• Published 26th Jan 2016
  • 3,875 Views, 160 Comments

Revenant - Muramasa

Sunset Shimmer is coming home.

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Dear Celestia,

I've been sitting here for weeks. I've sat around my room just pacing about, looking out the window to see the rush of cars fly by. Those people have lived here their whole lives; they're conditioned to hop in their vehicles and drive to work, and when they're done for the day, they hop in their car and they drive back home. To them, it feels so natural that they don't even realize it; not that you'd know what a car is or anything, but that isn't the point.

I don't feel natural here. In fact, I never have. And now that the whole Friendship Games fiasco is over, and the whole Battle of the Bands ordeal, I've been thinking a lot lately. A lot, and I have something I need to say and I know I'm having a hard time saying it, so let me just back up to the beginning.

Do you remember way back, when you first swept me away from magic kindergarten? I know it was a long time ago, but you're a goddess, so I'm sure you can recall eons of Equestrian history and replay it like a movie. Anyways, we would go through magic training, and you would teach me about all the great magicians like Starswirl the bearded and all those guys. And then we would try some spells that they wrote about in their journals, and at first, when I didn't have nearly the magic capacity to do any of them, I would try SO hard, and I'd come up short. I'd cry, because I wanted to cast those spells SO bad, and you'd do that adult thing and break out the clichés. "It's OK, Sunset, you're doing great!" you'd say. "We'll get 'em next time for sure". After that, you'd take me to the palace kitchen and the baker would make me ice cream.

I could really go for one of those right now. I always wanted mint chocolate chip, and I'd stare in fascination with how he made it. I'd watch him get the ice cream, and use the mint leaves to make the flavor, and then I'd watch him mix it all up. He'd hand it to me, but I wouldn't eat it yet, because he'd go over to the cabinet and grab the chocolate chips and sprinkle them all over in front of me. Man, I really want one of those. I've tried to order them here in the human world, but they taste hollow.

The point I'm trying to make is that, well, everything here is hollow, not just the ice cream. I'd be laying in my bed, staring across the room at a pencil, and I'd spend all day thinking about how if I was over there, I could lift it straight up and bring it over without moving an inch. there's no magic here, Celestia; well, I mean, there is SOME, but not what I'm talking about.

I'm having a bad time right now. I feel like Atlas. Atlas is a mythological figure here in the human world, from a place called Greece. He is said to be doomed to hold the up the sky all for eternity, as punishment for siding against the gods of Greece during a great conflict. I feel like every bad thing, every slur, every damned word that every came out of my mouth is pushing down upon me. My reputation precedes me here; I'm "reformed" now, but I can't go down the halls without someone whispering into the ear of another, and I know my venom has seeped through the school and will never come out again.

I hop in my car. I drive to school. I go to classes now (I didn't beforehand) and I hop back in my car to go home. It doesn't feel automatic.

Celestia, I want to come home. My REAL home. I want ice cream again.

Your faithful student Yours Truly,

Sunset Shimmer