• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 1,024 Views, 36 Comments

Final Hours - CountDerpy

It's the end of the world, how would you spend your last few hours

  • ...

Night of the Final Day

Author's Note:

This is a story I had in mind since I beat Majora's Mask. The song that plays during your last six hours was always so haunting, always draining the happiness of playing the game right out of me. It's a theme of defeat, a song only reminding you that there is no more time. You cannot win, you can only wait for the end to come. The somber tone and the ringing of the bells just sets up a depressing atmosphere as you watch the moon draw closer to Termina and you hear the final words of all those not willing to flee.

I recommend playing the Final Hours song while reading this or giving it a quick listening too before this story.

I hope you enjoy.

"Well Chime, this is it." Timely Chime said as she sat on the edge of Ponyville Tower. "This is the way the world ends."

Timely Chime sighed as she took another swig of her bottle of whiskey, looking at the now deserted streets of Ponyville. She scanned the vacant streets for any sign of life, but the most she saw was the winds that blew across the town sweeping up dirt and discarded newspapers. She thought back to a time before everyone knew it would all soon be over. She had been Ponyville's bell keeper for nearly 5 years, and spent most of her time relaxing and watching the ponies below going about their business. Some would spend their time wandering the streets, watching the shop vendors go about making a living, while others would relax at the park, hanging out with their friends or kids just having a nice day.

But that hasn't happened for nearly a year. She thought, taking another swig from her bottle. You tell a million ponies the day they are all going to die and the whole place goes bat shit insane.

The news about the imminent end of the planet came as a shock to everypony. Celestia felt that it wasn't right to keep this from the masses and told everyone she could in the final address to the world she would ever make. It was the only time that Chime remembered Celestia breaking down in tears in front of her subjects. After that the world went to hell. Some ponies chose to explore the world, some leaving their families or bringing their families on adventures through foreign lands, trying to make their lives worthwhile. Some just hit the bars and clubs of the world, taking every known vice and pushing them to their limits, just trying to get one final rush, one last great high before it all went to shit. A few even did nothing but spent their time catching up with loved ones and friends long since forgotten, trying to make up for everything that they ever did to wrong another pony.

Most decided to go out on their own terms.

"And here I am, drinking and ringing this stupid bell for the last six hours of my life." She sighed as she polished off her next to last bottle of whiskey and chunked it to the ground below, smiling at the satisfying crack as the glass shattered on the cobblestone below her. "Oh how easy it would be just to dive head first off this thing. A few seconds of falling through the air like learning to fly, then nothing."

She chuckled as her wings helped her off the ground and she stumbled over to the large rope that hung from the ceiling above her, leading to the brazen bell that hung from the highest point in all of Ponyville. "Aww who am I kidding, I couldn't bring myself to do something like that. Besides..."

She said looking down as the watch on her hoof changed from 11:59 pm to 12:00 am.

"...somepony has to ring this bell." She said pulling down on the rope as the clapper struck the mouth of the bell, sending it's low tone through the entire town. "Good morning Ponyville."

Night of the Final Day
6 Hours Remain