• Published 10th Oct 2015
  • 1,410 Views, 36 Comments

A human in the Griffon Empire: Into the Pit. - Lethally Insane

The Pit, a vile, slimy hole. The nobles preside from above over the lesser griffins, diamond dogs, and a solitary human.

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Chapter 1: What is it?

Chapter 1: What is it?

Violet Streak was tired and hungry. ‘ Then again,’ she thought, ‘ the pit can do that to a pony.’

She slinked through the cramped and narrow backways. She flinched as her wing brushed against a particularly rough brick. Her companion Golden Script followed closely. She heard him mumble something about griffons on a rotisserie as they made their way to the central cistern. She motioned for him to slow down as they neared the exit. She gingerly poked her head out, scanning the area for other griffons or diamond dogs.

“Okay,” she whispered back to him, “ we’re clear.”

“Good,” he replied, “ let’s get the stuff and get back home.”

They crept out to the shores of the huge lake created by the cistern. She set to work pulling up clumps of weeds and a few strands of grass, Golden Script doing the same.

“This should be enough.” He said in a hushed tone.

“Alright, let's get out of here.” She said back.

They started heading back. Then she heard a scream. From above the city’s hovels, a figure was falling from one of the platforms. She dropped her greenery and took off.

“What are you doing?!” Golden Script yelled after her.

“Saving it!” she yelled back as she sped away.

She sailed through the air, picking up speed with each wing beat. The creature was falling, fastly approaching her current altitude. It wasn’t anything like she had seen before. She almost let her wings falter.’No’, she thought, ‘ I can still help it. Whatever it is.’ She made some course corrections to account for it’s speed. ‘Gotta time this just right.’ she told herself. She slammed into the creature cutting of it’s one way trip to the ground. However, the creature was much bigger, and heavier than she anticipated. She wrapped her hooves around its barrel and prepared for a less than soft landing. She pumped her wings harder to compensate for their combined speed. The ground rushed up to meet them, and they slammed onto the rocky surface of the pit’s bottom.

Violet Streak opened her eyes, as she felt her eyes adjust to the subdued light of the Pit. She flexed her legs and back checking for injuries, luckily there were none. The creature was next to her, looking at her with wide eyes. She saw him reach out with his claws, she remained still watching it fold its legs in a criss cross pattern. It extended a single claw and poked her lightly on the muzzle, it tilted its head at an angle to match hers. She extended a hoof and touched its claw again.

"They’re….. soft.” she thought, getting to her hooves.

The creature scurried back from her raising a forelimb to protect its face. She slowly came up to it, and wrapped one of her wings around it’s barrel. It in turn wrapped it’s forelimbs around her and made a whimpering sound. She got it up and lead it buy a claw, they would have a long walk before they got home.

Violet led the creature around the outskirts of the city, where there would be less griffins and diamond dogs around, this would allow them to get to Violet’s and Golden Script’s house faster, and more importantly, unnoticed. When Golden Script and Violet had gotten imprisoned in the pit it was one of the first things they built together. She felt the creature rustled her mane again, it seemed quite fascinated with her. ‘Why is it so tall?' she asked herself as they continued on. It seemed evident to her that the creature was young, it acted to immaturely to be an adult, she concluded.

The twilight dusk of the Pit was almost gone by the time they reached the house. In one of the Pit’s innumerable cliff faces sat a large cleft in the face of the wall. A few years before Golden Script had gathered enough supplies to build walls around the cleft and roof them. As they approached, a small figure burst out of the house at breakneck speed towards them.

“Mommy! Mommy!” it cried, “ Where have you been?”

“It’s okay Sugar Shine,” Violet soothed her, “I’m alright.”

“But Daddy said you when flying off to save something.” she said.

“I did, see.” Violet answered, “ It was falling from one of the lifts.”

“What is it?” Sugar asked.

“I don’t quite know honey.” she said eying it, “ Maybe Daddy can help?”

“Yeah!” she said running back into the house, “ Daddy knows a whole bunch of stuff about everything.”

“Well,” Golden Script said lifting up it’s appendage, “I’ve never seen anything like it. It has claws like a griffon, or are they paws? Nevermind, it has stunning simmilarities and astounding differences to ponies, griffons, and even diamond dogs.”

“Like what Daddy?” Sugar asked pacing around it.

“For starters it’s dental structure is quite similar to that of a pony and a diamond dog.” he concluded, “ It has incisors and grinding teeth, from this we can draw the conclusion it’s an omnivore, however they’re quite small. This stands to prove that this creature is still in relative infancy.”

“So it might be around my age?” she asked.

“Precisely my dear.” he said. “Now I wonder if it has any cognitive function? Violet did you notice anything unusual when you rescued it?”

“Yeah a couple of things,” she nodded, while the creature was toying with her mane again, “when I first reached out to it, it recoiled, but after I showed it affection it started doing this.”

“Thanks honey,” he said pecking her cheek, “with that information I can make a deduction. This creature is very much intelligent. The recoil when touched shows that it recently had a traumatic experience with our kind.”

“Do you think we can reach out to it?” Violet pondered.

“I indeed do.” he smirked, “ All I need to do is perform an old spell from the Starswirl wing.”

“Can you Daddy?” Sugar said staring at the creature who was staring back.

“I’ve been dying to give it a try.” He said powering up his horn.

Golden Script powered up his horn and aimed at the creature. A white beam shot out of his horn and into the creature’s head. The creature when through a few brief spasms and it closed it’s eyes, breathe slowly and steadily.

“There,” Golden Script said, “ when it wakes up it’ll be speaking equestrian like a native.”

“What did you do?” Violet asked staring at the creature.

“I rewrote its brain to speak our language.”

“Clever.” she said.

“See Mommy,” Sugar said, “ Daddy knew just what to do.”

“You give me to much credit.” he laughed. “ It’s a good thing Mommy saved it.”

Author's Note:

This is unedited, feel free to murder me in the comments on grammar/spelling.