• Published 9th Oct 2015
  • 4,961 Views, 111 Comments

Rise From Betrayal - Diokno44

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IV. Hidden Knives, Hidden Regrets

The Royal Gardens, one of the most peaceful locations in the entire castle. Celestia and Luna would often come here to think, be alone from the politics and age old feuds of the various noble families. On this warm, summer night, the garden was quiet, save for the chirping of crickets, and the soft clanking of the ebony infused steel boots of the Night Guard. The Nightcore Regiment, comprised primarily of vamponies, were on their rounds. One of their number, a half Zebra, half Earth Pony mare turned when she heard the faint sound of unarmored hooves. She quickly turned, her spear's tip glowing. Alongside being a melee weapon with good reach, the spears of both the Day and Night guard were enchanted so they could fire a beam of magical energy, where it could be set to lethal or stun. She turned to find a familiar, infamous among the castle staff, noblestallion, facing away from her. ¨Prince Blueblood?¨ Ebony Hawk asked, surprised. She cocked her head, ¨What are you doing out here at this hour?¨ She asked Celestia's many times great nephew.

Blueblood's ears perked up when he heard Ebony's voice pierce the relative silence of the gardens. He quickly spun around, his blonde mane swishing behind him. He put on an insulted expression, one he used often. ¨I am merely taking a stroll. I couldn't sleep well, not since....the incident.¨ He said, his tone even. He used all the breathing exercises he learned during a diplomatic meeting to Sri Lama to calm both his breathing, and his heart from beating too quickly. ¨I believe you have rounds to be completing guardsmare?¨ Ebony merely nodded, holding in all the things she wished to say to the pompous prince. ¨Then do so.¨ Ebony turned, and went back to her rounds.

Prince Blueblood exhaled sharply, wiping his brow. He turned, and trotted to a secluded part of the garden, his sole saddlebag jiggling slightly. The prince found what he was looking for. It was a large hedge in the shape of a horseshoe. A large redwood tree created a natural umbrella from rain and heat alike. A bench sat in the middle of the horseshoe, facing the hoary tree. He ran his manicured hoof over the smoothed surface of the ancient stone bench. Turning around, he slowly sat on the bench, setting the saddlebag on his lap.

¨Time to business then.¨ Blueblood said to nopony in particular. His horn lit up, as the clasp on his bag, the Blueblood family crest, came undone. He opened the bag, revealing a single object occupying the finely tailored saddlebag. He held the object in his magical grasp, and slowly slid a bit of the dark cloth away, revealing the gleaming metal of a thin blade. ¨I have to bury you.¨ He said to the knife, one of many that had ended in the life of Princess Twilight Sparkle. The assassination had occupied his thoughts for some time now. It gnawed at the edges of his psyche like a parasite. With that, had come pangs of guilt, which he quickly drowned with the company of some of the finest mares bits could afford, and by focusing on his work on Celestia's Council of Lords.

Blueblood stood up, the blade floating behind him. It spun slowly, like a sharp top. He bent down, focused on a patch of earth by the tree, in between two thick roots. Using the training given to him by the best tutors his father could get him, he could focus his magic on more than one object, The ground lit up, as clumps of cold earth rose up, and landed in a neat pile beside the growing hole, His breath caught in his throat as he beheld a lockbox. He gentley pulled it out of the ground, and opened it. It had never been locked. His eyes gazed at its contents. They were all from his days as a foal and a colt, when he had been carefree, with Celestia playing games with him, carrying him around. He wiped the tears from his eyes before they even formed. There was a sack of bottlecaps, his emergency currency stash for when, and if, the friendship megaspell bombs ever fell. They never did, but he had been prepared, alongside that were various other items, photos of him in various ¨cutesy¨ outfits, riding on Celestia's back while he was dressed in a sailor suit, and many more. One showed his sixth birthday party. A faint smile came to the prince's face as he recalled the happy memories.

Seventeen Years Ago

A young Blueblood smiled, as he blew out the small flames on the six candles adourning his cake. Hooves were heard applauding the birthday colt. His mother, Sparkling Wine embraced him. ¨Happy birthday Blueblood.¨ She smiled, pecking her son on the cheek. He had giggled, and returned the hug, or as much as his young forelegs could. His father, Amadeus, looked at the duo, never smiling. He rarely did, and rarely gave compliments to his son. It was always commands, or criticism. His father had always said he was part of a proud legacy that dated back to the Long Night, when the brainwashed Wendigo legions had went into a bloody, three year war with Equestria and the neighboring lands, when winter lasted for three years, blanketing the nation in cold and depression. How it was through the efforts of Clover the Clever's newly made spell, coupled with a little help from the...¨mud pony¨ Crystal Heart, were they finally able to drive the Wendigoes back to Jotunheim, and restore the true king, Fimbulvetr, back on the throne.

¨Happy birthday Blooey.¨ Celestia smiled, trotting over to her nephew. Blueblood had grinned, and glomped his aunt's neck in a heartbeat. Blooey had been a nickname young Blueblood had come up with, since he had detested, at that age, having a word like ¨blood¨ in his name.

¨What ever happened to those days?" Blueblood whispered, running a hoof across the picture. He was so innocent, so...happy. He sighed, choking back tears as he placed the items back into the box. He gently laid the dagger inside, and closed the box. ¨I'm sorry.¨ He said, placing the box back into its hiding place. But, he wondered, who was he apologizing too. Was it Princess Twilight, the mare who he had conspired to murder? Or was it his younger self, that playful colt that was always smiling, always laughing? He sighed, burying the box once again, albeit quickly, sloppily. He stood up, fixing his mane. He ran his hoof across his cheek, finding the remnants of a tear.

With one last glance at the tree, he turned, and trotted back to his chambers, head bowed low.

Comments ( 41 )

Great to see another chapter! It is sad to see that even now Blueblood has some sense of loss over what his Evil father did to him.

6925633 Thanks dude

6770874 Ah Andrew Ryan, that would be a neat comparison. Twilight is basically the mare who chooses, Ryan, to Blueblood's Jack

So he did have some regrets...

Nice update!

6925872 Hopefully the newest chapter alleviates some of your rage. I'm trying to make Blueblood a bit more of a sympathetic character

6925877 Thanks Mkchief

6925880 It's so sad, to think that he doesn't realize even know, that his father is simply using him as a means to an end. And when he's served his purpose, he'll turn his back on his son, and leave him to the supporters of Twilight calling for his blood.

6925887 No probs. Like the story a lot.

6925927 Don't worry, Amadeus will get his comeuppeance. And perhaps, I may let Blueblood live, albeit in exile, with little money to his name, as a final act of love from Celestia, rather than death. But Amadeus will more than likely bite the bullet

6925954 I hope you do that. As in Blueblood may live and that father of his should frickin die.:ajbemused:

6926073 I'm leaning towards doing that

6925954 Actually since he's feeling very regretful over what he believe he's done, when it all said and done, why not have Twilight weigh in her opinion on what his punishment may be? She might've been his target but she's also merciful being the Princess of Friendship. If he's truly regretful and remorseful she should have him prove it as part of his punishment. Instead of exile, have Community Service and being an assistant and butler to her among other things to justfully punish him. Also help Gallant Heart since he was undercover trying to save Twilight but was forced to help when the plans for her assassination was moved up before he could get all the evidence needed to reveal what was happening.

6930056 That is true on both accounts, thanks for the suggestion

6930067 One last thing, Amadeus' daughter and Wife. One will be murdered and the other raised to be the worst enemy Equestria ever faced. leaving the land a war-torn wasteland. They need to storm his mansion right as he's about to harm her and place him under arrest. Then the child raised by Twilight to know the magic of friendship.

6930150 That would be interesting, I'll incorporate it

6930167 Good, the mother can help Twilight while under her protection.

6925927 I agree with you all the way.

6930167 hey remember me and what i said if the story died out about me spanking you :trixieshiftleft:

7109510 I shall continue this at some point

7147214 needs more chapters please

6925954 or maybe try to let blue-blood be a hero where he finds out that his dad was using him and he defeats him and almost dies thinking he deserved to die for killing twlight and this was his way to atone for it

7147214 more please and read my comments for an idea please

Maybe if say luna help give blueblood's guilt a nudge to make him regret it enough to do something to undo the damage he did

Excuse me, I want to ask about where is the next chapter?.

I am Chazkopa by the way.

Sorry, been busy with other fics

I see, please make sure the chapter is coming.

Looks like Blueblood’s consciounse is eating at him:ajsmug:.

Hey Diokno44. where is the next chapter?, we had been waiting for a long time.

Where's the next chapter?

Where's the next chapter?

Hey Diokno44. where is the next chapter?, we had been waiting for three years.

Where's the next chapter?

10119780 You know, asking him that constantly is NOT gonna make him update any faster.

Thank you. I will admit, I may rewrite this fic at some point. But thanks for the reminder that constantly asking for updates rarely means writing will go faster

10606683 You're very welcome.
And that is interesting to know.
When (and/or if) you do at some point in the future, I look forward, with MUCH anticipation, to the new version.
Again, you're very welcome, and I know, right?
I know ALL about writer's blick, real life and its myriad obligations; etc.
You guys have lives OUTSIDE this site and writing, and the majority of us here respect that.
I may get anxious for a story TO update, but I know WAY better than to relentlessly badger an author for updates in it.
When I comment on the latest chapter OF a story, my most general comment is that I'm looking forward to the chapter AFTER it, and what will happen next.

Yup, life comes first.

Plus I honestly forget where I was going with this, so I shall plan the story anew

10606774 Indeed it does.

That's okay; it happens, and I eagerly await the appearance of the new story.

Sorry, just can't contain my excitement for the next chapter

Can we revive the story

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