• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 4,057 Views, 53 Comments

God of Rage - ShadeBlitz

The story of a teen turned God. Hilarity may ensue. It depends on your outlook on comedy

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Introducing Artemis & The Stallions

"Artemis? Is that you?" I asked, hoping that my ears weren't fooling me.

"Who else would it be? Your mother-in-law?" She said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Shut up. How much power do you have?" I asked, expecting it to be somewhere around %50.

"Seventy-five and slowly rising. Equator's coming up." She said, breaking me away from my thoughts to watch the unfamiliar land below me.

"Any life on this side of the planet? If there isn't, I might start a kingdom here, rather beautiful lands, I must say." I said, admiring the fields, meadows, and forests below.

"I can detect some sentient life down there, but you might want to visit before you claim, in case there's a ruling body of some sort here, and if there is, maybe you can take a look around and see what can be shared between Equestria and this land." She said, causing me to space out again in thought. "Half way to the south pole. You are probably the worst pilot I have ever seen." She commented.

"Like you've even seen an actual pilot, seeing as how you were built and programmed by me." I retorted, imagining an eye roll from Artemis.

"So... How did Celestia and Luna handle your return?" She asked.

"They nearly killed me with their weight." I said, noticing the mountain in the distance that Canterlot hung off of, having passed the south pole a few seconds ago. "Let's surprise them."

"If you insist." Said Artemis, hearing silence in my ear afterward.

I landed on the balcony, stopping the timer in the process. "How long did I take?" I asked Celestia.

"One minute, you've gotten a bit rusty there, Alex." She said.

"That reminds me," I said, acting like I forgot something, "someone wanted to say hi."

"Long time, no see Sunbutt, I reactivated while hot shot here was flying around the planet, over the north pole to be exact." Said Artemis, causing Celestia and Luna's eyebrows to raise in surprise and Rainbow Dash to look confused

"You must be Rainbow Dash, it's a pleasure to finally meet a Pegasus who can keep up with Alex." Artemis said, surprising said Pegasus slightly and causing her to become slightly aggressive and suspicious.

"Show yourself!" She demanded, searching for Artemis. Ugh, these ponies are amusing yet frustrating, especially this one.

"If you insist." Said Artemis, the holographic globe being replaced by a humanoid shape that appears to be a white female in her early twenties with long, auburn hair and armor that appears to be made from black dragon scales, as well as electric blue eyes. The figure looked at Rainbow Dash and said "Better?" with Artemis's voice.

"What is that armor made of? It's way cooler than what the Royal Guard wear." Said Rainbow Dash, zipping up to Artemis to get a closer look.

"Ebony and the blood of evil beings... that is, if it was real. What I'm wearing is a digitalized version, made out of binary coding, which you probably don't understand the meaning of, so I shall make the explanation simple. It's like DNA, or the stuff that makes you, you, but different." Said Artemis, earning a blank expression from Rainbow Dash as she attempted to process what she learned.

"So Cely, Lulu, want to go see if the stallions are ready to reactivate?" I said, pointing down and gaining the attention of Rainbow Dash in the process.

"Sure, it'll be a pleasure to see how well your anti-aging spell works on metal." Celestia said, causing us to get up and walk out of the room, which, in turn, caused Artemis to deactivate the holograms and activating a disguise program, making the projectors invisible.

"Who are these stallions you mentioned? If they're anything like Artemis, then they are already awesome in my book." Said Rainbow Dash, having flown up from behind me.

"Actually, they are a bit more independent than Artemis, but you'll be able to relate to one of them before I even wake them up. Also, why exactly are we walking? Teleporting is too much fun to pass up." I said, teleporting the four of us to what appeared to be a dead end in a hallway, surprising some guards in the process.

I placed a hand against the wall and poured magic into it, causing intricate lines to glow bright red, resulting in the wall splitting and creaking open. "Someone hasn't oiled the doors in one thousand years." I said, looking at Celestia from the corner of my eye, earning a sheepish, guilty smile from her. I sighed, looking up once the doors were fully open. "Nevermind that, I'll see to it at some point. For now, let us see if they're ready." I said, leading the group in.

"Are they the stallions you were talking about?" Said Rainbow Dash, pointing towards six gleaming, equine shapes. One was a light purple Unicorn with and indigo mane and tail that had a bright pink and violet streak going through both, as well as a starburst cutie mark, the one next to it was a white Unicorn with a deep purple mane and tail styled in a handsome manner - gay thoughts, leave me be - with three cerulean diamonds for a cutie mark. Next were two Pegasi, one being colored similarly to Rainbow Dash, and the other being a butter yellow with a pink mane and tail, along with three pink and blue butterflies as a cutie mark. After those two were two Earth Ponies, one matching Pinkie's color scheme, and the other matching Applejack's, including a matching hat on a table nearby.

"Yep, meet Dusk Shine, Elusive, Rainbow Blitz, Butterscotch, Bubble Berry, and Applejack. All six of them are made of bio-durasteel, which is an extremely durable metal that can bend similarly to skin, as well as fake fur." I said, walking over to a handle that hung from the ceiling by chains, putting my headphones on. "If you value your hearing, then I suggest you cover your ears." I tell them, giving them a moment to do so before grabbing the handle and pulling as hard as I can, resulting in a deep, but very loud horn to go off, scaring the stallions awake. I let go, shouting, "Good morning, lazy-brains!", and taking off my headphones.

"Why?" Dusk Shine deadpanned, clearly irritated with how he was woken up.

"Because I felt like it and it was the closest thing that was guaranteed to wake you six up the first time, so deal with it. Now then, colts, since you have already met Celestia and Luna, meet Rainbow Dash, supposedly the fastest Pegasus in Equestria." I said, staring straight at Rainbow Blitz when I mentioned Dash's claim.

"I'd challenge that statement, but I don't have enough magic and the filter you put over the doorway prevents very much from reaching this far." Said Blitz, staring back at me with an annoyed expression.

"Then why don't we head into the hallway? There's plenty of magic there and we need to see if the repair system within all of you is still functioning correctly." I said, before noticing something nearby. On a nearby table, there were two swords that reminded me of black, thick katanas with golden Chinese dragons engraved onto their blade, and one runed, sharp disc with a hole in the middle that is mostly red with the runes being mostly black with a faint orange glow. I walk over, picking up the swords and taking a close look at one, noticing runes that seemed similar to what was on the disc.

I poured magic into the swords, causing the runes to glow orange and the blade to light on fire. I took a few swings and performed a couple basic fighting maneuvers, stopping the flow of magic and replacing the swords with the disc, holding it in both hands and pulled as I poured in magic, causing the runes to glow brighter and the disc to duplicate itself before igniting along the edge. I threw the discs in a certain way, causing them to behave like a boomerang and slapping them together after catching them, causing the duplicate to sink into the original. After that happened, I stopped pouring magic and placed the disc near the swords before returning to the group, noticing an awestruck Rainbow Dash.

"That was so awesome!" she fangirled, "What are those made of and how did you do that?"

"Both are made of durasteel and they are engraved with runes meant to ignite whatever they are engraved on when powered with magic. I slightly altered them to only ignite certain areas. if they weren't engraved with those runes, they'd be plain durasteel weapons." I said, motioning for us to leave. Once in the hallway, I closed the doors, turning around to see that the stallions seem to be a lot more energized.

I looked to Celestia and Luna before saying, "I think I'm going to have a better look around Ponyville for a few days. Starting tomorrow of course, just incase you two begin to worry about me." They nodded, seemingly understanding the reason behind my trip.

"Ok, you have me curious. What exactly is so special about these stallions other than the fact that they are robots?" Rainbow Dash whispered in my ear.

"Thought you'd never ask. Shall we?" I said, turning my gaze to the stallions with that last inquiry.

They all nodded, steam bursting from certain areas of their bodies. The Unicorns' horns sunk into their skull, a plate replacing it, while their upper and lower jaw split and moved down the body, revealing a hole which respectively colored hands came from. Their legs followed the pattern, spreading out before sinking into the body, causing the hand to rotate and the mane and tail to sink into the body as well.

The Pegasi shared relatively similar transformations, their whole torso splitting open, revealing various bits and pieces of tech, and causing their wings to sink into the body, legs to fold into a laying position, and head to rotate and bend back.

The Earth Ponies had simpler transformations, their legs, mane, and tail sinking into the body, which in turn allowed the head to bend upwards and move down the neck, stopping at a 90 degree angle.

All together, they looked like a set of metal armor that slightly resembled parts of a battle suit. I reached down to Dusk and Elusive, sticking my arms into the holes where their tails sunk in at, and flexed my muscles, causing the respective areas to bend in response. Following that, I grabbed Scotch and Blitz, placing their top ends together and sticking my head through the hole before closing them together, forming a layer of armor protecting my chest. Then I stuck my legs into the holes in AJ and Bubble Berry, bending my legs effectively.

"Definitely no kinks to work out yet, but yeah, this is what they can do that makes them extraordinarily special." I said, finally noticing the shocked looks on all the nearby guards as well as Rainbow Dash. "Heh, you all need mirrors, your faces are too funny to describe. Plus, I always thought guards were used to anything... guess highly advanced robots don't count." I looked to Celestia and Luna, both of whom had very amused faces, Luna in particular was trying desperately to hold back what might be a booming laugh.

"Jokes aside, where did AJ's hat vanish to?" I wondered aloud, looking around for said accessory.

I heard a slightly scratchy voice nearby. "You mean this heavy thing? If I didn't know any better, I'd say this is also made of durasteel." said the new voice. I looked to the source, seeing a mismatched bunch of creatures. He's free? Huh... If Cely isn't making any moves against him, then I'll let him roam. I thought.

"It's been quite a long time, Discord. I hope you are well." I said, being polite in the face of chaos incarnate.

"Well, I am a bit disappointed that I am just now being introduced into this story, but oh well, can't do much about it now, can I? Other than that, I have been fine, thank you very much, Norijiro." he said, putting the hat on as he announced the name of my current form.

"Norijiro? isn't that the name of the God of Rage? If you ask me, Alex here doesn't look like a god." said Rainbow Dash.

"Apparently you haven't visited the castle gardens enough. Hey Discord, got any peach tea? Also, please stop breaking the fourth wall, you'll cause massive headaches and confusion, even though I find it funny when researchers and scientists attempt to solve the anomaly you create every time you do so. Explosions are glorious." I said, smiling from explosive memories. If only Starswirl was immortal, then things would be hilarious. Although I do have a feeling that I will soon meet one who is as studious as that Robertson-bearded Unicorn. Hehe.

"Oh fine, you're no fun. Also, I do happen to have some fresh peach tea on me." said Discord, who was covered in what was probably said tea.

"Really bro? I'd like it in a glass bottle, with only the peach tea."

"Still no fun." He said, holding a glass bottle filled with a dark orange liquid. I grabbed the bottle, feeling a slight chill radiating off the glass. I opened it, hearing a pop from the lid, and took a sip of the delicious, mouth-drying tea.

"Still as good as ever. Too bad Equestria isn't too technologically advanced." I said, summoning a random book, titled Adventures of the Rage God. Vol. 1.

"So, where shall we go today Celestia?" asked Discord.

"Well, I am due to be at Day Court soon," this caught my attention, making me close the book that I haven't really delved into yet, "So if you, Rainbow Dash, Alex, and Luna want to do something, then go right ahead." Celestia said, walking off and turning down a nearby hallway. I looked at the three of them with a mischievous smirk, getting equal smirks from Discord and Luna, and receiving a mix of confusion and frustration from Rainbow Dash.

"Who's up for scaring nobles? I have a feeling that I will encounter that stuck up Unicorn from yesterday there as well." I said, still in the dark as to said Unicorn's name and finally getting a mischievous smirk from Rainbow Dash.

"Oh heck yes!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, seemingly pumped for the future exploits.

----15 minutes later, Throne room----

"And that's why we shouldn't allow non-Equestrians to continue to have residence within our borders." A random noble said as he finished his proposal right as I cracked the door open. I threw the empty bottle of tea into the room, which Discord infused with chaos magic so it would explode.

I appeared in the noble's face, using the explosion as a distraction. "Who the heck do you think you are? A racist idiot like Donald Trump? What insane reason do you have for Celestia to believe this? If I were you, I would leave right now, before things get ugly." I said, shoving him back. "Racist nobles, the lot of them." I mumbled before looking at the door and shouting, "If any of you are here to promote wealth amongst nobles or reject other races from keeping or acquiring residence in Equestria, then you are not allowed in this throne room!" in a slightly pissed off tone.

"Why did you have to do that, Alex?" Celestia questioned as I turned to look at her.

"Because that was a prime example of racism, and those who are racist piss me off greatly, as you should already know." I deadpanned. I walked up to stand beside Celestia's throne, still wearing the stallions. Discord and Rainbow Dash walked in, Luna having apparently left after I yelled at the nobles in the hallway.

"Remind me not to piss you off." They both said in unison, seemingly too amused by what I did to care. I then noticed how empty the room is, which caused me to turn to Celestia.

"You knew I'd join you, didn't you?" I asked, receiving a nod in return.

Five rather positive proposals later, in walks the alabaster Unicorn from yesterday. I heard a sigh of exhaustion from Celestia. "Not him again. Why must Blueblood always attend Day Court?" she mumbled just loud enough for me to hear, obviously annoyed with the Unicorn.

"I'll handle this one for you, that way there's a fresh view for whatever Blueballs has to offer." I whispered to her, receiving a grateful smile in return.

"Hello Auntie, I'm here to propose a new tax layout." I swear, if he ignored my announcement, then we'll have major problems. "I suggest higher taxes for those in the lower classes, and lower taxes for us nobles. You see-"

I cut him off. "Hold it right there. I've seen this before, and I know exactly how this will turn out. So if you don't want enraged farmers and other lower classes after your hindquarters, then I highly suggest you leave, Blueballs." I said, frustrated.

"Just who do you think you are to insult a pony of higher class than you? I am Prince Blueblood, you hairless, ungrateful ape."

"You. Me, Battlegrounds. Now." I said with force, receiving excited reactions from Discord and Rainbow Dash before amplifying my voice, "Day Court is postponed until further notice as a result of a match between Prince Blueblood and the God of Rage within the hour. Those of you who are interested in witnessing the supposed prince being shown his place may attend, as well as those with the opposite interest. Thank you very much, and have an excellent day." I announced before hearing muffled chatter coming from outside the doors.

"You? A god? Oh please, A lowlife commoner could easily best you. But if you insist, I suppose I will show you your place instead." Blueblood said with a dismissive tone.

"We'll see who is better when we commence our battle, Blueballs" I said before I teleported away.

Author's Note:

Look who's about to get their hindquarters handed to them. I know that I'll have fun writing the next actual chapter, but I plan on doing a Q&A next, so feel free to leave questions in the comments below or PM me, which ever you prefer.

But, for now, I leave you all with a few questions

Which is better? Xbox or PlayStation?

Do you want to see your OC in this story?

And finally

Should I reveal my god form for the fight or just use swords from the armory?