• Published 17th Nov 2011
  • 5,342 Views, 98 Comments

Nightmares New Reign - Wolflover221

The mane 6 managed to banish Nightmare Moon but in their last confrontation was she really banished?

  • ...

Chapter Two

Twilight focused on the text in front of her, she was reading a book on mental illnesses. She wouldn’t step a hoof outside until she knew that this thing wouldn’t make her scream at anyone again.

“SPIIIIKE” she called

No answer...

Then she remembered. He’d gone out after she’d screamed at him for the fifth time that morning. Twilight sighed and laid down on the floor her eyes closing. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so hopeless. It wasn't long before she slipped into a unwilling sleep.

Twilight's eyes snapped open when someone started kicking her door. Standing up and groaning in the same movement, calling her magic, she opened the door and nearly wrenched it off it’s hinges. Applejack stood there with Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

"Twilight are ya gonna come outta this here tree or stay locked up forever?” Applejack demanded.

Twilight backed up, “G-Get away from me...” she stuttered.

Her friends ignored her and kept advancing.

“GET AWAY FROM ME!” she screamed.

This stopped them dead in their tracks.

“We cannot help you if you wont let us, dear.” Rarity broke the silence.

“I dont need help. All I need is for you to leave!” Twilight replied defensively

And never come back! The voice in her head cackled

Shut up you idiotic excuse for a alternate personality! Twilight snapped back

The voice paused My my it purred this mule has bark and a bite. Although it didn’t have a physical manifestation Twilight was 99% sure she could hear a grin in its voice.

“TWILIGHT!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

Twilight snapped back to the real world all her friends had concerned expression, even Pinkie Pie looked a bit down, she shook her head and looked at the ground.

“I. Am. Fine.” she said before looking them directly in the eyes.

All of her friends took a slight step back, Twilights eyes looked different more... cat like?

See? They fear you. The voice insinuated itself into the front of her mind again, They dont want to be your friend. They just pretend to be. I bet they talk about you behind your flank.

Twilight needed to ignore the voice she couldn’t give in to it, she just couldn’t. But the voice snickered to itself, It's working... if I can just get her a little more unhinged I can take control! Twilight looked at her friends, shocked to see they were backing away, like frightened rabbits. But what she didn’t know was that her eyes had become pure, dark purple with green vertical irises and her coat was emanating an eldritch glow.

They do hate me... she thought to herself, t-the voice is right! Her thoughts slowly slipped away, she didn't want to face this, all the while being replaced with the malevolent conciousness.

Twilight's dominant mind could see everything, but before she knew it, she could no longer move her own body. She watched helpless as her body made its own movements.

The library book cases began to shake.

“Get out! Get out, get out, GET OUT!” Twilight screamed, although it wasn’t Twilight, it was just her voice, but she had no control.

Books flew off the shelves at her friends, hitting ribs, heads, practically anything that wasn’t covered.

The mind of Twilight could only watch in horror, How is this happening?! I can’t be doing this I... I-I’d never do this!

Her friends ran, bursting out of the library like the bats of hell were chasing them, leaving the room empty and littered with thrown tomes. And gradually, oh-so-slowly, she found herself able to control her body once more.

What in the bucking hay just happened! she screamed in her head. She felt terrible, she'd done it again! Snapped at her friends, and this time she really had lost control!

The other voice stayed silent. It was angry. It had momentarily had full control, at last, even if unable to bring out its fullest power, and then the power had just... slipped away! DAMN IT! The voice screamed to itself. I can only be in control while she’s in a state of turmoil! Anger, sadness, extreme fear... I have the power to enhance the negative emotions she’s feeling, but it isn’t enough... I need to think of something that will let me stay in control longer, but what?! GAH!

Shaking and desperate to find out what was happening, Twilight went back to her book and carried on reading.


“Bucking great!” she screamed to herself.

The page was on multiple personality disorder, the paragraph read: Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) happens when the mind wishes to escape a situation, to not feel anything, or hide, the personality often does this by forming a second or multiple identities to experience it for them. These identities sometimes 'take over' when the main personality wishes to escape, forming a mental barrier between the individual and their surroundings, but in extreme cases the 'main' personality grows too detached and the secondary personality can gain control spontaneously in situations of duress.

Although it still left a few holes about this voice that was the best explanation. Twilight sparkle had Multiple Personality Disorder.

Not knowing what else she could do, Twilight groaned and walked upstairs. She'd try to sleep on it, and then... maybe...


Princess Luna and Princess Celestia sat together reading what had turned out to be a Twilight x Luna fiction. That Princess Celestia had written. Luna was kicking herself all over again for falling for this.

Having not been told what it was when she'd started reading, she was now continuing despite herself, her sister was a very descriptive writer. “Why are you showing me...? You have the worst mind, Tia!” Luna pouted at the sun Princess as she read a line that caused her to blush slightly.

“Because I wanted your opinion before it was published. Even a Princess must get consent from the subjects of her writing.” Celestia replied, straight faced, but stifling a laugh.

“You... You TROLL!” Luna yelled at her sister.

“Now, now, is there any need for that kind of thing... Lunacy?” Celestia replied

Luna blushed embarrassed “Y... you promised never to bring that up!”

“I know I did. But you also promised never to call me 'troll' or 'Trollestia'.” Celestia replied her voice serious “I’m afraid punishment is in order.”

Luna turned white as the moon. Oh moon no dont let her banish me again Luna thought.

Celestia walked away from her sister, “I’m afraid I'll have to...” She turned and jumped on her sister pinning her to the ground, “Tickle you into submission!” She roared, tickling her sister all over.

Luna squeeled in surprise, but despite herself started laughing and giggling, hooves unable to prevent the torture, “I submit! I SUBMIT!!” she screamed through fits of laughter.

Celestia smiled and flopped down next to her sister “I love you, Luna, and I missed you.”

“I missed you too Tia, and I love you.” Luna replied.

The moment was broken when, all of a sudden, there was a flash of green flame and a scroll bearing Twilights personal crest appeared infront of the sisters.

Celestia reached out and opened it.

Dear Princess Celestia,

This is hard for me to write, but the situation is getting out of hand. I fear I may have Multiple Personality Disorder. These past few days I've been saying, thinking and now doing things that aren't like me, I've screamed at my friends and worse. And I keep hearing a voice in my head. I think I may need help.

You faithful student
Twilight sparkle

Celestia facehooved “Not this again.”

“What?” Luna replied, leaning in to try to read the letter,

“Everytime Twilight got stressed for a exam, or any other event, she’d hear a voice. It would tell her... strange things.” Celestia told her sister.

“I... see maybe I should go and see if she needs help...” Luna hoped too much eagerness hadn’t seeped into her voice.

Even so, Celestia got a knowing look in her eye. Luna’s stomach dropped; Celestia knew, she knew she was eager to see the lavander mare. Bring on the teasing, Luna resisted the urge to sigh in defeat.

“Maybe I should go and see my most faithful student. She must be sooooo looooonely... maybe I could even cheer her up...” Celestia looked away artistically, drawing the moment out before she slid a sly grin at her midnight sister, “Maybe I'll even use some suggestions from the story.”

Luna’s face turned bright red. OH, FOR BUCKS SAKE! She thought as she realised how hot her face was... I know she won’t, but... maybe... then again... Rallying herself, Luna smiled in her mind; two could play this game.

“Go ahead, Sis, I insist." She put on her best 'good sister' face, "I'm sure Twilight still dreams about you.” Luna smiled HAH! Gotcha. Although Celestia would never admit it openly, her feelings for her student were more than just motherly.

Celestia’s face turned bright red, which showed up better on her white coat than it did on Luna's blue, “W-w-what?!”

“Oh yes, Tia, Twilight dreamt of you last night. You two were on a date, oh it was romantic, and then you escorted her back to the castle and-” She was cut off by a hoof being shoved in her mouth.

“Don’t...” Celestia warned,

She pointed upwards, ”Children might be reading this”

“Celestia you did not just do that...” Luna looked at her sister as she said this.

“Hmmm... I guess I did. Well this is different...” Celestia shrugged, that troll smile still sneaking onto her features.

“TROLLESTIA!” Luna screamed before running out of her sisters room, outraged and embarrassed.



Twilight sat up in bed, another nightmare, they were becoming way too frequent. Her mind was racing as her hoof slid down to her chest and then stomach. Still in one piece. That dream had felt almost life-like, the pain, the blood, the other... the other what? The more she tried to remember, the less she could remember.

She slammed her head back down against her pillow closing her eyes.


Twilight reawoke in the late afternoon. Spike had let her sleep in. She couldnt blame him after the way she’d been treating him, she needed to apologise.

She ran down stairs calling his name, but as she reached the bottom of the library she heard the front door open and then close, She sighed and walked to the front door opening it and peeking outside. The light burned her eyes, “Spiiiiike?” She called

He didnt even turn around and look at her. He doesn’t care about your feelings, just like the rest, they will all leave you in the end.

Shut up Twilight thought back, flatly.

All you are to them is a worthless unicorn. The only reason they pretend to be your friend is because of your connection to princess Celestia and your connection to the Elements. I bet they’re out there talking about you behind your back right now. It carried on.

SHUT UP. Twilight screamed again

The voice started to imitate her friends She's crazy, Pinkie Pie exclaimed. She's a few apples short of a barrell, Applejack agreed. I heard shefoolers a filly, Rarity confided

Twilight collapsed on the floor just inside her door, crying. Her friends hated her, her own body hated her, she shouldn’t be here! But Twilight couldn’t get the will to move nor could the other conciousness take over. Must’ve pushed her a bit too far it muttered to itself.

Twilight lay there for Celestia knows how long, crying and slipping in and out of sleep.


Celestia paced back and forth in her study worried about her student. Maybe there had been something to Luna’s dream... maybe the voice was a part of Luna’s soul... but maybe she was wrong and this was just Twilight's study-nerves. She couldn’t act. But she couldn’t rest either!

She sighed, as much as she hated to admit it, her feelings for Twilight were deeper than she showed... she’d known the lavander mare when she was just a filly, she’d watched that filly grow up and had taught her for years, so was it natural that she might be in lo-. She shook her head Now isn’t the time to get caught up in that, she thought to herself.

What can I do? I can’t just storm into her house unannounced, nor can I go officially with all the fanfare that would make... she debated with herself for several minutes. She realized she had one option: sit and watch. Celestia had been alive for millenia, and if there was one thing she had definitely learned in all those years it was not to rush headlong into anything, no matter who it involves.

Her heart gave a little tug at that last thought, almost as if... she shook her head again and jumped on her bed.


Luna awoke in the middle of the night, shocked. In her dream Twilight's eyes turned cat-like and she screamed at her friends! But how could that be possible...? It was only a spark... only a spark... it couldn’t be, could it? What if it is? What if it isn’t? What do I do?! She screamed inside her head in frustration, but there was nothing she could do. If it was a piece of her soul attached to Twilight, things could get really bad really fast, but if it wasn’t then they could end up injuring the purple mare just finding out.

Luna shook her head, wet tears in her eyes from a image of Twilight hurt, Damnit, why does she affect me this way? Luna closed her eyes and tried to get back to sleep.


Twilight awoke at noon. Again. She wasn’t surprised. She still felt bad about screaming at Spike. Twilight got up and went into the bathroom to get cleaned up.

As she left the bathroom and went out her front door, she tried to judge the time, By the sun it’s about half-past one in the afternoon. She walked down to Sugarcube Corner, determined to apologise if she could and have a normal conversation with one of her friends at least.

Twilight entered the confectionary-shaped building and put on a small smile. Pinkie Pie stood behind the counter, shelving baked goods, but she didn't acknowledge Twilight.

“Pinkie? Can I talk to you?”

“Go ahead.” Pinkie replied half heartedly, still focusing on the shelves.

“I'm sorry about yesterday, I didn’t mean what I said and I'm really sorry. I know you might not be able to forgive me, but the reason for that outburst was... well I think I might have Multiple Personality Disorder...” Twilight looked down at the floor and closed her eyes. If she's going to throw me out, please make it quick, I can't stand not knowing.

Pinkie Pie didn’t move for several moments, she slowly turned around and looked at Twilight cautiously, before tackling her to the ground and hugging her tight. How she'd cleared the counter was anybody's guess, because all the goods on top were untouched.

“Apology accepted, Twilight.” Pinkie Pie hugged her tightly.

Twilight just smiled while she was being smothered by her pink friend.


Over the afternoon, Twilight apologized to all her friends and told them what she knew. They all forgave her. Each time her heart leaped at the feeling of knowing her friends were still her friends, but each time a small voice grew stronger. They’re probably talking about you behind your back y’know, probably calling you a weirdo, a freak or a messed up pony. Twilight didn’t care; she tuned it out, whistling tunelessly, as she walked back home.

She’d apologized to all her friends and they had forgiven her! She couldn’t believe how nice they were to her about it. Another smile hit her as she pushed open the door to the library. When she stepped inside though, a rainbow blur crashed through an upper window and smashed into a bookshelf, knocking it over.

Twilight was only slightly annoyed, unfortunatly the voice took this moment to turn the annoyance into anger and then the anger into rage.

Twilight could feel the rage building, but it wasn’t hers was it? She shouldn’t be this angry. All of a sudden she felt herself slipping away, her body becoming unresponsive to her, but she could still see. She’d just apologized to all of her friends and now she was about to scream at Rainbow, this could not be happening, it had to be a dream.

No she pleaded please no no no! Not after I just apologised!


Rainbow was about to apologise, that was before the screaming started.


“OH LOOK, THE FIRST AND ONLY GAY PRIDE PONY CAN’T EVEN SPEAK! YOU'RE PATHETIC! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT YOU EXCUSE OF A PEGASUS!!” It was like a fire-hose of vituperation, just... pure anger in word form.

A massive wave of despair crashed over her, putting the original Twilight back in control, WHY?! Why did this have to happen?

Rainbow looked at Twilight tears were creeping into her eyes.

“Twilight that... that really hurt... I don’t... I can't be here right now.” Rainbow Dash said barely above a whisper.

“Dash I'm so-” she didn’t even finish her sentence Rainbow Dash took off out the window, not even explaining why she'd been there in the first place.

For the second time in as many days, Twilight lay on the floor just inside her doorway, tears falling to the ground as she cried herself to sleep.


The next day was the worst so far. Twilight went out looking for Rainbow to apologise. She never found a sign of the rainbow maned pegasus... in fact everytime she approached one of her friend's they either left in a hurry or ignored her.

Twilight headed back to the library despair weighing heavy in her heart. She’d lost everything, everything dear to her.

“I always thought it was so stupid when ponies killed themselves... but now I'm starting to see why...” Twilight closed her eyes to try and stop the tears. She went up to her personal library and picked up a book, the title read: Medicine and Surgery: How to shut down vital organs with magic. A note underneath the title said: For hospital use only.

The voice screamed at her that she was stupid, but she didn’t care. She’d lost the six most precious things to her, and the more she thought about it, the better it would be to have some peace and quiet from this voice.

She opened the book and began to read.


Luna was packing her saddlebags. She didn’t know how to explain it, but something was terribly wrong with Twilight Sparkle. She packed everything she thought she’d need and if she'd forgotten something she could always teleport back. For carrying the bags, it was easier on her to take the chariot.

As she got in, the chariot took flight and headed towards Ponyville.

Celestia stood on her balcony, high up and unobserved, watching her sister leave. She whispered to the wind “Be careful with the mare we both love...”


Twilight stood in her bathroom, warm water running from the shower, she closed her eyes, slowly she activated her magic, letting it run through her.

She focused on her inner organs. First to go, as a practice, her liver. Slowly she worked her magic and shut it down.

Just as the book described, no pain, but slight discomfort. she thought

You’re making a big mistake, stop this foalishness! The voice screamed at her. It was going horribly wrong! If it was to survive, its host must not die, this wasn't good.

She ignored it and slowly began working on shutting down all her minor organs before her major ones.


Twilight stood there breathing heavily... Lungs still working. Okay, next is... the heart. Then lungs. Then brain.....

FOAL!!!! The voice screamed.

Twilight slowly began to shut her heart down.


As soon as the chariot landed Luna knew something was wrong she could feel it in the air and in her magic. She ran to the library and burst the door open, she ran up the stairs and into the bathroom. Her eyes widened at the sight on the floor, in the shower, barely alive was the lavander mare staring straight at her.

Twilight lifted her head slightly “P... P...... Princess...” she muttered before her head sank back down in a sigh of breath.

Luna stared as she stood, shocked, watching those brilliant eyes cloud over and close.

Twilight slipped into darkness, her mind slipping away and leaving everything silent.