• Published 30th Sep 2015
  • 452 Views, 6 Comments

Legally Purple - Pegasister107

Rarity is beautiful.She´s always been beautiful and she´ll always be beautiful.But is that all she´s known for?Does her boyfriend really think she´s not...........Serious?

  • ...

Plan Into Motion Step 1

Twelve days.Twelve days of vanilla ice cream and uncontroled sobing in the Delta Nu sorority and it all came from the head, the president, the recently-single Rarity Belle.Sometime on the afternoon she was aproached by her sister, levitating a few magazines in the side.She knocked the door and sang:

"Dauther of Delta Nu.........."


Sigh "Sweetheart, it´s been a few days....."


"At least come out to talk"


She came out.Normally, she´d be using one of her best pink outfits but Sweetie was surprised to find her in a simple dirty robe, her sister´s simple jeans and green shirt was a Four Style Fashions compared to her.The young mare noticed her older sister was levitating with her a can of..............


"What?! I´M SAD OKAY?!"

"SAD?! Honey, you´re destroyed." She showed her one of the magazines "Here, maybe they have good news"

"Doubt it" As she went through the pages nothing really raised her attention, sure they were full of interesting ones but when your self was all broken it really didn´t................Wait "Is that His brother?" As a popular, wealthy family they had their fair share of ponies wanting to know what was going on with them.

"I think so.Look, this article´s about his wedding.That mare´s is really pretty"

"That should´ve been Blitzy and me..............Wait a sec" She read the article outloud as she realised something "This is the kind of girl Rainbow wants........Someone serious...............Someone lawyerly..."

"I don´t think that´s a real word"

"Someone who wears black when nopony is dead!!! I THINK I KNOW WHAT TO DO NOW!"


Rarity slamed the door and, less than a minute later she was wearing pink from head to hoof and levitating a checklist and a pencil.She showed it to Sweetie Belle

"Perfect Win-Back Plan?"

"Yup! Step one: Get into Canterlot Law.Same class with my babu" She clapped "Step two: Make him change his mind,get better grades than all the school" She jumped "Step three: Our wedding will be the greatest EVER SEEN BY DELTA NU!!"

"That´s a great plan!"

"Yeah, sure" Someone said in a very sarcastic tone.They both turned around to see their friend Cheerilee right there standing behind them "Look, Rarity, you´re amazing but you´re not Canterlot material!"

"I have a 4.0 average"


"Oh, come on, Lee, you act like you don´t believe in love! Love is the one thing that keeps everyone going! Love is always right!"

"Can love get a plus one seventy-four LSADDLE score?"

"If that´s what I have to do to get in!"

"Okay then, I´ll help you out"


"Now we´ll have to get some law books to study"



"Law school?"Hondo Flanks raised an eyebrow at his daughter

"Yes,daddy, law school"

"Oh, sweetheart Why? Law school is for boring, ugly, smart, serious ponies and you, honey aren´t..........."


"Rainbow Blitz? What does your ex have to do with..........? OH!"

She nodded, her eyes full with determination

"Fine, okay, I will pay, you just get in"

"I will!"

"Rarity!" Cheerilee called out at her friend "You got one thirty-four, not good enough"


"Don´t worry, you still have a chance" She handed her the book "GO!"

"One fifty-one Sorry." The earth pony informed her friend "Once again GO!"

"Love.I´m doing this for love.Willing to sacrifice.His love, it is why I survive.Here, right here gonna stay, I´m going to pass this test"

"ONE SEVENTY-SIX!" Cheerilee explained, never more proud


"Canterlot Law grants admission to Jet Set and......Upper Crust" The head professor, a blonde unicorn stallion decided a he passed throught the admission letters "Now miss Rarity Belle" He opened the envelope to find a huge picture of the beautiful mare, many of ponies in the room were stallions and they all turned their heads "Who was kind enough to send in a head shot"

"We should admit her for reasons of...........................Multi-culturism"


"Howdy, I´m Applejack Apple Smith.Welcome to the hallowed halls of Canterlot Law.Let´s go around and share a bit about ourselves"

The dreaded first day.Rarity looked everywhere but she couldn´t find Rainbow.Sure, she was having fun with the other students but an objetive was still an objetive.So she walked up to that nice orange stallion..........Apple something whatever it didn´t matter the only thing that mattered for her was

"Excuse me Anyone know where I can find Criminal Law 101 with profesor Blueblood and Rainbow Danger Blitz The Third?"

"It's in Houser over there, second building on the left" He pointed

" Thanks"

The place seemed pretty filled, even to a mare that was used to crowds "If I could just..........." But then she saw "BLITZY!!" Right there talking with some unicorn girl "Excuse me, pardon me, COMING THROUGH!" Right then and there she trippe and fell, everypony turning her head to her, the pegasus stallion specially shocked

"Rare? I-Is that you? " He helped her up and she couldn´t help but smile like an idiot

"OH MY GOSH RAINBOW?! I totally forgot you were going here"

"You two know each other?" The unicorn beside him asked, Rarity only know getting a better look at her.She was taller than the average mare, her coat was lavender, her eyes a dissaproving dark purple and her mane was dark blue with a streak of pink.Something about her just seemed.........Off

For all answer, the pegasus just facehoofed himself and said "TOTALLY"