• Published 12th Oct 2015
  • 743 Views, 3 Comments

What Makes a Mark - TangledHeart

The newly-marked CMC head to a village full of fillies and colts who were raised to believe that cutie marks were evil.

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Chapter One: Arrival

And so, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo found themselves on a train headed to the edge of Equestria. During the ride, the Crusaders talked, getting ready for the task ahead.

"Can you even imagine willingly giving up your cutie mark?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"No way," Scoots shook her head. "We worked too hard for these babies. I don't know about you guys, but mine is never leaving my flank."

"I know what you mean," Apple Bloom cut in. "But, we're not here for the ponies who gave up their cutie marks. We're here for the ones who never got theirs."

"Like Twilight said, this isn't going to be easy," Sweetie Belle pointed out. "I mean, these fillies and colts have believed their whole lives that cutie marks are evil. Sure, Twilight and the others helped the grown-ups out, but we can't exactly think that the kids instantly changed what they've always thought."

"We just need to show 'em how great it is to have a cutie mark," Apple Bloom replied. "Sort of help 'em believe what their parents are teachin' 'em now. Then, we can help 'em each find their special talent."

"I hope you're right, Apple Bloom," Scootaloo looked out her window. "Looks like we're about to stop."

Sure enough, the train had reached the end of the line, AJ and the CMC disembarking.

"This way, girls," Applejack tipped her hat back, leading the trio to the village."Ya know, I'm actually looking forward to being back here. I wonder how everypony's doin' after our visit."

The main street was very much the same as it was during the Mane Six's visit--the houses still were in their uniform rows, but they weren't identical anymore. One might have a flowerbed in front, another balloons (no doubt Party Favor's place), or even plastic pink flamingos. As the ponies milled about, they noticed the newcomers, and gave genuine smiles as they greeted, "Welcome."

"I think it's creepy, even after our sisters' visit," Scootaloo whispered. "I mean, whose houses are that alike?"

"Come on, Scoots," Apple Bloom encouraged. "It's quaint, that's all. It's sort of nice, actually."

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle agreed. "And, look how kind everypony's being." Their conversation was interrupted by the exclamation of a pink-coated unicorn mare with a curly purple mane running towards them.

"Applejack!" she cried. "I'm so glad to see you again!"

"Howdy there, Sugar Belle," AJ returned the smile. "Same goes for you. How've things been since we left?"

"Just great," Sugar Belle replied. "My bakery is going amazingly, Party Favor decorates for parties that I cater, Double Diamond is working his tail off so he can try out to ski in the next Equestria Games, and Night Glider is considering going back to the Wonderbolts."

"That all sounds dandy," Applejack said sincerely. "Well, I have a few ponies I'd like you to meet." she turned to the CMC. "This is my sister, Apple Bloom, and her friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. They're the Cutie Mark Crusaders. We're here to help out the little ones find their special talents."

"That's nice," Sugar Belle turned to the fillies. "I'm sure they'll all be glad to have new friends. They really might need the help; even after Starlight left, none of them have gotten their cutie mark."

"Then let's get started," Apple Bloom declared. Sugar Belle led the Crusaders to the playground where most of the fillies and colts were. The equipment was pretty bland, monochromatic, and just blah. No pony was doing much besides lazily swinging or slowly riding the merry-go-round. Most notable were two colts by a basketball hoop, their eyes switching between it and the ball in front of them. Neither picked it up, or moved at all, really. Scootaloo was first to approach them.

"What are you guys doing?" she asked.

"We really don't know," the shorter of the colts replied.

"Have you never played basketball before?" the pegasus raised an eyebrow.

"Starlight Glimmer never let us play many games," the other answered. "She told us that most games were about winning. We can't win at anything. Nopony is better than anyone else."

"That's silly," Scootaloo scoffed. "Games are fun. Lemme show you. Sweetie Belle, a little help?"

The little unicorn used her magic to levitate and lob the ball. Once it fell, Scootaloo head bumped it back into the air and through the net.

"Alright," the athlete cheered. "Two points!"

"That was cool!" the smaller colt exclaimed. "Can I try?" The colt head bumped it and landed his first shot.

"Sweet!" Scoots applauded. "And that was your first try."

"I can't remember doing anything this fun," the colt laughed. "Who are you guys, anyway?"

"We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders," Apple Bloom stepped up. "We're here to help everypony find their special talent."

"Special talent?" a new voice chimed in. It belonged to a small pegasus colt with a light grey coat and a navy mane, stepping out of the schoolhouse. "More ponies trying to change us? How can you guys forget everything Starlight taught you that easily?"

"She lied to us, Homology," the second colt replied, shrinking back. "She took our parents' cutie marks, but kept her own. How can we believe that being the same is good when she wasn't?"

"She kept her mark to be able to take ours," Homology retorted. "Everything she did was good. It was for the good of our village, and all of Equestria."

"Then why did she abandon us?" the colt who had scored a goal challenged.

"Those strangers forced her to," Homology growled. "They ran her out of her own town because they disagreed with her. And you're going to believe them? You think they're right? Look at these 'crusaders.' They're just like those ponies!"

The other school ponies looked at the new comers. It was true that where their own coats were dull and their flanks blank, the Crusaders were bright, and marked. The trio backed into each other.

"We had perfectly happy lives before they showed up," the pegasus continued, marching around the CMC. "We were all the same. We always smiled. Everyone looked out for each other, instead of trying to find their own talents. Doesn't that sound better than the life these ponies are offering you? Did Starlight give you nothing?"

"We're sorry," the group hung their heads. Homology stepped to the side of the door to the schoolhouse, and the fillies and colts filed in together, Homology following shortly after. For a while, the Crusaders stood in place, slack-jawed and silent. Finally, they looked at each other.

"What just happened?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I dunno, Sweetie Belle," Apple Bloom blinked, eyes returning to the door. "I dunno."

Comments ( 3 )

This's a very good idea! Having the Crusaders run into Starlight's philosophy - especially now that they've found their special talent to be helping others get their cutie marks - is excellent room for a story. And given their evesdropping, I can see them choosing it as their first mission.

You seem to be telling the story much too quickly, though. Everything seems so brief. For example, Applejack just accepts their idea and arranges for them to go on the train without any comment; we don't hear her thoughts; we don't see her talking to Princess Twilight; we don't hear what anyone else thinks. (What about Big Mac, now being upstaged by both his sisters? What about Pinkie Pie, who'd probably love to go there and give them a party? What about anything else that's been done for the town in the meantime?)

For another example, your descriptions are also almost telegraphically brief. Take, "Walking down the main street, the scene wasn't much different from the Mane Six's first visit. Only, this time, the smiles on the villagers' faces were genuine, just as their "welcome"s." This's an opportunity to really paint a picture in your reader's mind of how the village has changed but still looks similar... but I don't get anything. (Nor do I see the Crusader's response, or Applejack's.) Or, the playground: "...the playground where most of the fillies and colts were. Most notable were two colts by a basketball hoop, their eyes switching between it and the ball in front of them." What's this playground like? What are the colts and fillies doing? I don't know; I don't see. And I want to see!

This fic has huge potential; I'd love to see it live up to it.

Excellent idea! I have my own theory about them and Starlight Glimmer and I'm sure they will run into each other one day.
It's written a bit fast, you pace it really quickly. But somehow, it has a certain charm to it the way you do it.
It's usually bad to write a story too fast, but here, it does seem to fit and the tempo gets made up for again by extremely fitting reactions.
Not every fast-paced story must be bad and I think the way you're doing it is just fine.
Continue on. I'm eager to read more. I hope you put out the next chapter soon!

Your are doing really good. Please write more.

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