• Member Since 14th Aug, 2012
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Azure Sandora

I write sins... NOT tragedies. Link to Patreon

Comments ( 55 )

I cringed a little at this to be honest.

6421397 Well, that's not a good sign. What made you cringe?

6421478 Actually in this case Cringe is good..... this shit kinda turned me on to.... hate to ask but think you could've done one for Rainbow and Gilda that's like this?

6421480 Well, if I decide to continue with this, there will be stories like this for all the mane 6. They'll be straight ships though.

However, if this catches on, I might write a one shot about Rainbow Dash and Gilda.

6421489 Aw. You're no fun. :derpytongue2:

Like the concept, can't do this pairing

I actually like this lol. Pretty please continue.

Interesting premise.

Hmm. Maybe Blueblood's treatment of Rarity was actually a subconscious slip-up showing his deeply buried kinks. He found himself attracted to her, so he began humiliating her without really meaning to.

this is one of the better clop fics I've seen on this site.

I'd love to see more of this story.:yay:

6423457 You sir/madam, have made my day.

I can't help but notice some mistakes.

“I promise,” he said killing her neck, “From now on, as long as you're a good pet, we'll do more of this.”

he whispered into her ear, letting one hand grope her right breast, and the other hand lightly finger her, his thumb lightly rubbing her clit.

You may also consider restructuring that sentence a bit.

I'll read this. But, for now I'm going to sleep.

6421397 Found you again, Dashie. We must have some kind of similar tastes?

I liked it, but that cliff hanger... Not fair

I honestly think Blueblood should have more fanfics portraying him like this (kind and sweet) but he was nervous with rarity

6434969 My thoughts exactly. I rarely ever make Blueblood a truly bad person. Most of the time I use this portrayal of him in my works when I do use him.

6434972 so far im really liking the story and i cant wait for the next chapter

“Run away from you?” Sapphire Shores asked, “It's not like you're a closet freak with a creepy fetish or anything,” she joked. Her smiled died instantly when she noticed that Rarity wasn't laughing, “Oh you are a closet freak with a creepy fetish...”

Perhaps, not your best choice of words.

Alright, so tell me. How horrible was this? Did you cringe reading this, or did I somehow strike gold?

Seeing as you have 30 upvote to 19 downvotes, most of which are probably people who downvoted due to the fetishes involved without reading, or are haters, you're good.

“Christ...” he sighed. This was turning out to be a really "happy" birthday.

You may want to fix that, Christ doesn't exist here. Though I did see one fic somewhere I think where there was a pony by that name that was a distant relative of Celestia's.

“Those are the best kind, Blueblood.”


Rarity didn't recognize anyone immediately, and not just because of the masks. She might have seen Fancy Pants somewhere, but she wasn't sure. She definitely saw Sassy Saddles though, which was nice.

So this is after Canterlot Boutique...

Alright, I decided to keep going with this. God I'm really nervous about this story, even now.
I really hope you all like this.

Oh I do like this. Personally, I do see Blueblood as a bit of an ass, but on the night of the Gala, he'd had a particularly bad day, and he thought Rarity was just some gold digger who he wanted to get rid of, not realizing who she was until it was too late, but this works just as well.

Fingers crossed for chloroform

“I set up a few things in your room,” Luna said with a knowing smirk, “Make use of them, and just have fun.”

Best Aunt ever.

I was surprised by how much fun I had writing this scene. Please tell me what you thought of the sex scene, as I consider THIS to be my first true sex scene.

And you know what? Fuck those 20 downvotes, mostly probably just haters who downvoted it because it was a clopfic with BDSM, I liked it. This was a very good sex scene and if you keep this up, I can see this becoming quite popular. I can't wait to see how Rarity will react to Noble Heart being Blueblood. But, I can wait.

6580577 You really think this can become popular?

Hmm... alright then. I'll make that happen. I don't care about the downvotes or the lack of comments anymore. I'm going to keep going with this story and make it the best I can make it.

Thanks. I needed this.


No problem, Libra! As Harold Ziddler would say,

Hit my fetish right dead on the head there mate. Great job Wonderful story.

6583318 Glad you enjoyed it. The fun won't stop there

6762315 Life and other works are getting in the way. I have the next chapter, but I'm not sure I'm proud of it enough to post it.

Man I was so excited when I saw this had updated, and it was worth the wait! Thank you for sharing this side of yourself with us (because you're really good at it), and take your time, we will wait.

I apologize for how long this chapter took. This story is VERY hard for me to write, as I'm not very confident in letting this side of me out to the public AND this is my first ever erotic story. Still, I hope you like this chapter. I put a lot of energy into this one.

Worry not, you'll always have me. Wait that sounded wrong.

blow job

One word.

Rarity buried her face in her pillow and screamed in frustration. What was it going to take to put an end to this?
“Goddamn it!” Blueblood swore sitting in his bed. Not only did he have the same dream where he was treating Rarity like a slave, but he woke up before he could reveal himself to her.

Oh this is gonna be like this for a while.

“Nothing really,” Rarity lied, realizing too late what a dumb idea that was around Applejack. She was the Element of Honesty after all.

Yeah, she's kindof a living lie detector.

“Dash, watch it,” Applejack said, “Ah'm sure Rarity wouldn't be dumb enough to let some strange man have his way with her body.”

If only you knew. Besides, he wasn't exactly a stranger. What makes me curious is why Rarity didn't pick up who Noble Hearts was, mask or not, voices tend to be distinctive. Then again maybe he changed it with a potion or something, I dunno.

Yet she still generally dressed simply, currently wearing a simple purple sweater, indigo skirt, black leggings, and red high heels. She tried to just look unassuming most of the time, but with her new angelic figure, the look came off really sexy.

Hey, Sexy Librarian's a look and Twilight pulls it off with aplomb.

“Oh, that's right here,” Twilight said pulling out an official document. Rarity was happy to see that the contract wasn't too big. She had read a book once where the dom had a contract that looked to be about ten pages long. Thankfully Noble Heart's contract wasn't nearly as large.

You really referenced THAT book? *sigh* I shouldn't be surprised. Also, kinda pity Rarity for having read it. On the bright side, it's easy to take potshots at it.

Applejack took the contract from Rarity and looked it over, “These terms are sort of sketchy,” she said. Rarity frantically reached for it, but Rainbow Dash grabbed it first and flew up to read it herself.

Will you not? It's kinda rude? Also, Rarity, magic, you have it, use it.

“Rarity, ya don't even know him,” Applejack said, “What if he does somethin to ya? What if he locks ya up or somethin?”

That's, kinda the idea.

“Okay break it up you two,” Rainbow Dash said getting in between the two women, “Fighting in the castle of friendship is not cool.”

Thank you.

“Speaking of,” Twilight said, “That's the real reason I called you here with Rarity. The map summoned us. The three of us are needed back in Griffin Stone.”

Griffinstone. One word.

“Applejack's been weird for months now,” Rainbow Dash said, “Rares, don't worry. I trust your judgment.”
“Me too,” Twilight said, “Whatever you do, we support it.”

You're good friends. That, and pissing off someone capable at moving at over Mach 1 at least, happens to be an athlete and someone who fought toe to toe with Tirek only boosted by the magic of the other three princessess while he had his own, Discord's and that of all Equestria, not that smart a move.

Contract of Consensual Ownership

Wow, you've done your research.

Master agrees to not punish slave for use of the safe word/signal.

If he did, that's kinda undermine the POINT of a safe word/signal.

But did she really want to belong to him for two months?

Up to you.

Spike read over the contract. Much to her relief, he didn't make a big deal about the subject. After a second, he handed the contract back to her.
“It doesn't look suspicious, if that's what you were wondering,” Spike said, “What's this for?”

I appreciate this little scene, Rarity's not hiding anything from Spike, and Spike's not flying off the handle.

“Did you meet someone?” Spike asked, sounding hopeful for her. Spike may have still had a crush on Rarity, but he knew she didn't like him like that, so instead he just supported her.

This is nice. Speaking of which, I don't think you ever mentioned Spike in Code Lyoko: EG. Is he Twilight's dog or something?

Now Spike's eyes went wide in shock, “He wants you be his full time sub?”

Eh, that's negotiable.

“Positive,” Rarity said, “His mask is the same, and his… um… assests what I remembered.”
“Okay, too much information,” Spike said awkwardly.

Poor guy.

“Which makes it hard to trust him,” Spike said.

In a sense but, relationships like that, and relationships in general depend a LOT on trust.

“Relationships like this are always about trust, and they're always a challenge, but there's a part of me that's wondering if Noble Heart is truly as noble as his “name” implies. What if he's trying to use me, Spike? What if I go to him, and he keeps me held against my will?”

Then the moment your friends find out well, he's not only incur the wrath of the Elements of Harmony, or Rainbow Powers Bearers, I guess, but also of a Princess, a young drake who can BREATHE FIRE and if Dragon Quest is to be believed, can belly flop into lava with no ill effects. AND Celestia and Luna to boot. He's screwed if he does.

“No problem,” Spike said. Rarity hugged him, looking over his shoulder at the contract. She was going to do it. This was the only way she could figure out what those dreams were all about. Thus once Spike left the room, she took a deep breath.
And signed her name.

No turning back now.


I appreciate this little scene, Rarity's not hiding anything from Spike, and Spike's not flying off the handle.

That and the line about him nearing 18 years makes me hope he'll find his own partner.

I always thought Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo could maybe work...


It's usually either Rarity, Applejack, Twilight or one of the CMC he's shipped with I find.

6439667 Spike is set to appear in Code Lyoko EG, possibly in the next chapter. If not there then the chapter after it.

6877679 And yes, I HAD to reference that book. One of the reasons I'm doing this story is as a response to that book and how it's a HORRIBLE representation of the lifestyle.

I'd like to think I know a bit about the lifestyle personally.


(You should have seen that coming.)

6878169 And you learned the reason I'm so nervous. They say write what you know, and well... :twilightblush:


I'm not judging you, I was making a joke, reference humor's kinda my shtick. I've got a folder that's got 70 video clips for these exact situations. Yes I get bored very easily. However this story does not bore.

It would be cool if Sapphire Shores came back as a background pony. Also, I miss that sass o' hers.

What the hell did his aunt do in her spare time?!

She's an immortal alicorn who's going to outlive virtually everyone short of Celestia, Cadence and possibly Twilight. Whatever she damn well pleases provided it's legal.

“You don't have to explain,” Luna said waving it off, “I understand. Your dreams are speaking to you, and you feel the need to follow them. That's something I fully support,” Blueblood looked away somberly, “What's wrong, Nephew?”

It's the little touches.

“It's just, I don't know about all of this,” Blueblood admitted, “I mean, aren't I basically kidnapping her?”
“You sent her the contract, correct?” Luna asked.
“Yes, I did,” Blueblood said.
“And you wrote it just as I said to?” Luna continued.
“I'm still wondering how and why you know so much about all of this, but yes.”

Then no. Also, she's over 1000 years old, you pick up a few tricks here and there when you're so old.

Blueblood sighed, “Too bad she doesn't love me.”


“Auntie, don't leave,” Blueblood begged, “I can't face her again!”

Don't tell me you're getting cold feet.

“You'll be fine,” Luna assured, “Just be yourself. Besides, you don't want me here. She'll be tipped off to who you are if she sees me.”

She's right.

One of the best parts of having connections to the princess, it granted you certain privileges, such as hiring a private carriage that would take you wherever you wanted to go and not ask questions.

I can imagine.

The odd thing was that he was in love with another woman, right? Why was he so interested in her then? Had he just given up on her? Had she moved on from him?

If you only knew.

Or could all of that had been a lie, and it was Rarity he was waiting for, so he could lock her up and take away her freedom for good?

I think not.

She looked at the mansion and saw Noble Heart walking up to her carriage. He was wearing the clothes from the dream, and of course the mask. She had a feeling that he'd still be wearing it, but there was a part of her that wondered what he looked like underneath it.

You'll probably find out soon enough.

“Are you sure you're okay with me leaving you here?” the driver asked, “I can wait for you.”

It really is the little thing that make this go from good to great.

Rarity gulped looking at Noble Heart. He was so powerful, and she could tell he was extremely handsome. If only she knew who he was for real.

You do. You just don't know that you do.

Noble Heart took the document and read it through. She didn't have too many limits, as long as she felt completely helpless. However, she did have her boundaries, hers being scat and water sport. She just found those both to be absolute disgusting. Also, she didn't want to be cut. She didn't mind being whipped, but no knives.

Fair enough, no permanent marks.

“Honestly, I pride myself on my appearance too much for those,” Rarity admitted, “I find them to be absolutely horrifying.”

Worse reasons to have exist.

“Y-yes,” Rarity said, “You see, there's a particular experience I'm hoping to have here, and well… as such I'm… pretty much open to just about anything else.”

You realize that's open to HEAVY interpretation.

“Well, I do have a job in Ponyville,” Rarity said, “I'm sure you know, but I'm a seamstress, and well…”

Yeah, you do have a sister to take care of.

“Ah, yes. Don't worry, there's a reason I chose this time,” Noble Heart said, “You see, should we decide to go along with this, the schedule I set up for is Friday nights at 6 all the way until Sunday nights at 5. If you would like, we can also meet up earlier for special sessions if we contact one another about it first. Is that acceptable?”
“Yes, very,” Rarity said, “I'm usually bored on weekends anyway, so this is perfect.”

It really is the little details.

Did Rarity hear him correctly? Did he want her to remove her clothes right now? Outside?

You signed Ursula's scroll, Ariel. You gotta accept the consequences.

“Not at all… M-Master,” Rarity's face turned beet red, “It's just… even though we're alone, I'd feel humiliated being out here… naked...”

Besides, you wanted this.

“What do you mean-” Rarity gasped as Noble Heart quickly turned her around so her back was to him. In one hand he squeezed one of her breasts, and in the other hand he began fingering her.

I have the sneaking suspicion that that, is what he means.

Well, she did sort of cum outside, so there wasn't much she could say to deny it.

There really isn't.

“Y-yes,” Rarity stuttered, “I was the only one in my family who knew how, so I cooked all of our meals.”

Considering how Sweetie Belle managed to burn JUICE and her Mother and Father are able to eat that cooking, I suspect that's probably for the best.

“C-conditioning…?” Rarity asked, “W-what does… that…?”

Think of your position. Think of his. Think of what that implies. Now, take a guess. Take a wild fucking guess, throw a rock, and I'll guarantee you, you'll get it right.

“Remember, if I ever go too far, you have the safe word,” Noble Heart said, pressing his forehead against Rarity's and allowing their horns to touch, “I won't gag you in the beginning, so if I ever take things to a place you don't want to go, just let me know, alright?”

Again, the little touches, the subtle reminders that this is perfectly consensual for both parties and there is an established safe word (Which for whatever reason is always red, go figure.) and it can be used. Wonder what gesture they'll use for if she's gagged at some point?

“I promise,” Rarity said, “I'll stop you with the safe word, if I need you to stop. Otherwise… please keep going. No matter what I say, or how much I scream, don't stop.”

“Spend today… in this room?” Rarity asked, trembling.

What is it with characters and repeating shocking revelations?

Noble Heart stood up and pulled out an inhibitor ring, placing it on her horn. Instantly she felt her magic be cut off.

Can you imagine how that must feel for a unicorn? Having one of the things that makes you, you, gone.

Rarity gave up and just let her tears flow freely. Truth was, this was what she had dreamed of, and what she wanted. Much to her shame, she got even more aroused once she realized that this was actually happening. She felt like one of the princesses in the books she read growing up; helpless, at the absolute mercy of her captor, forced to await her fate.

Only thing is, you can kick ass if pressed, and this is relatively safe and your idea to boot.

“This is a special vibrator that I got as a present,” Noble Heart said, “Once inside, it locks itself in place. It can only be released by the remote,” he showed Rarity a small remote, “Which I have right here.”

Is that even a real thing?

They had just met, and he was in love with another woman, right?

Not quite.

She hadn't ever used the safe word. She could have screamed it if she wanted, but she didn't. She actually wanted this, didn't she?


“Auntie, I'm beginning to have second thoughts about this,” Blueblood said, “I'm treating her like less than a human being.”

In all fairness, it was her idea.

“Trust me, I've seen far more than that,” Luna said waving it off, “But seriously, you started this, so now you have to see it through. If nothing else, for her.”

Implications implications

“She's the one I'm worried about,” Blueblood said, “You hear her, right? She crying right now! I'm actually torturing her.”
“Has she said the safe word yet?” Luna asked.
“Well, no, but that doesn't mean-”

Trust her, it was her idea, you have to trust her, she obviously trusts you.

“As a dom, you have to trust in your sub, and she must trust in you in return,” Luna walked over to Blueblood and placed her hands on his shoulders, “That means that you have to trust that your sub is strong enough to handle you. Rarity is a person I know very well. She's one of the strongest magi women I know, and there's a reason she's called the Mightiest Element.”

She is?

“Back when my sister and I sought out the Elements, what you now call the Element of Genrosity, we knew as the Element of Sacrifice.”


Thanks to ShadowLDrago, for giving me the confidence to post this chapter.

Aw, shucks, you're making me blush...

Are Noble Heart and Blueblood the same guy?

7230244 Yes, they are. Noble Heart is the disguise and identity Blueblood uses in order to be close to Rarity, since he's afraid that she'll still hate him for how he treated her at the Gala.

SV? Are you still there? I would love for you to continue this story.

7548256 I'm here. I'd love to continue it, but this is hard for me to write. It's a bit personal, this story, as it's me letting out a part of myself I don't show, and it's my first ever erotic fiction (refuses to use the word "clop").

7548293 I know this is hard for you but I would do anything to get just one more chapter. So please try I love this story so much.

Agreement with bellac27. Things are getting really juicy.

I think it's very important how you stress the terms of their agreement. It is good that Blueblood and Rarity are having second thoughts; it shows their humanity and decency.

This is probably the only fic I've read so far that actually pulls out all the stops as far as the rules of SSC are concerned. Good work!

This story has been in my read later list for a while. I finally get the time to read it and I just finished the last chapter. Not only is this story incomplete, but it hasn't been updated in 17 months!?

This story is so amazing. I can't think of the last time I read a story with this 'subject matter' that was this good. For starters, what you have going on here is a personal fetish of mine that I can't really share with other people. And Rarity is my absolute favorite. So to see Rarity in this kind of situation is too much to put into words. And what you've done with Blueblood is so unique, I'm really into this side of him. And I can't help but have the nagging suspicion that Luna has been behind those dreams the whole time.

I really love this story, and where it leaves off feels like it's only the beginning. I really want there to be more, but it has gone so long without an update I don't know if there will ever be more. I understand you said this story lets you get out a personal side of yourself ​that you don't share with others. I feel the same way when I read stories like this. It helps me to know that there are others that feel the same way.

This really is a great story. You now have one more like on this fic, and another fan tracking it who can't wait for more. However long that wait may be. /)

Oh there will DEFINITELY be more, as I have the next chapter in slow production, but it's sort of on the back burner at the moment because other projects. But I am very happy that you enjoy this story, and it's nice to find other people into the lifestyle.

That's so great to hear. I really look forward to what you have planned for this story.

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