• Member Since 2nd Jun, 2014
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Admiral Q Ponyform

After seeing huge bursts of power from one universe a Q decides to investigate

Comments ( 335 )

Friendly word of advice, link to the previous story.

I'll take a Rainbow Dash for him. Will that be a problem?”
The man cackled at the choice. “Miss with that choice you are my kind of woman and no absolutely no problem at all.

Discord looked over the planet with a gleeful smile. While he promised Sun Butt and Fluttershy that he wouldn't use his chaos in Equestira except for harmless pranking or when the need arises but neither ever said anything about other worlds and he needed to vent it somewhere. So he found this quaint little planet. It got his attention by the fact it had a show based off Purple Smart and her friends adventures. It was too perfect. Posing as a sale man across the globe he sold his so called suits to any interested. Well they were more then just suits and a smile came on his lips.

Yeah. don't trust the Merchant. And also,

“These costumes were design to be adaptive for any body.” Jasmine winced at that. That sounded expensive. She make work at the jewelry store and her attention to detail allowed her win the pool game she wasn't rich.

“How much will those cost?” She asked fearfully.

“No worries this stuff is made out of new materials that are cheap to make. Both together are forty bucks.”

as the old saying goes, if something seems too good to be true...

"Said a tall elderly man with a beard and gray hair."

Oh hi Discord, I wasn't expecting to see you in this story although I guess it makes sense for you to be there to make the costumes "fit".

And at the end, it's revealed to be him anyways.... sheesh, so much for interpreting.

Oh and Admiral, you DEFINITELY need an editor, at the end, there were many instances of Tom switching between first and third person narration. Which hurts a lot of people's brains.

6435447 I know, don't have one for this story yet

“I do,” interjected Jasmine. “I also agree with 'Dash'.” Jasmine had that mischievous look again. She was going to have fun with that I'm sure. “The fact they just barged into our home and tranqed us is very disturbing. I will promise to try to figure out my magic without them seeing. As for what you can do Dash, as the pegasus you should be able to walk, sit, or lay on clouds. You can also destroy them. Create tornadoes, resistant to lightning. In essence you can control or harness the weather. Unicorns like me should at basic be able to lift things with our magic. Other then that the unicorns in the show usually focus on magics gear towards their talent. Rarity has been shown to be able to take some fabric and turn it into a dress and has the ability to find gems. More may be possible. Earth Ponies, the ones without wings or horns have the strongest and have the most stamina on average. Athlete ponies such as you and your friends can match them. They are also good in farming crops. Those are the basics.”

Well there's more to it than THAT! She got the bit about Pegasi right, but i imagine that their wings are also prehensile.
The Earth Ponies aren't just GOOD at farming crops. For example, except in winter, the trees in Sweet Apple Acres seem to be constantly full of fruit. And don't forget AJ's MMO apple. (magically modified) Also, they have more control of their manes and tails than any other race, as we see in Bats! Power Ponies, and The Cutie Pox, for example.
Also, Rarity has shown mastery over the levitation technique to the point that she can lift and manipulate tens of things at once!

6435296 yeah, mentioning isnt really enough, unless u also mention the author, exactly where to find it and about fifty other things...a link brings ur readers right there. also? get an editor...please? (surprised Twi doesnt have a Spike...)

6436331 looking for an editor right now.
and also this is only inspired by those stories. Specifically a custome changing someone into an anthro pony and Discord being the cause. those are the only elelemnts from those two stories that are in this. the rest is mine.
and they are clones of the girls in anthro form. so Not everyone is together.

You missed a huge opportunity by not having the doctor say " healthy as a....horse"

:rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowwild:

Well This is who we are now. They did DNA work and such and everything points this. We have some human DNA the percentage between it and the pony DNA is 30% to 50% with 10% being completely unknown]

your missing 10 percent here

6436353 and how can readers know that if u dont link so they can check it out? or if they just want to read the other stories? for all they know, these stories ur mentioning dont exist in the first place since u didnt link...

6437259 the stories in question are literally the second and first results if you search their name.

6437276 for now, but that can quickly change. i used to be able to find a few stories within five seconds of searching for them with a single word because they were 'right there'. now the same search wont work because there r literally eight to ten pages of search results ahead of them. linking is both more convenient for ur readers, and polite to those other authors. u cannot fight this, my logic is undeniable...


as the old saying goes, if something seems too good to be true...

It probably is.

6438971 well it was good, just in an unexpected way.

Nice picture of shimmy. I've always imagined her to be a bit buffer than twi because in the show, she seemed like she was physically stronger.

6440424 I would by that. Jack would be but as I said. Sadly there isn't much of Anthro Sunset.

“Oh I don't know...” Jasmine began and Tom pulled out all the stops and stooped to the puppy dog eyes. Jasmine look at it for a bit, then snickered. She tried to contain it as the look continued. Then she giggled. “Oh Tom all you're missing is the paper with the hug written on it with a question mark. Fine I'll go jogging with you.” Tom jumped up and cheered.


Welcome R412803.

R 4 1 2 8 0 3


Interesting story so far, and unique enough to me that I haven't read anything similar to its scope yet. I did find "The Costume" before this one, but only because its Sequel was featured a couple weeks ago... didn't really like it because the writing was a bit stilted and hard to follow. I was actually a bit hesitant to check this one out before I noticed you were the author (The Cover Art was a bit off putting [her face looks just a little *too* much like a horse in that image..], so you might want to consider changing it).

Also, I'm not familiar with the sight rules or where to find them, so I don't know if the images you've posted in your bottom notes are against anything or not, but my mind is telling me they're at least treading a fine line (I don't mind, but I'd hate to see you get in trouble if they are taboo...)... could anyone confirm or disprove?

Pretty good read so far, but the constant changing between 1st and 3rd tense is a little wonky

6441338 got that from this story


6441462 I thought the idea behind the Costume could have been done better and this is my attempt. ANd her head is supposed to be horse like. It is acceptable for the mods did see it. Her nipples and vagina are covered unlike the alter cover art I use on other sites.

6441764 I actually had the same idea, but with a dozen other projects already sitting on my back burners it got put on the "Let's see if someone else does it first" pile. And for the cover art; I get that and you don't need to change it if you don't want to. I'm just saying that before I noticed you were the author I was seriously considering closing this one out because of the strong horse resemblance in an Anthro immage. I'm a fully immersive reader (sight, sound and tactile) so cover images give me a baseline to build what my imagination comes up with, unless I'm given reason to ignore them, because I figure that they're whatever the Author is basing their own visualization off of.

As for the "propriety" of the image: I don't really care about that, but again you may want to check the rules for images posted within the story itself, because the alt-cover and the above one of Sunset are Definitely exposed and the mods can see them in all their "glory". I tried looking up the rules myself but couldn't find the section on story content because otherwise I'd probably have dropped this by now...

6441818 yeah the cover art in this gives you how I consider her body while the alt the head.

The alt is my prefered coverart but there is no way it would be accepted in the rules as they are so that's why I have the other as it.

Get rekt you scrub she bought the the suit from the traveling salesman. Amazing story bt dubs I'll post a link to mine when I type it up

Camp Dependable one week later

4 days earlier

That's... quite the odd time-skip.

Why not four days, and then a week? Or one week later, and have the tiny work-out scene in that same day?

I'm just not seeing the logic in doing things chronologically the above way. :applejackconfused:

6447268 Because that was the only thing of importance that day. Tom was thinking back on it and I did have to explain why they both jogged.


...Guess I can see that logic?

Still seems a bit needlessly convoluted, but fair enough.

6447559 won't be happening often. heck I don't think it will happened again in this story. at least for now.

Huh. Would have pegged Jasmine to be cosplaying Applejack...

6447938 that's the point. Everybody was supposed to think that. Now consider Tom's name in that light.

6448857 recommend replying to comments from the chapter they're on, people will be able to be notified that way. ;)

Overall this fic is ok so far, pretty standard cliches going on, hopefully Jack will slice things up a bit, or discord will need to intervene?
Keep going! ;)

6449177 Discord is just watching for now. Jack or 'Sunset' will play a role in this story.

I dont wanna sound mean or anything, but is english not your first language? if it is, seriously dude, sack your editor :twilightblush:

6450957 It is my first language. and this story doesn't have an editor yet

Wow its not too bad, but dark yea... like the tag suggests.
I am curious about what hapens next, and how they will raise awarenes of the issues(dont want to go into specifics as to not spoil anything into comments)

6451163 They will find perks to being what they are. and the hardship isn't over yet.

6451174 This much is clear, lets hope i can read it soon :pinkiehappy:

An interesting storyline I cant wait to see how Dash and the others end up

Keep up the good work


Hey I hate to be a party pooper but I think nsfw pics are against the rules. Sorry.

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