• Published 11th Sep 2015
  • 1,174 Views, 65 Comments

The Unacceptable, Portable, Aeiou, MLG, Court of Rights, and Motivational Adventures of Rick and Morty [Pony Swim] - Ink_Quill

Rick and Morty end up trapped in Equestria due to the portal gun malfunctioning, then travelling to other dimensions accidently.

  • ...

Right in the Rick of Time

"Applebloom!" Applejack, for the first time, cried.

Do you have any idea how sad that is?

Applebloom's eyes rolled up, into her head. Mr. Executioner let her body drop to the ground. Applebloom lay in a pool of blood.

The bloodthirsty Meseeks' cheered, and waited.





The furious executioner grabbed Sweetie Belle, slitting her throat without hesitation, letting her dead body drop to the ground. He then reached for Scootaloo, but before doing so, was pushed over by somepony.

Morty began punching the living shit out of the executioner. Applejack and Rarity ran to their sisters. Rick broke the Meeseeks' backs, one by one, disabling them.

But that wasn't enough. One of the disabled Meeseeks' grabbed the knife from the ground, and grabbed Scootaloo. Rainbow Dash pulled on a crying Scootaloo. Mr. Meeseek pushed the knife into Scootaloo's throat, letting go of her.

Rainbow Dash tumbled back, eyes widened.

Are you wondering why the Princessess weren't doing shit? That's because they were taken hostage by Meeseeks', also covering their horns, preventing them from using magic.

The Meeseeks' all dissappeared.

Twilight was having a panic attack.

Applejack had her head over Applebloom's stomach.

Rainbow Dash was mourning over Scootaloo.

Rarity cried puddles of tears, ruining her make up.

Fluttershy was covering her eyes, shaking, on the ground, whimpering.

Pinkie Pie had her jaw dropped down.

Morty was crying beside Rarity, trying to comfort her.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, now free, tried to handle the group.

Rick felt ashamed, no joke. The ponies all turned towards Rick, cornering him. Suddenly, the screams of ponies filled the air. The ponies turned around to see over half of Ponyville set on fire. Before anything could happen, Morty jumped in front of the ponies, stopping them from touching Rick.


"Morty, what ar-" Rick whispered, cut off by Morty.

"Shut the fuck up, y-you stupid bitch! Look what you've done Rick! Take a look around a-a-at the beautiful sight of millions of lives scarred. L-look at the dead fillies there!" Rick stood up.

"My fault!? *beeeellch* I saved your f-fucking life back at home! I could've just left without you, you *belch* worthless piece of shit!" Twilight stepped up.

"I-is there any way to fix this?" Twilight asked Rick, tears in her eyes.

"Y-yeah, there is. I just need materials to fix my portal gun."

"Okay, w-what do you *sniff* need?



"F-f- fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinished!" Rick tested out the portal gun once more. It worked. Rick's back faced the green portal. "C-c-c'mon, Morty! Let's go!"

"W-wait! How is this supposed to fix everything!?"

"I-It doesn't... he lied. He just wanted to fix his portal gun to get me and him home, not save you guys." The ponies glared at Rick.

"For fucks sake, Moooooorty!" Rick grabbed Morty and leaped for the portal. Morty grabbed the wall, not letting himself go through the portal. "G-g-get in guys!" Morty gritted his teeth in pain.

The six ponies jumped in, but before the last one, Rarity, did, she kissed Morty on the forehead.

"I-I hope this fixes everything.. and if it does, thank you Morty. You're my hero."

Rarity jumped in, and Morty let go.
