• Published 31st May 2012
  • 1,639 Views, 4 Comments

Canterlot Wedding Aftermath Prt 1 - Lugitorix

Celestia and Luna come face to face with a very familiar evil, and the Mane Six are dragged right in

  • ...

Chapter 6


A groan escaped her exhausted throat, and after a long montage of constant reading, and magical translation... Twilight had just about given up. For now.

When she lifted her head, her mane was in a frizzy mess, and under her eyes hung many dark purple bags. She was very tired. Her horn looked a little drained of all nearly all energy, and her hoofs gripped at the very edge of the table to keep from falling over.

Oh but that wasn't the worst part of it all.

"Good morning Twilight, I did not expect you to be up so early-", Rarity seemed to just trot on out of their multi-mare room, halting immediately the second she caught a stare at the exhausted unicorn. "Um... Twilight?", she stood at her side now, poking her with a hoof, "Did you... sleep? At all?", she frowned softly, a little worry crossing her face. Rarity began looking between Twilight, and the book in front of her.

The purple mare mumbled her reply, "No..."

"You were up? All night?", Rarity couldn't help but intrude one hoof, raising her friend's head off the hardwood table, "Twilight, darling you should know that is beyond unhealthy for you."

"Ehh! Mornin everypony!", Applejack announced, as she too trotted out of the room, cocking a brow almost immediately, "What'n Tarntation? Uh'did Twi pull an all nighter?"

The white fashionista could only giggle a bit, "I'm afraid so...", she pat Twilight on the head, smiling almost amused, "I believe she's been trying to translate that old book, right here.", Rarity began to move away now, toward the door, "Well, when she finds herself awake, don't waste time in letting her know today is the day Canterlot's newly weds come home.", she pranced rapidly, not moving form the spot with an excited squeal, "It's one thing to make a dress for a Princess, and her charming bride... but it's quite another when you get to do it twice over!", she suddenly jumped up and down, only once, "I'll be at the market! Tataa!", she announced, shutting the first of two doors behind her... and she was gone.

Applejack didn't really get the chance to tell her proper mare-friend goodbye, as she was too quick to leave the building, what with her excitement.

So instead, the cowpony trotted on over to a quite visibly exhausted Twilight Sparkle, "Twi, maybe ya should get a lil sleep? Besides, yer brother'll be here in'a few hours...ain't like he's gonna give up livin if yer late by uh few minutes."

Twilight turned her head toward Applejack, eyes low, and bloodshot, "Huh?...", she mumbled. Her eyes perked, and though she could barely even close her mouth, nor lift her ears, she sat up, dizzy, and weak, "My brother's going to be here by noon!", she repeated, stretching under her eyes with her hooves almost desperately trying to stay awake, "I stayed up all night! Depleted my magic almost entirely! Am NOW just dozing off- And on top of that, I haven't even cracked ONE paragraphs of useful Dialogue!", she seemed to whine, before groaning loudly, face-planting onto the table... again.

Applejack looked on in a tad bit of amusement, and then worry. She set a hoof onto Twilight's shoulder, stroking her gently, "Uh, like I said, Sugar Cube... maybe a lil bit uh sleep'll help ya out.", she smiled nicely, hoping it would console Miss Sparkle into taking a good ol' nap.

"But don't you see?", Twilight sudden got to her hooves, wobbling at first, before smiling, happy that... at least she could stand. She lowered her eyes a bit, exasperatedly turning to Applejack, "I can't just SLEEP! I have to greet Cadance and Shining Armor the second they arrive! I'm not supposed to be late!", she flailed her forelegs in the air, before keeling over suddenly, curled up in a protective/sleep deprived ball.

"Eheh...", Applejack smiled, almost laughing nervously, for fear of how she might react, "Twi, ya know ya got about three hours before they get back... a quick snooze ain't-"

She snapped back to her feet, "Applejack!", she whined, putting her hooves on her shoulder, "It's a ceremonial thing! I can't just not be ready, and get there the second my brother arrives!", her ears flicked downward, a hair on her mane began to twitch violently, before popping up into the air.

"Uhhh...", the southern pony stared oddly, out of things to say... also knowing it was likely Twilight would simply NOT listen to her.

And she was quite correct, "What time is it?", Twilight asked all of a sudden, rushing to one of the big windows hanging over one of the lounge couches on the opposite side of the room. She got a somewhat, at least to her, nasty surprise when a bright beam of light coated her face, sending her falling backwards, "Waaah!", she landed on the couch, upside down, staring back at friend.

"Uh... bout uh few hours til noon."

Twilight gasped, her eyes wide, "Ah!", she meeped rather loudly, before rolling aside, and getting to her feet, stumbling passed Applejack, "I'm not even presentable!", the only times Twilight ever wanted to be "Presentable" was during one of her most special occasions... unlike Rarity who spent EVERY day wanting to be presentable.

"This'uh... medal ceremony's real important to ya, huh Twi?", Applejack cocked a brow, following her, to the point where she just simply stood, watching as the panic stricken mare, ran left, and right... getting all she needed. It also seemed as though everytime she sprinted by, she'd have something else magically floating beside her; from a marebrush, all the way to the usual book, and even a soft gem to rest in her mane.

When she stood, facing the doorway, she froze, and snapped back, horn glowing, "Almsot forgot!", she confirmed, the drawer in the back of the room, beside her temporary bed opened slowly, and out floated a rather small list, perhaps a foot long at it's maximum stretch. Twilight opened the small scroll rapidly, ensuring it was hers, before rolling it up, and slipping it inside saddlebag hanging off her left flank, "All set!"

"Uhh... Well! Bye!", Applejack smiled rather unsettled... she felt rather out of place trying to convince Twilight not to overowork herself. On second though-

Slam. The door was shut behind the rushing Unicorn.

"Well.. nevermind."


High atop the mountain Canterlot had been built upon, there was a small keep. To which was rarely mentioned, as it was more like a beacon, to signal great danger. But it had long since been used, and even now; snow, rock, and gravel have seeped inside of the lower levels of the building. While inside, mosses, grasses, even plants, vines, and rockside trees have sprouted, taking control of the interior, making it more of an aviary for springtime birds.

However, today it was a meeting room. A meeting for two.

As it was almost noon by now, it was the best time to get away from Canterlot, and have a long enough to time to meet with anyone of your choosing. At the very center of the keep, the warmest place, and the most manueverable... as it wasn't neccasarily easy to fish around through the vines, and shrubs... a fire was lit inside the small pit to the far western side of the room.

A small mug, taken off the ground to suite one purpose... to replace anything they could not have brought. The mug floated over, to meet royal lips, regardless of how old, or cracked it was... it was clean enough.

Celestia was drinking tea... somehow having been able to create enough for two... across from her, was her sister, Luna.

"What has thou called upon me for, great sister?", the youngest of the two asked, smiling softly, taking a soft sip from an old chalice she herself had picked amongst the other rabbles of kitchenware.

Princess Celestia lowered her head, a quiet giggle escaping her lips... they probably looked so improper right about now. She gently rested the old wood iron mug on the small stool beside her... they both laid on the old rug that had been here possibly since the day it was built. It was still rather comfortable. Finally she looked upon her sister with those kind, god-like eyes, "Luna, I needed to ask something of you...", she then sighed, "Something I don't take pride upon... but something that requires your knowledge."

The dark blue equine looked to her old sister, resting down the chalice, "I... await thine question then.", she nodded, not really knowing what to expect.

The sun goddess sighed yet again, before slowly letting her horn glow. And a small satchel became visible, having been concealed in her long flowing mane, "I know it has been a while since you have used dark magic...", those words already struck a chord.

"Sister, whatever has happened I assure you, we've nothing to do with it!", the smaller Alicorn closed her eyes tight, actually letting out the style of ancient Canterlot Royal voice. Entirely the first thing she assumed was she was in trouble, and ready to openly defend herself.

But Celestia only chuckled, "Its alright Luna... It has nothing to do with you... I promise.", she nodded slowly, once, her horn tapping gently against her sister's shoulder, "I just need to know if you remember anypony who can make something with a double enchantment...", a number of the ruby shards slowly floated out of the tiny bag, and to Luna's feet, "This used to be a sphere made of ruby."

Luna opened one eye, staring down at it before releasing the tension, "And... what was the enchantment?", she asked.

"This first one was not so out of the ordinary...", she completely released the gems of her magical control, before looking up, "The second was a spell that would repel any who came to close... all but the one who was meant to hear the message contained inside..."

"So you want to know how somepony could generate a dark magic spell?", Luna cocked a brow, frowning rather quizzical... she just stared like that for quite the while, "But... you said there was two enchantments?"

Her elder sister nodded.

"Hm... Impressive...", she picked up the small shards, investigating them quite thoroughly, from many angles, "And... you think I would know somepony with these kind of capabilities?", she added, unsure.

"That's exactly what I came for, sister...", The Princess closed her eyes, hoping Luna had some form of information... even mildly useful, "It seems when Chrysalis acted to overthrow Canterlot... she did not act alone... she needed help... and I'm afraid I only caught a small part of the full message...", she looked down at the jewel shards again.

However, all Luna could really do was sigh, shaking her head, "Forgive me, sister... but if you were hoping I could capture more of the audio for you... It has been far too long, the magic would be-"

"All but depleted... I know.", the white equine nodded, "I feared that same answer...", with much natural grace she looked away, "I also fear that Equestria is not yet completely safe..."

Luna frowned, but then smiled, laughing a bit, "Oh big sister, what could possibly be worse than the Changelings? After all... It seems unlikely that somepony would be a threat if all they did was inform the queen on our niece's Wedding.", her eyes closed contently. Again, Luna made a good point, and so did many other ponies.

So if it wasn't say... a partner of equal, and or, greater value... it meant that Canterlot was a victim of... treachery. Which in this particular case... was just as bad. It opened the possibility of an equally damaging event in the near future!

This frustrated the Equestrian Princess... and soon, the realization reached both of their minds... as soon Luna began to frown. Her eyes flicked upward at her old sister, "What are you going to do, sister?", she asked quietly. Her hooves shifted uneasily, now lacking the ability to fully take charge... she'd been gone for a thousand years... and it left her very dry. She could not even begin to remember how politics worked any longer, nor how to fully run a kingdom. Of course this was all her own speculation.

Celestia collectively pulled her hooves into herself, no longer laying aside in the lazy, relaxed, and comfortable position she had when they'd both arrived. It wasn't a sister-sister chat anymore.

"I'm not sure...", she closed her eyes, she looked rather upset, but also a little frustrated... mixed with a mild anger, "But something MUST be done...", she did not rise... standing, and readying to leave would merely ruin the moment they were having together... even if it had turned bitter, at least it was... possibly redeemable?

Princess Luna looked aside, "I'm sure you shall have your solution, sister... you always do.", she looked up once more, and smiled... an unsure confidence in that declaration. As in more ways than one... Luna had always envied her sister... regardless of her redemption... there was still much she had to be jealous of. It would not leave her for some time... but at least she knew how to control herself.

The oldest sister only smiled... she knew Luna had her own issues... but she knew she was sincere. "Thank you, Luna... it is so good to have you with me after so long..."

They both took a gander out the one window in this room, though the edges decorated in vines, and moss... and the very outside peppered with some high altitude snow, they could still peer into the sky... quiet day, and not even noon. It was poor that they needed to return to their duties very soon. Sometimes... it was very clear that they wanted times like these to last forever.

But their work was never done.

AU: Still working out plot fodder... however he next three chapters become better... Part 2... Fwoosh, the first few pieces are simply damn turbulent.