• Published 7th Oct 2015
  • 3,884 Views, 4 Comments

It Came from the Mysterious Beyond - Jongoji245

When Dapplewood mysteriously disappears, our heroines (and hero's) must trust a stranger.

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Chapter 1 (Old Timeline): The Great Rift

Back at a more modern world, Cosgrove and Dapplewood stepped out of the Natural History Museum. They happily strolled through the park.

“Nice to visit the museum for the first time since you got back.”

Dapplewood looked up at his brother and answered him with a nod. Cosgrove returned with a smirk.

“Well, we should meet the others over at Sugarcube Corner. Gotta check out Diver’s swim team Varsity.”

When they turned around a corner, they were confronted by Garble and his friends Clump and Spyro.

"Garble not now." Cosgrove rubbed his temples.

Garble pointed to Dapplewood, "That little flea got me in trouble and he isn't in school!"

"That little flea, is my brother." - Cosgrove bridged between Garble and Dapplewood - "You got something against him, you go against me, fizzle hair."

Spyro and Clump giggled before noticing the glare their leader gave them.

Garble pointed his finger at Cosgrove

"Get him!"

"Dapplewood, run!" Yelled Cosgrove as he punched Clump coming at him first. With his back turned after flinging Spyro away, Garble snatched him from behind and held him long enough for the other two to punch him in the stomach.

Dapplewood ran to an alley near the museum when the ground began to shake.

Back at the dinosaur world, Thud was walking in the wilderness. Time and time again he called out to his pack, but to no avail. Suddenly, the ground began to shake.

At the intensity of the Tremor, both Dapplewood and the raptor fell into a portal.

Now a human, Thud found himself to be somewhat smaller in size. He explored his new environment; no Dinosaur's to see, but humans.
He looked around and found Cosgrove still being ground to a pulp. He noticed the yellow teen's unusual hands and began to run towards them.

Garble released Cosgrove, who then collapsed to the ground. The bullies laughed as Cosgrove coughed up blood. Garble bent down.

"Not so tough with out your Maximal buddies."

Cosgrove strained a few indistinguishable words through his bloodied teeth.

Garble crouched lower before sarcastically asking, "I'm sorry, I didn't catch that."

Cosgrove spat blood on Garble. The red head clutched the boy's hair and smacked him to the floor.

"Well, we lost the other punk." - Garble gave a toothy grin as he cracked his knuckles - "But we could give out a message, won't we boys?"

Just as Garble was about to kick Cosgrove again, he turned to the sound of running shoes. He saw the green person who then gave out a raspy screech. The gang looked in confusion.

"Was that supposed to scare me? Because you’re bad at it." Without a moments notice, the raptor leapt at Garble and brought him to the ground.

"P-please, take it easy."

The raptor growled before placing his foot on Garble's throat. The raptor's eyes widened when his usual killing claws were replaced by a shoe.
Garble shoved the foot aside and ran off. The former raptor looked at his hands and his newfound body before looking at the injured Cosgrove.

Elsewhere, Garble and gang ran past the Mane Six. They looked at each other before retracing their steps.

The raptor lifted up Cosgrove. when he sniffed fresh blood. His pupils widened as he opened his mouth, ready to take a bite off a human.

"Put him down!"

The raptor turned around and found himself surrounded by a group of teenage girls.

"You wanna piece of him, you going to go through us." Said Applejack.

The raptor growled at the girls.

"Wait..." - Cosgrove slumped forward - "He... Helped me..."

Dapplewood slowly opened his eyes and found himself in barren wilderness, akin to the badlands. As he got up, he found that his hands have claws, alongside a tail, and most of all, no clothes. He looked up to the sound of a screech. There were flying reptiles in the air instead of birds. His hunch became even more clear when the earth rumbled, becoming louder and louder.

He found himself face to face with a fully grown T. Rex. This one was grey in color with a cream underbelly. Likewise it had a large scar running from it's left eye down to its finger. The dinosaur snapped at Dapplewood , prompting him to flee. He dashed through a few rocks, increasing his distance from the large theropod. Surprised he outwitted such a famed predator he "laughed" through his teeth.

That is until he came across the same blue and red Utahraptors that chased Chomper. The two beasts chased him down across the fern prairies to a more mountainous region. Without much choice, Dapplewood struggled to climb up a bedrock hill, something that not even the raptors could climb.

While safe in the tunnel, Dapplewood almost began to cry when he heard a soft roar on the other side of the tunnel. Following the light, he came across a massive green valley populated by dinosaurs, herbivorous ones at that. Better to stay there than outside, he followed the cliff edge down. Maybe he could find help.