• Published 6th Dec 2015
  • 22,983 Views, 266 Comments

The Day Spike Stopped Caring - B_25

  • ...

3 – Maybe



Spike jumped off a mountain.

He fell along a waterfall and drank a clawful of water.

Then he remembered how physics worked and became scared.

The worrying didn’t last long, as a blur zapped before him.

Spike felt something wrap around his waist.

Then Spike collided with water at the bottom of the fall – the force knocked him unconscious.

Spike awoke some time later to a throbbing headache. Scattered purple scales sailed along the water with Spike, but at least his whole body remained intact.

Letting the water guide him to wherever it ended, Spike took pleasure in gazing up at the starry sky. Taking a deep breath, holding it in for just a second, then letting it all out. Spike enjoyed being drifted.

That waterfall, hehe, April showers are a comin’ early.

Trees followed Spike left and right. The small bridge overhead obscured his view of the sky for just a moment. Then the night returned to him, and along with it was the sight of a familiar lonesome cottage.

Huh, Spike thought. Ponyville’s not too far away than.

Spike grunted as the cold water made him shudder. The coldness began to bother Spike.

The day is almost over, as is the new I, Spike wearily thought. Oh well. No sense worrying about the future. Regardless of what I feel; tomorrow will still come. So, might as well make the most of it.

Death God.

Focusing on nothing but his breath; allowing his mind to flow like the river he currently drifted, Spike found peace within himself. He didn’t let words or thoughts to ruin what the night was singing to him.

The rose colored sky was certainly something.

Then Spike realized that the sky isn’t supposed to be pink, nor it circular. Then Spike also realized, he wasn’t looking at the sky, but rather, into a pair of eyes. The eyes that belonged to the pegasus known as Rainbow Dash. She hovered just above him.

“You still breathing?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Spike took a breath. “Looks so.”

“Huh.” Dash landed to the ground right of Spike. Walking alongside him as he drifted. “I mean, I’ve been watching you for quite a while now,” she admitted unabashedly. “I wasn’t sure if you were dead or asleep. And if you’re asleep, well, it’s not cool to wake up a bro. So I kinda just watched you while you slept~” Dash explained in a way Spike couldn’t quite express.

“That’s weird.”

“Is it?” Dash asked with a raised brow.

Spike thought about it. “Not really.”

“Exactly. Mind over matter!”

Spike rubbed his right eye with a claw, accidentally getting water into it. “So, what’s up? I didn’t assassinate the Princess.”

“I heard; I heard. But... that’s not the reason I’m here. Well… you see…” Dash scratched the back of her neck; a trait thought exclusive to Spike. “Ah. I came to ask you a question.”

“Fire away,” Spike said as he seemed more occupied with the sky.

Dash refused to look at the drake, which she hated. This type of thing wasn’t a problem with other guys, so why the trouble now. AND WHAT’S SO IMPORTANT ABOUT THE SKY ANYWAY?

The silence went on too long for Spike. He cast his eyes right to see what stalled the mare.

“Look,” Dash said as she took a special interest in an afar tree. “Can you please get your scaly butt out of the water so we can talk?”

Spike nodded as he brought his feet down. Surprisingly enough, his legs made it all the way down. He made his way over to the small dirt wall and extended a claw up to Rainbow. Dash smiled at the drake and even chuckled. She grabbed hold of the claw and helped hoist up the dragon.

“Hey,” Spike said as he planted his feet against the wall, “before I hit the water, I saw a blur that grabbed me. Was that you?”

“Who else would it be?” Dash replied. “I caught up before your body splattered against the water. Well, almost caught you I guess.”

Spike began to walk up a wall like how a mountain climber would. “I see why you wanted me out: I was poisoning the town’s water supply, wasn’t I?” Dash erupted in laughter, and, her not the master of her own strength, flung the dragon up into the air.

“Hahaha- Hmpf!” The dragon fell from the air and collided with the mare. The duo went down together.

Dash’s eyes flared open. She didn’t care to look at the dragon, but rather, at the cottage out in the distance.

Oh my, if she were to see this, there’s no way there wouldn’t be a misunderstanding.

Spike felt ready to puke. His left claw repressed the beating of his heart as his eyes realized just how close he was to this mare. How the blue fur of her underbelly tickled his scales. Those rosy eyes, brighter than the sky, and more beautiful. How, unlike the heavens, Spike was so close to them.

The warm breath which energizes his entire being. How their noses almost touched!

I am not ready for this. Not ready at all!

There were no lights in the cottage, which brought Dash relief. Something tapped against her nose which brought her attention back to her dragon friend. “Oh, hey,” Dash said nonchalantly.

“H-e-y,” Spike gritted his teeth. His claws wouldn’t stop shaking, one resting next to Dash’s neck, the other on her side. Spike noticed he wasn’t the only one damaged; Dash was covered with dirt and scratches.

Just what did she do once I left?

Dash noticed the shaking claw and smiled. “Spike. Your claw... it’s shaking.”

“Cold water tends to do that.”

“That’s true,” Dash purred. She inched forward – lips just apart. Spike jumped back in recoil.

Dash’s knowing smile grew. “Spike. Buddy. You wouldn’t happen to be,” Dash inched her head left “Nervous, would you?”

“I am,” Spike admitted. “I’m terrified.” Time no longer flowed but flew by. The wind caused Spike to shudder, so much, he took refuge in Dash’s fur. To which he brought himself closer to her body for the warmth she contained.

Dash tilted her head and smiled earnestly at the dragon. Rainbow did her best to stay away from mushy things, but how Spike was doing his best to press himself against her. He’s so… cute, Dash thought.

Spike shook his head as he gained control of himself. What am I doing? Spike thought. “I’m, I’m sorry, Dash. It’s not what it looks like.”

“Oh,” Dash’s head recoiled back. “I didn’t even think you could be doing that.”

“I wasn’t.”

Dash chuckled as she gave Spike a noogie on the head. “No worries, Spike. I know you, but.” Dash exhaled a breath of disappointment. “Hay, and here I thought I’d get to spend the night with badass Spike!” Dash didn’t shy away from her position. She made it seem normal for a dragon to cling to her.

To be fair, Spike must be cold.

“I know,” Spike admitted as he looked away with a destroyed expression. “Any leftover courage is going to be needed when I go home to Twilight.” Just saying her name caused Spike to sigh.

“Is that regrets I hear?”

“Oh yeah, plenty” Spike replied. His tone was heavy. “By the time I wake up tomorrow, I imagine my bed will have a wetness to it.”

Spike grimly chuckled at his fate; Dash giggled.

I wonder what Twilight is going to do to me? ‘You’re suspended, Spike!’ ‘You’re gonna have to pay rent!’ or worse, ‘I’m kicking you out.’ See, this is why I don’t do stuff like this! Never works out in the end like they do in the books.

Spike breathed to calm his beating heart. Hey, come on – that’s future Spike’s problem. Focus on current Spike’s problem, which is… getting off this adorable and awesome mare. And leaving that warmth.

Spike went to stand up, but Dash playfully bit on his snout and dragged him back down. “Are you sure you don’t want to use the last of that courage right now?” The straightforwardness of those words caused Spike’s heart to stop.

Upon coming back to life, Spike jittered his head and blankly looked down at the mare. “Dash… what are you saying?”

Dude, who cares! If she is down, then I am so up! Like, bro, forget Rarity.

“Oh, you know what I’m saying, Spike,” Dash said. She came closer - Spike’s heart missed a beat - and she placed her forehead against his. “I had fun with you today, Spike. Lots of fun. The type of fun that I want to do again… really soon.”

Spike clutched his claw and bit his tongue. He was so down to have some fun that gravity would have to reverse.

But, this curse: it’s only a one-time dealio. After today, Dash would be looking forward to a Spike I couldn’t be. But that doesn’t mean I can’t lie to her today! Oh, who am I kidding?

Dash was the most awesome mare in all of Equestria; she’s too awesome for the Spike of tomorrow.

The Spike of tomorrow is nothing more than a scam. “Rainbow Dash.” Spike shook his head. “Tomorrow morning: I won’t be the same. The fun we had today, it won’t happen again with the wimp of tomorrow.”

“True,” Dash said. “But, with me by your side, buddy, confidence will stand no chance!” Spike scrunched his brows and his nose to make sense of that. “Then, after that, we’ll have a party every day!”

“Heh,” Spike lightly laughed to himself, “so that’s your take on this.”

“I’m not hearing a no, Spike.”

“And I’m not sure if I’m ready to give a yes, yet,” Spike said. He stood with force this time and regretted abandoning the warmth.

Flying. Falling. Swimming. Cool Dash. Rejecting Rarity. Food. Bullies. Spike gripped his face; a train of memories chugging through his mind. It’s all coming back to me. This world. Dash. This-this is all too fast. Who am I to be doing this? What is Twilight thinking right now? I should’ve never left home. The balloon! I forgot the balloon!

Dash sat up on the grass and looked over to the dragon’s back… it was a hard thing to do.

I thought if he was still the same, that the only way I would stand a chance is an all out attack. But if old Spike is back, did I- did I push too much onto him? Ah, no!

“Spike…” Dash tried to say.

“Listen.” Spike rose a claw, not daring to look at her. “Give me till the morning to decide. I promise to think hard about it.”

Spike went to leave. Every fiber of his body told him to stay – to lay under the stars with this mare and just talk. Just hang out. But Spike had to leave, even though he wanted to stay a little bit longer.

Wait, can I… ah. I’m-I’m allowed to be a little greedy, and, I still haven’t gotten to thank Dash for saving me.

Spike twirled back. Dash was looking at him, but her mind was occupied with her thoughts; her eyes did not move when Spike stepped out of her line of vision. Spike pulled a weary smile, approached the mare who kept looking straight, got onto his knees.

Then Spike closed his eyes, placed his two claws on her one hoof, inched forward, and kissed Rainbow Dash on the cheek.

“Thanks for saving me.”

With that, Spike began to walk. And even without his power, nothing could stop him when he started walking.

Dash took a deep breath. Her mouth refused to close. Her thoughts wouldn’t go straight. On her cheeks Dash found happiness; in her eyes Dash found sadness. She sat alone in the darkness. The only words that came out of her that night were:

“I’ll wait.”

The dragon already left.

Broken glass glinted the flame of the candle.

Twilight had lit the candles in front of the library, yet left broken glass on the ground.

Why wouldn’t Twilight clean this up? Doesn't’ she know ponies can get– dah, I’m only stalling.

With one claw, Spike gripped the handle to the door, the other, gripped at Spike’s heart to suppress its constant beating.

“Wow,” Spike muttered to himself. He blinked and wondered if someone had torn down the former library, built a new one, and then left a mess. Papers covered the floor like how a carpet should. Books laid scatter across the room – that one gave Spike the chills.

That ink gonna be a tough stain to get out.

Today was Library reshelving day; the day when the library is extra clean. Spike thought to himself, being careful with his steps. Surely Twilight could’ve handled it on her own?

Among the blank pages, Spike found a checklist. It looked as if Twilight wrote it with her mouth, despite possessing magic. Spike read the list.

Check Sugarcube Corner: No Spike.

Applefarms: No Spike

Town hall: No Spike.

Everfree Forest: No Spike.

Spike's eyes trailed down the list. A lot of notes followed his name. Spike flipped the page.

Summary report:

Spike spent a few moments with Rarity but disappeared again. She said his back had dry blood on it, but nothing major. Thank goodness.

The Twinkling Balloon is missing: could the winds have knocked it down somewhere? What if he fell into the Everfree, and is facing Timberwolves alone?

What if he went to Cloudsdale, only to fall through the clouds?

What if he got lost?

What if he’s hurt somewhere?

Where is he?

Why did he leave; what did I do!?

Spike, I’m so so sorry.

“Aw, no,” Spike said. Letting his arm and the paper drop. “She spent the entire day looking and worrying about me, great!”

Spike looked back to the door. Don’t tell me she’s still out there.

The snoring coming from the other room disproved that theory. Spike breathed with relief, as he let his shoulder drop a little. Worries plugged his mind, but in withdrawing the last of his magic; his mind became formless.

Spike ascended the stairs to the room from which the snoring originated. Twilight had gone to sleep before him. Drool leaked from her mouth onto paper; the top of the page bearing Celestia royal seal.

Spike didn’t tip-toe his way over to Twilight. He walked to her and laid his claw upon her back. Twilight’s mane shot upwards; her fur smelled of both a swamp and… perfume? More scents reached his nostrils: to Spike, it smelt like Twilight traveled the whole world in a single day.

Twilight’s appearance looked vulnerable, and that didn’t feel right to Spike. So he left the room, only to return moments later with a brush in claw. And, in taking all the care in Equestria, he gently brushed Twilight. Tough enough to untangle her knots, yet soft enough to allow her to continue enjoying her slumber.

Spike stepped back from his work. He turned Albert Einpony back into Twilight, satisfying the notion that he had done a good job. Spike placed the brush onto the wooden dresser next to him. Spike gently tapped Twilight’s cheek.

Twilight groaned in response. Her mind at twenty-five percent awake. Twilight’s definition of this, is when your eyes are closed, and your mind does not want to work. An outside force wants you to pay attention.

Spike poked her cheeks, hoping to achieve fifty percent. “C'mon, Twi,” he whispered.

Her eye twitched; ears were climbing up along with her alertness. She stretched her arms forward, over the table, and screamed upon full extension. Twilight brought her hooves and placed her head on top of them. Closing her eyes once more.

“Twilight, do you wanna wake up?” Spike asked. “Or would you rather sleep another five minutes?”

Twilight smiled goofily as her head sunk into her hooves. “Another five,” she murmured. “Another five."

Spike patted her on the back, sharing some of her smile. “Alright. I’ll go prepare some tea for when you wake up.”

“Ah, thank you… Spike.” Twilight found herself returning to the world of dreams. Even though her mind didn’t want to think, she felt a strange tension in her stomach. “I can always count on you.”

Spike bowed before the semi-conscious mare and went to take his leave. Then Twilight realized she was talking to the Spike that had gone missing.

“Wait… Spike!” Twilight called, the sight of the dragon eliminated any drowsiness in her.

Spike spun around from the door. “Yes?”

Twilight rose from her seat and stared at Spike. Her tone was nothing but amazement. “Spike!”

“That’s me,” Spike replied, slightly irritated by the name calling.

“No!” Twilight shouted happily “You’re Spike!”

“Of course I’m Spike!” Spike replied a little louder. “You’re the one that named me Spike.”

“Spike!” Twilight pointed two hooves at him. Whenever Twilight experienced excitement, it tended to limit her vocabulary.




Twilight rushed to the dragon and leaped upon him. She swept his legs and embraced him. Her forehooves held him tight so that no one one would ever be able to steal him away again. Along with this tightness, came Spike’s inability to leave on his own.

“You’re back,” Twilight almost cried. “You came back.” Twilight wasn’t angry, nor were her tears of sadness. She was glad that her dragon came back. Along with his return, so to did her vocabulary.

Spike himself was confused by the mare’s tears and words. “Of course I’m back,” he replied without a doubt. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“N-No, Spike, you don’t understand.” Twilight backed away enough to look into Spike’s eyes. “When I came upstairs, you were gone. The only trace of you was broken glass laid scattered across the floor - which hurt very much when I stepped on it.”

Twilight chuckled to herself. Spike chuckled himself, though guilt pegged at his gut.

Twilight put on her best menacing face. “At first, I was angry. We had a lot to do today, mister! And here I find you’d rather jump out of a window than work.” Twilight tried to sound funny. But her own tone betrayed her, and it became hard to look at the dragon. So Twilight watched the candle on her desk burn.

“The anger quickly faded - concern taking its place. Was Spike bleeding?” Twilight croaked. The words were admitting what she thought could not be processed through her throat. So she swallowed and skipped ahead.

“But then, I did something horrible. I kept thinking.”

Despite Twilight’s eyes looking elsewhere, Spike couldn’t look at the mare. The guilt in his chest forced his eyes to move - they rested upon the candle that caught Twilight’s attention.

Twilight still couldn’t process the words she wanted to say. So Spike helped her out - after all, he knew Twilight enough not to need any words.

“You thought of every possible thing that could’ve happened to me, didn’t you?” Spike whispered. She nodded her head.

The two didn’t say anything for quite some time. They just sat there, together, watching the wax shrink.

Then, Spike spoke. “Twilight?”

“Yes, Spike?”

“I’m sorry.”

Twilight turned to him. And Spike saw the deadness in her eyes; heard the tiredness in her tone. “Don’t be,” she whispered with regret.

The two lifelong companions looked at one another. Spike desperately wanted to say something: something to quell her mind - that everything was alright! That he was sorry, he left, that she needs to forgive herself. He wanted to say something, to make her feel happy.

Spike held his tongue, as he recognized one of the individual faces that Twilight makes. Lips slightly apart; blinking eyes to hold something apart, and the rattling of gears from her head. It was best to be quiet, for whatever Twilight was formulating in her mind, it was something important to her.

“Spike,” Twilight began, her voice fragile, ”have you ever felt alone?”

Any other situation and Spike would’ve shrugged the question off. But, with the air as tense as this, the truth seemed inescapable.

“Yes... not all the time... but yes.”

“Do you… feel like you rely on others?”

“Sometimes,” Spike answered. What, had Twilight read a book on psychology while he was gone?

Twilight drew a long breath. She dropped her head and refused to look at the drake out of guilt. “Do you ever feel... like you’re understood?” The words came out hoarsely.

Spike thought about it. Just what did that question mean? I mean, sometimes I don’t even understand the things that come out of me. Am I good dragon? Am I being treated fairly around here? What should I think; what is the right thing to think? I… ah…

“Uh, Twilight?”

“Yes, Spike?” she replied while eyeing the floor.

“What was the question again?”

Twilight’s head stirred - unintentionally scrunching up her nose. She looked to Spike. “W-What?”

Spike shrugged his shoulders, causing Twilight to sigh. “Spike,” she groaned, “do you feel like anyone of us, understands you?”

“Eh,” Spike groaned himself. “Honestly speaking - even I don’t understand myself.”

“Spike,” Twilight tried again, voice raising.

Spike replied as best he could. “I’m… not too sure myself. I-I know you girls care for me and all. But, it’s again with the sometimes. Like, sometimes you can tell I’m sad, and other times, you end up making it worse!”

“So, are you saying sometimes I don’t pick up on things?” Twilight asked, circling her hoof in the air to better express herself.

“Y-yeah, kinda,” Spike replied with bound energy. “Likes yesterday: you understood I was happy and we did fun things together. And you also knew to check up on me after the blast; despite me not feeling anything.”

Twilight made a mental note to recheck the effects of that spell. She motioned for Spike to continue.

“But, there’s other times when you do absolutely nothing for me!” Spike shouted. The words came out louder than he had expected, so Spike stopped - took a breath, and resumed. “Two weeks ago on September the twenty-fifth at around six o’clock. We were having a picnic with the rest of the gang when you girls… uh…” Spike began to fidget with his claws. Thinking back to that memory, Spike realized he probably shouldn't have gone.

Twilight blushed; she remembered that day almost as vividly as Spike. “When we were talking about relationships and the more… sexual aspects of them?”

“Yeah, that conversation.” The eyes of both pairs trailed off elsewhere. But hey, it better to look away out of embarrassment than of awkwardness. Spike coughed into his claw, continuing the story. “Well, while everyone was discussing their experiences. You made the joke of how I couldn't understand what any of you were saying because my love live lacking.”

“And that hurt.”

“Oh.” Twilight shook her head. “Spike…” She placed her hoof on his neck and brought him closer; enveloping him in a little hug. Spike quickly backed out of it, his case unfinished.

“See, you didn’t pick that up. I spent the entire day, repeating the scene in my head! How could Twilight say something like that? Like she knew any better? What if I secretly went on dates, then who's the fool, huh?” Spike caught himself. “Well, I never did go on dates. But that's not the point! Twilight didn’t notice that she upset me, and I didn’t like that.”

Spike whined after the rant. He was in for an ear full, oh right. Knowing Twilight, she always had a retort ready. And if it weren't strong enough, then she would tell Spike that she knew better. “Go to your room!” she would say, “I’ll decide your punishment later.”

The yelling never came. Spike looked to Twilight, who remained silent.

Oh no, Spike thought to himself. The guilt in his body rose to his heart, or maybe that was puke that his anxiety had made. Did I upset her? No, no! Spike! Come on. Why would you say such a thing? This is Twilight after all; she can’t handle all this! Should’ve worded it better.

Spike awaited his fate. Twilight watched him the entire time, silently. No tears in her eyes, no anger upon her face. Spike wasn’t sure what to expect.So he stayed quiet and waited.

Twilight then did something unexpected: she smiled. “Spike,” she said with a soft voice. Lightly giggling to herself, she leaned in closer to the drake. “I want you to try and take no offense to what I’m about to say. Can you do that for me?” Twilight asked.

Spike licked his lips, not sure what to expect. But if it’s for Twilight, then Spike would nod his head. Twilight smiled and gently rubbed his head.

“Good,” she said, her face inches away from his. “Now, after the picnic, I came up to you. Do you remember what I said?”

“Yeah. You asked me if I was okay.”

Twilight giggled. Not to be mean, but rather, something else. “And what did you say?”

Spike couldn’t help but have the faintest of a smile. “It’s nothing,” he said, mockingly to his past self. “I'm all right.”

Twilight lightly smiled to herself, as the gears grinded in her mind. “And I nodded my head and went on with the day. What did you do, Spike?”

Spike’s lips moved left, as thoughts of the past streamed in. “I spent the day quietly mad at you. Wondering why you didn’t pick up on my feelings, and just, how could you have said that!”

Twilight sighed and looked away. She closed her eyes as the picnic once again played for her. And… Spike was right. She never caught any stallions, nor knew anything of relationships except the information that came from books. So…

“So, why did you cast me under the cart, Twilight?” Spike asked.

“Because I didn’t get mocked,” Twilight breathed. Her head hung, yet her eyes looked up to the dragon. “Everyone would’ve played jokes on me, and, I don’t like that. And, since you were there-”

“You decided to mock me so that you didn’t get laughed at,” Spike said tersely. Something welled up within him; a fire in his belly that demanded to be let out. But with one long breath, Spike closed his eyes.

He wanted to be mad at her! What, is he that much lesser of a being to her, that he should take all the mocking? And so what if you look sad, Twilight, you don’t deserve any forgiveness! That’s what Spike’s fire told him. And Spike very much wanted to believe his fire.

His mind sung a different tune.

This flame arose from finding out the truth. The fire felt fickle to Spike. The reason why she had done before, is because she never picked up on the feelings he never said. He detested someone without letting them know why.

Spike couldn’t answer the flames call. For, he understood why Twilight had called him out. Beforehand, he was so mad because he couldn't get it - he couldn’t comprehend why she would do such a thing. And assumed whatever her reason was that it would never be good enough.

But even though this is the first time Spike felt the flame, he knew it had burned in him for quite some time.

Still, Twilight’s reasoning didn’t make what she did right. But Spike didn’t mind. Twilight could mess up; Twilight could be late meeting, or Twilight could’ve of forgotten about him. Spike became angry because he didn’t know what Twilight reason was. As long as you told him, it wouldn’t guarantee he would forgive you, but he wouldn’t be angry with you.

Spike breathed, in and out. The flame was within him distinguished. “Twilight?”

“Y-yes, Spike?”

“I understand you.”

Twilight raised her head and smiled. Enveloping the drake into a hug and nuzzling the top of his head. Twilight giggled to herself. “The question wasn’t whether you understood me.”

“Yeah. But I think by understanding you; you understand me.”

Twilight wasn’t sure what to think by that. She scrunched her nose and narrowed her eyes. “Spike?”


“You’re not deep.” Ouch. Spike grabbed at his chest with a claw and squeezed hard before his heart.

“Ah, what I mean to say is: sometimes I don’t feel understood by you girls. But I don’t think it’s entirely your fault. Sure, you could’ve talked to me more, or noticed me more. Though that’s all just a lack of communication.”

“I think. As long we just start, talking, then a lot of issues can be resolved.”

The two looked at each other, and, for no particular reason, broke out into laughter.

“BHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH,” both went. The laughs reached the living room; down into the basement! Giggles went to the bathroom, and the worries went out the window.

Twilight wiped the tears from her eyes, maintaining a soft laugh. “To think, out of all the books I’ve read; all the bad guys I’ve faced. For a problem so personal, that talking would be the answer!”

Spike laughed even harder for agreement. The two joined once again into a hug - one laughing into fur; the other into scales.

The worries and problems of the past flew out with every laugh.

The night was beautiful.

The green candle illuminated the room, allowing the dragon and unicorn to see one another once more, and they smiled. Spike finally had the courage to admit what had been troubling him within. And Twilight was forgiven for her neglect.

And they also found, that if you're upset with someone, you should just tell them.

The two could now begin anew.

Rarity then broke through the door. A scarf around her neck, and a little too much make-up accompanying her face. Someone looks desperate.

“Oh, Spikey-Wikey!” Rarity worryingly called. The two turned to her.

“Huh, Rarity?” Twilight said, standing up. “What are you doing here?” Rarity ignored her and leaped in front of the dragon.

Laying on her tummy, she looked up at Spike. “You had me so scared today! Surely a gentlecolt like yourself knows never to worry a lady.”

“Gentledragon?” Spike rephrased.

“Yes,” Rarity said, “I mean, you weren’t such a one today. But, hey! Everyone needs to take a break, right!? Hopefully, you take an extended leave.”

Spike turned his head to Twilight, who raised a brow at him. Spike shrugged his shoulders, and Rarity had the decency to pick herself up from the floor.

“So, anyways, Spikey-” Spike cringed and curled his lip “- I cannot express the regret I contained when I rejected you today. A dragon, such as like yourself, who has been chasing me and assisting me since day one. It wasn’t right for me to at least give you a chance.”

Spike and Twilight looked at Rarity. Not sure what to think, but Spike did have a thought.

Did Rarity start smoking?

“So, what do you say Spike?” Rarity said with a knowing blink. “Wanna go on a date?”

A date, when a male or female - or female and female or male and male - go and do things together. If this were yesterday, Spike would’ve jumped out of his scales. But yesterday was yesterday. And today is today.

“Nah, I’m good,” Spike replied.

Twilight shook her head back as her eyes exploded. As for Rarity, well, she somehow became even more white.

“Wha-” Rarity nervously chuckled. Shaking her head and catching her breath. She tried once more. “What did you say?”

“Ya’ see, R, I actually feel kinda tired. Mind you, I see you as a good friend, but even if I weren't tired, I wouldn’t go on a date with you.” That caused Twilight to go into a coughing fit, and Rarity. Well, she wasn’t doing well.

“Oh, no offense,” Spike added. Rarity couldn’t speak; she couldn’t think even if she wanted to. “So, anyways,” Spike looked at his wrist, to his imaginary watch, “it’s getting to night-time. And night time equals sleep time.” He waved a claw. “Laters.”

So Spike went to asleep. Twilight bit her lower lip, watching the dragon sleep… standing up. Truly an admirable trait.

“Um…” Rarity began, trying to express her thoughts with a hoof. “Is he… asleep?”

“Yeah,” Twilight answered, carefully inspecting the drake who began snoring. “Yeah, he is.” Twilight wasn’t even mad: she was impressed. And, with a gentle smile, she collected the dragon with her magic.

She turned to Rarity. “Try not to worry about him Rarity”- Twilight looked at her dragon brother - “he’s been a bit odd today.”

Rarity had her mouth open (a little too open if you catch my drift) yet words never came. So, she closed her mouth and made her way silently home. A pair of rose eyes scorned Rarity on her trip.

Twilight ascended the stairs with Spike in her magical hold. Tch, what a day he’s put me through, she thought. But, in a way, he’s accomplished a lot today.

Twilight entered the joint bedroom and levitated Spike to his bed. She tugged at the covers with her teeth and pulled them over his sleeping form. Twilight smiled as Spike snored, as the air was calm between them.

She crept her head forward. “You put me in a lot of worry today, Spike,” Twilight whispered. Kissing his forehead. “When you wake up, I expect to hear what you did, and what other effects the spell had on you.” Twilight giggled as she went to her bed.

Who knows, maybe I’ll cast it on myself one day, Twilight thought, as she drifted asleep.

So this firmly concludes, Spike’s day of non-caring.


Spike woke up as if he never slept. Of course, the sun hasn’t exploded yet, and it made it’s burning presence known to Spike’s eyes. As he stretched up an arm, the events from yesterday came flooding in.

Cringe didn’t serve what Spike felt justice.

“Awww,” Spike groaned, claw plastered on face. Though, going through the memories, some of them weren’t that bad. But whatever punishment Twilight had in store, oh boy, was Spike screwed.

Plus, he forgot to write to his mum!

There’s also the rejecting Rarity.


“You know what?” Spike said to himself, “I actually do want to pursue a relationship with Rainbow Dash.”

From the window, Rainbow Dash struck a hoof up. “Yes!”

Thus concludes the tale.

Thank you for reading.