• Published 19th Oct 2015
  • 3,868 Views, 409 Comments

A Pop Star, a Princess, and a Prisoner - Raptormon132

A once well respected resident of Ponyville has been released from prison for a false crime. But being as almost all of the townsfolk still believe he did it, it maybe a bit more difficult to get this pony back on his feet. Will the Mane Six succeed?

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Chapter 13: "The Savage From Within." (Violence Warning)

Author's Note:

This is the thirteenth chapter. The fourteenth chapter will be up sooner or later...I hope. I plan to make this story into parts for anyone wanting to do a dramatic reading of this.
Warning: this chapter contains violence that maybe disturbing to some people. Viewer/reader discretion is advised.


Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo were walking down the road with Abacus to Ponyville's local cemetery. It was nearly noon, and they were taking Abacus there to meet up with the others as planned. They were going to visit Abacus's mother and wife's graves for a private remembrance service, and followed by a quiet afternoon picnic afterwards. They soon arrived at the entrance to the cemetery, but saw that Twilight and the others had not arrived yet.

"It looks like we're early." Fluttershy said.

Rainbow Dash turned to Fluttershy. "Thanks for letting me know about it last night when I came by, Fluttershy." She turned to Abacus. "And it's awesome to see you again too Abacus."

Abacus said nothing, he just closed his eyes and dropped his head sadly. Rainbow Dash then turned to Scootaloo. "So how about you, squirt? Did you get home safely last night?"

Scootaloo paused briefly before giving Rainbow Dash an answer. "Yeah. I made it. I made it just fine."

Fluttershy turned to Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and Pinkie Pie. "Well, I'll take Abacus to the grave site. Would you three mind staying here waiting for the others to get here?"

"Sure, Flutters." Rainbow Dash said.

Scootaloo came over to Fluttershy. "Um... Fluttershy? Do you mind if I come along? I wanna visit my mom's grave while we have some time to spare."

"Um... okay." Fluttershy turned to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. "Well, we'll see you when everypony else gets here." She turned to Abacus. "Let's go, Abacus."

Fluttershy and Scootaloo walked away with Abacus as they entered into the local cemetery. Rainbow Dash raised a suspicious eyebrow at Scootaloo as she walked away with Fluttershy and Abacus. She thought silently to herself for a few minutes. She was thinking about how secretive and somewhat shifty Scootaloo was being yesterday, and today. Rainbow Dash could clearly tell that there was something she was not telling her, or anyone.

"What's up, Rainbow Dash?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"I don't know, Pinkie Pie." Rainbow Dash turned to Pinkie Pie. "Have you noticed anything strange about Scootaloo lately?"

Pinkie Pie thought for a moment. "Um, her black eye has gone?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "No."

"She's not riding her scooter as often?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"No." Rainbow Dash said.

Pinkie Pie scratched her head. "Oh, I got it! She's got a new hairstyle."

Rainbow Dash growled with annoyance. "No! I mean she's been acting secretive and shifty."

"Oh, yeah," Pinkie Pie said. "I noticed that. Why didn't you say that in the first place?"

"But I..." Rainbow Dash paused, realizing that she was not going to win against Pinkie Pie's naive randomness. "Oh, never mind that. I think there's something troubling her that she's not telling anypony. She's obviously hiding something. I wonder if her dad, Storm Dasher knows about it."

Pinkie Pie suddenly turned her gaze slightly past Rainbow Dash as if she was looking at something behind her. "Well, why don't you ask Storm Dasher yourself?"

Rainbow Dash nodded. "I guess you're right. Later on today, I'll go have a word with her dad."

"Nonono! I mean right now." Pinkie Pie pointed in the direction behind Rainbow Dash. "He's coming this way right behind you."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Huh?"

Rainbow Dash turned around where Pinkie Pie was pointing. She saw that Pinkie Pie was not lying. Storm Dasher was coming up towards them with Coco-Nut. They were also accompanied by two other pegasi. A light amber colored stallion, and a very pale mulberry colored mare in police uniforms. Storm Dasher quickly came towards Rainbow Dash, with a very angry look on his face. He looked furious.

"Hey, Storm Da-"

"Where's Scootaloo?!" Storm Dasher came up to Rainbow Dash with an angry tone. "Coco-Nut saw her with you earlier! And she was with Abacus again! Where is she?!"

"Storm Dasher," Rainbow Dash said. "I-"

Storm Dasher moved forward until he was uncomfortably close to Dash’s face, and looked her right in the eyes, his own filled with fury. "Look here! I don't want to hear any excuses. My daughter could be in real trouble, and that's not mentioning the trouble she's in for running away to Manehattan with you. Just tell me where my daughter is now!"

Rainbow Dash's first instinct was to tell Storm Dasher that she went into the cemetery with Abacus and Fluttershy, for an enraged father was worse than an Ursa Major, a Manticore, a Hydra, and a full grown dragon combined. She could also tell from the smell of his breath that Storm Dasher had been drinking. But then she remembered how the others told her about the incident with Coco-Nut's daughter, Buttercup in the park, and then the incident at Fluttershy's cottage Coco-Nut and Storm Dasher soon after. Seeing as she knew Scootaloo was not in any danger, and that she would put Abacus in danger with the two stallions, as well as the two police ponies with them if she did tell them, she refused to tell.

"I can't do that." Rainbow Dash said.

Storm Dasher practically snarled at Rainbow Dash. "What?!"

Rainbow Dash stepped back to a comfortable distance between her and Storm Dasher. "We're not telling you anything until you've chillaxed."

The stallion police pony turned and looked at the entrance of the local cemetery. "Let's go search the cemetery. They must've gone in there."

Storm Dasher turned, and began to move towards the entrance along with Coco-Nut and the two police ponies. Rainbow Dash jumped over in front of them holding her hoof out to halt them. "No, wait! Alright, Scootaloo is here, and she's with Abacus, but she's not in any danger."

"Step aside, ma'am," The mare police pony said. "Or you'll be arrested for obstructing police."

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "No. Please listen. You're making a big mista-" The police mare quickly clipped a handcuff on her reached-out hoof. "Hey!"

"You're under arrest." The mare police pony said.

Rainbow Dash turned to Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie! Run and get the others!"

"Right." Pinkie Pie said.

Pinkie Pie began to run for it down the road to find and get the others before it was too late.

"Hey, stop right there!" The mare police pony said.

The stallion police pony stopped his partner. "Let her go. We have to get Storm Dasher's daughter out of danger from the suspect."

At that same time, Fluttershy and Scootaloo were walking with Abacus in the deep parts of the cemetery. They soon came over to two solitary headstones with one being more recent than the other, and the other being slightly bigger and a bit more decorative than the first.

"So are those the gravestones of Abacus's wife and his mother, Fluttershy?" Scootaloo asked.

Fluttershy nodded. "Mm-hm. That's right. So where is your mother's grave? Didn't you want to see it?"

Scootaloo scratched her head. "Oh yeah, well...it was somewhere back the other way. But I'll go there later."

Abacus looked at the two headstones, and came towards them. He stopped, sat down and looked at each of them. The headstone that was more recent was white colored, decorated with small Swallow style carvings, and had the following written on it.

Where there is great love there are always miracles.
Dearly loved by her beloved friends and son.

The second headstone next to it was slightly bigger, had very decorative horseshoe and lily style carvings, was greenish-orange colored, and had the following written on it.

Tiger Lily
So loved and greatly missed by all her friends, and all in town who knew her.
Sadly taken from us by the evil monster she called her husband.

Abacus's eyes welled up at when he saw the words on his wife's headstone. He closed his eyes, dropped his head, and began to quietly sob. Fluttershy watched as Scootaloo came over to Abacus, stood next to him, and began to pat him with her hoof to comfit him.

"I know, Abacus," Scootaloo said. "My mom's gone too. She died a year or so ago. I know how you feel."

Abacus slowly looked up and turned to Scootaloo with his teary eyes. Then he slowly reached out and grabbed Scootaloo with his hooves, and pulled her into a hug. Scootaloo was surprised at first, but knowing how depressed the poor stallion was, she put her non-mushy stuff image aside for this once, and returned the hug. Abacus cried quietly, and hugged the little filly.

Fluttershy watched on as the two embraced, until she heard something behind her. She turned her head behind her to see Storm Dasher, Coco-Nut, and the two pegasi police ponies coming over. To Fluttershy's shock, she saw Rainbow Dash with them. She was in cuffs on her front hoofs, her wings being restrained by rope to prevent her from flying, and her neck lassoed being held by the police mare.

"Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy said.

Rainbow Dash looked at Fluttershy. "Fluttershy. I tried to stop them."

Storm Dasher's eyes widened with shock when he noticed Abacus and Scootaloo hugging, then his face went into a rage. "Scootaloo!!"

Scootaloo opened her eyes with shock at the sight of her father. "Dad!"

Abacus turned around, and his teary eyes came in contact with Storm Dasher's enraged eyes. "You..." His wings flared as he charged at Abacus. Before Abacus could react, Storm Dasher threw a punch, landing squarely on the side of his muzzle, knocking him over to the side, and landing hard on the ground.

"Hey, you leave him alone, you jerk!" Rainbow said as she was being held back by the police mare.

Coco-Nut and the police stallion joined in with Storm Dasher towards Abacus.

"No." Fluttershy tried to intervene. "Stop it! He wasn't doing anything-"

"Get out of our way!" Coco-Nut shoved Fluttershy away, making her fall to the ground. "You are not going to protect that murderous scumbag again!"

Scootaloo tried to run to Storm Dasher. "Dad, stop!"

The police stallion stood-by and watched, holding Scootaloo back as the two stallions continued their advance on Abacus who was struggling to get up off the ground. The others were shocked and angered by how the police stallion and mare were just letting all this happen.

"I warned you what would happen if you ever went near my daughter again!" Storm Dasher said.

"You're not just a murderer, and a foal hurter, but you're a pedophile too!" Coco-Nut threw a punch at Abacus, making him cry in pain. "That's for hurting my daughter, you scum!"

Abacus struggled to get up again, and sobbed as he noticed blood dripping from his snout. The punches they threw at him were hard, like as though they had not held back at all. His whole body began to tremble, and his breathing became fast and heavy. When he got to his feet, he stood there with his head down and his eyes closed as he continued to shudder. Storm Dasher and Coco-Nut stood in front of him ready to gang up on him.

"How does it feel to feel the pain that you caused to our kids?!" Coco-Nut asked.

Storm Dasher glared. "You're going to be put back behind bars where you belong, Abacus Scum!"

Abacus's eyes snapped open, glaring at the two stallions. His eyes were full of pure, unstable, psychotic rage. Boiling over, and dripping out of his shaking body like the streaming blood from his snout. His teeth bared like a savage, predatory animal ready to go for the throat, making the two stallions flinch briefly. There was nobody to hold Abacus back now, for they had pushed him over the edge. Like a volcano about to explode, the eruption was imminent. And finally the explosion happened. With a loud, fearsome, enraged scream, Abacus threw a punch with such devastating force, hitting the face of Storm Dasher, and knocking him to the ground. They had unleashed the violent savage from within Abacus, and there was no stopping him. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Scootaloo could do nothing but watch.

"Leave him alone!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "He's never done anything like this before, and we don't know if he can stop!"

Coco-Nut and the police stallion joined in. Abacus bucked Coco-Nut hard in the face before he could make any aggressive contact with him. The stallion police pony grabbed him from behind in a hold, and held on as Abacus struggled violently. Abacus managed to overpower the police stallion by throwing him over himself. The police stallion was hurled on to one of the two headstones, with such great force it broke it in two, and briefly knocked the police stallion out. Abacus was fighting for his life.

"Let me go!" Rainbow Dash struggled as the police mare held her down, and adjusted the handcuffs to restrain her hooves behind her back so that she could join the brawl.

Storm Dasher got up, tackled Abacus to the ground, and the two began to wrestle.

"Dad, stop!" Scootaloo rushed over to stop her father from fighting Abacus. "Leave him alone!"

Scootaloo tried to shove her father off of Abacus, only for Storm Dasher to push her away hard, and continued to wrestle Abacus. He got up on top of Abacus, briefly pinned him down, and he threw another punch into the side of his face. Storm Dasher's punch had great force, but Abacus shook it off like it had no effect, and only enraged him even further. The adrenaline going through Abacus's body was so great that he was able to overpower Storm Dasher on top of him by returning a punch into Storm Dasher's face. Right when Abacus got on top of Storm Dasher, the police mare grabbed him from behind by trying a choke hold. She could not get a proper grip. Abacus then bit down on the police mare's foreleg hard, causing her great pain. When the police mare let go, Abacus walloped her in the face.

Storm Dasher grabbed Abacus, and tried to wrestle him again. In a fit of pure, unstable, psychotic rage, Abacus bit Storm Dasher on his right neck-shoulder area. He was biting down as hard as he could like a savage dog. Storm Dasher screamed in agonizing pain as he felt Abacus's teeth beginning to saw through his flesh. Coco-Nut grabbed Abacus in an attempt to get him off Storm Dasher. Only to find out that it was in vain. The police mare got up, drew her police baton, and walloped Abacus in the face. The strike resulted in stunning him for a brief moment, and caused Abacus to let go. Storm Dasher cried and groaned in pain, as he grabbed the area where Abacus had bit him. Blood was leaking out of a chunk of him that was nearly bitten off, and was still attached by only some remaining flesh.

Coco-Nut came to Storm Dasher. "Are you alright?"

The police stallion came to, and got up from the ground. He drew his police baton, and rush to aid his partner against Abacus. They began beating him with their batons, as Abacus fought for his life, while still in his violent, psychotic rage. Right when they were about to put handcuffs on Abacus, the two police ponies were each suddenly knocked away by something that hit them like a battering ram to the ground. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo were relieved as it turned out that the things that knocked the two police ponies away from Abacus was Warden Rehab and Lock Down. They soon saw that Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Lawful Eye were not far behind rushing towards the area. Twilight freed Rainbow Dash from the cuffs and restraints with her magic.

"About time you showed up!" Rainbow Dash said.

Rainbow Dash rushed over to help Applejack, Fluttershy, and Lawful Eye settle a psychotically enraged Abacus down. Warden Rehab and Lock Down stood in front of the police ponies, blocking their path to prevent them from going near Abacus. The others watched in shock as Abacus was struggling, thrashing, and screaming while being held down by the four ponies, who were trying their best to calm him down. They had never seen Abacus like this before, and it was hard for each of them to believe.

"Abacus, please," Fluttershy said. "That's enough!"

Applejack strained. "Calm down, sugarcube!"

"Stop, Abi! Stop! It's alright, Abi! It's over now! It's over!" Lawful Eye struggled with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Applejack to hold Abacus down. They suddenly felt that he was close to overpowering the four of them. "ABI, STOP!!!!!!!"

Abacus suddenly stopped at the sound of Lawful Eye's scream. Right after, his face and eyes started to change back, like he was coming out of a trance. He began to breathe heavily, sobbing, and whimpering in both distress and pain as he was still being held down by the four mares. They slowly released him, as they sighed in relief.

"Oh, Abi," Lawful Eye said. "Thank Celestia you're back to normal."

Abacus looked around himself, looking at the aftermath of what happened. Scootaloo's injured father sitting on the ground in pain covering his severe bite wound to his neck-shoulder area, the injuries to Coco-Nut and the two police ponies, and the broken headstone. Seeing all of these, Abacus began to realize just what he had done, and he continued to whimper and cry.

Fluttershy noticed the broken headstone, and gasped. "Oh, no!"

The others looked, and realized, to their shock, that it was Tiger Lily's headstone that had been broken during the fight.

Lawful Eye turned to the others. "We have to get Abacus to the hospital. He's hurt."

"Not so fast," The light amber colored police stallion said. "That pony is under arrest for four counts of unprovoked aggravated assault and battery, including two police officers!"

The very pale mulberry colored police mare took over. "As well as one count of grievous bodily harm, resisting arrest, and destruction of property."

Fluttershy snarled at the two police ponies. "You liars!"

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash said. "That's not how it happened, and you both know it, you pigs!"

The police mare glared at Rainbow Dash. "Mind your tongue! And don't forget, you're under arrest too."

"It's our word against yours," The police stallion said. "Now we're taking both of you into custody."

Before the two police ponies could try and advance, Warden Rehab and Lock Down stepped in front of the police ponies, blocking their way.

"Oh, no you don't!" Warden Rehab glared. "We don't know who you two cops are, but you're not arresting anypony."

"Officer Rogue Order." The police mare said.

"And Officer Strike Law of Cloudsdale police." The police stallion glared. "And if you don't move out of the way, you two stallions will be arrested too. Now stand aside!"

Lock Down snorted angrily, and stamped his front hoof hard on the ground. A few cracks formed where he stomped, and made the police ponies step back defensively. "Don't you make threats at us! We are members of the Equestrian Royal Guard."

"Abacus Sum needs medical attention." Warden Rehab said.

Storm Dasher groaned in pain as he got up with Coco-Nut's help, and still covering his bite wound with his hoof. "And what about me?! That psycho nearly bit a piece off of me! I'm the one who needs hospital attention."

"SHUT UP!!" Storm Dasher looked in the direction to where the loud, angry voice came from, which turned out to be Scootaloo. She glared at her father. "You deserved it!"

Rainbow Dash placed a hoof on Scootaloo. "Come on, little buddy. We'll have to sort this out later."

Twilight nodded. "That's right. Right now, we have to get to the hospital."

Coco-Nut aided Storm Dasher as they walked to their way to the local hospital. Lots of blood was running down the front of him, as Storm Dasher put pressure on it to stop it from bleeding so badly, making a painful groan with each step.

Coco-Nut looked at Abacus with a very hateful glare. "What Tiger Lily's headstone said was right: You are a monster."

Lawful Eye scowled darkly at the the two stallions. "I'll deal with you two later."

Abacus continued to cry as Coco-Nut and Storm Dasher walked away. Lawful Eye and Applejack helped Abacus up and began to escort him to the local hospital.

"Let's get ya ta the hospital, sugarcube. Lickety split." Applejack said.

Applejack and Lawful Eye walked with Abacus to take him to get treatment at the local hospital with the others walking with them. Warden Rehab and Lock Down turned to Officers Law and Order.

"You two better come with us to the hospital too," Lock Down said. "You need some treatment as well."

Warden Rehab pointed at the police ponies threateningly. "But don't either one of you try anything funny. And don't even think about arresting Abacus or any of Twilight's friends, or I promise you both that will find yourselves meeting the hard end of a wall. Do I make myself clear?"

Officers Law and Order growled and nodded. "...Crystal."

"Good." Warden Rehab directed the police ponies in the same direction as the others. "Now come with us."

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