• Published 5th Oct 2015
  • 6,375 Views, 70 Comments

Some Things Matter More Than Others - Littlecolt

Really quite a long time after the changeling invasion of Canterlot, Fluttershy has something she wants to finally discuss with Princess Twilight.

  • ...

And Yet, Don't Matter at All...

“We’ve been friends for a long time, now, Twilight.”

It was usually not a good sign when somepony used that sort of a line as an opener, especially somepony like Fluttershy. Twilight Sparkle, who had recently become the Princess of Friendship, had more than a little experience with being able to tell when somepony was having a friendship problem. In her expert opinion – which really was the most expert opinion in all the land if you went by her new title – Fluttershy was in the midst of just that, though Twilight wasn’t certain yet just how severe.

Yet, Twilight, despite all of her newfound experience with friendship, her ability to see that there was a friendship problem, and her general willingness to help others in need, was also in the middle of organizing her new castle’s new library. She had been putting this task off for quite a while, and had decided that today was the day. The fact that she was now facing an incoming friendship problem, which would possibly make her have to drop everything she'd been doing, activated the more snarky part of her brain, and she blurted out the first response she thought of.

“Well, for a year.”

Fluttershy shrunk down slightly. “That’s a long time.”

Twilight sighed and shook her head, realizing that may have sounded a bit rude, especially aimed at somepony like Fluttershy. She put the book that she had been levitating down and nodded her head. “Yes, I suppose it is. It feels like even longer, too. In the past year, the six of us have really grown quite close, haven’t we?”

“Well, I was friends with the rest of them for even longer, you know.”

Twilight could feel herself rolling her eyes internally. Fluttershy always did have a knack for handing back snarky remarks in her own manner. She really had come far in the past year, in a way. Still, she found it an endearing quality in her friend. She was still baffled at the statement, though. “Oh… kay? What’s that got to do with anything?”

“It’s just so strange. Me, I mean. I’m strange. I’ve been friends with all of them a lot longer, especially Rainbow Dash whom I’ve known since we were fillies, and yet here I am, bringing this to you.” The pegasus blushed slightly and hid behind her bangs, which was fairly typical for her and Twilight took it as a standard reaction.

“Bringing… what to me? You’re acting kind of strange.”

“You’re right, Twilight! It is strange! Why would I come to you with this?”

“With what?” Twilight asked, raising a hoof into the air above her head.

“Maybe because now that you’re the princess of friendship, it seems appropriate.”

A friendship problem. She had known it. Her mind, somewhat annoyed with the fact that she’d been right, grumbled to itself inside her head as Twilight spoke back from her heart.

“What happened, Fluttershy? Please stop beating around the bush and speaking in code. No offense, but I’m trying to get this new library in order.”

Okay, maybe her brain was speaking just a little, but it was true.

“Sorry. I guess I really do seem strange, don’t I?”

“Did you… need something? A book? A strange book, maybe?” Twilight was becoming more exacerbated than usual with Fluttershy’s mannerisms since they were keeping her from her previous task. She normally found them endearing and cute, but this was not the time.

“No, it’s just that I had a question for you.”

“Ah, now we’re getting down to it. What is it? As a good friend, I will try my best to answer this question of yours.”

“Okay… here goes…”



“Yes? Yes?”

“If you found out that I was…”

If you were what? Twilight thought, her mind suddenly racing. Wait a minute, Fluttershy, maybe you shouldn’t tell me this. There’s a few ways this sentence could turn out, and some of them are sort of awkward… for both of us…

“Um… maybe you shouldn’t tell—” Twilight began to respond, but Fluttershy continued.

“…different from everypony else…”

Oh boy, and the options become more narrow. You’re right, Fluttershy, why did you come to me with this? Twilight thought, but then mentally slapped herself. No, Twilight! She trusts you! You have to be supportive! Besides, there’s nothing wrong with it, and she shouldn’t think she’s so different!

“Gosh, I don’t know, Fluttershy, I mean, different is a strong word. You know?”

“Like, deep down inside…”

“You know, it’s perfectly normal. Lots of ponies are, well, you know…”

“Wait, they are? I don’t think you know what I’m talking about yet, and…”

Wait, so there’s more? Oh my gosh, is she in love with somepony? Somepony she can’t tell? Wait, is it me? That would be a little odd. Not unwelcome, I guess, but odd. No, Twilight! Stop overthinking things! Stay on topic!

“Fluttershy, I read you loud and clear. Listen, it’s okay. I know it may not seem like it sometimes, but it’s totally okay!”

“It is?”

“Absolutely. You know, I’m kind of relieved you’re telling me. I mean, that means I’m not the one that’s got you all in a tizzie, right?”


“Right. If you were confessing to me, that would be a little weird. I mean, for the both of us. Right?” Twilight said, and then felt her stomach slowly filling with butterflies. What if it is me? Surely, it couldn’t be. I mean, there’s been no indication, not that I noticed anyway. I guess I can be a bit oblivious sometimes…

“Weird for both of us? Huh?” Fluttershy asked, her face contorting a bit into a look of frustrated confusion.

Oh no! Twilight thought. Was it me? Am I breaking her heart right here, right now, after she’s just opened up to me so sincerely? Why did I even say that? I should face this head-on.

“Fluttershy, you have got to stop worrying. You can tell me anything. So, who’s the lucky mare?”

“Lucky mare? Wait, Twilight, you’ve got it all—“

“Oh! My! Gosh! Is it Rarity? Yikes! I mean, she’s as confused as can be about her own situation, still! And you’ve got some stiff competition! I mean, Applejack is—“

“Twilight, that’s not it. I’m not in love with Rarity… or whatever it is you’re thinking about.”

“Oh. Okay. Sorry! Scatterbrained me! Okay, you tell me, then. You know, if you want to!” Twilight said, somehow having traded places with Fluttershy as the most nervous one in the room. She was practically shaking as she sat on edge, waiting for her response.

“Well, I don’t think—“

“Right. It’s private. I understand. Gee, I really feel honored that you’d come to me about this, though. I won’t pry, I promise.”

Well, it’s probably not me. Probably.

“Twilight, I’m not—“

“I will be curious forever, though! Seriously!”

Especially if I’m wrong, and it’s me.

“Twilight, hold on—“

“I’ll wait until you’re ready to tell everypony, and then—“


“Yes, Fluttershy?”

“I’m a changeling!”

Twilight felt her brain shut down temporarily. “You’re a what, now?”

“I’m not gay! I didn’t come here to tell you I was gay! I don’t need your advice on romance! I came here to tell you that I am a changeling!”

Twilight stood silently, staring at the yellow Pegasus, her thoughts having restarted and sped up to a breakneck speed. A changeling? Like the ones that attacked Canterlot before? It’s been months, and she only just now decided to tell me? To tell us? Any of us? And why me? Why tell me? The changelings did terrible things to my brother! They hurt and imprisoned a long-time friend of mine! Their queen blasted Princess Celestia! I can’t imagine ever forgiving them, even if I ever saw them again! And yet… Fluttershy? A changeling? Sweet, kind, beautiful, demure, polite little Fluttershy is one of those… monsters? How? Don’t they feed on love? Nopony has seen Fluttershy doing that.

“Actually, wait, no, that’s not even why I came here! I came here to ask you if it would matter if I was a changeling!”

Twilight’s eyes were racing to and fro with each passing thought. She came for a philosophical conversation? ‘Would it matter if I was?’ Of course it would, if she’d been feeding off of ponies, but nopony has seen her doing that. Could she have been feeding on something besides ponies? Wait… her animals! Oh my gosh, that’s it! Unbelievable! She’s been hiding all this time! When the changelings appeared in Canterlot, she must have been scared beyond belief that we’d find out!

“I’ve been waiting months to ask you about it, but I figured I’d give the whole invasion thing a little time to cool off, you know? I was about ready to tell you, then wham, suddenly you became an alicorn! And then you became the Princess of Friendship! And now we have this big castle, and this map that points us to friendship problems! It’s doing a pretty crummy job, wouldn’t you say? It didn’t even point any of you to me! A changeling! Living right under your noses this whole time!”

Yeah, why is that? Twilight thought, her eyes briefly darting over towards the hallway that led to the Chamber of Friendship. The Cutie Map has always pointed us to friendship problems before, it hasn’t led us astray yet, but here I am with Fluttershy, clearly with a friendship problem, and nothing is happening. She looked down at her cutie mark, taking note that it was not glowing or vibrating at all.

“Fluttershy, hold on, this is a lot to take in, and I—“

“You what? I told you I was a changeling! What are you going to do, now? Blast me? Banish me to the moon? Banish me to Tartarus? Put me in a cage in whichever place you banish me to?”

“Fluttershy, no! Hold on!”

“I can’t hold on anymore, Twilight! I can’t keep living this lie!”

Living this lie, Twilight recited in her mind. What’s the lie besides you not telling us you’re a changeling? It’s true, a lie of omission is still a lie, but it doesn’t change the fact that… I’ve got it! Twilight’s face lit up with a big smile and she looked right at her shy little friend.

“Fluttershy… you said that the Cutie Map never pointed us to a friendship problem here, and that meant it was doing a bad job, right?”

“Yeah, and hey, let’s go look at it. I bet it still won’t,” Fluttershy replied, dragging a hoof against the floor.

“Maybe it will now! But it didn’t before, and I don’t think that’s because it was broken. Do you want to know why I think it wasn’t pointing this friendship problem out to us?”


“Because there wasn’t one.”

“There… wasn’t one?”

Twilight nodded her head sagely. “No. There wasn’t one. And there still isn’t one as long as you don’t make one. Trust me, I know a thing or two about creating friendship problems! Not worth it! Besides, none of us will feel any differently about you, Fluttershy. You’re our friend! There isn’t a problem, and even if you had admitted what you were to us, there still wouldn’t have been! The map had nothing to report, and I bet if we go look at it right now, it still won’t.”

“So… you don’t hate me?”

“Hate you? Of course not. I love you, Fluttershy. We all do,” Twilight said, feeling herself subconsciously putting a little extra emphasis on the ‘I love you’. Too bad it looks like that’s as close as I’ll ever get to that, she thought, sighing slightly.

“So… do you think we should tell the others?”

“Yes. I do. Come on, Fluttershy. You're the same Fluttershy that's been with us through everything. It doesn't matter if you're a changeling underneath that mellow appearance of yours, you're still you. Let’s call together an emergency meeting of the Council of Friendship. I know they will all accept you for who you are, no matter what. That’s just the kind of ponies they are!”

“Okay! You’re right, Twilight! I should never have doubted my friends. I guess I sort of forgot that.” The two ponies began to walk down the hallway towards the Chamber of Friendship, side by side.

Twilight laughed. “I guess we can all forget the true value of friends every once in a while. Even just earlier, I have to admit, I’d gotten a little bit annoyed at you for interrupting me in the middle of my re-shelving. That was wrong, though. There’s nothing more important than a friend in need.”

Fluttershy blushed slightly and nodded her head. “Oh, Twilight, by the way…”


“You know that part about me not being gay?”

“Yeah?” Twilight asked, glancing over at Fluttershy.

“That was a lie,” she responded, and planted a peck of Twilight’s cheek. “I guess while we’re being honest about things... That’s sort of why I came to you with this, I guess…” The yellow mare’s face had lit up cherry red.

Twilight felt intense heat rising in her cheeks, as well. “Okay, Fine. While we’re being honest… Remember that part about it being weird if you were confessing to me?”


“That was a lie, too,” Twilight said, leaning over and nuzzling Fluttershy lightly against her cheek. “But, we can talk about that later. Let’s deal with the changeling part first, okay?”

Fluttershy smiled and giggled. “Okay.”

Author's Note:

Just a silly little thing I typed up in response to the "Would It Matter if I Was?" trend. It started as a silly thing, I wanted to write a funny story about Twilight continuously misunderstanding what Fluttershy was saying until she finally blurted out that she was a changeling... but then it got a bit sappier. I hadn't intended to even publish it, but then I found myself adding to it bit by bit, and before I noticed, it was good enough that I wanted to.

Thanks for reading!

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Comments ( 69 )

awww i want more X3

And here's another one.

This got a D´aaaw out of me in the end.^^

Yeah, me too, kind of. It was actually an exercise in self-control that I ended it where I did. I like the place it ended at a lot, though there are also several things I didn't do in the fic that I thought were good ideas. Twilight could have remembered how Fluttershy's cutie mark changed when she became Flutterbat, which would make sense if she were a changeling. In fact, the whole Flutterbat incident would make more sense to Twilight with this revelation. I also didn't delve into the question of "Is this still the original Fluttershy? Was she replaced recently?" because I wanted Twilight to trust her without questioning things, though the ending at one point did have some extra dialogue where the two of them were talking about that as they walked to the Cutie Map. It felt like that would BEG for continuation even more, though.

Anyway, sometimes we want more and don't get it. I think this is one of those times.

Yep! Sorry, not sorry!

Glad you liked it.


6495087 when i mean more, i mean more on this universe, like meeting the parents, would shy's mom be Chrysalis if so would Twi have to meet Chrysalis as someone who's meeting Shy's mom and not as Chrysalis enemy also Chrysalis would be meeting Twi as her daughter's mere friend, stuff like that

Oh, I get it! Hah! I could see that meeting being very interesting, yes. It feels like side stuff would become rather interesting, actually. Like, if the relationship really takes off and they get married, what would the wedding be like? I could see it now, Twilight's parents and Princess Celestia ask Twilight if she'd consider having her wedding in Canterlot, and then Shy's parents and other family show up and the whole city freaks out because it's yet another princess having yet another Canterlot wedding that's being YET AGAIN invaded by freaking changelings! Except this time they're passing out gifts to the couple? Weirdest invasion ever...

6495250 lol you could also have it that Shining is trying to find things that prove that Shy is evil but Shy keeps doing the kindest of things and it's driving him up the wall

Very cute story. I approve!

Thank you! Also, I love your avatar.


Not a question. Not asking anything. It's a statement, and I'll say it again.


Best reaction.

“We’ve been friends for a long time, now, Twilight.”

“Well, for a year.”

And that show just why that's stupid.

What do you mean? I don't understand the last sentence there.


The whole "one year" thing.

Ah, I take it you're saying that "the idea that they've only gone through a single year is stupid." - which I actually disagree with.

The lines you quoted, though, were drawing attention to that fact, but also were in reference to a fun back-and-forth me, another fan, and Big Jim Miller had on twitter the other day. This other guy asked Jim how much time had passed from S1 to S5 in-universe, and the speed with which Jim responded impressed me. His answer, mind-blowing.


BOOM! We're all guilty of thinking like Earthlings. I suppose it was the natural frame of reference for us.


Thanks for making me more depressed.

I'm here to help. :yay:

I'm not really seeing what this version brings to the table compared to the original except some rather boring and by the numbers shipping.

If that was the point, 'story X, but with mares kissing,' you could have really taken it to some far more interesting places and distinguished this version more.

Heck, have the reason Fluttershy is so cripplingly shy and her pony form is such an in-universe bomb-shell be that her true form is the ugliest changeling that ever lived and she knows it.

You could even go the Princess What's-Her-Name from the Earthworm Jim series route and have her changeling form be hideously malformed by changeling standards, but even more beautiful by pony standards then 'normal' Fluttershy. That way you could have made tons of jokes and gotten some world building in and given this a twist of your own.

There's the seeds of an interesting twist here. This could have worked.

But as is? I'm sorry, but this just feels like a really bland and uninspired bandwagon jump. :ajsleepy:

Honestly, I can't see Fluttershy as a Changeling. Rainbow Dash seems more like the type. Seeking adoration with her tricks, brash and defensive when confronted. I could honestly see her as a Changeling who defected from the hive.

I think that's pretty much it. It's not meant to be deep and novel, it's meant to be quick, silly, and cute. The entire concept originally was "Twilight misunderstands what Fluttershy is trying to say, overthinks, and blurts shit out". As I wrote it, the shit became shipping. Seemed like a weird angle to take it.

I don't think I would want to make it any deeper, though I did write 1k or so words of drama as BloodNekoFox suggested. No idea if I'll go for a sequel.

In the end, I think the more interesting story happens after this scene, and that's basically what you're saying, too.

Sounds like you have a pretty secure and possibly narrow view of "how a changeling is" when even in the show, we only saw an invasion force fighting. I prefer to think there's all types. Have you read"A Blessing in Disguise"? It's in the feature box right now, and just about the cutest, quirkiest changeling story I've ever seen.

Sure! You mangled a word just for me. You know how hard it is to think of "what" by itself and not to infer a question? More difficult than I had thought!

6498453 It's not that hard. Just don't add the inflection at the end.

No no, like seriously, even if I just say "what" flatly, no inflection, my brain automatically assumes a question. It's so habitual. Even if the question is just "what happened?" "What am I looking at?" Or "what did I just read?". Or even just "So what?"

It's "what" being alone that does it, I think. Interesting word-brain play.

6498524 Have you ever seen something so bizarre, so odd, so strange, that brain just cannot comprehend it? It wants to say something. It tries. It fails. It thinks of a question, but also wants to make a statement. Think if you saw an elephant splitting a cougar in half while snorting crack cocaine. You'd see that, and then...


Sorry to reply to you again, but I typed that last one up on my phone while lying in bed after having just woken up, so it might not be the most eloquent.

I agree it's a quick story with the most basic of premises. As I said, the orinal idea was to have Twilight awkwardly blurt shit out, and that would provide the comedy, alongside some awkwardness. In the original writeup, I didn't even have the story end with the shipping angle. Twilight was squirming for the entire story, not wanting Fluttershy to confess to her because it would be super weird since she didn't feel the same way. Then I wrote a little twist at the end, it just came out, that Twilight admits she wasn't exactly straight, but wasn't sure if she was interested in Fluttershy per se. That eventually evolved into Twilight being interested in her, and the inner conflict turned into her being shy, lacking confidence by thinking it was someone else, etc...

Fluttershy being a changeling isn't the story, here. Twilight and Fluttershy being socially inept is. I've tried to lampoon the entire philisophical debate aspect from the original fic and make it something completely different. Fluttershy being a changeling matters very little, actually, which is what Twilight tells her in so many words. The title of the story is "Some things matter more than others" because what really mattered to Twilight, and what ends up mattering to Fluttershy, is friendship and the way they feel about each other.

I want to note that you suggested possibilities are very interesting, but...

Heck, have the reason Fluttershy is so cripplingly shy and her pony form is such an in-universe bomb-shell be that her true form is the ugliest changeling that ever lived and she knows it.

That is a very cool idea, I admit it, but not the focus I was going for.

You could even go the Princess What's-Her-Name from the Earthworm Jim series route and have her changeling form be hideously malformed by changeling standards, but even more beautiful by pony standards then 'normal' Fluttershy. That way you could have made tons of jokes and gotten some world building in and given this a twist of your own.

I love Earthworm Jim, used to watch it all the time as a kid. This is a novel idea, for sure. I love the idea of differing standards of beauty.

There's the seeds of an interesting twist here. This could have worked.

There are, indeed, but that's seeds that exist within the very concept of Fluttershy coming to Twilight with the question she did in the original fic this is inspired by. Even more interesting twists are possible when you tkae the story and make it a certainty that she's a changeling. However, that's not the direction I went here, not what I was going for.

I will close with this. The second-to-last draft I did of this story had a much longer and more involved ending that had all of the mane 6 in it. I'll quote some stuff below, though in the end, I decided to leave it more open-ended, leave it to just having Twilight and Fluttershy as characters, and leave it as simple and short as could be.

"And?" Applejack asked with a shrug. "Ya think that makes a lick ‘a difference to any of us? Shoot, ‘Shy, ya always have been a little reclusive. Now that we know you were hidin’ a secret, it just makes more sense."

"Right! Even back when we were fillies up in Cloudsdale, I’d noticed you were sneaking away sometimes," Rainbow chimed in. "I remember one time I followed you and saw you hanging around on the edge of a park where couples went on dates. You always looked so sad. I thought maybe you were lonely, but now I know you were just hungry."

Fluttershy nodded her head quietly, the smile on her face more genuine than any she’d had before.

"Well, I suppose while we’re all chiming in, I had already noticed something was a bit off during our spa visits. You never did want to use the full mud bath, and you humored me with the hooficures, but you never really needed them, did you?" Rarity added.

"Um, actually, that’s just because I don’t like that stuff on my face," Fluttershy responded. "But the hooves, yeah... they never really need care because they aren’t real. They’re just my disguise."

Pinkie Pie bounced in place. "That’s right, it is a disguise! Oh, oh! Do we get to see the real you? Can I give the real you a super big hug?"

Fluttershy shook her head and backed up a couple of steps. "Actually, if you don’t mind, I’m just a lot more comfortable in this disguise. I feel like it’s not even a disguise anymore, it’s... it’s the real me. I’ve been wearing it for years, never changing back to my original form, and it’s..." she said, hesitating for a moment. "This is who I am. I had to tell you all the truth, I just had to, but I’m not going to stop being me."

Twilight nodded her head from Fluttershy’s side. "And you shouldn’t have to. You’re right, Fluttershy. This is the real you."

"You’re getting a super big hug, anyway!" Pinkie said, her body seeming to shake as she reached her limit on holding back from tackling Fluttershy. "Come here, you!" She leapt at Fluttershy, wrapping her hooves around her and squeezing. The others all joined in, with Twilight and Fluttershy right at the center of it. Twilight nuzzled her cheek against Fluttershy’s.

The little changeling that had become a shy, yellow pegasus had never felt more loved in her entire life.

I'm sure you're thinking "Not another one of those damn things!"

Correct. Along with several other four letter words and varying degrees of "Are you freaking kidding me?"

Seriously. This bandwagon needs to die. I'd say "it needs to die a slow, painful death", but "slow and painful" describe what it's been like on fimfic with all of these fics lately.

Dank maymays don't die at our bidding!

Especially when the premise is so much fun.

You're right. Some things don't matter at all, and thank you for reminding everyone of that.
Best "would it matter?" story to date.

Twilight felt intense heat rising in her cheeks, as well. “Okay, Fine. While we’re being honest… Remember that part about it being weird if you were confessing to me?”


“That was a lie, too,”

I think Fluttershy already knew that part. The best thing about love confessions for a changeling? You already know if the other pony shares your feelings.

6497032 Thank you. My fan-rage over that has been appeased. That's actually a truly brilliant way of deflecting the "how much time passed?" issue.

I have seen every type of would it matter if I was a changling exept the one where fluttershy tells twilight to which twilight replies she already knew and then chrysalis comes in telling twilight she is out of _________ in the kitchen. Twilight replies with she will get spike to pick some up later.

Author Interviewer

Okay, the ending was funny. :D

I reviewed this story!

My review can be found here.

I found the part where Twilight was talking over Fluttershy and leaping to conclusions somewhat funny but it rather fell apart after that.

"Would it matter if I picked up a bag of chips at the store, too? We're out of snacks and its movie night."

Coming soon.
Or not.

6506933 You know that would be a funny situation right?

Fluttershy is gay AND a changeling? :pinkiecrazy:

I'm liking this AU.



A sweet piece of fluff.

Hey, I'm looking back on this story, it's really great! It's entered The Devious Writer's Picks in the group: Would it Matter if I Made This Group?

Glad you liked my little fluffy contribution. I am working on a sequel to it as a side project, titled "Would it Matter if Your Family Hated Me?" :rainbowlaugh:

6547415 Dat title. I await with bated breath!

6547415 That awkward moment when I forgot to actually add it.

I had assumed you'd asked yourself "Would it matter if I added it?" and decided on "No."

6497032 6496963 That's a great way of reconciling the two chronologies, actually: Season 1 to Season 4 is one year, but an Equestrian year is three or four times as long as an Earth year. And given that Celestia controls the sun, that could easily be the case.

Hey, for all we know, she could've delayed the next Summer Sun Celebration until Luna was ready to celebrate it with her.

aaaawww and lol:rainbowlaugh:

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