• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 2,127 Views, 22 Comments

The Many Lives of Twilight Sparkle - Drax

Alicorns don't die, it's as simple as that, and Celestia knows it. So when her former student is on her very last legs, there's only one possible solution

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Dawn 2

Dawn 2

Everyone hates Twilight Sparkle. It was a little known fact of Ponyville life, and one that Twilight herself had come to accept a long time ago. Maybe it was the fact she was born with her cutie mark already, or maybe it was how smart she was. Whatever the reason though, the problem weighed on her mind as she fled as fast as her hooves could carry her from the local school house.

She wouldn’t stop, couldn’t stop until she got home. If she let up for even a moment, Orchard and his gang might catch up with her, and if that happened they’d break her wings again. Then she’d have to explain what had happened to her sister, and if this was anything like last time, the small purple filly shivered. Her wings working them into a frenzy, as they tried to propel her forward, even if they couldn’t quite lift her off the ground yet.

She could try asking some of the other adults for help, but they’d just ignore her. Some of them even goaded on their kids, and Twilight couldn’t really understand why. They all looked at her like she was some sort of freak, but if she could just get home her big sister would protect her. No one messed with the town librarian, and the last pony that tried still hadn’t woken up.

“Heck,” she thought, “Maybe I didn’t even need to go that far.” If she could get to Sugar Cube Corner the cakes might let her in. The Cake Twins didn’t like any rough housing in their shop, so they might kick Orchard out if he tried anything. Then again they might kick out Twilight just as fast. They tried to be nice any time she came around, but when they didn’t think she was looking they looked at her the same way anyone else in town did.

“There she is!” Twilight came to a screeching halt. Blocking her path was a green colt with a dull yellow mane, Orchard. Flanked left and right by his two goons, Dusty Gust and Cherry Pie. Twilight wasn’t sure how these idiots had gotten ahead of her. She’d bolted from Mr. Stone’s class before the trio had even left their seats. But looking at their angry muzzles blocking her path, she wasn’t going to stick around to ask.

Banking right she rushed towards the woods diving head first into the brush as the sound of her tormentor’s hoofsteps followed not far behind her, motivating her to pick up the pace. Weaving in and out of trees and over logs. She didn’t stop when branches slashed across her face and body, or when she felt twigs break and snag against her still beating wings. It had been a while since Orchard had managed to catch her, and all that pent up aggression meant that they might not stop at just a beating if they caught her.

Twilight could just imagine her lifeless body, bound in a sack and being heaved into the closest river. And the worse part, was she couldn’t imagine anyone saying anything about it, maybe her sister, but she doubled there’d be much of a fuss from anyone else. The young alicorn flinched away tears. Which turned out to be a big mistake as she tripped over something in her path and was sent tumbling headfirst into a pony in a wheel chair. Sending both of them spiraling to the hard ground below.

Twilight scrambled to her feet, rubbing her head all the way. She looked at what had tripped her and balked, her fur practically turning a strange shade of whitish-purple as she locked onto the ponies cutie mark. It was an apple; she was on Sweet Apple Acres property. She might as well have walked right up to Orchard’s front door and laid down for her beating. She had no idea how to navigate this place, and who knows what Orchard or anyone else might do if they found her here.

Twilight started to panic. “I need to get out of here. I need—“

“There you are.” Twilight turned her head to stare at Orchard. The Earth pony was out of breath, and looked just as bad as Twilight felt the moment, but somehow he’d caught up to her. He’d lost both Gust and Cherry along the way—probably too tired to continue, or just didn’t feel like chasing her anymore. Fueled by pure hate and determination though, their leader had managed to hunt her down.

The colt narrowed his eyes at her, crouching low to the ground as he readied his whole body to pounce on her and give her the beating of a life time. And then he stopped, something else had caught his eye, turning all of the rage boiling in his body into pure shock. Instead of clobbering her right then and there, he ran past her, over to the old mare she’d knocked down earlier. “Grandma Bloom,” he cried, “Are you okay?”

Twilight stared at the older red maned mare, her eyes widening as comprehension dawned on her. This was Apple Bloom. The head of the Apple family here in Ponyville, and she’d just head-butted her out of her wheel chair. If Orchard didn’t want to kill her before he would now that she’d basically just assaulted his grandma.

Orchard reached out his hoof trying to help his grandmother to her hooves. But she just waved him away. “I’m fine, I’m fine,” she called out. “Don’t know why everyone’s concerned so much about me lately. I’m still not as old as my Granny was when she passed, and I can still walk.” Just to prove it the cream colored mare somewhat shakily picked herself up off the ground. Giving herself a light dusting with her hoof she spoke, “The only reason I’m in that blasted thing is because your Mamma won’t let me leave the house without it.”

Orchard chuckled at his grandma’s joke, the very first Twilight had seen from him that wasn’t directed at something she’d done. This was no time to marvel at her tormentor’s show of emotions though. Using this as a distraction, Twilight slowly start to back her way towards the brush she’d come barreling out of. She’d just back away a bit and then make a break for it.

“Hold it, you.” Twilight froze. Applebloom was glaring down on her. Her attempt at a quick escape hadn’t gone unnoticed. “I believe you owe me an apology.” The old apple huffed.

Twilight fumbled to gather her words. “I-I just-I didn’t know where I was going and-and I was scared and he was chasing me.” Twilight pointed an accusing hoof at Orchard. The jerk had been hiding behind his grandmother, watching and smiling as she got scolded.

That smile quickly turned into a frown as AppleBloom’s fierce gaze found a new subject to torture. Or at least that’s what Twilight was hoping would happen. Instead, the apple matriarch did a quick scan of both Twilight and her grandson and then shook her head with a sigh. “You’ve been listening to your Daddy haven’t you?” She questioned her grandson, letting out a small scoff when he nodded his head in response. “Filling your head with all kinds of nonsense.”

Orchard started to protest, “But Granny, she’s-“

The old mare stomped her hoof a lot more forcefully anypony could expect from a pony her age. It was definitely more than either Twilight or Orchard were expecting, and it was enough to make them both stand a bit straighter in this fierce mare’s presence. “I know who she is.” Apple Bloom barked. “But that’s no excuse for the way I can only guess you’ve been acting. Now apologize and we can get the both of you fixed up at the house.”

Staring at the ground, Orchard muttered a quick and forced, “Sorry” causing Apple Bloom to shake her head again. “I guess that’s about as good as we’re going to get out of you isn’t it?” Orchard blushed, but didn’t lift his gaze from where it had locked in on his hooves or reply. “If that’s the case then you can grab my chair, and wheel it back for us.”

And with that Apple Bloom walked off, Twilight hot on her heels, trying not to chuckle at Orchards shocked expression. Hearing his unhappy grumbling was one of the few comforts she had as their little group walked silently past acre after acre of apple trees. But that was fine to her, she was used to this sort of silence from the ponies around her. So much so that she’d come to enjoy it to some extent. Just Twilight Sparkle and her thoughts alone against the world.

So she didn’t argue when she was led deeper and deeper into the Apple homestead. She didn’t murmur to herself as she was ushered past fields of other crops and into a quaint home made to look like. And even though she had a question digging at her in the back of her mind, she didn’t ask it when Apple Bloom motioned for her sit down on a purple sofa, while she sent Orchard off to get the first aid kit.

Twilight shuffled in her seat, not because it was uncomfortable, but because the old mare had found a seat right across from her on the floor and was burrowing holes two feet deep into Twilight with her eyes. She was waiting for something from her, but a nervous Twilight directed her gaze around the room, she was sitting in. It was nice enough, the ancient apple homestead had been taken care of by its inhabitants keeping it clean and well preserved. Even though, the Apples were decently wealthy there were few signs of it anywhere around her. Everything was designed in amore rustic fashion that she doubted had changed since it was first built during Ponyville’s founding.

“Well?” Apple Bloom spoke up, knocking Twilight out of her own head, and back into her present situation. “Come on, Ms. Smarty Pants. I know you have some questions for me, so spill it already.”

“I-uhm,” Twilight wasn’t really sure what to say, this was a lot more blunt then she was used to from the ponies around her. Her eyes drifted down to her hooves, and conveniently decidd to stay there. It was better than staring at Apple Bloom’s expectant eyes, waiting for her to do who knows what. “I don’t really have a lot of questions, I-I just want to know why you saved me?”

Apple Blooms eyes widened as something began to dawn on her. “Your big sister didn’t send you here did she?” The filly in front of her shook her head. “Yeah,” she sighed running a hoof through her mane, “Figures. To answer the question though, I saved you for two reasons. One, is because it was just the right thing to do.” A look of pride etched its way onto Apple Bloom’s face as she glanced over at a picture of an orange pony with a hat on her head, “We Apples have always held our integrity above most else. Even if things have declined quite a bit recently.” She added once she saw Twilight pointing a hoof upstairs where her serial tormentor had disappeared to.

“Don’t blame Orchard too much. He looks up to his father more than he probably should, and that fools always ranting about how those idiots up in Canterlot aren’t treating us right, and—well that ties into the second reason I brought you along. Because you see, Missy, it’s about time you and I had a chat.”

Twilight straightened up in her seat. “About what?” She questioned. Applebloom had been expecting her to show up at some point? The more she tried to rack her brain for something the she might want, the lessthis situation made sense. “Maybe she wants to talk more about Orchard.” She thought, but even that didn’t sit quite right.

“Well,” Apple Bloom cocked her head to the side slightly, giving the smile of someone who knows more then she’s letting on “That depends. There’s a lot to go over for just today, and I’m not sure all of it is appropriate for a filly your age to hear.” Apple Bloom chuckled at the filly’s blank expression. “But I don’t plan on doing all the talking here. I know you said you only had one question, but I’m sure you can stir a couple more don’t you think.”

“But what about-” She indicated upstairs again, but Apple Bloom just waved her off.

“Don’t worry about him. That kit is buried under I don’t know how much junk. It’ll be a while before he can find it. So as long as you don’t mind a few scratches and such we can talk. So go ahead, ask away. And depending on what you ask I’ll give you a straight answer.”

Twilight’s brow furrowed. There was only one question she wanted to ask, but she afraid of the answer. Apple Bloom was looking at her as if she already knew what she was going to ask though and that petrified her. It also filled her with a strange sense of confidence. She was sitting with the oldest pony in Ponyville, if anyone could give her an answer it was Apple Bloom.

“Why does everypony hate me?”

Apple Bloom didn’t hesitate to reach out and lay a hoof on the young filly’s head. “Ah, Sweetheart, we don’t hate you. A lot of ponies here just hate what you represent.” Seeing that her young guest was no less confused, Apple Bloom began to clarify. “To a lot of ponies here, you remind them exactly where they stand on the totem pole and how far they’ve fallen in the past decade or two. You see,” she continued. “This town isn’t exactly in the best shape right now, which is strange to say, because even when I was a filly, something was always happening here in Ponyville. Now though, this place is on the fast track to becoming a dead town.”

Apple Bloom bit her lip, unsure if she should really say the next part of the conversation. But some part of her slowly began to relent, and eventually she let out a deep sigh and said. “But most of all you remind them of your mamma.”

Twilight visibly stiffened under Apple Bloom’s hoof. Her sister Sunset never talked about their parents. She knew she had some, just like everypony else had some, but she’d never seen so much as a photo of them. Twilight gulped, “Was-was she a bad pony.”

Seeing the alarm in the purple filly’s eyes, Apple Bloom back peddled. “Oh, no, no, no, in fact she was probably the greatest pony I’ve ever met. She was a hero just like her friend, my big sister” The old Apple leaned a bit closer, smiling wide, “But more than that she was a queen.”

“What’s a queen?” asked Twilight. “Is it anything like a princess?”

Apple Bloom snorted, “Yeah, but only about a hundred times better.” Another smile split across Apple Bloom’s face, but she couldn’t help it. It was just too adorable watching the little purple pony try to take in the idea off something better then Princess Celesta or Luna.

“Your momma ruled over all of Ponyville, The Everfree forest and quite a bit of the surrounding land, all of which was originally apart of Equestria. Under her rule we all prospered here. She was pushing Ponyville forward into- well I’m not so certain. The only one who could really tell you is her, and I’m not even sure she knew what she was doing all of the time, but it seemed to work.”

Memories flashed through Apple Blooms mind of late nights spent in the depths of a castle, doing whatever experiments a certain eccentric queen had cooked up during her meetings with foreign nobles. Random explosions coupled with screams to bring the fire extinguisher brought a smile to her muzzle. A smile that disappeared when she thought about how it had all come crashing down.

“When she died, Princess Celestia came and took it all back in the name of Equestria.” Apple Bloom watched as the little filly’s look of wonder turned into one of astonishment. “Almost all of the progress she had made was set back years, and the projects she had been working on were moved to bigger cities like Canterlot and Phillydelphia. Meanwhile, Ponyville was left alone to its own devices. With most ponies choosing to forget we did anything at all.”

Twilight nodded along, trying to wrap her head around everything she was being told. “But I don’t see what that has to do with me.” She insisted.

“Well, like I said, you represent a lot of the bad things that have happened since your mom died.” Seeing the purple filly open her muzzle to ask another question, Apple Bloom decided to cut off this line of questioning. “Don’t ask me why, you just do. Now do you have anything else you wanna ask?”

Choosing to list that as one of the things Apple Bloom would tell her when she was older. Twilight licked her lips trying to think of something else she could ask. “Oh,” her eyes widened as something popped into her head. “Why haven’t I seen you around Ponyville before now?”

Apple Bloom chuckled again. “Oh, that’s an easy one. I can’t leave Sweet Apple Acres.”


“Yep, there’s magic set up all around the perimeter of this place. What Unicorn’s call wards. Anyone else can come and go as they please, but the moment I try to step one hoof off of the property, I come face to face with a wall of pure magic. Same goes for trying to fly over or dig under it. I’m stuck here.”

“Why?” Twilight was confused. For some pony who was a prisoner in her own home Apple Bloom seemed surprisingly upbeat about the fact.

“Well,” Apple Bloom shrugged. “When we went back to being a part of Equestria, you can bet none of us were happy about it. Some of us fought to be independent again, arguing with Celestia in her court, marching through the streets of Canterlot demanding to be let go.” She huffed sitting back down onto her haunches. “Not that it did any good. But not all of those demonstrations ended peacefully or were peaceful to begin with might I add.”

So if you ask any of those snooty ponies up in Canterlot about me, the first thing they’ll probably tell you is that I’m a terrorist. But if you go to the court room and look up my case number, I’ll be listed as a—and I quote—‘Political prisoner’.” She rolled her eyes at the statement, “Which is just a fancy term for locking up ponies that don’t agree with you. And boy did I not agree.” She let loose another chuckle. Images of a certain spit fire of a younger mare standing on the steps of town hall, shouting at the top of her lungs, trying to convince ponies who’d given up that they could still win brought a certain warmth back to her old bones.

A warmth that was immediately sucked out of the room as her grandson and his foul mood came traipsing down the stairs. His head low and the first aid kit clenched between his teeth. Orchard stomped over to them, placing the kit in front of his grandmother with a sullen, “Here,” and then crawled his way onto the couch to receive treatment. Making sure he was as far removed from Twilight as ponally possible, to the point where it looked as if he was smashing himself into the armrest trying to break it.

“Stop it, Orchard.” said Apple Bloom as she began open up the kit and root throughout the mess of pills and instructions for old herbal remedies eventually pulling out some gauze and rubbing alcohol. The young filly and colt watched in abject horror as the older poured a little more than necessary onto the white piece of cloth, and they realized the truth.

This was going to really, really hurt.

Twilight hissed as the wet cloth made contact with one of the larger cuts on her cheek. She tried to jerk her head away from the pain, but a well-placed hoof kept her staring forward. “Just hold still, Darling.” Said Apple Bloom as she started to dab away at the cut. “I’ll try to make this quick, but you two really did a number on yourselves.” True to her word, Apple Bloom went through cleaning all of Twilight’s wounds as fast as possible. But she was also excruciatingly thorough with her cleaning, finding every minor scratch and cut on her body, paying extra attention to the gash running down her side.

Apple Bloom insisted that it was only skin deep, but that didn’t stop Twilight from biting down on her tongue as Apple Bloom worked on it. She refused to cry out in front of Orchard. No matter, how much he snickered at the faces she made, and she wanted to scream at him to “Shut up.”

Finally, after what felt like an hour’s worth of suffering and small heap of red cloth lying on the floor, Apple Bloom began to wet a cloth for her grandson, who looked less then pleased to receive a repeat performance of the same treatment he’d just witnessed. “You don’t mind taking care of your wings on your own do you, Darling? I know just how sensitive you Pegasus can get when somepony messes with their wings.

Twilight didn’t answer. She was afraid that if she opened her mouth, her voice would give away exactly how much everything stung. Instead, she nodded and silently got to work picking at the stray twigs that had caught in her right wing. A task that was made a lot harder, by her eyes constantly drifting over to Orchard. Watching him cringe and grunt under his grandmother’s hoof was strangely amusing. And it’s not easy to pick and straighten feathers when you can’t stop smiling, no matter how hard somepony’s glaring at you.

“Do you think I can change things?” Asked Twilight Right before she had to pluck a particularly jagged feather that had broken earlier. Apple Bloom stopped torturing orchard to look at the purple filly. “I mean-when I’m older do you think I could do something? Maybe I could talk to Princess Celestia, and convince her to put everything back the way it was.”

Apple Bloom smiled, “That’s what I’m hoping for Sugar Cube. I wouldn’t count on it, though, when your Momma died your sister tried everything she could to convince Celestia to let her take over the throne, but it didn’t work. You might be able to change things though.”

Twilight blinked, “But I don’t get it, if my sister couldn’t do anything then what…”

Apple Bloom held a hoof up to her lips, “But you’re not your sister, are you?” She smiled in that knowing way that let Twilight know there was something she was holding back. “Let’s just say your special Sweetheart and leave it at that.” Twilight frowned, but nodded, letting Apple Bloom go back to tending to her grandson.

It was silent after that, even Orchard’s cries of pain had dimmed significantly. Twilight was no longer laughing at him. Instead she was more focused on what his grandmother had said. How Celestia had taken over Ponyville and how she expected Twilight to be able to do something. It all just seemed so out of her league.

Finally, after or a moment or two more of whimpering from Orchard, Apple Bloom announced she was “Done” and Twilight looked over to see a semi-mummified pony sitting where Orchard had been. She tried not to laugh, but the sight of bandages covering a good portion of Orchard’s face was just too hilarious. If this had been anyone else, it probably would have been pitiful, but after years of putting her in similar situations, the irony was beautiful.

“Twilight’s lucky,” said Apple Bloom as she started place her medical supplies back where she’d gotten them. “She’s a might smaller then you are, so she managed to squeeze past most of those bushes we have out there. But you on the otherhoof are just big enough, that smashing your way through the woods can do some serious damage if you’re not careful.” She waved an accusatory hoof at her grandson as she slammed closed the first-aid kit. Orchard blushed, his head bent as he stared down at his hooves to avoid another accusatory glance from his grandmother.

It wasn’t for long though, as all three ponies jumped to attention at the sound of a door slamming shut. Twilight watched as both of the Apple’s eyes widened at the sound of angry muttering, coming from the kitchen. “Dammnit,” hissed Apple Bloom. “He’s back from Canterlot earlier than I expected.” She turned to her grandson, motioning towards Twilight “Orchard, get her out of here. We can’t let your Pa see her, so take her out the back way. After that I’m counting on you to make sure she gets home alright.”

Orchard pursed his lips and looked away. He wasn’t happy about any of this, especially lying to his Pa. But if it was for Granny he’d do it. After a moment or two he looked up with eyes filled with determination and nodded.

“Momma, those bastards are going through with it.” Came a deep gruff voice from the kitchen.

“Go,” hissed Apple Bloom, as she pushed both the filly and the colt off the couch and towards the back door. Pulling it open, she nudged the pair out the door and onto the porch, slamming it shut behind them.

As soon as they were out though, they began to listen in as a stream of hoofsteps entered the room they’d just left. “They’re building it, Momma. They’re building it and guess who’s paying for it?”

“Quiet,” signaled Orchard and Twilight obliged. She didn’t know a lot about Orchard’s father Cortland, but she knew enough to know to steer clear of him. He hated her enough to have Orchard beat her up on a daily basis, and he was high up in Canterlot to the point he had attended meetings with the Princesses.

“Those horses think that ever since their glorious princess took Ponyville back for Equestria that we’re their personal servants. And this new track for the train is just the tip of the ice berg for what they’ve got planned.”

The young eavesdroppers could practically hear the gears turning in Apple Bloom’s head as she tried to come up with a response to pacify her son. “Don’t worry too much about the track, Cort. We’ll figure out a way to pay for it, and come out clean when it’s all over. It’s what we’ve always done here in Ponyville.

“What we need right now is for you to get back up there, and fight those snooty, stuck up, rich foals. We may be able to take a lot, but even Ponyville has its limits. If things are as bad as you say, then we can’t give them even an inch.” Apple Blom’s voice was stern but practiced. She’d been rehearsing this talk for quite a while apparently

The sound of a hoof crashing through wood, caused Twilight to let out a yelp. She sent a questioning look towards Orchard, but he didn’t look shaken in the slightest. He’d heard this argument before, and all his attention was trained on the door.

Twilight could hear Cortland breathing in and out trying to regain his calm. “I’m-I’m sorry, Momma, I’ll fix that later. But you can only yell at a tree so long before you realize it doesn’t have ears.” He pleaded. “If this town is going to survive what Canterlot has planned for it we need to take more drastic measures.”

Twilight didn’t like the sound of these “drastic measures” whatever they might be. Apparently, neither did Orchard, because the moment he’d heard his father say it, he began to try and pull Twilight away from the doorway.

“Come on,” he begged, as he tugged harder, trying to move her, but to little avail. Twilight was frozen still, listening to the scene play out inside the house.

“Just one, Momma. Just one,” pleaded Cortland, “And we show those snobs up in Canterlot that they can’t fuck with us.”

Twilight flinched at the sound of another hoof stomping on the ground. “I told you to head back to Canterlot and hold back the fort!” Screamed Apple Bloom followed by a deep sigh Dammit, Cort, if you’ll just wait a little while we can fix this. But the way you’re going about things will get us all killed.” Twilight didn’t want to hear any more. Her eyes shut, she finally gave in to Orchard’s ministrations and let her self be led away.

They rounded the house, and began following the dirt path that Twilight could only assume led back into town. Orchard eyes front and center as he led them down the path. Twilight, trailing behind, her head hung low heavy with the knowledge she’d just acquired.

“Are you really going to change things?” Twilight lifted her head. Orchard had stopped in the middle of the path and was staring her down, looking for even the tiniest sign of her backing out of her promise. “Dad is always talking about changing things and standing up to the princesses and Canterlot, but he never does. Were you serious about what you said back there?

“I-well I…” She didn’t know what to say. She’d meant what she’d said earlier when she was talking to Apple Bloom. She wanted to see the Ponyville her mother had built, the one. She just wasn’t sure what she could do to make it appear. Despite that, she nodded her head to Orchard, her lips slightly puckered with grit and determination.

“Good,” said Orchard. And without another word, he turned back around and continued walking. Leaving a confused and slightly annoyed twilight Sparkle to play catch-up.

“Good?” she questioned, catching up with the yellow-maned colt and trying to match his pace as she walked beside him. “That’s it?”

“Well what do you want me to say?” Demanded Orchard. “Do you want me to say that we’re going to be best friends now and that we should head down to Sugar Cube Corner right this minute and grab a milkshake.” He teased.

Twilight scowled at him. “If it’s alright with you I could do without the sarcasm.”

“You see, that’s it right there.” He pointed a hoof at her, nearly jamming it in her face. “We aren’t friends. We’re fine right where we are as enemies”. He insisted huffing and digging his hoof into the dirt to prove his point. “So why in Tartarus would we want be friends? I mean just think about it. Do you even want to be friends with me?”

Twilight stared at the green colt in front of her. Images of beatings, pranks, and fresh tears falling from her face as her sister wiped at her wounds with anesthetic. Despite that she didn’t’ think being friends with Orchard would be so bad. He seemed nice enough when Apple Bloom was around to keep him in check, and being his friend would almost certainly stop the beatings she received. Still though, the colt in question wasn’t exactly keen on the idea. And so Twilight silently shook her head “No”.

“Exactly,” spouted Orchard giving a bit more emphasis on the word then necessary. “Now come on and let’s get you home so we can get things back to normal.” And the pair continued on their trek towards town.

From the moment they entered Ponyville, though, all eyes were on them. Most ponies tried to be discreet, but some just stopped right in the middle of whatever they were doing to gawk at the town outcast walking with one of its most prominent sons. Twilight was used to it but Orchard wasn’t. Every once and a while she would see the green colt squirm and she would follow his gaze to somepony or other who had their muzzle pressed up against their store window as they were passing by.

By the time they were halfway to the library, he had, had enough. “Tartarus Dammnt! Don’t you ponies have someplace to be?!” He screamed, twisting his body back and forth daring anyone of the peeping voyeurs to come forward and face him if they had a problem with his choice of company.

Satisfied that nopony was looking their way anymore, Orchard huffed and kept walking. “They always like this?” he whispered silently to Twilight, his head still bobbing from side to side, just to make sure they weren’t being watched.

Normally, Twilight would have lied, saying just about anything other than the truth, not anything to give Orchard any more ammo then he had already. Instead, she croaked out a, “Yes,” her voice struggling to make out a response after watching the colt’s outburst.

Orchard didn’t respond. Instead he hummed to himself, keeping up the tempo all the way to the library. Which thankfully for Twilight wasn’t much longer before they were standing in front of the towering Oak tree that served as the town library and her home.

Her sister had told her that the original library had been destroyed a long time ago as a result of a great battler. Princess Celestia had created this library as a memory of that event, planting the seed herself and feeding it with her magic until it grew to three times the size of the original (Or so she’d been told). Shed even gone so far as to model most of the library after the original.

It used to fill Twilight with a sense of pride knowing that her home had been created by one of the Princesses of Equestria. Looking at it now though as she stood in its shadow, the towering structure and its twisted branches reminded her of what Apple Bloom was expecting her to face one day and she shuddered. A deep sense of dread had worked its way up her spine, and had found a home in her rib cage, right above her heart.

It only began to fade as she got closer to the front door and the smell of worn leather bindings and dusty tomes, reminded her that this was home. There was nothing that could hurt her here. Still, her hoof shook as she reached for the door handle.

Apparently, Orchard had taken notice of the fact she was having trouble entering her own home, because he called out to stop her. “Hold it.” He said.

Grudgingly Twilight turned back around to face her enemy. Twilight stared him down waiting for him to say something, but once again Orchard was more focused on the hooves he was shuffling around in the gravel. He murmured something, but it was too soft for anyone to make out. “What was that?” Asked Twilight.

“I said Truce, I want a truce.” Twilight blinked back the surprise on her face. A quick smirk replacing it once she’d gotten rid of the initial shock. “Stop it,” snarled Orchard. “The only reason I’m doing this is because Granny Bloom trusts ya’.”

His posture straightened itself, his head held high like he was some noble from Canterlot. “And as a confirmation of our truce, I think it’s only appropriate that I warn you. I know what I said earlier, but recently my Pa has been meeting with a lot of ponies around town and-I don’t know it just sounds like he means it this time.” His warning delivered the youngest Apple, ran back down the path they’d just traveled

Twilight smiled, there was something heartwarming about watching Orchard drop his tough guy facade, even if it was just for a few moments. She was still smiling as she entered the library she called her home, only to come face to face with a wall of books twice her size, stacked so that they cut a path through the foyer.

“Right, its re-shelving day.” Twilight muttered a curse under her breathe. Her sister had insisted on making sure each and every book in the library as in its proper position after a request had come in for a book roofing and it had taken her nearly an hour to find it. As such, she’d closed down the library and turned her home into a veritable maze in the name of the Dewey Decimal system.

When Twilight had asked, why she was building a maze instead of just stacking them on a table, Sunset had happily replied that it would be more fun this way. And Twilight had to admit she was right. There was something eagerly stirring about walking without a destination, only the occasional romance novel flying overhead, to guide her towards her sister. And there was the fact her sister had magically locked all the books into place to keep her from bulldozing through all of them.

After taking her third left turn and her fourth right (she’d made sure to count; with a minor deviation in her path, she was pretty sure she could find her way to the kitchen) she found her sister holed away in a small alcove she’d built herself out of the same trashy romance novels she’d been flinging across the library with her magic. A small stack of books pulled straight from the wall beside her, and a pile of labels right next to that. And the purple pegasus filly had to be honest, she was having a tough time deciding whether her sister was reading the books or actually shelving them, but from the looks of it she was making a halfhearted attempt at doing both.

While her horn was busy at work scribbling a set of numbers and letters for each and every book, the rest of her mind however had busied itself in the pages of a book called Blazing Saddles. Twilight wasn’t sure what that innuendo meant, but she knew for certain she wasn’t going to ask.

“Sunset,” chirped Twilight.

The pink alicorn perked her ears, humming slightly. The librarian’s tell-tale sign that you had at least part of her attention. Getting her to actually speak in complete sentences would be a miracle in this state.

Twilight’s shoulders slumped, but her face still maintained something akin to smile. “Nothing, I-I just wanted to let you know I was home…” No response, her sister had probably hit a juicy part of her book, and once that happened there was no bringing her back. Seeing that, Twilight began to walk back the way she came. She was hungry and she was pretty sure there was still some leftover fruit salad in the fridge from the delivery yesterday. She’d have to fix Sunset some as well though, otherwise who knows how long she’d sit there without eating.

That last thought left Twilight’s hoofsteps feeling a bit heavier. Her sister had always been a bit absentminded when it came to reading, but lately it had just been ridiculous. Part of Twilight didn’t want to blame her; a good book was a good book. But when it got in the way of things like eating and remembering to sleep there’s a good chance you have a problem.

Apparently, he sister had been slacking off a bit when she created her maze of knowledge, because the route she took to the kitchen was nearly identical to the one she walked down to find her. She found the fruit salad bowl buried behind the milk in fridge, and although the sisters had managed to cut their way through most of it, there was still enough left at the bottom for two small bowls. Not exactly a full meal, but enough to hold them over before the next delivery came tomorrow.

Balancing one bowl on her back and another on her head, Twilight retraced her steps back to her sister’s hidey hole. She placed one bowl in front of her still ignorant sister, and the other she placed in front of herself. She plopped back on her hind legs and she started to eat.

It was only when she was lifting the last bit of Cantaloupe to her muzzle that she heard the unmistakable sound of a book slamming shut. The content look on her sister’s face was all she needed to know about the quality of the book. It was a smile; no doubt, but it was solemn. Sunset always said that there was a certain tragedy in finishing a good book. There was definitely a joy to it that came with the memories of the journey you’d just went on. And a sense of relief and accomplishment that the task was done. But a definite sadness came with its end, and with the realization that it would take time to find a book that invoked the same feeling. “Even a quick re-read just isn’t the same,” she’d say as she ruffled Twilight’s mane.

That look was gone quickly though, as her stomach made it abundantly clear how long it had been since she’d last eaten. Without even a word, the pink alicorn picked up the fork in her magic and began to dig in.

“I met Apple Bloom, today.” The fork stopped in mid-air. It was barely a twitch, but for a moment her sister’s magic had wavered letting the fork slip, and there had been a flicker of worry across her sister’s face.

“Oh really,” she said. Not a hint of worry on her face as she bit down on a strawberry. “It’s been so long since I’ve last seen her. What did she want?”

“Uhm,” Twilight wasn’t sure what it was, but the way her sister was looking at her had made her more nervous than she ever had been around her. Perhaps it was the stillness in her face, a sort of mask that was just waiting for her to say something so it could spring out and reveal the true terror beneath it. “She told me things about Celestia, and the town, and Mom.”

“Damn it,” Sunset cursed, the mask crumpling to reveal a frown. “Well I was hoping to hold off on this for a good long while, but I guess there’s no stopping it is there?”

Twilight wasn’t sure whether her sister was talking to her or herself, but she nodded anyway. “However, I doubt even Apple Bloom would tell you everything, no matter how desperate she is. Am I right?” Again Twilight nodded.

Sunset let loose a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding in. “Good. Then I’ll cut you a deal.” She leaned down to nuzzle Twilight and whispered. “You don’t mention a word of this again until you’re much older and tomorrow when the Cakes come by with the usual delivery, I’ll let you eat twice as many sweets as usual. Okay.”

The prospect of being given enough sugar to rot out one of her teeth or too at least give her a very bad stomachache excited Twilight. She nodded her head excitedly, and her sister smiled at her. “Good, then come on, it’s time to get you to bed.”

“What!” Twilight spluttered, and then looked towards the nearest window. An effort that was made at least twice as difficult by the barricade of books in her way, but craning her neck to an almost painful position she was able to catch glimpses of a setting sun.

Between her escape from Orchard deep into his own home, her talk with Apple Bloom and her journey back, she’d completely lost track of time as well as what little energy she had left. Confirmed by a small, but adorable yawn.

Seconds later she found herself trapped in a dark pink haze and lifted a few inches off the ground. Her sister levitated her through the maze, unable to destroy her creation even for this. She marched her up the stairs to the second floor and into the bathroom so she could for a quick wash that left her feeling more awake then anything.

It was only a temporary jolt though, as the moment she was placed in her own bed her head lolled back into the pillow, and her eyes began to shut. Not completely though, no, there was no way she’d let her sister escape without reading her a bedtime story.

A fact Sunset knew well. She also knew the exact book Twilight wanted her to read to her. Walking over to one of the several bookshelves that decorated her room, she pulled a thick green tome labeled Clover the Clever out of its designated place as close to Twilights night stand as possible. It did its trick as it always did, and halfway through reading Clover’s first meeting with the dragons. Her little sister had fallen asleep, dreaming of a crown and a throne.

She awoke however to a foul taste in her mouth, and an even fouler smell digging into her nostrils and pounding away at her head. It was a pounding that refused to let her hear rest on a pillow for even a second more and had her clutching at her head as she sat up. But as she regained consciousness, she also became painfully aware of the voices outside her window, and the flames licking away at the bottom of her door. Neither one was welcome, but neither sounded like they had any intention of leaving.

Twilight cried out for help. “Sunset!” But nopony came.

A voice did however, and its words and thoughts of the owner sent brought her terror to new heights. “Ha, hear the abomination howl in agony!” The proclamation was followed by cheers and laughter.

Unable to contain her curiosity anymore Twilight threw off the covers and walked over to her open window and peered down. Below her was a crowd containing most of the citizens of Ponyville, not all which should have brought her some relief, but enough to crush any hope of her being saved.

And as if to cement that fact, below her standing directly in front of the library was Cortland Apple. A pile of flaming kindling attacked in the entrance and her sister bound and gagged with the unmistakable glint of a magic suppressor placed on her horn. Meanwhile, Cortland was working the crowd into a frenzy.

“You all know how we have suffered under Celestia’s rule. We went from a glorious nation with untapped potential under Queen Sparkle’s rules to a pitiful fiefdom under Celestia’s. Reformed into Equestria’s whipping horse and servants to be stepped upon by the nobles of Caneterlot.” Jeers rang through the crowd. “We’ve been laughed at and degraded, to the point my own mother believes this town is set to die.” More cries of outrage as the flames climbed higher and Sunset struggled on the ground.

In a grand gesture the mighty hung his head. “But she’s right. As hard as it is to admit Ponyville won’t last long the way Canterlot is dealing with it. My mother had her own plan to save our homes, but her plan takes time. Time we don’t have if we’re going to survive the next year or two. So we make our stand here, and we do away with Celestia’s pillars of powers within our town. One of which has stood as a blatant mockery of our defeat for years. I’m sure all of you have felt the pain of having to stare our beloved queen in the face day in and day out, and know that she is nothing more than a cheap copy, a puppet sent by Celestia to keep an eye on us.

Slowly, Twilight backed away from the window. Back towards the flames that been enveloping her room using her book collection and bed as fuel. Part of her wanted to dismiss everything Cortland had said. But another part of her was starting to put the pieces together with what Apple Bloom had said earlier. “But most of all you remind them of your mamma.”

“It’s not fair” she thought as she began to hack and cough from the smoke. “I’m not a puppet, I’m not a puppet. I’m Twilight Sparkle. If I could just- I could—“

Celestia sat in the Ponyville clinic. Nurses and doctors rushed back and forth, occasionally bumping into her and briskly apologizing to the monarch. They had no time for formalities with the number of patients that had come in tonight. Most of which were in fatal condition and probably wouldn’t last the hour let alone the night.

As a princess, she had to visit this epicenter of tragedy in order to lift spirits. But truthfully she was surrounded by people that hated her guts, and she believed they deserved every bit of what was happening to them. And if they survived she had worse planned for them.

Detecting this, it was no surprise that the small pink alicorn sitting next to her said something. “My mother wouldn’t want this.”

“Oh,” Celestia remarked, “Then what would she want? I’d ask her myself, but if you haven’t noticed, she’s dead. Again!” She screamed, but nopony looked at her. They had more important things to take care of than a perceived dictator throwing a tantrum.

Sunset stood an impressive feat for someone who had half their face bandaged, and a nice pair of broken ribs, with a side of broken wings to go along with it. ‘That was not my mother,” she hissed. “I don’t what you did, or how you did it, but I know one thing for certain, and that’s the fact that you never bought my mother back from the dead.” She chuckled, “You’re not that strong.”

Celestia bristled, “It doesn’t matter what I did. What matters is what happens next, and in this case it’s Ponyville’s punishment.”

Celestia could see the worry in Sunsets good eye, “Punishment?”

“Of course,” she explained. “Not only did they commit a murder, but they also set off a bomb causing thousands of dollars of property damn.” The monarch shook her head in disgust. “Why those poor souls never thought to get out of the way of their own trap is beyond me.”

“A bomb?” Sunset aske din disbelief. “Is that what you’re telling Canterlot?” Celestia didn’t answer her, only smiled. “Because if that is the case I will make damn sure that all of Equestria knows the truth about what happened here. That little filly basically exploded with magical energy

“Sunset clearly you’re not thinking clearly, the attack has addled your brain quite a bit. Tomorrow, I’ll personally put up a new set of wards to protect you. They need to be much stronger than the last ones, considering a two-bit mage from Ponyville was able to break them. And when that’s done we can start the exec- indictments for all the survivors.”

Celestia began to stand up to walk away, and Sunset made to follow, but her attempts were a squashed by a gentle nudge from Celestia’s magic. “Ah, ah, you’re much too injured to be moving around on your own. I’ll call your doctor to come look at you, then I’ll have one of my guards escort you to your new permanent home.” She smiled, and don’t worry about Twilight, I’ll take care of the next one.

Author's Note:

First off, let me say I apologize for this chapter. I'm sorry it's so late. I'm sorry for any mistakes. And i'm sorry if it is of a somewhat lacking quality, but I've wrote most of this over time in different bursts of creativity. It is currently 2:30 in the morning and I am in no condition nor mood to go back through and edit this to make it prim and proper. Nor will I be for quite a while. Even though I said I was back I'm still kinda burned out on writing after everything I've been through these past few weeks. To put it simply. here it is. Read, Comment, and I hope you enjoyed.