twilight stir around in her sleep, much like a pig would do in a pig pen. Twilight unceremoniously rolled over onto her back then settled onto her other side, her back facing Rainbow.

With a sly grin, Rainbow lifted a wing out from under the covers and brought it up to Twilight’s muzzle. She dragged the tip of a feather across her nose, making her push it away with a hoof. After waiting a few seconds, Rainbow did it again, this time making Twilight roll back over to face her. Much to Rainbow’s surprise, Twilight laid her head on her outstretched hoof. Now that the fun was over, Rainbow found herself back where she started, staring at her girlfriend snoring, still sound asleep.

Dash scooted closer to Twilight and wrapped a wing around her back, closing her eyes and sighing as she felt the warmth from both of their coats threaten to lull her back to sleep. She knew that she couldn’t afford to spend the entire morning in bed; she had a full day of training after all. On the weekends, she was more than happy to sleep in all day, but not today. Laying awake here while Twilight slept felt unusual to her, mainly because she would be the one napping and Twilight would be the one trying to wake her up.

Now she knew what Twilight had to deal with. Dash snickered as she remembered the kiss she had laid on Twilight’s lips. It had felt like she was kissing a mummy, but that wasn’t going to stop her from what she was about to do.

Rainbow shook Twilight again, this time a little bit rougher than before. When Twilight didn’t wake up, Rainbow folded her wing back to her side and slid back a little bit, getting into perfect kissing range. If she wasn’t going to wake up from being shaken, then Rainbow was gonna wake Twilight up by kissing her.

With a soft smile on her face, Rainbow carefully got up and plopped down on top of her marefriend. She used a hoof to lift Twilight’s head from the pillow then let her head drift downwards until their lips met. Wait, why are Twi’s lips wet? Rainbow thought as her eyebrows furrowed. Rainbow pulled back, only to realize that it was probably her own saliva from earlier.

With a roll of her eyes, Rainbow leaned back down and poked her tongue out, prodding at Twilight’s lips. Assuming that she was still fast asleep, Rainbow smiled as she pushed in, only to feel Twilight’s tongue suddenly move against her own. Her eyes went wide and she pulled back just in time to see Twilight let loose a yawn.

“Morning, ya sleeping beauty,” Rainbow said as she slid off of her marefriend. She snuggled back up to her and laid her head back on the pillow. “You know, you’re kinda hard to wake up. I shook you a ton, but I guess you could only wake up from a kiss from your one true love, eh?”

Twilight giggled. “Oh, I woke up the first time you shook me, Dashie,” Twilight shot back with a playful grin.

“Wait, what?” Rainbow cocked an eyebrow. “You were awake the whole time?”

Twilight nodded and smiled at her. “Mhm.”

“Well then why didn’t you just get up?”

Twilight laid a small smooch on the tip of Rainbow’s muzzle, a small blush tinting her cheeks red. “Because I wanted to see what you would do. And don’t worry, you are my one true love.”

“You don’t have to remind me, Twi. I know you love me.” Rainbow leaned back in and laid a quick peck on Twilight’s cheek. “And did you like how I kissed you to try and wake you up?”

“Enough that I want you to do it every morning,” Twilight said with a giggle, her blush deepening. She leaned in for another kiss, but the sound of her alarm clock ringing made her pause.

Rainbow Dash groaned. “Ugh... I hate that thing. You know that sound is super annoying, right?”

Twilight giggled. “Well, I do kind of need it to wake me up if you’re not here.”

Rainbow crossed her forelegs and huffed. "It also means you gotta leave."

Twilight’s smile vanished from her face as she sighed. “I’m sorry, Rainbow. As much as I want to lay back down with you, I can’t just ignore the assignments the princess gives me.” She leaned over and gave Rainbow a small kiss on the check, making Rainbow Dash return the favor. “I’ll see you later.”

Rainbow Dash didn't even bother to look up as Twilight walked towards the door. Though as soon as she heard the doorknob start to turn, her eyes snapped open wide. She felt her heart beat faster, and she knew that she just couldn’t let her leave like that.

She flew over to Twilight and grabbed her foreleg. Turning her around, she silenced Twilight even before she said anything with a kiss. She broke it off and smiled at the stunned alicorn. “Just hang with me a little while longer? I hate to see you walk away sad, and I think another ten minutes of snuggling can definitely fix that, so... what do you say?”

Twilight's ears flatten to her head as she turned away. "Rainbow..."

"Twilight, please." Rainbow Dash lifted Twilight's chin up and their eyes met. "I know this is being selfish, but I feel like I can't have you to myself anymore since now you're a Princess." She kissed her again. "Just a few minutes is all I'm asking."

Twilight cracked a smile and nuzzled her cheek. “You know... I think we can sleep in for just a little bit longer.” Rainbow blushed and glanced away, only to feel Twilight’s hoof upon her cheek, guiding her back to look at her. Rainbow opened her mouth to say something, but instead of words coming out, she felt Twilight’s tongue coming in. She let Twilight take the lead, their tongues dancing a quick tango of love.

As time seemed to slow down, Twilight broke the kiss. “Now, you said ten minutes, right?” Rainbow nodded, a hopeful look upon her face. She leaned in close and whispered in her ear, “Why not the rest of the morning?”

Comments ( 27 )

Mmmm... TwiDash snuggles are best snuggles! :heart:

So good and fluffy <3

Oh my, that was simply nice and fluffy! :rainbowkiss: Good work you two!

Mhm. These adorkable snugglez are very cute and fluffy. :heart: :rainbowkiss: :twilightsmile: :heart:

It leaves me wanting a sequel...

Awww, so cute! :twilightsmile:

watched Twilight stir around in her sleep, much like a pig would do in a pig pen.

Nice to know Rainbow compares Twilight to portly, potbelly porcine. :pinkiehappy:
... ...
Come to think of it, them being sapient ponies, it makes one wonder what kind of weird fetishes Rainbow might actually have... :pinkiecrazy:

6406845 Plot twist: Rainbow Dash lived in a pig pen once. That's how she could compare.

The fluffy feels is everywhere! Nice job, both of you.

"Just a few minutes is all I'm asking."
"Yeah only when some wack job attacks Ponyville or some friendship we solve if we took the time to just listen to each other.

It feels like we're missing some dialogue here. Otherwise it was very cute.

6407400 Yeah, feels like a paragraph fell out onto the floor someplace. Check under the table! :rainbowlaugh:

Twi's definitely got the right of it, though... Dash should wake her up every morning like that. :heart:

Hmmm. Manes are demons from... the Abyss. Coincidence? :pinkiecrazy:

6407400 Thanks for pointing that out. Fixed!


Hmmm. Manes are demons from... the Abyss. Coincidence? :pinkiecrazy:

He knows too much.


Well, this is basically ridiculously adorable. I do quite like how there's a lot to suggest the sort of relationship and dynamic the two have without resorting to the literary equivalent of 'tell don't show'. There isn't any "Rainbow wore the trousers in the relationship because of the 1987 Treaty of Blah blah", it's just implication and mood. Very well written, dude/dudette. Thumbs up and continue to be awesome.

6408855 Thank you.:twilightsmile:

Soooo, adorable! I love it. Twidash is the best ship there is in this fandom.

You know, the thing I dislike most about my love for romantic fluff stories is that I'll read a good one, and...then it's over. It's not part of a grander tale, just a good piece written on it's own.

And I understand that, sometimes, it's because the author is practicing for a bigger project, or they wanted to get some writing out of their head for others to appreciate, but...that doesn't make it feel any less like the tiniest bit of a great story.

6431770 Maybe if The Abyss is open to a sequel then we'll see.:raritywink:

It's more that this feels like a piece that fits into the second half of a longer story. That's not a criticism or a request, simply a statement.

I could make analogies, but the point is that I'm not begging for a sequel. I'm just lamenting that my tea doesn't have any biscuits or crackers. Er, I mean, that the story has the makings of a beautiful piece, were it properly juxtaposed with the right context.

Cuteness overload:pinkiegasp:
Usually I'm more in charge for one-shots, and short stories, but this really, really make a great point for something bigger, thought it's yet awesome in this way also:rainbowkiss:
Best of luck with further writtings:twilightsmile:

The first quarter of this could've used a bit more "show, don't tell" when Dash was trying to stir Twilight from her sleep. Her intentions would've been more strongly conveyed through her actions, and you would have had a bit more wiggle room to paint us a picture of her thought process.

Aside from that, this was nice. I'm basically observing an entire year of your improvement and you really have come a long way. A very long way. Keep up the good work.

6736505 Thank you. The abyss helped me with this one.

Very cute, smiled all the Way through the story :rainbowkiss:

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