• Published 10th Oct 2015
  • 927 Views, 12 Comments

Sidetracked - flamevulture17

A group of friends are on a vacation road trip to California. When they stop to rest, they figure out they took a wrong turn and found themselves somewhere in the middle of nowhere only to run into talking horses.

  • ...

7. Figures

A white, silvery haze everywhere. Can't see anything. Why is it so cold? Is it a fog? Something tells me this isn't what is seems. Well no shit genius, never trust your eyes. I might as well have been drugged and shoved into a freezer. That's actually not far off from what it feels like. I think. I don't know. There's nothing out here. The ground is... sorta dirty. Moist. Squishy. Definitely sticking to my shoes. Ew. Gross. I can't believe this is happening right now. And, wait, hold on. Where's my helmet? Damn it! I can't even see two inches in from of me. Fuckin' creepy as hell out here. Where ever here is. Where ever here is. Where ever. Here. Um.


OH FUCK! What the hell!? Calm. Calm. Calm. Hand shaking. Heart racing. Breathe. Breathe.


NOPE! Gotta get the hell outta here!

Ben sprinted as fast as he could. He ran till the strain in his legs and dry in his throat screamed for rest. But that wouldn't stop him.

I am not dying today! Fuck that!


Ben heard pouncing and heavy steps catch up behind him. His stride just wasn't fast enough. Too afraid to turn his head and look back. He already knew what it was. The monster that almost killed him before. Bat wings and scorpion tail, sharp claws and razor teeth. Beads of sweat and red lips poured with rage. How in the world did he end up in this situation again?

God damn it! Run faster you idiot! GAAH! Come on! Go! Go! GO! Where the hell are the trees!? Where the hell is the road!? Where this hell are- AHHH!

Ben was struck in the back by something heavy and tumbled forwards, flying at least ten feet before landing in his shoulder and flipping several times until he came to a stop on his back. He winced so hard she curled all of his wrinkled limbs into a ball to brace for the pain of his death. He scream both mentally and vocally as he heard the last growl of the lion reach his ears.

Idon'twannadie! Idon'twannadie! IDON'TWANNADIE! PLEASE!

A silence showered over him. The wind chill disappeared and the dirt settled. Ben was still clutched in a ball, but when nothing happened, he cracked his eyes open. Digging his head out from under the comfort of his arms, he fell on his back with the longest breath reverberating from his mouth.

Ben coughed. Gripping his chest with a hand and his forehead with another, he tried his utmost to calm the panic that plagued him. The blood in his veins felt very heavy, stinging with a blue tinge like one bodywise bruise.

After about a minute, he carefully sat up in the dry soot of the dirt road, wincing at the pain of his legs. A groan pierced his throat. The boy hugged his knees and rubbed his ankles. At least his shoes weren't badly torn, and fortunately he didn't hit his head too hard on the ground. It could have been much worse. But still no helmet to be found. In fact, the treeline, or anything beyond the thick fog, wasn't visible anywhere around him. A mystical mist, formless and white.

Where is everything?

“We are in your mind, dear human.”

Ben flinched slightly, then hurried to get to his feet. He brushed off his pants and backpedaled.


He turned every which way, hoping to track the direction of the female voice. He wasn't frightened by it's tone, but only by its omnipresence. Is it his friends?

“Guys?” He was too afraid to move. “Show yourselves. Don't jump scare me now!”

At least he'll give them a warning that it's him. Maybe they can't see him either and are searching for him. But it was all too quiet. Not a single noise, which made him extremely uneasy. The mist was still a little cold, but it was tolerable.

“Do not fear.”

This time the voice was clear. He didn't recognize it, so it wasn't his friends, and Candy is the only person he thought of. If it's not her, then who? And where?

“Don't fear what? Who are you?” he said to the mist. He might as well talk to the air. It was probably just his imagination, or he was high on hallucinogens. Or some stupid bloke trying for a good scare.

“Hey, don't call me stupid.”

Ben spun around as the voice echoed directly behind him as a dark figure slowly walked toward him no more than ten feet away. He could make out the definite shape, but he was sure it was an animal or creature on four legs standing as tall as he was.

“Who are you?” he said, somewhat angry of the appearance and annoyed at the attempt of prank. Though quite relieved he knew where the other person was, he remained still. “What are you doing?”

“Do you recognize this place?” it, or rather she, said.

Ben wasted no time to answer. “No.”

For a brief second, there was no response. He was about to speak up again when a gust radiated from his torso and suddenly the fog began to dissipate outwards, vanishing farther and farther away until he could see the green branches of the trees poke out from within sea of white. Then, faster than rainfall, the mist had completely disappeared. That left him standing in the middle of a dirt road like he had in the morning shortly after waking up in the car.

But wait, where is the car? Again, Ben scanned the vicinity for Max's car, but instead he found something worse.

His eyes fell on a tall blue figure, dark and still. Two enormous teal eyes stared back in return, watching him stumble in place, almost falling to the floor for a second time. His newly found defensive stance prepared him for fending off any surprises.

But none came. The blue horse simply stood there looking at him, its hair waving on its own. Pretty weird, yet cool in a way.

“You mustn't fear,” she began. “There is nothing here that can hurt you, Ben.”

Ben froze. He did a double take. “How did you... know my name?”

“See for yourself.” The translucent pony stepped aside to reveal something behind her. Ben squinted, but was struck with the widest eyes he could ever produce as a car came barreling down the road at a tremendous speed with puffs of dust mixed with black car exhaust spit out from behind. He had no time to react, but did his best to dive out of the way of car's path. The human rolled over and kept his balance to remain standing.

What he witnessed next was the last thing he expected to see. It was none other than himself, Ben, chasing after the car with painful limp and ripped clothing. Wait a minute, he- I'm not chasing the car, I remember this, I'm running away from- Oh no!

The true Ben searched for the large lion not far behind, and just like that, the most vicious of predators came galloping down the road, growling deep under the fangs that could rip a man to pieces. He knew how this unfolded, watching as his counterpart run for his life. He waited as he remembered the moment he tripped and fell to on his knees which allowed the lion to catch up before getting back up and running off again.

But the other Ben didn't get up. He was too hurt from the running and heartbroken from being left behind by his friends. But is was no time to weep as the injured Ben grunted and winced through his teeth, turning around to see the large beast jump up to crush his body.

“NOOO!” The true Ben shouted. He could practically see the lion leap at him with it's claws to his throat and mouth to his head for a second time. It was even worse the second time. That haunting moment of fearing for his life, so mortified of the inevitable death where there's nothing he can do about it. A lone tear fell from his eye.

Then, everything stopped. The scene before him froze just moments from the bring of death, the lion in midair, his hands raised trickling with some blood, and the violent nature of the dirt and sway of his clothes. Frozen in time.

Ben could only stare, for hours even. Did it feel like hours? The real Ben was on his knees as well, but off to the side just on the edge of the grass after getting out of the way of the car.

He started crying. He was dead. My friends- they-

“Look again,” said the voice.

Ben wiped his tears from his eyes and looked up at the scene in pause one more time. Not a moment in this memory was real. He knew this didn't happen. He knew he didn't die there. The lion did not kill him, he was able to escape. But how? His friends came back for to get him. He was strong enough to stand up and keep running. So why show me in the worse case scenario?

“I believe only you can answer that.”

He was afraid for himself. Ben relaxed his tired muscles, slumping in a shame unfit to be exposed. Yet, as embarrassingly as his confession was, a strange sensation of calmness and relief warmed his skin. He was willing to accept the reality that if he gave up, he would not be alive.

So what is all this?

“This is a dream.” The pony appeared to fade into existence beside him, kneeling down and unfurling a wing to drape over his back. Ben looked at her, not taken back by the sudden intimacy of the gesture or the fact that he still did not know who or what she was. But he had other things to think about.


“I am the one who watches over those who sleep. Guardian of dreams and the subconscious mind. My subjects call me Princess Luna, my friends call me Luna.”

Ben sniffled, running his nose with a sleeve before making an effort to stand up. One more glance at the horrific scene was made before it faded away into nothing. The environment faded as well, leaving nothing but an empty white with his shadow circling his feet.

“What is going on? Why did I have to see that?” Ben asked.

Luna gave the human some room. “It is a memory that has most affected your feelings into a turbulent spiral that is out of control. I have felt the additional presence of four new souls in the our realm, and found you and your friends on the edge of White Tail Woods and the Everfree Forest while you first slept the night before. You happen to be the one most conflicted with his measured state of emotions, great fear and deep dread. Am I correct to assume that is who you are?”

“Um, a little. But what does that have to do with me?”

“I sensed you were the most vulnerable among the four of you. I entered your dreams, only vaguely and for a short blip of time, do you remember?” He nodded. “It was my first encounter in the dream of your kind. I have never met a human before, but from what Twilight has told me, they are quite delightful.”

Ben frowned, but waited for the princess to continue. “That was the last time I was made of aware of your presence until later today when a disturbance in the dreamscape was so bad I had to interrupt my own sleep to investigate. That leads up to now and what has had to occur here. The violent emotions of your mind needed to let go of its war with itself, that is why I showed you the one thing that you needed to face.”

“How did you know I was attacked by a lion?” Ben became angry at that thought. “Wait, did you send that thing to kill me!?”

“No! I did not. I had no knowledge of real world events after your awakening early this morning. It was unfortunate to discover later what had happened to you, but all the pieces came into play. It was your fight for survival, it was you bravery to have the courage to stay alive in the most dire of circumstances. But perhaps most shocking to me was what lay at the core. Your view of death is... stronger than that of a pony.”

Ben looked at the featureless floor, stealing some looks at the pony's hooves which glistened above the sheen of the white surface they were standing on. He had more than enough time to think about it as Luna waited patiently. She didn't exactly want a response, because she explained everything a little too conveniently. But while the vision of this alternate memory seemed to do its job, watching is second hand would never be enough to fundamentally persuade him to never fear death again. That is coded into his biology. It will always be a part of him, and his friends.

“So what do I do now?” he croaked. “Am I asleep in my friend's car right now?” That was one of the last places he remembered being. “Am I lying dead in the grass?”

Luna broke eye contact for a second and subtly furrowed her muzzle. She then cleared her throat.

“I'm afraid you are not in the place you think. Certain events unfolded before you fell unconscious.” Ben's heart sank a bit. “You are in good hoof now, do not fret. When you wake, there will be peace and balance waiting for you at the other end.”

“Can you just talk normal, you're like some weird gatekeeper or god with vague riddle speak or something.”

Luna giggled. He tapped her horn before vanishing without a trace. The silence returned until a very low sound that grew only slightly before his vision became filled with a blinding black so dark it jolted him from his disoriented stated.

Ben jerked awake, lifting his arm only slightly, too weak to get his arm an inch from the soft fabric beneath him.

“Ugh, ow,” he complained with a whisper. He heard a shuffling noise a few seconds before something touched his shoulder.

“Ben! Are you alright?”

That sounded like Candy. He opened one eye, and sure enough it was.


“Relax.” He felt her push him back down as he attempted to sit up. For some reason his was alright. His leg hurt, but other than that he was fine. The bed was comfortable, and judging by the aesthetics of the all too familiar ceiling, it belonged to a hospital. “How to you feel?”

“Hu?” Ben snapped his head at Candy, who appeared to be aggravated, or at least distraught. “So what happened?” He was quick to get to the point.

“You cut you leg,” replied Candy. “Doctor patched you up, no thanks to that no good fake Princess.” She forced that last word with disgust.

“H-how did you know about Luna?”

“What? No. Stupid Twilight something whatever her name is acting like my psychiatrist. Geez that was annoying.”

Ben eyebrowed her friend like she had lost her mind. “Uh, okay, not gonna ask.”

Candy helped Ben sit up, careful to keep his leg straight and bandages intact.

“How are the other two?” Ben continued.

“Those idiots.” Candy started pacing around the room. “Sometimes I want to squeeze the living brain out Felix, teach him to learn common sense and control. I don't know why you're still friends with him while I'm stuck making sure he doesn't end up like his parents. I'll just leave it at that.”

Well that was news to Ben. He made sure never to piss her off, not after what she really had to go through with Felix. He knew that man was her cousin and had a hard time believing they were related, but he could now see the connection seeing how committed she is to what she says.

Besides, she was watching over him as he slept injured in this hospital, she clearly had the superior moral compass. Not that Felix is evil, but could still use some improvement in the attitude department. Did Candy carry me all the way to a hospital? Whoa.

Ben's aching legs needed a stretch. He shifted on top of the bed and made an effort to sit on the side of the bed. With the help of Candy, Ben attempted to stand, using her hands as balance.

“Does it hurt?” said Candy.

“Of course it does,” Ben replied flatly, gritting his teeth as the weight of his body transferred to the bone fracture in his leg. “OW! fuck that stings,” he screeched before sitting back down.

“Come on, let's go.”

“Wait, shouldn't we wait until I heal, and, ya know, pay for the treatment. We can't just leave.” He looked at the thick bandage and brace covering most of his leg. “They did a good job patching me up.”

“I- uh- I'm not sure that's a good idea.” Candy bit her lip nervously.

“Then they'll arrest us or something, or at least get fined. I don't want that.”

Candy sighed, but wasn't entirely persuaded. “Look, I know you think it's the right thing to do, but I'm not buying it. This isn't exactly your normal human hospital, it's run by overly friendly ponies, in fact this whole damn world is. Isn't that enough reason to get the hell out of here.”

Ben blinked. “What are you talking about?”

Candy pinched her nose. “You don't get it, do you? They're messing with your mind. I hate how she wants to be our friend all of a sudden. Don't let them manipulate you.”

She may have a point. After all, Ben could practically smell the moisture of the mist from his strange lucid dream and could taste the bitterness of blood in his mouth. That last one was probably a result of his injury, but still. Did Candy experience something similar? For all he knew, the dream was probably a trick, but because it was so profound, he had no choice to accept it.

“Luna seems nice thought,” he said.

“Who, what, no, you're not listening.” Candy pounced on his shoulder and snapped her fingers inches from his face. “Wake up! You're losing it.”

“No! You're losing it.” Ben slapped her hand away from his face. “Listen to yourself, you're on the verge of crazy.”

“Excuse me?” a soft voice muttered from the door. “Am I interrupting something?”

Ben saw the head of lavender unicorn poke its head out from outside the room, but Candy was already on her way to the door.

“No, no, no, no, stay out,” she hissed as she closed it again with force.

“This is your fault by the way for wanting to check out the town. Thanks for getting us into this mess.”
Ben crossed his arms, watching the woman squeeze her fists together and pace around with anger. Perhaps it wasn't the best tactic to open his stupid mouth and make things worse. She was on the edge of an outburst.

“Sorry I said anything. Maybe you're right.”

“I wanna go home!”

“Okay okay fine, we'll go hom- OW!” Ben fell to the floor as he tried to stand on his own trying to comfort Candy in her moment of breakdown.

She ran over to help, dropping her rage to skip to his aid. As soon as Candy reached Ben, throwing his right arm over her around her neck for support, the door flew wide open.

“What is going on in here!?” bellowed a deep voice from the male doctor that entered, followed closely by an orange pony and purple alicorn. They were shocked to find Ben on his knees in pain and Candy hugging his side.

Although she was the last to enter, the white nurse pony came running over to assist, but Candy held out a stiff arm to stop her in her tracks.

“Don't come any closer,” the woman said, seething from the aftershock of her agitation.

“He needs to rest,” the nurse said.

“We want to help,” seconded Twilight.

The pair were already halfway out the door, Ben limping and Candy countering her balance with his. Twilight Sparkle stood beside Applejack as Candy walked past them, giving the Princess a hostile glare.

Applejack looked at her best friend, speaking with scrutiny without actually saying a single word.

Outside was Rainbow Dash who had rushed in late after hearing the commotion from the lobby. She exchanged confused looks between the humans and her friends who were following them as they strolled step after step to the exit.

“They're leaving?” the pegasus whispered to Twilight.

No response. Twilight was conflicted on the state of Candy. She definitely didn't appear to be happy about how she approached the human. Her emotions may have been more sensitive than she thought, but didn't stop her from thinking of trying again. This was one problem she was determined to fix, even if it's just for simple closure.

Candy and Ben whispered something to each other, but the ponies couldn't quite figure out what they were saying. They didn't have to when they stopped to turn to the pony sitting at the front desk. The clerk wasn't expecting them to acknowledge her, but before she could ask them a question, the injured man removed something from his pocket and placed a couple pieces of paper on top of the desk before both of them starting walking away sluggishly.

Once they were out the door, Twilight trotted up to the desk to inspect what they left behind. They were identical pieces of fine green paper with the drawing of a human's face on it with the number 100 on each corner.