• Published 18th Sep 2015
  • 2,234 Views, 2 Comments

Kamen Rider Drive Harmony OverDrive - Kamen Rider ZER0

On that Day the world should have ended, but we survive thanks to one hero. Now New heroes must take up his battle as the evil Roidmude's return. Sa Unite Elements of Harmony and Start Your Engine Kamen Rider Drive!

  • ...

Drive 2 Why are the humans being attacked?

(Insert OP Surprise Drive by Earnest Drive)

Ameagari Break Cloud sukima-kara[After the rain, from the break in the clouds]

Aozora ga te maneki shiteru[The blue sky is beckoning]

Alright sorosoro ikou ka[Alright, let's get going]

Dare ka ga iu Logic shinji nai[I don't believe in other people's logic]

Chokkan wa shinjite itai[I want to believe in my instincts]

High Time hajimari wo sagashite[It's high time we search for the beginning]

Fire Up, Ignition

Heavy-na Pressure bukkowashite[The pressure's heavy]

Accel fumikome[but break through and step on the accelerator!]

Surprise sekai-chu ga Drive[Surprise, the world is on a drive]

(It's faster than ever)

Feelin' High mezameru you na[Feelin' High like I've just awakened]

(Drivin' Show me)

Hajimaru unmei ni wa[Once we've begun our fate…]

(keep chasin' forever)

Back Gear wa nai…[There's No Back Gear]

All We Need Is "DRIVE"

Drive 2: Why are the humans being attacked?

It was night, the stars and moon were out. Yet the night sky was obscured, wisps of pitch black smoke floating into the air. Embers and light dulling out the stars to mere specks in the black sky. Heat could be felt on this cold night. All this came from a large mansion of sorts, it was set ablaze as smoke and flames burst from the windows. The wood caught fire, as it began to burn brighter and faster, this home was to far to be noticed right away, to far for help to arrive in time.

Inside the main living room, a man was pinned under a series of burnt segments of wood that had once held up the roof above his head. This man was Krim Steinbelt as he desperately tried to push the timber off his chest, feeling the pressure begin to apply to his bones. Smoke filled his lungs making him cough and choke as he had no oxygen and little energy because of it. All he could do was crane his head forward as he saw three figures at the glass door in front of his home.

Three figures stood there, humanoid, but their heads had features one had a cobra like hood, the other bat like wings on it's face and the final one had no visible features through just it's shadow. They then raised their hands as large energy blasts shattered the glass revealing the three Roidmude's standing there. A Cobra type labeled 001, a Spider type labeled 002, and a Bat type labeled 003.

The Spider labeled 002 walked through the flames and up to the pinned Krim. He looked down at him, before a stream of data covered his metallic body and formed into a human form. Long black hair swept to one side, a handsome face, a red trench-coat with black straps over his forearms, a black fur collar. An earring that resembled a heart and a ring that matched that same design with a heart theme. Only instead of the romantic hearts that resemble an upside down peach, these were more like a real heart.

The Man leaned down with a wide smile on his face as he looked down at Krim.

"*cough-cough*" Krim coughed as he looked up at the Roidmude in human form. "I can't...I can't die yet…" he coughed out desperately.

His attacker just continued to smile as he stood back up and raised his hand. A red glow coming from his eyes as his face was shadowed by the light from the flames and the smoke.

=Ah!...a dream….= Krim in his Driver Driver state said as he 'awoke'. =Even after becoming a Belt...some things still haunt me…= he groaned as his face changed to a cringing expression. He then turned the pump around as he heard the door to the Drive Pit slam close as he saw Twilight walk in. =Twilight...you're here early?= he noted his internal clock; literally a digital clock in his cybernetic mind, telling him it was still an hour before class started.

"I wanted a quiet place to relax before class." she sighed stretching her shoulders a little. "And I like it in here, it's quite."

=Ah…= Krim agreed. =Anyway have you seen Shinnosuke this morning?=

"He's off being lazy again." she sighed bluntly.

=His Engine has given out so soon?= Krim asked as his face changed to just his eyes in a disappointed look.

"Well...it can't be helped, he's just not that kind of efient person." Twilight sighed an obvious tone of discontent in her voice. As she did her partner Shift car, Magic rolled onto her shoulder having climbed out of her backpack.

=Twilight…= Krim sighed not liking the tone Twilight had. =Well I suppose he still has that barrier to move through.=

"You mean about that...accident?" Twilight asked, relaxing a little remembering it's a personal reason.

=Yes...I am following Shinnosuke using Type Speed at the moment. He is in the cafeteria.= Krim explained as he projected a hologram screen showing Shinnosuke sitting at a table eating his milk candies.

"I'll go pick him up then." Twilight sighed putting her hands on her hips. She then noticed a Shift car tapping her shoe by running into it gently. "Hm…"

=That's Hunter.= Krim explained as Twilight picked up the Police car themed Shift car. =He's taking a liking to you. Much like you he enforces the rules with great efficiency.=

"Hm...I think you and I will get alone Mr. Hunter." Twilight smiled to the Shift car as it responded with low volume police siren wailing.

Meanwhile in the main cafeteria of the school was none other than Shinnosuke as he sat at a seat on a far end table, he slowly popped one of his milk candies into his mouth and chewed it letting its sweet taste wash over his mouth.

But as he chewed it...he just couldn't think of anything. Since the other day he became a red armor clad warrior who could run through the Density Shifts, could fight with metalic monsters and could kick major levels of ass. At least in his mind. He kind of let the few times he got hit back slip through his personal flashbacks of the fight.

'No good...now matter how much I try to think of it...I can't, something...is missing. That Monster when it attacked Twilight it seemed sure...but with that man...he wanted to check something...then he began draining the life from him, only it was different, back with Twilight light came from his hand...it even looked like that jumble of numbers from computers too…' Shinnosuke mulled over in his mind.

He just kept trying, but given he was out of gears this paramounts to trying to make our care move forward by stepping on the gas...while the gear shift is on neutral.

"Ah mou...Kangaero yameta…" Shinnosuke sighed as he slammed his head on the table knocking some of the dozens of wrappers up into the air for a second.

As Shinnosuke let his forehead feel the coolness of the table he failed to notice a head of fluffy Pink hair moving through the sea of students, until it was all too late.

"Psst." a girl's voice called out to Shinnosuke.

"Ah...what Twi...Ah Pinkie!" he gasped raising his head only to see Pinkie's blue eyes mere inches from his face spooking him and making fall out of his chair.

"Haha...ah you fell Shin." Pinkie laughed as she sat down in the chair in front of him.

"Oi you scared me out of it." he complained getting back up.

"Did not."

"Did so."

"Did not."

"Did so."

"Did not."

"Did Not." shinnosuke changed his reply.

"I did So and that's final!" Pinkie called out. "Wait...ah you tricked me again! Good one."

"You're way too easy Bugs Bunny." Shinnosuke countered with a chuckle.

"I will get you back one day." she replied as she took one of the milk candies as Shinnosuke ate another one at the same moment. "So what's with the serious face?"

"Ah...nothing...just some thoughts cross my mind." he sighed.

"Ooh...your thoughts are fun!" Pinkie exclaimed. "You always have some weird detective thing in there...it's why you're so hard to trick."

"More your very obvious Pinkie." Shinnosuke countered eating another candy.

"Blasphemy!" Pinkie shouted jokingly.

"You're not exactly a Solid Snake."

"The way you play that game neither are you."

"You were the one who made me come out of my hiding spot to early."

"I remember no such thing." Pinkie countered.

"You're lying." Shinnosuke countered.

"No I'm distracting for time." she explained with a confident smile.

"Time for what?" Shinnosuke asked idiotically as he set off a trap.

"Hi Twilight!" Pinkie suddenly shouted waving her arms.

"Yabai!" Shinnosuke cursed as he turned around to see the girl as she gave him the coldest look her eyes could. "Yo...morning Twilight," he greeted nervously.

"Hunter." Twilight said calmly before the wrappers on the table flew making Pinkie and Twilight see the police car themed Shift car ramming into Shinnosuke's hand.

"A Shift car? It's a patrol car this time…" he noted as it continued to crash it's bumper into the side of his hand.

"Ah! It's a cute toy car!" Pinkie said happily as she poked the car making it stop as he finger was poking it from the top and stopped his wheels.

"Yes." Twilight said as she grabbed Shinnosuke's ear and began pulling, as that Pinkie let of Hunter letting it drive forward.

"Ah!" he cried as she began walking and dragging Shinnosuke across the ground. "Ah ear pain! Hurt! You're going to rip it off!" he cried being dragged off as Hunter followed them.

"Ooh...I want one of those toy cars." Pinkie smiled seeing Hunter drive away.

Meanwhile midway across town three of your typical street thugs were all standing around a red imported Cadillac. Each of them had greyish dyed hair that they spiked back and were all taller than average as well.

"Heh I saw you pawing my ride man." one of them joked to his friends.

"Well it's one hell of a cherry ride boss!" a skinnier thug chuckled.

"Yeah boss it rocks!" a thicker build thug smirked with a stupid grin.

"I know it was a total steal! I got that dealer down to half the price too. Hehe...stupid of him." the leader scoffed waving the keys around on his index finger.

None of three noticed as footsteps could be heard. A man with long black hair dressed in a red trench coat with a fur collar walked up to the car and ran his fingers along the door to the mirror, admiring the american machine. This was the man...Roidmude Heart...again.

"Hm...a nice machine." Heart smiled as he patted the hood. He then looked at the three who finally noticed him.

"Hey boss." the lanky thug said tapping his leader's shoulder making him turn to see Heart.

"Hey who the hell are you?" the leader asked.

"I'm going to be taking your car sir. I need to meet a friend of mine." he smiled at them as his eyes flashed red for a second. "I'll be needing your keys." he added looking at the de facto leader/owner of the car.

"Like hell I'm giving some pretty boy my car...no one messes with us!" the leader stated as his thugs stood by him cracking their knuckles with wide smirks.

Heart chuckled under his breath as walked around the car before he snapped his fingers causing a Density Shift freezing them in place. He then snatched the keys before he raised his hand and swung it backhanding all three of them and sending them flying into the wall of the building behind them.

"Gah!/Ouch!/What the hell!?" all three called out as they hit the concrete wall hard.

Heart then jumped into the driver's seat before he started up the engine and canceled his Density Shift letting the three fall to the ground at normal speed.

"Ah…." all three groaned trying to get back up.

"Thank you; I'll let you know how she handles." Heart replied as he hit the gas making the engine roar as the car took off down the road.

"My car...ooph…" the leader groaned pinned under his goons.

Heart drove the hot rod red Cadillac down the road as he felt the wind pick up his hair. He enjoyed the power the car held. It's motor was loud and powerful, it was already doing 60 miles per hour down the road. The feeling as his foot hit the accelerator as he shifted gears to go faster. But he could not enjoy it for long as a look of worry crossed his face.

"Where...did my friend's soul go to?" he asked as he drove down the road looking around in interest. "I can't go looking so I hope I find him along the road." Heart said before seeing the sign for the highway...it took him all but a second before he hit the turn signal and went onto the freeway to go as fast as the car's engine would let him.

"Ah...my ear…" Shinnosuke cried as he held an ice pack to his red ear. "What the heck are your fingers made of? It was like some kind of metal vice?" he complained to Twilight who was standing next to Krim on his pump like perch.

"Lets hope that pull kick started your engine." Twilight said flatly as Shinnosuke just rubbed his ears pain away.

=Now now you two no need to argue.= Krim suggested trying his best to be the mediator for the two.

"We wouldn't need to if he weren't so lazy." Twilight countered as she gave Shinnosuke a dark look making him flinch a little.

"It's not lazy, I'm just stuck." he countered trying to sound angry and not lose face...or his machismo in the situation.

"=Stuck?=" Krim and Twilight asked in unison before the two looked at each other. Stuck was a new one to them. They were use to him being in back gear.

"Hai...it's just when I think about it that Roidmude...it's whole targeting people...it was odd." he said, "Back when it attacked Twilight he was sure and had a different tactic...but with that man he attacked him and turned him red." he explained.

=Now that you say it...it does seem odd…= Krim admitted as he turned to Twilight.

"Yeah...he didn't do that to me, but that man. Why is that?" she asked now that her lingering anger had disappeared due to her confusion and interest of it.

"Thats where I'm stuck...what qualities warrant his actions…" Shinnosuke explained as he scratched his head in annoyance with his own inability.

"Qualities?" Twilight blinked. What Qualities does Shinnosuke mean?

"Well when he targeted you he praised your hair and face...meaning he targets people on how they look," Shinnosuke explained simply.

=So you mean he targeted Twilight because...she is attractive?= Krim asked as Twilight's eyes widened just a little at that unintentional compliment.

"Huh?" Twilight blinked with a nervous blush at that. She always said to herself she was rather plain looking in spite of her family telling her she was really cute. This was the first outside confirmation of such compliments.

"Exactly Belt-san." Shinnosuke said making Twilight turn to face him as he admitted she is attractive as well making her blush get a little brighter but neither of them noticed. "So something about why Twilight was a hit, and that man is a miss. It doesn't add up."

"Many things you just said don't add up." Twilight said shaking off the embarrassment. Note to self; these two are very ignorant of a girl's feelings. Oh, and make sure to pull Shinnosuke's ear twice as hard next time.

"Anyway, that's what has been bugging me all morning...that thing was just so odd." he sighed shaking his head. "I'll think about it later...I have to go somewhere." he sighed a second time his voice becoming sullen as he began walking for the door.

=Shinnosuke where are you going school does not start for half-an-hour?= Krim asked turning to see Shinnosuke stop at the door.

"I need to go somewhere else important…" he sighed sadly as he opened the door. "I'll be back around lunch." he said as he closed the door.

=Oh...that's where he's going…= Krim sighed realizing what Shinnosuke meant, that sad tone and his refusal to turn and face him explained it all.

"Huh where?" Twilight asked confused as to why Shinnosuke suddenly changed to that sullen feeling like before.

=Twilight there are somethings you can just tell of other peoples buisness.= Krim explained with sad eyes as Twilight could only nod but still worry about it and Shinnosuke having heard the sad tone that was in his voice. =But I want to show you however if you can get away during lunch.=

"Shinnosuke that was very weird." Twilight sighed as she sat at her desk in class. "Inconsiderate, lazy, dumb….did I mention lazy…" she muttered angrily still embarrassed by how he could haphazardly just call her attractive like that with such a bored look.

On a basic principals of your own feelings. Someone telling you a compliment unintentionally and with such a down and bored voice...you have to admit it's got a stinging feel to your emotions. But Twilight just shook it off, no good getting mad at him. In fact the more she remembered that that sense of worry came back. Shinnosuke's voice sounded sad again, like he was not himself, as if he were...depressed over something.

"Hah…" she sighed giving up on her myriad of emotions. 'Shinnosuke...your one weird guy...not that I'm one to talk by this point...we both use toy cars that give us powers and armor to fight androids...everytime I say that I'm expecting to wake up or be put in a straight jacket.' Twilight cried in her mind at how absurd this situation was. While she promised to help Krim. It was still healthy to complain after all. At least so she read.

At that the bell rang starting class. Students then began to pile in and sit at their desks as the teacher came in after them.

"Okay class we got some stuff to cover so get out your books. No dilly-dallying." he groaned as he turned on a projector as the lights dimmed. He then grabbed a stencil and began writing in a digital pad making it appear on the wall the screen was projecting on.

"Hey Teach...where's Shinnosuke?" one boy asked.

"Yeah he's normally here sleeping by now." one girl stated.

"Ah...yes normally i would be complaining about Mister Tomari...but today trust me when I say he has a good reason to be away." the teacher replied making everyone blink in confusion even Twilight.

'Where did Shinnosuke go?' Twilight asked herself, she had no real intention of going to meet Krim to spy on Shinnosuke, but now...she felt like she had to know. Like she'd never be able to understand him otherwise.

At this time across town a popular cafe was in the middle of it's late morning rush as several customers sat at tables and enjoyed their coffee, many of whom enjoying the cool morning.

At one table sat a man with short sandy blond hair, a pair of glasses on his face as he wore a green blazer which was close over his chest as it stretched to the right. He also had a ring on his index finger that resembled the shape and pattern of...a brain? Oh and this is man is also a Roidmude commander, his name is...you guessed it Brain.

He was awakened from his moment of thought by a loud sound as where the others the sound of a loud american car engine it pulled to a stop outside the window as Heart turned it off and jumped out.

It didn't take long for Heart to make his way in explaining he was meeting a friend. The Concierge lead the strange man to the table and politely asked of Heart wanted anything before and was asked to get him a black coffee with just a little sugar. Heart smirked as he looked to Brain who turned his head to meet Heart.

"Once again you're as ostentatious and boisterous as always...Heart." Brain sighed sipping his coffee as he stated his grievance with Heart's behavior.

"Greet your friends with a smile sometimes Brain." Heart responded with a chuckle as he just plopped down in front of Brain.

"Not all of us share your unnatural excitement for friendship Heart." Brain sighed.

"True...but one day all my friends will feel the same, even you Brain." he chuckled as he leaned back in his seat. "By the way I gave 029 a new body." he said making Brain do a spit take as his coffee shot out of his mouth and across the room.

"What? Why would you do something like that?"

"Well he was in pain he got his body destroyed...must have overload his body's energy circuits again."

"Ugh…" Brain sighed as he tapped his glasses a low ringing sound like a bell that had a mechanic/digital sound to it.

"Man this thing is top of the line." a man at a desk said as he showed off his tablet to his girlfriend. "It cost me a lot too." he chuckled before the screen wiped out showing a grid like plane before it moved and altered into a sort of map as a blip was shown on it. "Huh?" he blinked.

"What?" his girlfriend asked in curiosity seeing his confused face.

"What the heck kind of App is this?" he replied.

"There he is." Brain sighed seeing the location of the Roidmude friend somewhere downtown according to the map that Brain was probably the only one who could read it properly.

"He will evolve in no time with that level of devotion." Heart smiled.

"Well we shall see how useful he is when he does…" Brain sighed pushing his glasses back into place.

Somewhere across town a small cobra themed car drove in undetected through the door to an office like room as all its current residents were getting ready to go out for an early lunch. Once the last person walked out the door the car moved along the floor until it hit a desk. The car lifted up off it's front wheels before it jumped and landed on the wood desk and began driving upwards before reaching the top. The car turned left and right the snake like hood ornament design it had acting as eyes as said eyes began to glow a purple color. It then found it.

On a desk near a window the monitor was still on and logged into their mainframe. The Car's little tires squealed as they began spinning sending the car zooming across the desk. It then reared it's front up and jumped from one desk to another. Skipping across the office room before it skidded to a stop at the desk with the computer.

The Car then looked up seeing the screen. The car hissed slightly before it jumped one last time and landed on the screen. It then began to glow as what looked like small wires came from the car and inserted into the screen. As it did it was as if someone began to flip through files of people.

Wait...people? Why people...the car was searching for files on women and men, all having notable features and stats such as weight and height. It had interests addresses, business numbers, school numbers? Wait...each file was listed under potential candidates. Candidates for what?

The truth of the matter was this office was the main recruiters office for the modeling agency eLeGANT Agency. It was a famous agency that had discovered hundreds of models and actors who are famous today. It had a great reputation for putting good candidates to sign under maybe lists for later times when they needed new clients and felt something new would be good for business. They were also known for being famously kind and honest with it's clients as well since a majority of it's workers where women.

The Car went through the files picking this one or that one swiping ones it didn't like to the side and seemingly absorbing the ones it did like. It picked a majority of female choices to add to it's list, and a fair amount of men as well. The Car then stopped as it's wires receded back into it's body. It then began glowing and formed into a ball of light/data like energy that floated. From within the numbers 029 could be seen before it reformed into a Cobra Roidmude like body.

In that instant red and purple data formed over his body as it reformed into his Masao human disguise as he pulled his hood back up with a smirk. He then grabbed some paper files on the desk and looked over them he then tossed a few into the air before he found some pictures of girls he liked.

"United Metro Academy...attends during the day." he read off of at least four or five of the files. "Hm...this school might hold some good choices." he smirked as he walked out of the room.

Meanwhile as the time had hit afternoon we find our hero Shinnosuke as Azusayumi Hospital.

On the roof a teenager around Shinnosuke and Twilight's age was holding onto a rail, he had short black hair and was dressed in a gray track suit, he had bandages around his hands and head as well as a leg brace around his left leg. He tried to limp across the ground holding onto the railing. Pushing with his right leg and using his right arm to support him on the rail to relieve stress on his left leg.

He pushed with all he could muster feeling a sense of accomplishment as he did, only his left knee bent against his will forcing him to fall forward hitting his shin against the railing and making him grunt in paint.

"Ah ite...ite…" he groaned holding his leg.

"Hayase…" Shinnosuke grunted as he knelt next to his friend and wrapped his arm around his waist helping him up before helping him sit down in the wheelchair that was behind him.

"Ah...thanks Shinnosuke…" he chuckled sheepishly as his friend helped him. He sat his rear on the chair and let it relieve the stress to his legs and let him sigh in relief as the pain lessened greatly.

"You shouldn't push yourself Hayase." Shinnosuke said gently as he helped his friend adjust to his seat.

"Thanks...six months of Rehab and I've only gotten this far." he smiled as he patted his left legs brace sending a small twinge through it but nothing he couldn't bare. "The Doc's are saying it's healing faster than normal actually." he smiled happily. While the bones were healed up his muscles and nerves were still very messed up and he was getting use to walking after not being able to for so long.

"But you can never get accepted to join the police force now." Shinnosuke said solemnly. "And it's all my fault...that day if I had never been stupid enough to pick up that gun...or even try and pull the trigger...then...you wouldn't have been hurt. I thought if I could do it right...I could save you. And because of my arrogance. Your like this." he said as his hand gripped the side of his pants tightly.

What neither of the two knew the red sports car Type Speed was watching the two from behind the railing. It's headlights glowing as it recorded and transmitted the two.

From the Drive Pit Krim was displaying the image from his projector. All the while he and Twilight watching.

=Shinnosuke...I had no idea how much pain you held.= Krim spoke sadly as they continued to watch.

-My Dad was a Detective, he would always tell me...a great responsibility rests on a policemen's shoulders. He wanted to make sure I knew that when I became one myself...I knew how much more important the lives of others where.- Shinnosuke's voice spoke over the video transmission as he was seen taking a step near the railing.

"Shinnosuke…" Twilight muttered as she saw this to see all the emotions he was hiding...all the guilt he had she realized Shinnosuke might be lazy but he really is a good friend, one who made a mistake and can not forgive himself over it.

"So that's why…" Shinnosuke began trying to think of a punishment for himself...or anything he could to atone for what he did.

"In that case." Hayase interrupted him. "Use that guilt for something better than beating your sorry self up." he countered leaning forward.

Shinnosuke blinked as he turned to look his friend in the eye. All this time his shame and guilt preventing him from staring him in the eyes this entire time. Shinnosuke's eyes now held a look that made him seem...hopeful.

"It's true I can never become a police officer now...but if you really feel that responsible for my condition." he smiled before he gave Shinnosuke a more serious look. "then you need to protect people in my place. You need to fulfill our dream not just for yourself but for me as well."

"Hayase…" Shinnosuke said feeling touched by his friends words. To know that he held no ill will or resentment for Shinnosuke, but that he entrusted this much to him. It all felt as if something has gone, not in a bad way, like something that was haunting Shinnosuke was gone now.

"Heh...after all it's the least you can do right?" he joked he then twitched a little feeling his legs flare up in pain. It was annoyingly persistent as if something were pinching the nerves deep under his skin. So he reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a packet with a few pills inside. But the wind suddenly blew it out of his hand.

Shinnosuke walked over and picked up the packet and held it up as Hayase took it back happily.

"Thanks, these are a sedative for when the pain suddenly flares up." he chuckled as he popped one of them out of it's packet before tossing into his mouth and swallowed it.

Shinnosuke nodded before he took one more look at the packet. He then took it back as he looked it over. A packet of medicine...wait people take it when they are not healthy as it obvious. Then it took but a second to click two things together into one thing.

All the things he remembered about the Roidmude 029. It targeted people based on looks, it picked Twilight as a good target, and the man as a miss. But why...Twilight was perfect the Man wasn't. What was different, the qualities of why they were chosen. Then it came together, Twilight was in perfect health and that man must not have been. He must have been sick or had something that qualified as not perfect health

It all made sense now, it's action with Twilight was someone who passed good qualities and health, while the man was one who failed do to poor health. As evident by turning him red, a mark of failure of the Roidmude's Standards. That must mean that ore of the people like Masuda...they were all perfect. But where did they go. Wait that's it.

"It's all come together." Shinnosuke suddenly said as he grabbed the knot of his tie before he pulled it up and tightened it around his collar as he closed his eyes as he did. .

"Huh?" Hayase blinked; at that Shinnosuke's eyes opened as their soft appearance of regret and guilt was now gone, all that were left where two fierce orbs of determination.

"My little gray cells are in top gear." he said making Hayase smile seeing his friend become his true personality. The Shinnosuke of now was as Hayse thought a shell he place up, to prevent him from hurting others from what he thought was inability, and was weighed down by guilt and regret for his mistake. But this was the truest state of Shinnosuke, a man whose passion burns bright and will always protect people.

He wasn't sure what got Shinnosuke into Top Gear, but regardless he knew it was good. For Hayase was only glad his friend could let go of this and be himself was all Hayase wanted, he felt bad for not being able to fulfill his dream with his best friend. But Hayase didn't care about that anymore, he was glad to be alive, and to still have his best friend, he will overcome this and help his friend however he can from here on.

Shinnosuke smiled as Shinnosuke returned the pills. His lips curving into a confident smirk as he did.

"Hayase...I need to go." Shinnosuke explained quickly. "Something important has come to mind."

"Go on Shinnosuke, you must be needed." he joked as Shinnosuke nodded and left the hospital's roof.

Back at school the Janitor's closet opens as Twilight left the Drive pit. She wasn't sure what to think let alone feel at the moment. She saw the meeting between Shinnosuke and Hayase. She could tell that they where...are the best of friends, almost like brothers. While Hayase was the one in Rehabilitation he was the one who cheered up Shinnosuke who burned all that guilt over causing the accident.

This truth was confusing. On first impressions Shinnosuke was just some lazy slacker...but he is actually a kind caring and protective friend. He was at fault for an accident that hurt his best friend...and he was broken because of it. He could not move forward. Twilight could not expect this, or process this. She was so soon to expect Shinnosuke as nothing more than a slacker with a good heart and a little more to him. But then to learn of what happened to Hayase and how he blamed himself more than he ever needed to. She learned she was wrong about Shinnosuke.

But really he was someone who was not what he looked. He was a good person with a odd sense of humor, but was still a good guy. He went to such extents to protect her and a random man, he felt so torn apart by his mistake. Shinnosuke was just letting himself be dragged down. She still isn't sure how to go about doing things with friends, she doubts she will anytime soon. She just knew one thing for the moment.

It was a bad feeling misjudging a person. She felt her own guilt now. She didn't know about this, not that Shinnosuke would ever tell her she guessed. He might just lie and say it was nothing and be lazy...to deal with his burden alone.

"Hnn…" Twilight sighed sadly. "Shinnosuke...I guess you were more complex than I ever expected…" she sighed. "I feel bad for just thinking of you as nothing but a slacker...not that it's good...I just feel bad for being critical." she corrected to herself in spite of being alone.

As Twilight walked down the school's halls she noticed it surprisingly empty. She then noticed a cluster of students all watching a TV screen that was left on one of the main hallway of the building for students to watch for student news segments or for basic things such as news programs and the likes. No one has figured how to set them on more entertaining channels or shows yet. But damn if a certain pink haired girl hasn't tried.

"Hey what's going on?" Twilight asked seeing all this.

"Beats me something about someone being attacked downtown." one student replied turning to face Twilight for a moment before he looked back at the TV.

-News from earlier this afternoon. A girl who was signed up to a famous model agency eLeGANT Agancy. Was attacked and left in a critical condition with her skin left painted red. Police are investigating this attack that corresponds with several that have happened in the last month-

"Man that's scary." one student said as they all watched.

"I know what kind of person could do something like that?" a girl asked scared over how this sounded.

"I'm really scared now…" another girl whimpered.

"This town just gets weirder and weirder." another boy sighed.

To these students it was a serial attacker, but to Twilight she knew what it meant. It was that Roidmude 029.

'It's back...but Shinnosuke should have destroyed it with that over the top kick of his...well guess from now on we better be extra sure.' Twilight said in her head.

It was then everyone noticed someone running past them down the halls. It was a tall youth by the name of Shinnosuke. As only those who knew him noted he had his tie tightened as he ram down the hall bobbing and weaving around students who didn't move out of his way fast enough.

"Excuse me!" Shinnosuke shouted as he ducked around people. He then jumped over one student who was tying his shoe. "Sorry can't stop right now!" he called as he kept running. "Hi Twilight, can't talk; got detective stuff to do!" he said as he passed her by. "Computer lab is...that way!" he stated taking a left down the hall.

"I should follow him…" she sighed before she began running after Shinnosuke.

Shinnosuke skidded to a stop at the door to the school's main computer lab.

"Yosh." he said grabbing the door handle. He then stopped as he heard footsteps and saw Twilight running towards him.

"Shinnosuke...wait…" she panted as she was already at a loss for breath. "Wait…"

"You okay...you know I didn't run that far…" Shinnosuke smirked a little.

"I'm not an athletic type okay…" she complained.

"Fair enough." he nodded. "Right now I got something figured out."

"What?" Twilight asked.

"I figured out the key to the Roidmude's targets...it picks people based on their health." he explained. "You were in perfect health when he targeted you so you were a perfect pick, the other man wasn't that's why he attacked him and turned his skin red to show he wasn't up to his standards, and threw him away."

"Huh...so that means all the people who were turned red where all rejects?" Twilight asked.


"But wait...then what about the people who did pass?" she asked gulping nervously.

"That's what I just thought of...he must have carried them off, so that's why I need to talk to a friend of mine who is good with computers. He might be able to give me a list of recent missing people." Shinnosuke explained opening the door. "Kyu-chan!" he called out again as Twilight heard the sound of a boy yelping and then something falling over. "Oi Kyu no time to sleep."

"I wasn't sleeping!" he complained as he and Twilight walked in and saw Kyu as he was fixing his seat at a computer. In all honesty it looked like he was living at that seat with all the knickknacks set up around the computer. "You scared me out of my seat...again! Oh ah hello." he waved to Twilight noticing her.

"Uhm...hi I'm Twilight Sparkle." she greeted.

"I'm Saijou Kyu(pun for: superior)." Kyu introduced with a bow.

"It's his screen name." Shinnosuke explained making Twilight blink and look at him.

"Screen name?" she asked.

"Yup, his real name is…" he began.

"Don't say it!" Kyu panicked.

"Kenta Imai…" Shinnosuke smirked.

"Gh...I don't like using my real name!" Kyu complained. "It has a bad ring to it!" he ranted in anger.

"Just do this for me and I'll never speak it again." Shinnosuke offered. "She'll never use it to." he added pointing to Twilight who just blinked in confusion before sighing and nodding in agreement.

"Tsk...you promise?" he asked to be sure.

"You have my word, Kyu-chan." Shinnosuke nodded.

"Fine...what do you need now?" he asked now having the security of his true name.

"Hack into missing persons files that belong to the police database." Shinnosuke stated bluntly.

"Wait what!?" Twilight shouted making both hold their ears her voice when screaming was very high. "You can't do that! That's impossible for a number of reasons but mainly because it's illegal and impossible to do!"

"Done." Kyu replied making Twilight fall flat on her face from the shock. How do things like this happen around her?

"H...how did he do that so fast?" she blinked standing back up and rubbing her nose her anger cooled by the shock and pain...mostly the pain.

"Hehe...it's easy, with Shinnosuke's help once I hacked into their main database through a backdoor and can use it to get any criminal file I want," Kyu explained making Twilight's jaw hang open slightly as her eyes became white white dots on her head. "I use it to run background checks on people and get some useful blackmail material." he said mischievously making a sweatdrop form on Twilight's head this time.

"I told you did that any more I'd have to force you to stop." Shinnosuke countered bluntly.

"You said that last time and yet you let me do it to that guy!" Kyu shouted in argument as he got up in his seat to be closer to Shinnosuke's level of height.

"that was different...he was a jerk." Shinnosuke countered without regretting his words.

"Shinnosuke...I can't tell if your a good cop or a bad cop." Twilight stated bluntly as rubbed the bridge of her nose and the sides of her heads temples to ease the small headache from the fact these two did something so bad and talk about it so casually.

"I'm the one I most need to be when I need to." Shinnosuke stated. "It's a good thing that you can do both just easily when you need." he chuckled.

"Okay… here you go Shinnosuke." Kyu said as he pulled up a list of people.

"Hm…" Shinnosuke murmured as he leaned over Kyu's shoulder. he then pointed to a name. "There Masuda Nobuo...find out where he lives."

"Okay…" Kyu said typing away before finding the info.

"That's his address." Shinnosuke said seeing the info.

"Huh...oh Kyu...can you check for any Density shifts that have happened around there?" Twilight asked surprising the two boys. "Well it's just something that might be useful."

"Okay...let's see take his address...add it to a public Density Shift map...and…" he muttered as he typed until a mapw formed on the screen before a circle was formed around the home in a wide radius then a series of dots formed another circle/dot that overlapped with the radius around Masuda's home.

"A large amount of them are recorded here….and the epicenter seems to be an abandoned amusement park." Kyu explained.

"It's just as I thought." Shinnosuke said.

"Oi Shinnosuke what's all this about anyway?" Kyu asked.

"Kyu trust me when I say this is can't be explained right now...just know someone...no several lives are in danger. I have a way to help so I will." Shinnosuke explained with a very serious tone to his voice.

"Ah...okay." he nodded in understanding.

"Thanks Kyu I owe you one." Shinnosuke said as he wrote down all the info he needed. "Later!" he called as he made his way out the door.

"Ah Shinnosuke wait! Ah later Kyu." Twilight waved nervously as she followed after her friend.

"What an odd pair those two are…" Kyu said as he changed the tab on his computer to a video on pause. "Now back to my anime." he smirked hitting play.

Shinnosuke and Twilight both made their way into the Drive pit. Both making it past the broom closet through the secret door and down the stairs. They entered as the Tridoron's rotating lift began moving all its check ups having been done leaving the red sports car in top condition at the moment.

=Hm...Shinnosuke what is it?= Krim asked from his pump stand.

"Belt-san. We got work to do." Shinnosuke replied.

=Ah...he's already in Gear. In that case I can not argue that.= he replied before his screen changed to his happy face with a honking sound.

"It takes a while for him to reach it though." Twilight countered with a small smile.

"Heh." Shinnosuke grinned.

=Alright then let's go team.= Krim joked. Shinnosuke then grabbed him off as they jumped into Tridoron, as they did several Shift cars all jumped in and perched into the holder in front of the passenger seat.

Shinnosuke put Krim on the perch on the dashboard as he locked into place and integrated fully into the car's systems.

=Shinnosuke, I assume from here on out we are going to be working much more effectively.= Krim spoke.

"why do you say that?" he asked.

=I saw your conversation with your friend Hayse...out of worry. I knew it was rude to spy...but I worried about you, who knew how much your own regret could harm you.= Krim explained. =You lost something indeed on that day six months ago, you have lost the faith in yourself, the faith Hayse still has in you.=

"I'm mad you did that...but it means a lot for you to worry." Shinnosuke nodded his face serious for the moment.

"Shinnosuke…" Twilight spoke from her seat next to him. "I can't understand what you're going through...but I can tell you are a good friend to care so much for your friend and carry such a large burden as well."

"Twilight…" Shinnosuke spoke as he turned to face her his serious face becoming lighter as he did.

"I mean it's not like I'm saying it's okay for you to be a lazy slacker...just that, you have us here as well...we will try and lessen the burden for you, we're your friends after all."

=Exactly. We will stand together with you Shinnosuke.= Krim smiled.

"Thanks…" Shinnosuke smiled slightly at the two.

=Sa time for us to go, Twilight, Shinnosuke. Like it or not we have a battle to go fight. And we shall do it together.= Krim stated seriously but a very notable positive tone to his voice as he said it.

"Right Belt-san." Shinnosuke nodded as he and Twilight buckled their belts.

Shinnosuke then grabbed the gear stick to his left as the car was lifted up and through the secret entrance to the roads above. Shinnosuke pushed the gear stick into D for drive before he hit the accelerator letting the tires squeal to life as the engine hummed softly the Tridoron then shot down the road and into the public streets.

"According to the map the park should be…" Twilight mumbled as she read the map that formed on a screen inside Tridoron.

"there?" Shinnosuke pointed without taking his eyes off the road.

=Soka, an abandoned place no human would go to under normal circumstances perfect for hiding hostages.=

"Exactly, then the whole time that Roidmude was taking all the hostages there to keep them out of sight and rounded up." Twilight added.

"Then it's where we will be looking." Shinnosuke said as he pressed down more on the gas making the car go faster down the road.

Tridoron stopped at the entrance before the car fired a beam from it's headlight hitting the chain closing the gate closed. The chain fell off smoking and partially melted. Shinnosuke then pushed the gate open Twilight walking right next to him.

The two walked through the park carefully looking through the attractions and rides finding nothing. It looked like any real abandoned park, empty of life and dirty from time. IT didn't look like anyone was here at first glance. That is till Twilight grabbed Shinnosuke's shoulder and pointed at a merry-Go-Round that was covered by a large blue tarp.

Shinnosuke nodded, the two then ran up to the ride. Shinnosuke slowed as he neared the ride being careful not to run into the Roidmude right now. He then rushed to the tarp quietly before he threw it open. Inside the Merry-Go-Round where dozens if not more people all tied up by ropes and seated or propped up against the various horses or bars. Each of them unconscious and asleep, very deeply actually.

"All these people were kidnapped by that Roidmude?" Twilight asked as she went to check on one woman.

"Each of them are all part of that things collection." Shinnosuke added as he checked on the real Masuda.

"They're all still alive." Twilight stated, "They're perfectly fine…"

"Then why go to all this trouble?" Shinnosuke asked as he tried to untie a few people.

"So you came back for the humans?" 029's voice asked from the other side of the blue tarp.

"That voice...I knew it, so you are still alive!" Shinnosuke shouted standing back up he then walked up to the tarp before he ripped it down.

Except as the tarp fell the two saw...a woman, she was about the same height as Twilight, only taller due to a pair of high heeled shoes, she had a pair of black hip hugging mini shorts exposing her long legs, grey tank top that was one size to small hugging her figure and a tan hooded vest over the shirt. She had a cute face with short brown hair in a bowl cut that accented her face and a silver necklace around her neck that stopped just above the little cleavage exposed from her tank top.

Shinnosuke took a second before he turned to his left and looked at a girl, she had the exact same face as the one of the woman standing before them. Twilight did the same before both looked back at the 'woman' walking closer to them.

"I don't care." 029's voice came from the woman. "The are not needed anymore...I have already taken their individual parts that were perfect and incorporated them to my body." 029 explained as a purple digital aura and snake like image formed around the female form before ti altered into the male body 029 used the other time. "That man's face...that woman's hair, the figure of that man. My female body is made of that woman's face, the legs of that one, and the figure and hair of the other one." 029 explained before the aura appeared again reforming into the female body. "My body is perfect!" the Roidmude explained.

IT's body was covered by the digital energy like aura before it reverted to it's old Cobra like form. It then raised its arms into the air as the digital aura surged brighter than before until it began to alter its body. It's body seemed to be broken down into code until it all bulged and reformed as a digital wireframe formed around him.

It's body was now altered into a purple colored body , it's legs were a dull grey and purple in color it's feet ending in grey colored toes. Wires ran along the inside of it's thighs going upt to's it's abdomwn that had a v shapes wire belt covering it's waist, it then went into a series of purple piping frames going up the side of it's body until they curved around the front and over his upper pectorals and clavicles and molding into a large collar along his neck. The center of his torso was exposing bronze colored bumps or metal that made the appearance of rippling muscles like a six pack and large pectorals. His shoulders were now covered by large armored pads that curve around the sides the tops of the armor had multiple purple blade like rims of metal before going to a large looping arc stopping from them from connecting to his body. His upper arms are covered in a black material almost like leather but more seemingly a hard rubber like material, his forearms are covered by purple armor along the bottoms and sides but the top of his arms have large sections of armor that slightly resemble steel girders, they were large plates at least as long as his arms themselves and extend past his elbows, they had three ridges along the backs ending in ending in...a sort of curved ride over his wrists that somewhat resembled a hoof, a series of tubes went under the metal plate and reformed into a tube just under it that ended in a piston like extension with cone like point at the end. Finally his head was a strange mismash of metal pipe and wire work making a strangely intricate pattern, the pattern made a sort of crown towards the top with four bronze spikes two out of each side of his head, and four red streaks within two lower on his head and two higher and more ornate in shape, acting as eyes to see the world. The pattern of it's head made an over all alien and monstrous design to it.

=The Roidmude has evolved and reached a new level of power.= Krim's voice came from the Type Speed car that rolled onto Shinnosuke's shoulder.

"HA!" the Roidmude shouted as he waved his arms as he unleashed a large purple colored pulse through the air. IT caused a Density Shift.

This one affects almost the entire town. It swept over everyone and everything, people, vehicles, animals, and anything else that was in motion. It was all slowing to a sluggish and slow movement.

"Uwa...slowdown…" a metal worker said as his tools scraped across steel making sparks fly.

"I can't move…" a man jogging complained.

"Whoa...this again…" Several students at U.M.A. all complained unable to move anymore.

Back at the cafe all the patrons were suddenly frozen in place as the Density shift took hold. The very air held onto them keeping them from moving as they wished. Their bodies slowed to an annoying slowmotion style.

"It has happened." Brain smiled seeing all this. "He has evolved and awakened a great deal of power." he chuckled.

"Let's go greet him." Heart said as his skin began to glow before digital like energy began to rip apart his skin almost. His body was covered by a blend of blood and fiery red data like energy that burst outward as a heart like symbol formed around him as it did.

Heart's body was now it's Roidmude form. He was all red and large in build. His torso was all red with metal pipe/wire patterns across it the center of his chest was a mix of silver wires and pipes that seemed to emulate the pattern of blood vessels and organs within a human's torso and sure enough a golden metal heart organ was formed right over where a real heart would be located, the a red ridge of metal separated this section from the rest of his torso that was all red with hints of black here and there, his abdomen was padded to resemble a six pack only the last two formed into a heart shape that also acted like a buckle; he had white tubs forming from his clavicles that looped upwards and around the back of his shoulders forming a collar shape. Down his back where multiple classical heart shapes going right down his spine. His neck was red and black with white tubes going against his neck like the jugulars, with a golden colored adam's apple, his chin was wrapped in gold before exposing the skeletal teeth that were silver and metallic before going to the exposed nose section, except from his eye sockets and the sides of his head projected outwards slightly before curving upwards dramatically like ram horns that formed a heart like shape they were a mix of bronze, silver and red streaks; and the top of his head was a red color and had a pushed up brow look adding to the heart shape made by his horns. His shoulders had large rounded armor pads that had holes on the sides like the tubes of blood vessels, his arms were covered in red plates with black streaks and red tubes like blood vessels, going down to his arms that had large sections or armor it was rough and metallic with three small spike's towards the back over his elbows and multiple overlapping ridges before going into three spike's extending from the front over his wrists, his hands were red with spikes tipping his fingers like claws before his hands curled into fists letting the spikes over his wrists grow over his knuckles. Heart's waist was covered by three flaps like a tench coat, the two on the sides of his legs were wider and thicker, while the third went between the two from behind and it was more thin and blade shaped, with a larger heart shaped plate or metal acting as a base. His legs were all red with plates of armor with blood vessel like piping patterns, before going to his feet that curved towards the toes like jesters shows but where bronze along the front and made of hard and sharp metal.

Brains stood up as well before a green digital aura flooded over him with bits of green electricity sparking off his shoulders as his body reformed.

He was now in his Roidmude form he had an all green colored body. His chest had that had a black and silver section color resembling the inside of a suit with a Victorian design to it as it ran down the center of his solar plexus, the sides of his torso and ribs were covered in silver metal that had multiple black looping curves that made a shape like that of a brain. His shoulders went into giant shoulder pauldrons that were huge and have a blend of silver metal that was curved and bunched up in a pattern like brain matter with green cloth streaks, two green capes came from each shoulder and almost touched the floor. His hands were all green with black patches around his elbow area. His hands however where a pale white color with a green streak going across his hands, his fingers ended in green claws and there was a black hole in the palm of each hand. His green cloth formed a loincloth like aspect over his waist and green cloth covered his legs with silver knees, his feet likewise curved into jester like shoes that were black and silver in color. Brain's head had a large head section that was large and bowl like the top as flatted and has a brain pattern etched into the metal surface, tube like patterns formed his face with black screens acting as glasses/eyes, a small nose, with white face with large lips. A black streak went under his chin with silver streaks.

Brain grabbed the tablet of the man sitting behind him, he held it up and held it against his chest like a book. Heart walked up as he scoffed and tapped the concierges head sending him flying back across the room. The two then made their way out of the cafe, not even bothering to pay their bill.

"I'm going to grab some new better parts in town...I have news of a little school where tons of perfect specimens attend. Your even wearing their uniform." the Roidmude said with a mad chuckle in his tone. "I will become even greater!" he started swinging his arm for dramatic effect.

Just then Twilight and Shinnosuke gained their movement back fro their Shift cars. The two then walked forward as Twilight grabbed magic and twisted it before inserting it into her Harmony brace before pushing it up.


With that purple holograms formed over her body before they shone and reformed into her armor from before.

"We're not letting you get into the city!" Shinnosuke shouted as he walked forward.

"HA! Like you two brats can stop me, I've found specimens better then all of you!" the Roidmude scoffed. "MY body is that of Iron! What can you do to me!?" The Iron Roidmude shouted.

"He's to confident isn't he?" Twilight asked raising her hand forming a magic circle that also formed over a table that she tossed at Iron with a swing of her arms. The table hit him but did nothing against his body. "Okay...he can back it up a fair amount."

"Kill them!" Iron ordered as he turned and left.

Three hands then raised up and fired energy bullets that Twilight blocked with a large shield of energy letting them bounce harmlessly off. The two the looked to see three Roidmude standing there. A spider type numbed 093, a bat type numbered 071 and a Cobra type numbered 082. Each of them laughing at the two.

"Again with the backup." Shinnosuke complained as he and Twilight walked forward. 093 and 071 all charged at Shinnosuke who blocked a kick from the Bat type before ducking under it and punching the Spider type across the face knocking it back several steps. He then raised his arms and blocked a kick from the Bat type 071.

Twilight ducked under a swing from the Cobra type 082, she then raised her right arm forming a smaller shield over her arm as 082 punched it the shock sending it stumbling back. Twilight then swung her arm forming another magic circle like shape that formed over 082's head she then swung her arm forward sending the Roidmude flying forward and crashing into his two companions.

Iron groaned in annoyance as he saw this. The Evolved Roidmude then held up his right hand as purple data like energy formed in it before he pointed it forward and began to unleash a rapid barrage of purple energy bullets made of the same data like energy. Twilight saw this as she raised both her hands forming a large purple dome or energy that let each shot hit and explode harmlessly on contact.

=Tridoron Shoot!= At that Tridoron broke in through a south gate. The cr then ran down a path before it began to unleash red laser bullets with a machine gun's rate of fire that hit all four Roidmude's sending them all flying back across the ground. The car then pulled up infront of Shinnosuke and Twilight.

"Thank you Krim." Twilight sighed happily as she and Shinnosuke walked towards the car.

Iron groaned as he turned and began running as the Cobra type 082 jumped on his shoulders while the Bat type 071 grabbed Spider type 093 and bat like wings extended from the bat types collar section and formed into working wings before flying off.

=Shinnosuke, Twilight get in.= Krim spoke as the two jumped in and sat in their seats as Shinnosuke grabbed his seatbelt before he grabbed the Drive Driver. =Shinnosuke are you going to transform?=

"I have to, right now me and Twilight are the only ones who can go fast enough to catch them." he explained. "In that case I have to. Mou Kangaero Yameta." he stated making his Krim and Twilight smile at that. 'Hayase...I promise you. I'll fight in your place and make our dream come true.' he said mentally as he put the Drive Driver on letting it buckle into place. He then hit the gas and shifted the gear into drive. "I'm going to protect this city and everyone, and one day become a police officer who will keep doing that. I'm going to go driving in my friends place!"

=Good! Sa Shinnosuke Start your engine!=

With that Tridoron shot down the road after the Roidmude's who were all making it down the road. Shinnosuke then grabbed the key and twisted it starting the transformation function. Shinnosuke grabbed the Type Speed shift car and held it up before he flicked his finger and twisted the back portion making it enter it's lever mode.

"Henshin!" Shinnosuke shouted before he inserted the shift car into his Shift Brace. He then pushed it up before letting it fall back down, he then threw his arm across his chest flicking his thumb up. He then swiped it across his face and pointed out wards.

The R symbol formed on the screen before it swapped to the S symbol from before.


The tire like aura formed over Shinnosuke before the armor formed and locked into place with a red flash leaving Drive in his place.

The front left tire then moved inward while it spun down the road forming energy making the smaller Type Speed Tire before the tire pushed back to it's original position. The tire then flew off before it phased through the windshield surprising Twilight. The Tire then locked into place across Drive's chest like a sash.

"How did that…?" Twilight muttered as Drive shifted to gear 2 and hit the accelerator making Tridoron shoot forward even faster making her push against her seat. "Kya!" she screamed from shock.

Iron kept running down the road at great speeds at least going 60 or more kilometers per hour all the while 082 on his back. While 093 and 071 floated in the air above him. The two kept going back down the road before they heard the sound of an engine before red gun fire hit the ground around them.

082 tapped Iron's shoulder and pointed at Tridoron. The car gaining on them Drive and Twilight visible from the windshield. Drive holding onto the wheel as he kept making the car move faster and faster. Twilight practically pressed against her seat from nervousness and the speed all the while a nervous and slightly nauseous look on her face.

Iron groaned as he motioned for 082 to begin shooting. Which it did as his energy bullets hit Tridoron and bounced off without doing much. The Car going faster and shooting back as red and purple energy blasts went back and forth.

"Not getting away from me!" Drive shouted pushing harder on the accelerator going even faster. Tridoron gaining closer on the four. The flying pair noticed and began to fire from above but Twilight reacted in time and formed a dome of energy just above Tridoron that blocked all of their blasts and let them explode harmlessly.

"Grr…" Iron growled as he sped up he then blurred over to a car and smacked it with his hands making it slide and obscure the road. He then blurred over to a van and kicked it's hood making it skid and block the road the same way. He then went and did this to several cars. Iron then grabbed a few vacant cars before he slammed them into the ground upright on their bumpers, making more obscure blockades.

"Crap!" Drive shouted as he turned the wheel dodging one care before he spun the wheel clockwise to turn to the right dodging another care in his path. "This is nothing!" he shouted as he hit the gas going forward before he turned the steering wheel counter clockwise taking a sudden left avoiding the upright cars. Drive then twisted the steering wheel to the right before he pulled the emergency brake while suddenly turning the wheel again. Tridoron then began to drift sideways against the edge of the road avoiding all of the obstacles in the road.

"Ahhh!" Twilight screamed at the crazy driving. TRidoron avoided all the cars before Drive disengaged the brake and hit the gas letting Tridoron move back into a normal driving pattern. "Are you sure you even have a license?" she shouted.

"Sorry for driving defensively!" Drive countered going back into second gear and shooting down the asphalt road.

"That wasn't defensive that was crazy!"

"I was trying to keep from hitting cars!" Drive countered as he turned the steering wheel left and right. Tridoron followed these commands and avoided a series of energy blasts aimed at it that hit the ground causing minor explosions.

=Oi now is not the time to argue…= Krim complained.

"Shut up Krim/Belt-san!" the two shouted.

=Ah...okay…= he sighed.

"Get rid of them already!" Iron complained as he kept running. He then turned a right and made his way to a Parking Garage as he scaled the wall while the Spider and Bat type flew through the main entrance.

"They're trying to hide in there." Twilight pointed out as Drive turned into the entrance.

082 Jumped up to a truck before opening it and tossing the man who was driving out and into a bush just outside the garage. 071 dropped 093 ontop of a large moving truck. The Spider type slammed his fist into the metal roof of the back section before he tore open a hole large enough for him to drop in through. The back then kicked open as 093 began tossing barrels of oil that was being taken to be recycled. Each one hit the ground at least once before being stopped by the Density Shift. 071 then floated down and began to fire energy bullets at each barrel casing them to explode into columns of fire and debris for Tridoron to get caught in.

"Shinnosuke look out!" Twilight shouted seeing the pillars of smoke and fire.

"Let's go Tridoron! Hitoppashiri Tsukiaeyo!" Drive shouted hitting the gas making Tridoron shoot forward. He turned left then right making his car avoid the flames.

Tridoron kept going forward moving to the left to avoid one explosion before quickly shifting to the right. The car never losing its pace or speed as it avoided it's obstacles. The Roidmudes tossed several barrels in a bunch in front of Tridoron before they all fired on them causing an even larger explosion. But the flames were pushed aside as the red car shot through the flames no damage done to it as it did.

"Lets see how you like it!" Drive countered as Tridoron began to fire it's red lasers hitting a barrel just before it left the truck and exploded causing the entire vehicle to ignite and explode sending all three low class Roidmude flying out of the wreckage.

"You shouldn't play with fire!" Drive called out as he sped up a spiral path for the top of the garage where Iron went. Tridoron kept going up the path not knowing Iron was only two levels above.

Iron waited for a second before the armor over his arms extended making his reach over twice as long before his fists not touching the ground easily. He raised his right arm as the piston began to pump as energy focused into his limb. Iron saw Tridoron go up the incline for the level just below. So Iron waited a second as he heard the Engine just a few feet away from below. He then slammed his right down on the ground causing it to shatter for letting chunks of cement hit Tridoron covering it in the extra weight keeping it pinned.

"Kya/Ah!" the two occupants screamed in shock as the concrete covered the windshield and darkened the inside of the car.

"Hmph." Iron scoffed as his three companions joined him on the upper level.

"Gah...they're going to far!" Drive complained slapping the steering wheel in frustration.

"What do we do, we'll have to get out to chase them." Twilight stated able to see the four laughing at them from above through her sides window.

=Not if we can strengthen Tridoron with new tires!= Krim countered. = Go MAX FLARE! FUNKY SPIKE! MIDNIGHT SHADOW!=

With that the three shift cars on Drive's holder turned into energy that flew out of the car's cabin and into the trunk section between the two tire spoilers.

=TIRE FUERU(Enhancement)!=

The two tire spoilers had a cylinder pop out before they began spinning with green on the driver side and purple on the passenger's side before forming into the Funk Spike Tire and Midnight Shadow tires. The Front left tire then did the same as sparks of fire and orange energy formed the Max Flare tire.

Tridoron's engine began to rev up as energy poured into it...the engine sounded louder than before as the tires began spinning and squealing across the ground. The car then shook for a second before it shot forward sending all the concrete debris flying off. The car shot past this trap and up the incline.

Iron heard the sound of Tridoron as he turned in time to see the car coming at him before it jumped over the hole he made. It seemed as if Tridoron was pouncing on Iron. The Roidmude not being dumb jumped out the side and landed on the street below.

Tridoron then kept climbing up the roof as the three low class Roidmude began shooting at the car as it finished the inclines last turn for the path to the roof's parking section. The Roidmude trio continued to fire only for them to miss or have their attacks bounce off the car.

"Let's turn these guys into road kill!" Drive started hitting the gas harder.

=Go Tridoron!=

With that Tridoron unleashed it's headlight mounted laser fire as well as a barrage of spikes and energy shuriken from its two top mounted Spike and Shadow tires. All of them hit all three causing making sparks and explosions before spikes and shuriken all pierced and held them in place.

"HA!" Drive roared as he shifted into 3rd gear making it shoot to speeds of a 120 kilometers per hour. The Max flare tire then ignited a large spark of fire. A red wireframe then spread over Tridoron before the entire car caught fire making its speed actually double in an instant. Tridoron then crashed into 093 and 071 struggling against their armor for a second before their bodies shattered in an explosion of flames. 082 was still stuck to the hood along with his comrades cores before Tridoron jumped off the roof.

"No hitchhikers!" Drive shouted twisting the key before pressing the red button.


Drive then flipped his Shift lever up once before he grabbed a black and yellow handle under his seat. The Roof then flipped open before Drive's seat belt snapped off and the Warrior jumped with all his strength out of the car.


Tridoron bucked off 082 and the two cars as Drive reached the apex of his super powered leap. He then aimed his right leg forward into a flying side kick as his eyes lit up and a red aura formed around his leg. Drive then shot forward as his kick hit the two cores before hitting 082.

"HA!" the burning red armored warrior cried as his kick continued to apply pressure making the cores groan before they shattered and exploded letting the full brunt of the kick to the cobra type. The two flying in a downward diagonal angle. "Join your friends in hell!" Drive exclaimed to 082 who groaned as his body began to spark before it exploded leaving only his core as Drive's kick continued on hitting that before he pushed back sending it flying into the ground.

The core hoped it's pain was over only for Tridoron to land on it and crush it into nothingness. IT's roof opened as Drive landed back inside perfectly landing back in his seat.

"Enjoy yourself?" Twilight asked Drive.

"That was therapeutic." Drive explained as he strapped his belt back on. "Now all that's left is that muscle headed bastard." he said shifting gear back to normal drive before he hit the gas and made his way down the road.

Back U.M.A all the students were trying to go about what they were a few minutes ago. How annoying this was, one long Density shift makes the simplest of tasks you were doing just now take so long before it wore off it all felt exasperating. Walking down the hall, handing something to someone, and all of the simple things all took forever to move or till it ended leaving some bored and annoyed by the end of it all.

This was how everyone felt right now. Stuck in place for these past couple of minutes, it was like a form of torture for them. To be stuck motionless, or slow motion however you saw it or phrased it. They wanted to move and get it done with, but their bodies refused to allow it. It was all just something they had to bare with for a while longer to be able to move again.

"What this again?" one girl with blonde hair braided and a stetson hat asked as she was walking down the hall reading a book

"My body is moving so slow….it's annoying." A girl dressed in a track uniform with rainbow colored hair, complained as she tried to move forward.

"Oh…" a girl with pale pink hair said as she watched several birds fly by slowly.

"Uwah...my head hurts…" Pinkie complained as she was stuck upside down in a tree.

"Oh my...this has gone on longer than normal…" a girl with dark purple hair styled into curls said as she had her phone pulled out. A pre-installed Density Shift system giving a warning light.

"Ah!" a boy cried in fear.

"What is that!?" a girl shouted.

Everyone saw Iron just strutting down the main walkway of the school he raised his finger and pushed one boy out of his way sending him rocketing across the ground.

"What a Lively looking school." Iron said as he noticed several perfect choices. "You look good." he said pointing to the girl with dark purple hair. "Come with me." he ordered walking closer.

"You're such a country boy." Shinnosuke's voice called out making Iron stop and turn to his left.

Iron looked around before he heard the sound of a car's door opening as footsteps touched the pavement. He then turned to see Tridoron as Drive was getting out of his door as Twilight did the same.

(insert song: Surprise Drive by Earnest Drive)

"Such a bumpkin, what were you raised in a barn?" Drive bantered as he slammed the door closed. "You don't even know how to properly escort a lady?" he added as anyone who heard his voice turned towards the sound as best they could.

Those who could could only see one person. The Crimson armored hero as he walked down the path. It was something no one expected a scarlet clad warrior who for some reason his presence alone made them all feel confident, safe, and secure. His red armor burned like a fire of hope to them. If this monster was real then this hero must be just as real. That hero who saved all the innocent people. And he was funny and charming to boot.

"Ha!" Iron grunted in annoyance. How many times did he have to fight this annoying armored freak. This time he would crush him where he stood and complete his perfect body.

Iron swung both his large arms in a pincer like style to hit Drive from both sides only for the warrior to block his swings with both his arms. Iron swung a right hook only for Drive to duck back and let it miss. Drive then swung his right palm out and stopped a backswing from the same right arm of Iron. Drive then punched his left fist into Iron's sides making the Roidmude groan in pain at the well placed strike that his his synthetic muscles. But Iron did not stop he swung his right in backswing again that Drive ducked under, but Iron quickly shot his fist forward and hit Drive's type Speed tire making sparks fly from the impact.

Iron pressed forward as he reared his left arm back to strike Drive helmet. But the red armored warrior charged forward and tackled Iron's waist. But rather than leave himself open to a hammer attack to his back. Drive ducked around Iron's left side before crouching down and wrapping his arms around the Roidmude's legs. Drive then stood up and hefted Iron's full weight with his full power. He then leaned back and tossed Iron over his shoulder letting him fall and hit a bench that was behind them.

Iron's weight shattered it as he hit the ground feeling the force from the through. Drive swung around to face Iron. Iron slammed his hand into the ground and used his strength to flip back to his feet as he landed in a crouching position.

Twilight meanwhile moved as fast as she could over to the students and used her powers to begin moving. She used telekinesis to pick up several of them and move them inside while facing them away from her and the fight. She moved some inside and some around the corners of several halls and paths making sure to get them as far away from the fight as possible. But she could only move so many so fast.

Iron raised his right arm as his eyes lit up bright and ominous red. Drive saw this as he shifted his weight on his legs ready to move in whatever direction he needed. Iron punched his right arm forward before his wrist extend out on multiple overlapping scale like segments. Drive dodged by leaning to the left letting the punch shoot past him scraping across his tire. Iron punched his left extending it the same way only as Drive jumped to the left with his lean and tumbled across the ground and past Iron forcing the Roidmude to miss. Iron shot up to his feet and turned to face Drive who got back on his feet.

Iron tossed another extending punch that he ducked under, Iron punched his left as Drive jumped over it before running up the arm. The Red warrior then leapt into the air before slamming his silver knee pad into his face making sparks fly. Drive then landed on his feet before he jumped back to avoid a reverse roundhouse from Iron. Iron then punched his right arm sending another stretching punch Drive ducked to avoid only for it to fly and hit a marble column in the front of the school.

The attack forced the column to shatter as it was disconnected from its two bases. The column was cracked but still intact. Making it one large falling marble death trap. Especially for one girl with dark purple hair who was still in it's path.

"Oh Crap!" Drive shouted seeing this.

"!" Twilight cried in surprise as she used her powers to move a few people but she missed the girl with purple hair. "Oh no."

Drive began running as he twisted the key making the engine sound go off. He then shifted the Type Speed lever three times.


Drive turned into a red blur before he appeared in front of the girl. Drive then raised his arms before he began punching in a rapid blur of his arms, each punch shattering the marble column into bits each; punch sending them flying away from the girl. Drive ended it with one last punch sending even the dust flying away from him and the girl. He looked down at her as she noticed the armored her. Drive nodded once seeing she was safe before he ran back towards Iron.

Drive twisted the key again before he pulled out the type Speed car and grabbed Midnight Shadow. He twisted the back before inserting it with a purple flash. And ended it by shifting it up once.


Drive then ran forward before Iron swung his right arm, only for Drive to block with his left. He then sued this opening to slam his right fist into the Roidmude's rib cage. Drive then ducked down and swung a sweeping kick only for Iron to jumped over it. Iron then swung to the left ready to wind up a big punch only for Drive to jumped forward and stop his momentum and slam his knee into the other side of his ribcage at the same time.

Drive then pressed on as he punched with his left hitting Iron across the face. Drive then added on as he spun and landed a reverse roundhouse to the same spot sending Iron spinning as he felt back and hit the ground. Iron groaned as he rolled to his back and used his arms strength to backflip to his feet.

The two then charged at each other as they swung a right punch at the same time hitting the other in the chest. This knocked both of them back a step before Drive blocked a left swing from Iron using his right arm. Drive then swung his left leg hitting Iron's side making the Roidmude take a step back.

Iron raised his arms and roared in anger but before he could charge his back was pelted by violet energy bolts making sparks fly off his back. Iron stumbled in shock as he turned to see Twilight who got everyone to safety. Before Iron could retaliate he felt a fist hit him from the other side as Drive's left fist was planted against his face. Drive then grabbed Iron's right arm before he kicked the Roidmude's shin from behind making him fall to his knees. Drive then jumped a step to the right before he spun and slammed his right leg into Iron's face with enough force to send the Roidmude flipping through the air.

Twilight shot her hands forward as she fired a single bolt of violet energy that covered Iron's body. She raised her arms raising Iron into the air before she swung them down slamming him into the ground hard. She then raised him up again before she swung both her arms to the left. This sent Iron flying through the air before the aura stopped and Iron was left to Gravity's effect. So the Roidmude fell and skipped across the ground a few times before stopping.

Iron got up with a groan before Drive charged at him. Iron did the same as he swung high only for Drive to duck under his swing and roll right past the Monster. Iron turned to face Drive, the Roidmude's arms were covered by purple data he condensed into his hands before he began to fire like a machine gun of virtual energy. Drive backflipped away letting the blasts hit the ground, the warrior then jumped and twisted his body and swung his right leg creating a tire mark in the air that caused several of the blasts to explode before they could hit him. Iron was then pelted from behind by a bolt of violet energy making him turn to face Twilight.

Iron growled as he aimed his hands at her and fired the same barrage of virtual energy bolts only for Twilight to hold her arms up and form a circular shaped barrier that let all the energy bolt shit it and slowly be absorbed. Twilight grunted as she condensed the combined energy into one large sphere she slowly condensed down in between her arms to the size of a volleyball. Twilight grunted again as she shot her arms forward sending the ball of energy flying at Iron like a bullet letting it impact and cause a large explosion as sparks ripped off the monster's chest and sent him skidding back across the ground.

"Hah…..hah…." Twilight panted as she fell to her knees exhausted. Using her new abilities was very taxing on her already low stamina as evident by her exhaustion, it did not help she was overexerting herself by helping all those people earlier.

"Twilight." Drive called out as he blurred up next to her and caught her. "You did good helping those people."

"Tha...thank you…" she breathed out. "Shinnosuke...you need to stop it and soon." she panted as Iron got back up his chest smoking.

"Right, you relax." Drive said as he helped her stand. "Belt-san and I can handle it from here."

=Don't worry Twilight...we are more than capable from this point on. It is the final stretch."

"Ikuze Belt-san!" Drive shouted flicking his wrist as he ran forward.

Iron saw this and charged at the same time. Both fighters jumped and swung their fists hitting the other as they passed one another. Iron then swung a backhanded strike with his right arm only for Drive to block with his left forearm. Drive then grabbed IRon's arm with a strong grip.

"I won't let you harm innocent people any more!" Drive stated his eyes lighting up before he tossed Iron away towards the columns.

Iron punched at Drive who blocked it with his right arm before slamming a left jab to Iron's chest making sparks fly from the impact. Iron swung a large right swing only for Drive to duck under it and slam his left fist into Iron's chest again making sparks fly from the sheer impact to his metal skin. Iron stumbled back because of this. Drive then raised his left leg and kicked Iron away giving him some breathing room before he twisted the key and lifted the shift car three times.


Drive raised his arms and held two Shuriken of purple light. Drive swung both the two hitting and exploding on impact with Iron's chest sending the Roidmude stumbling back. Iron stumbled back even more from each hit as sparks rained from each impact. Drive tossed a third that spun around a column before it hit Iron making him fall back and land on his side.

(End song)

"Grr…." Iron growled standing up his arms began to glow with purple digital energy before they extended out more than doubling his reach.

Iron charged as he swung the fist barely missing as Drive took a step back to avoid it. But Iron's left swing hit Drive's chest the impact making sparks fly from the impact. Drive groaned in pain but was able to block a right swing making him stagger a step to the right. Iron then swung with his left with all his force only for Drive to duck under it, as Drive turned to face Iron, the Roidmude used his momentum from his left hook punch to swing his right arm in a backhanded strike that hit Drive in the chest making sparks fly before he was sent flying through the air. Before he hit the ground rolling across it.

"Shinnosuke!" Twilight shouted seeing this.

"He really is on a completely different level from the other time…" Drive groaned pushing himself up.

=You need to restrict his movements.= Krim advised.

"Restrict his movements...I know just the guy." Drive replied as everyone heard a police siren. "Oh here he comes."

A Shift car road formed as a sign on it read Emergency Vehicle entrance. Hunter ran across the road as it formed under Iron's own legs. Iron swung like an idiot but missed as Hunter went under his legs making the Roidmude trip and flip over himself and land on his rear.

Hunter then jumped as Drive caught the shift car.

"Having a patrol car for back up is a major relief." Drive chuckled as he held the shift car up. "Okay Hunter; Hitoppashiri Tsukiaeyo." he stated happily as he twisted the back of the Shift car. He then inserted it before moving his arm to twist the key on the Drive Driver. He then shifted the car up.

Tridoron's front left tire pulled in as energy formed into a red colored tire with silver bars along it, it also had something else attached to it. It looked to be a grill plate to a car with horizontal bars, with two handles on the left and right side, and it slightly resembles prison bars as well.


With that the Tire flew into the air and around Drive. It's grill plate then flew off and into Drive's right hand it's wight bring his arm down for a second before the tire slammed into place as the screen changed into a Police star badge with bars in the center as police sirens blared from the Drive Driver.

Drive lifted the grill plate up in confusion as he looked through it's bars. As he did he noticed Iron charging at him. Drive used the grill as a shield to block a punch his arms holding out and deflecting the force of the blow. He then blocked a left punch before pushing it forward hitting Iron's face making him stumble back a step. Drive then jumped up lifting the grill into the air before swinging it down slamming the back of Iron's head making the Roidmude groan in pain as it stumbled back from the pain, trying to rub the spot with his elongated hands.

Drive looked at the grill and back at Iron a few times. His new tire seemed to boost his strength the most so far but...this weapon.

"Is...this it?" Drive asked looking at his weapon more.

"Ah...I'm not even sure what to make of that…" Twilight sighed seeing Drive bash Iron with the cage like device.

Drive raised his weapon up and blocked a downward swing from IRon. Drive then spun around Iron and slammed it into his back. Iron stumbled forward from the blow. Drive pressed on and punched Iron across the face making him stumble back more. Drive then spun on his legs again before slamming the cage like weapon into Iron's face, Drive then swung a kick to Iron's waist making him roan in pain. Drive then tossed the makeshift weapon into the air before he grabbed Iron's head pulling him closer. Drive then punched the Roidmude once in the face before again in the chest, he then spun Iron around in a half circle so they changed positions. Iron got his bearings back for a second before the iron cage fell and slammed into his head making Iron groan and hold it in pain as Drive caught his weapon.

Drive spun on his leg held the cage by one handle in his left hand, as he did he slammed the cage upside Iron's head making the Roidmude stumble back again. Drive did not stop as he grabbed the other handle with his right and slammed the cage forward hitting Iron in the abdomen making the monster lurch forward. Drive lowered the cage flipping it between his fingers before he swung it up and hit the Roidmude in the face making it stumble back from the blow. Drive then flipped the cage around before holding it behind his back as he moved his legs around dancing a jig. He then jumped around Iron's left side before he swung the cage swatting the monster's rear sending it flying forward across the ground. Iron slowly got back up groaning in pain from these insane attacks.

"HA!" Drive shouted as he swung diagonally upward with a backhand swing hitting Iron's head and sending him flying across the ground for a second before coming to a stop and hitting the floor. Drive then tossed the weapon like a frisbee as it flew through the air. Drive twisted the key and shifted hunter three times.


The Cage began spinning over IRon and growing as it did. Once it's sized dwarfed the Roidmude it began to expel bars from it's frame that stabbed into the ground around Iron and formed a cage as the weapon formed a roof.

Iron roared and punched to get himself free of these bars but as he did a large bolt of electricity came off it. THe shock surged all over his body causing sparks to fly. Iron then slumped his shoulders his so called perfect body now feeling exhausted. His body exhausting its energy, his synthetic body demanding rest to recover the energy lost from this ba...no this beating.

Iron looked in anger at Drive. How could someone like this stop him. His body was perfect...so why? WHY!? Why would he lose...how could he lose? Wait...was this...no it couldn't be. Is this...person...is this man...is this warrior? Is he the one from six months ago...or is he a…?

Drive twisted the key one more time before he pressed that lucky red button. As he did the symbol on his shift lever/car lit up and projected outwards.


Drive then held his arm forward before grabbing the shift car and lifting it upwards. Making the screen change from the speedometer to Go, then he R symbol and back to the Hunter symbol of a star/cage.


Drive leaned down as two tires formed to his left and right. He shouted as they closed in and began spinning sending Drive flying across the ground his feet seeming to move him across it almost as if his feet had tires. A second pair of tires formed just in front of the cage only they spun in a way that shot Drive up into the air. As Drive went up into the air another pair formed at an angle making Drive zoom back across the sky as another pair shot him forward, another angled pair shooting him diagonally towards the ground a last pair forming sending Drive straight down and into the very first pair of tires that were spinning even faster.

Drive hit the tires as the catapulted him forward even faster. Drive reared his right arm back as a red aura of light formed around his fist; all the while his tire spinning and his eyes glowing brighter and brighter like the headlights of a car with Iron trapped within their field of vision. Iron could only look in shock as the cage formed. Drive skidded across the ground sparks flying from it actually leaving skid marks in the ground from his feet; he swung with all his might hitting Iron right in the center of his torso a bright red light coming from the impact.

Drive zoomed past Iron as a red hole formed in his body. Drive skidded to a stop as Iron turned to face Drive.

"It...can't be...you're a Kamen Rider!?" Iron shouted loudly that it was heard all over the campus.

"Kamen Rider?" Drive asked as he turned to face the monster as the hole began to spread cracks all over the metallic body.

Iron's body could not hold out any longer. He suffered so much damage to his metallic armor...his internal circuits and gears were all damaged or broken, his own body's energy sources his core was even damaged by that attack. Iron's body cut out letting its own internal energy overload and cause him to exploded in a large plume of fire and smoke with a scream of pain being the last thing his voice said. His 029 core floating up from the flames it was fizzling and sparking as it did. Cracking in a place or two.

"Looks I finally finished my first battle Belt-san." Drive chuckled putting a hand on his hip.

=Indeed, good work Shinnosuke, you and Twilight did well. But our battle continues, the Roidmude are numbered in 108.= Krim began before 029 exploded violently. =No after this fight it is 102.=

Drive nodded as Tridoron drove up next to him, it's doors opening for its two occupants to get in. Twilight walked over to Drive who chuckled as he held her door open for her letting her get in before he closed it. Drive then ran around and jumped into the driver's seat before shutting it; Tridoron roared to life as it unleashed a surge of energy that seemed to cancel out the Density shift letting everyone move. The Red Tridoron then drove off just as the Density Shift ended.

Halfway across town Heart and Brain were walking down the road before they felt the Density shift ending, and reverted to their human forms. Just as everyone could freely walk once again.

"Looks like we won't be meeting our new friend." Heart sighed an obvious tone of disappointment mixed with sorrow. To Heart this was a tragedy to lose a friend so suddenly like this.

"Impossible...who could have destroyed a Roidmude with that much overwhelming power?!" Brain demanded as he pulled out a dull green handkerchief and used it to blot some beads of sweat that formed on his head from the utter disbelief.

Heart chuckled; not out of amusement, but out of a sense of irony. To think after all this time a new one was endangering his comrades once again.

"Really Brain...you can't think of one?" Heart asked gripping his fist tightly in anger. His voice growling slightly, his anger even seemed to cause the temperature around them to shoot up about 10 degrees.

The two then heard the sound of a motorcycle's engine. Both looked to see biker riding in on a customised Honda NM4 motorcycle. IT was painted black with purple flame like streaks along the front and the back. The very top of the bikes had a silver ornament that resembled a tomb stone with a large black gun metal skull in the center, with the tombstone part having segments of metal that made the image of skeletal wings. The Backrest also had a second skull image on the back.

It's Rider was dressed in purple leather, consisting of tight pants, with black boots at the bottom. His belt was purple with studs and some in X shapes, with chains hanging off his right waist connected to several of the studs. He wore a jacket that was purple leather with it had two pockets on his sides and it's breast was made of with an asymmetrical design, with multiple different studs all over the front and four rows of chains across the front of his torso; his collar was large and turtle neck like as each of his shoulders were padded. He also had bracelets on his arms studded with black gems and crosses, while his right index finger had a gun metal ring in the shape of a skull with wings along the side.

The rider pulled the brake as he stopped his bike. He dismounted the machine as it turned off by itself. The man pulled off his helmet revealing his black hair that fell around his head and covered his ears and his handsome looking face. His eyes flashed a dull purple for a second as he placed his helmet down on his machine.

This man was the Roidmude's secret weapon. Their Enforcer, their protector, and their bogeyman. His name is Chase.

"Who do I have to defeat this time?" the man asked with no emotion to his deep gravely voice. Heart smirked as Brain nodded to his friend understanding why he was confident now.

"Welcome Chase." Heart smiled as Chase made his way up to the two commanders.

The next day the entire school was in a mad buzz. All the students could talk about was the monster that arrived and the Red armored hero who fought it off. No one knew what happened or what force moved them away from the fight for that matter. All they noticed was the warrior and the monster fighting each other...then their bodies were moved by an unseen force away from the courtyard.

But everyone heard a name shouted to the heavens from that monster as it was killed. Kamen Rider! And so everyone was calling it Kamen Rider fever in an ironic way. those who could drew pictures of the so called Kamen Rider best they could...many of the better ones for some reason not including the tire. Many people who saw it spread the word of this and it became a big hot topic discussion for the school.

"Man I wish I saw this Kamen Rider…" one boy groaned.

"Dude you should have seen it, I only saw him for a moment but man was he awesome!" his friend gloated.

"Man you sound so lucky." his friend replied.

"He sounds so cool" one girl said dreamily as pictures or more accurately drawings of the Kamen Rider were posted around the school. For some reason anyone with phones out had their memories of the last hour erased as did all the security cameras. Like someone had put a magnet up to them.

"I know like that hero who saves the damsel in distress." another girl added.

"I here he saved everyone during that monster attack and even saved the Student Council president personally." A third girl stated.

"Wow~!" the girls all said in unison at that.

"Woo~! Kamen Rider~" Pinkie cheered loudly to a group of students.

"Kamen Rider...Kamen Rider...I helped too…" Twilight groaned she and Shinnosuke watching from the second floor balcony.

"Heh...i know Twilight…" Shinnosuke chuckled as he patted her shoulder. "You did great by the way...I don't think we could have stopped that thing without you."

=Indeed, had you not moved all those kids and helped counter his energy attacks, then we would have been in trouble.= Krim spoke from the Type speed shift car in Shinnosuke's shoulder.

"I know...and thanks guys." she sighed as her lips curved into a smile. "Still I wish I got some recognition for helping...this must just be going to your head huh Shinnosuke?"

"No clue what you mean." Shinnosuke chuckled as he waved a Go Kamen Rider flag he got from Pinkie.

"Hah…" Twilight sighed annoyance coming back.

"Hey, I'm the one who should be annoyed I'm loved and can't even do anything about it." Shinnosuke added.

=It can't be helped, we can't let our secret be known to the public, if they knew of my technology and the Roidmude who knows the lengths governments would go to just to steal it and use it for awful things.= Krim said seriously.

"I know Belt-san…" Shinnosuke sighed and nodded in agreement.

"Yeah...he has a point...I guess for now we can do this whole secret identity thing." Twilight added. She agreed fully with Krim. It be many levels of bad if any government where to get hands on his technology.

=Though...I must admit I like the sound of that.= Krim said suddenly making the two teenagers look at the talking red shift car. =Kamen Rider: Drive~!= he said dramatically.

"Hehehe...yeah it does have a nice sound to it." Shinnosuke chuckled.

"It's sounds cool I guess." Twilight countered with a smirk trying to ruin their fun. "Lets get to class, I'd like to forget how much attention You two are getting."

"Whatever you say mom." Shinnosuke joked only to get elbowed in the gut making him grunt in pain as the air left his lungs. "Ooph...good hit...buddy." he grunted holding the spot he got elbowed.

"Should have kept your mouth shut then." she smirked as she started walking.

=Life lesson number one Shinnosuke: Never taunt the annoyed woman, it leads to much suffering.= Krim said dryly.

Comments ( 2 )

I have to tell Nocturnis about this!

To quote a great cake maker - SUBARASHI~!
I eagerly await a new update, though there was some points of homophonic mistakes (eg: "blue" when you meant "blew") and the shift key holding for a fraction too long ("IT" being common when you have "It/It's" at the start of a sentence).

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