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Lucky Seven

The only man to get a 2015 fanfiction into the 2024 feature box | Join my Discord and come chat!

Comments ( 70 )

bow chika bow wow

really? that shity movie made a nightmare version of twilight? sigh fucking murder....

6479979 You're finding that out for the first time through porn? I don't think that's the ideal way, friend.

iamli3 #5 · Oct 1st, 2015 · · 14 ·

6479988 best way to learn anything in the world i say....

I'm actually impressed that it took, like, five days for Midnight Sparkle porn to appear. I didn't know Fimfic had that kind of restraint, :trollestia:

6480014 The funny thing is I've never even written porn before.

Good thing no one recorded that or is it?

Sequel with Sunset being futa?

6480182 No clue why you were downvoted, I may actually try this in the future. That all depends on how successful this story ends up being, though. So we'll see ;)

Well that happened.

6480014 ou should have seen the amount of midnight sparkle clop that came out on dirpi the first day. Though half of them were probably developer made nude edits.

Loved the story.

Sexy little fic.:rainbowwild:

Well,that was an interesting read I guess, had to admit at first I thought it was a rape fick or worse one of those "mindbreak and slave fick" but the ending really tied a nice bow on it; you're officialy awarded a shamalan seal of approval for the twist :trollestia:

That was a nice read, and an enjoyable twist. One question, though. Which Twilight was with Sunset?:rainbowderp:

6479979 Just curious, what's your beef against the EG movies? I haven't watched them myself, but from what I understand, they're not that bad.

6482238 It's the human Twilight that went to Crystal Prep. I'm actually thinking of writing a romance that ties in with this story down the line. We'll see though.

6482754 My main beef with the movies is how short they are, but if I had to rank them by how good they were, it would go

1. Rainbow Rocks
2. Friendship Games
3. Equestria Girls

The first one was just terrible in my honest opinion, but the second one is what got me back into writing fanfiction.

6482754 character design , humans , high school setting , movie , everything about it is shit.....

also lol 12 downthumbs , didn't know eqg was getting so popular.....

This was interesting, now I want:

-Chrysalis x Midnight Sparkle
-Celestia x Midnight Sparkle
-Trixie x Midnight Sparkle
and obviously, more Sunset x Midnight Sparkle :3

6483576 I may actually do that third one :raritywink:

So Awesome, this story is too Awesome!!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

6482788 Too long and they end up boring, too short and they'll miss up on plot-points. I think they are about the right length for a childrens movie. They could go for about 90 minutes but I think it would be enough.


character design , humans , high school setting , movie

I suppouse character design and high school setting might be something that many people can agree to dislike, but humans?, movie? why exactly?

Comment posted by iamli3 deleted Oct 3rd, 2015

6485729 Bruh, my story is not the place to post videos about games that have absolutely no relation to the story.


we like ponies for being ponies , magical fantasy , not because generic human fantasy , and movies are just a terrible medium

Soooo you say that because the characters are humanized versions of the ponies we know of the show, right? but what if we have original humans characters interacting with ponies? That will be something interesting to see in my opinion.

6486331 no , g1 had that , it wont be interesting at all because humans aren't interesting....


no , g1 had that , it wont be interesting at all because humans aren't interesting....

because humans aren't interesting....

humans aren't interesting....



hahaha just kiding :rainbowlaugh:

6486449 hahahaha , they really are though , the only time i've ever seen humans be interesting is this....

..oh shit i just gave away my secret didn't i?.....


Kay, stop. Both of you just stop. Take this to PM, my story is not a forum for debating humans in the MLP universe.

Okay, was the first part of the fic their imagination or them actually transforming making a 'fuck dimension'?

6486570 It was just their surroundings being changed like an illusion, so a 'fuck dimension' lol.

6486572 Well I thought it was a plain of existence that was only being used to screw each other in.

6486610 I mean, I suppose it could be. I just wanted to write about Twilight railing Sunset to be honest, I didn't think too much about how they made the fake area.

It has to be the end of days if I just enjoyed a failure girls fanfic....well it may serve a purpose in this fandom after all in my opinion. Good work sir.

I :heart: RP stories like this

Good story but dark as fuck.

6493335 How exactly was it dark?

6494661 I read the beginning of it and about half way through.

It is dark because it involves rape. Even if the rape is just a fantasy the two characters are roleplaying, it is still dark. Do remember that these things are relative to the source material.

6497427 It's not dark if it's not real, man. Who are you to come on my story and dictate what it is?

6499019 Awesome job answering my question.

You asked who I am. As if who I am had any bearing on the rightness or wrongess of my statements. I'm sorry, I don't make the fallacy of appeal to authority.

Your story, do as you please. But at least two people now have pointed out your story is dark. I don't see why you're opposed to accurately tagging your story, as a courtesy to your readers, so they can come into it expecting to read a dark topic.

I'll restate: rape, even in the context of a roleplay, is still dark. It is a dark fetish. Your story is about a dark topic, in a context that is more acceptable and less repulsive than if it had been "real" but tossing a "well, Buu, wasn't that a great bath?" at the end doesn't change the fact that the reader walks into the story off the street, unawares, and read about rape. If they bother to make it to the end, they can get the context, but regardless of that end, they've been done a disservice by you.

And adding the dark tag is not like some mark of doom you should avoid. Lots of people like dark stories, and would more easily search for and find your story because of it being properly tagged.

So, do you want to just stay defensive and pointlessly aggressive because someone is trying to help you? You want to be that guy, really?

6499195 The original person who claimed that it was dark admitted to having only read the first half of the story. You claim a dark tag would be accurate, but in the end, I'm the one who decides what tags are right for my story. I didn't find a dark-tag to be fitting.

Also, don't come on here claiming I'm being "that guy" when you were the one who stated it was dark as if your opinion was some fact laid in cement that can never be disagreed with. Just because you find rape-play to be dark doesn't mean everyone does. It's roleplaying, roleplaying is not dark if it's two people who are in love doing it.



>judging stories based on whether you approve of the morality of fictional content or not


Just consensually fuck already.


It's not dark if it's not real, man.

I disagree with this. Saying "Gotcha, it was all fake" at the end doesn't magically sweep away the fact that the reader spent 90% of the story thinking one character was raping another. The content doesn't matter; what matters is how the reader is intended to interpret the contents of the story as they read it. If you had written the story and let people know at the beginning or early on that this was all a ruse, then the situation would be different, but as it stands, your story is pretty much about rape, since that's what you wanted us to think.

Of course, it's not really practical to apply this argument to a 1150 word clop story that somebody shit out (likely without even rewriting it even once because they don't care). It applies more to stories where there's an actual atmosphere, whereas this has nothing to speak of, and more importantly, to stories which are long enough to build up the scene instead of just blowing their load like an overexcited 12 year old masturbating for the first time. But technically, it's correct to identify this as a darkfic because its intention, for most of the story, was to deceive the reader into believing they were reading forced sex.


My personal reason for disliking them is that they were completely unnecessary from a creative point of view. While they aren't as awful as some people say they are, it can't be said that they possess very much beyond an attempt to monetize and cash in on the show, and some cheap fan service. The films certainly are not terrible, and can be interesting at times, but if they were made as standalones unrelated to MLP:FIM and left out the horse backstory, I don't think very much would be lost, ultimately.

Although, I must say, I do like Sunset Shimmer as a character.

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