• Published 24th Nov 2011
  • 4,114 Views, 88 Comments

Pony Quest - Ponyzzar

Pony Quest is the tale of Rainbow Dash and the 5 heroes of each realm. Inspired by Dragon Quest.

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Adventure Ahoy

-Nigma's Cove-

Dash and Twilight walked in silence as the balls of flame floated beside them, illuminating the passage. The cave had gotten quite tight in this section and Twilight was ushering along a nervous Rainbow Dash. Eventually the passage came out into a much wider domed area.

"Look at those stalagtites! this section must be very old," Twilight said, awed by the size. Dash turned her head to look up at them. After a moment she noticed something. She then looked down at the ground they were walking along.

"Twilight... in one sense your correct, but I think their formation was caused a little differently than normal," Dash told the excited Twilight.

"Come on Dash. Stalagtites are caused by sediment made from water drips, there isn't another way they are made," Twilight explained to Dash, giving he ra smug smile.

"It's not what made them is different, it's how. Twilight, look at the roof," Dash ordered.

Twilight looked up again. "What am I looking..." she began. Water was in a giant pool on the roof. "I don't believe it... Of course! They're stalagmites, but upside down! This must be one of the mystery pools Stone Chip talked about in his book," Twilight explained. Dash threw Twilight a confused look. "The History and Majesty of the Caves of Equestria. That's the book I was talking about. Stone Chip was the author of it."

"Alright Twilight, but what does that have to do with our situation, and this pool?" Rainbow asked, confused.

"I remember now. 'There are 3 pools in Nigma's cove. Each has a mysterious power dwelling inside of it. The first I encountered defied all logic, the second warped my sense of direction, and the third was the most dangerous of all.'" Twilight stated, word for word as she had read.

"Cool, now you can help us avoid the dangers. All you have to do is follow it to the word," Dash said, but then she caught the look on Twilight's face.

"I wish I could, but the book wasn't specific about many things in Nigma's Cove. He explored it as a boy and was an adult when he wrote the book. He'd forgotten the specifics," Twilight explained.

"Grahhhh... Is there anything you remember that could help us?" Rainbow asked in her anger.

"When it comes to it I will," Twilight huffed as she began moving. She stopped moments after. Realising there was no way out other than the way they came in. She flinched. "Wait! 'A drink from each pool will help you navigate the cove, but beware, some things are still dangerous even with the pools' waters.' Dash we need some of the water!"

They both looked up: Twilight at the water; Dash at the stalagmites. "Well, flyings out of the options, what next?" Dash asked.

"Dash, do you have any bottles?" Twilight responded.

"Yeah, in my satchel. Why?" Dash answered.

Twilights horn flared up and Dash's satchel opened. Two bottles came floating out. "Both empty?" Twilight wondered out loud.

"Those bottles had some uhhhh... apple juice..." She caught Twilights eye "... apple cider in them, which I drank with my squad the night before we arrived at the castle," Dash winced at the thought. "My squad..." she started before tears formed in her eyes.

"It's not your fault Dash," Twilight tried to comfort her.

"But I wasn't following orders. We left a week before we were supposed to on my insistance," Dash said through the tears.

"Dash, I know your upset, but think of it this way," Twilight said as Dash turned to face her, "If you hadn't ignored your orders, you would never have dicovered what happened at the castle, and we wouldn't be on this quest."

Dasd looked at her "I'm sorry your right. It's just..."

"They would want you to find the princess," Twilight encouraged.

Dash's face lightened at the thought. "They would. Hay, they would probably smack me around if I decided to turn back for them. Let's get that water." Twilight giggled and raised the bottles. They sank into the dark water. Twilight blinked as she flipped them causing air bubbles to rise from the water. The bottles then came down and gently landed on her hooves. "Twilight, aren't you going to put them down?"

"Ummmm...... odd thing. They are trying to float back up," Twilight responded, uncertain as to how they were doing it.

Dash ran this thought through her head. "You mean... the water is strong enough to lift bottles?" she asked.

Twilight nodded. "Yeah, that's why I'm holding them upside down, so that they don't spill."

"Well, bottom's down I guess," Dash said as she snatched and drank one, placing the bottle before her lips and tipping it upwards.

"DASH!" Twilight yelled.

"It's alright Twilight," Dash told her. "Wow, now I feel dizzy..." she said as she began to shake.

"Dash! Tell me your alright!" Twilight cried, worried for her friend.

"I'm fine, just light headed," she said. A few seconds after the words left her mouth. her front hooveslifted off the ground.

Twilight gave her a look. "Dash, this isn't the time for games."


Twilight gave her another look. "Would you stop flying for a second."

"Flying?" Dash looked down. "Holy hoof! I am flying! What! When! Hhhuuuuuuuhhh... The water!" Dash said as she slowly floated up, flipped upside down, and softly landed in the pool.

"Of course! The pool must connect to somewhere else in the cave," Twilight said gleefully. "Dash, see if you can find a tunnel, I'll join you in a second." She put the bottle to her lips and drank it's contents as Dash dove into the pool. Twilight was halfway to the pool and had stowwed the bottles in her bag when Dash resurfaced.

"There is, just over there," she said as she pointed her hoof. "Man this water messes with your sense of up and down."

When Twilight reached the water they both took deep breaths and dove. They swam through the small hole and Twilight summoned new flames to light up the path. The flames were in a small bubble of air and no bigger than her eyes. When they broke through the surface of the water at the other end they both let out a gasp and a belch. They stared at each other before being drawn to the ground.

"Owwww," Dash announced after a few seconds.

"I guess the water doesn't last long," Twilight observed. "Maybe we should take some with us."

"No, I'm pretty sure that is as far as we need to go using that water," Dash said, rubbing her jaw with a hoof.

"But it could come in useful later on," Twilight argued.

"Why not store it in some magical vessel which can dissapear and reappear when you need it," Dash responded sarcasticly and was rewarded with Twilight pulling a gleeful face.

"Great idea! Omager's Vase! Who new you new so much about magic!" Twilight almost cheered.

"You do realise I was being sarcastic?" Dash asked.

"Yep, same as I was when I complimented you," Twilight retorted.

Dash was taken aback. She turned and looked at the area they had been dumped. They were each lying in a small depression in the sand. There were several others around them. She took a look back at the pool and the towards a roaring sound she heard. "Hey Twilight, we're near another river." Dash said. She turned to see Twilight pulling an strange thing out of the water. Dash stood baffled for a second before realising this was the vase Twilight was talking about. After Twilight inspected the contents, the vase dissapeared in a puff of magical smoke.

"Another river? There's only one in the Nigma's Cove. Chip said it runs all the way through the cave and at some sections, due to the presence of magic stones, creates a reverse waterfall," Twilight stood back a second. "That was weird."

"So you remembered about the river, huh?" Dash asked.

"Yeah, I guess, but there's something I've yet to put my hoof on," Twilight said as she tapped her jaw. "Something important."

"Who cares, let's go," she stated as she turned to look at the river. "There's another bridge, as worn as the first one." She started trotting along it leaving Twilight in thought.

"Dash I just remembered-" Twilight started, just as the center of the bridge burst open. "THE RIVER CONTAINS A SEA-SERPEANT!"

Dash stared at it. The Sea-serpeant was massive, much bigger than any of the trolls she had fought with. It had long sharp claws and razor teeth. She stood there unable to even draw her sword in terror. "Who dares enter my kingdom!" the serpeant asked. Both ponies could only open there mouths in response and meep. "If you pathetic things wish to live, turn back now or forfeit your lives to me." it bellowed.

Dash was the first to regain her courage. "Pathetic. PATHETIC! I'll show you pathetic!" she yelled as she pulled out her sword, flared open her wings and flew into action. The serpeant swung his claws at her, but was left gripping air. She danced back and forth between his flaying arms attempting to peirce his hide, but it was no good. The scales were as tough as stone.

"I am of Dragon blood, no sword will slay me!"

"Bite my rear, Hay for brains!" she cried as she shot towards his head. His claw came down with massive force and hit her a she sliced at his face. "AGHHH!" She screamed as she was thrown into the river.

"DASH!" Twilight cried before sending a couple of fireballs toward the serpeant.

The serpeant threw up it's hand towards them and they barely made a mark as they impacted. The serpeant then brought his hand towards Twilight, who was preparing a shield spell. "Hasn't your mother ever taught that fire was dangerous, you could have hurt yourself." Said a strange voice. Twilight opened her eyes to see the hand in front of her pointing a claw and shaking it. "This is what the girls of today do? Shoot fireballs at strangers?"

"But you... you attacked us," Twilight said in amazement.

"I wasn't trying to hurt you. I was trying to scare you, but I do admit I got carried away when that rainbow one cut up my mustache."

"OHMYGOSH! RAINBOW DASH!" Twilight yelled, looking from side to side.

There was a splosh as something clampered at the side of the river. "Over here." Dash cried, gasping for air "I'm fine by the way, I just lost my sword is all." Twilight ran over to her, and pulled her up.

"I'm sorry if I injured you. I am really sorry," the serpeant explained. They all stared at each other.

"Why exactly are you here?" Twilight asked.

"Well, because my old friend Nigma asked me to keep treasure hunters away from his horde, and partly because I looooooove the scenery here, did you know this is the only river with upwards travelling waterfalls," it said with a smile.

"We aren't looking for Nigma's horde," Twilight responded. "We're trying to get through the caves to the other side."

"Really? Well that's a first. Usually it's soldiers or adventurers after his gold. But if you're not after his gold, why come through here?" the serpeant asked.

"We can't pass into Charmtail through conventional methods, so we are using the cave," Dash told him.

The serpeant considered this and after a moment slid into the water. "Alright, but don't be lieing to me," he said just before he sank through the surface.

"Weird guy." Dash said after a short period of time. "Great. Now we know for a fact that there is some stuff that is incredibly dangerous, and I've lost my sword," she said before she fummed for a bit. "It wasn't cheap either," she said after a while. They crossed what remained of the bridge and continued on their journey. Not long after they came to a spherical chamber with a single pool in the center.

"The second pool!" Twilight exclaimed. "Care for a sip?" she asked Dash, who shook her head.

"You go first, I drank the last one first," Dash told her. Twilight nodded in agreement, Rainbow had been the first to try the previous pond's water. She took a few step forwards before rainbow dash called out to her.

"Uhh... Twilight? Your going the wrong way," Dash told her. Twilight looked up, she was still staring at the pond, although now it seemed wider. What was Dash talking about? She wondered and took a few more steps. The pond seemed to twist and turn with every step she took. Then suddenly there was a thunk. Her vision was dark and her head hurt. "Twilight, are you trying to be funny," Dash called to her "or did you do that on purpose?"

Twilight stood up and turned around. The whole room was distorted. Rainbow Dash was the only thing in it the seemed to keep it's shape. She took a few steps back towards the entrance and realised something. "Dash, this room is playing tricks on me, I can't see straight. You're going to have to guide me to the pond."

Dash almost laughed in response. After settling herself down she yelled out: "Trying taking a step to your left!" Twilight did as Rainbow said and was suprised by the splash and dampness of her hoof. "One more step and you'll be completely soaked Twilight." Twilight held her breath and closed her eyes as she took the final step. With a resounding splosh she was in the pond. Not waiting ten seconds she took a sip of it's cool waters and opened her eyes. At first all she could see was a pink haze which dominated her sight. It then cleared to reveal the room. She almost gasped at it's true shape. The whole room was like a puzzle. What had appeared to be floor was walls. Stones twisted in almost agonizing shapes. She risked a look towards Dash and was greated with a nice visage. Rainbow Dash was normal. Nothing about her was twisted like the room.

"Dash, here drink this, but close your eyes first," Twilight told her as she chucked a bottle she had recently filled. Dash caught and drank it, but didn't close her eyes. In an instant she winced in what appeared to be pain and fell to the floor.

"DASH!" Twilight screamed.

"I'm okay, that just really weirded me out, and gave me a headache. I could have sworn a lot of those rocks just passed through each other," Dash moaned as she climbed to her feet and opened her eyes. Twilight noticed a pink haze over Dash's eyes and reasoned that the water was the cause.

"Alright, the water has allowed our eyes to see this room properly, so where is the exit?" Twilight asked, turning her head around the room. Dash followed her gaze and both stared around the place before Dash made a dash back to the entrance.

"Twilight, you had better see this," she explained.

Twilight walked back to the entrance and stared in amazement. The whole cave had changed shape. It was different apart from the pond they had just drunk from. Dash walked out of the cave and tested to see if it was safe to walk out. Hardly a had she taken a foot when she winced again.

"Dash, is everything alright?" Twilight asked, almost rushing out.

"Yeah. My eyes just hurt for a sec," Dash said, turning around revealing that her eyes were back to normal.

Twilight was confused, but reluctantly followed Dash before her eyes stung and she winced. When she opened them everything was the same, nothing had changed. "Odd," she said, turning around and looking at the pool room. It had returned to it's circular shape. She huffed not being able to understand it, but reasoned it was best not to ask and followed Dash.

Further into the cave Twilight and Dash came upon a chamber filled with ponies. That is to say, dead ponies. The room was filled with many skeletons holding weapons and wearing armour. They lay in odd formations, standing in what appeared to be the way they died.

"Wow! Look at this place. There must be a hundred of these guys. Look! Some are Pirates!" Dash hollered in excitement.

"Yeaaah... Cool," Twilight said unconvincingly, but Dash took no notice. She was too busy examing the skeletons.

"Hey, that one's a knight, and that one's a wizard!" Dash cried as she ran near a pair. "Wait... that's not how you spell wizard," she said as stared at the skeletons hat. She shrugged and moved on. Dash ran through more, but stopped at a royaly dressed one. It held a long sharp blade with a decorated handle. "Awesome! This sword is brutal!" she half screamed pulling it out of the dead pony's hoof. "It's longer than my old one. Hey, it even has an engravement. Equa node dorma. What the heck does that mean?"

"That's old Equestrian. It mean: Equestria, my home. Very noble if you ask... D-d-d-d-d-dash... turn around," Twilight stammered. Dash did, and stood horrified. The skeletal ponies were all beginning to move.

"RUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNN!" Dash screamed and tore off as they began moving quicker.

"Dash, wait!" Twilight said grabbing her tail. "Watch!" she said while pointing a hoof.

Dash turned around. It was still creepy, but the ponies weren't chasing them. They were acting out a battle. Several of the skeletons were missing limbs, but moved without them. Swords swang from empty jaws and hooves while axes clashed on missing shields. The one Dash had taken the sword from swung its hoof around sending other ponies flying with an invisible force. Then as quickly is the battle had begun, it ended. With each pony returning to their original position.

"A memory monument! Powerful magic," Twilight said, once again in awe. "Even I couldn't pull off a small one."

"But what the heck was all that about?"

Twilight stood for a second. "The final battle of Nigma. The battle of the E.s.s Red Horn. He died fighting captain Blood Hoof, a bloodthirsty pirate." She caught Dash's look. "Oh, right! Nigma was a pirate, but he never slew those who surrendered or couldn't fight. He always made a small journey to a church at the north of Redvail and gave some of the treasure he stole. Nigma was kind hearted, which was his downfall. Blood Hoof had attacked three ships full of innocent ponies and Nigma tried to save them. He died in the end, but killed Blood Hoof and his followers. A very noble death if you ask me."

"Wow, so much history I never knew," Dash responded, embarrased at her lack of knowledge.

"It's interesting what people don't know. Let's move on and... You know what, I think it would be alright for you to keep that sword. You will be using it to stop the Lord of the Underworld."

They both agreed on this and left the room. After they had left, a soft sound could be heard followed by a voice. "I hope they have the strength to pass the final pond. I must remain hidden and silent and cannot assist them this time," it said. There was another soft sound followed by a shadow and then the room returned to it's age old state. Minus the sword, of course.