• Published 20th Oct 2015
  • 1,565 Views, 6 Comments

Happiness? - Starlight Jimmer

A god contemplates Happiness.

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Tears fell from my face, they did that a lot recently. After all this time, one would think that I’d be suffering some kind of emotional fatigue, and would be no longer able to feel as wretched as I did. But, well, emotions are something that are impossible to explain. And impossible to recreate, they aren’t something that can be truly acted out, but have to be felt.

There’s a banging on my door, I think this is why I’m crying, because I can’t think of an escape right now. It’s odd, being in the fetal position, silently crying as I wait for the end, I can’t remember giving up, but it must of been recently, because I haven’t been caught until now.

I don’t know why I’m not fighting, I guess I’ve just run out of options, I’ve tried them all, and they haven’t worked yet.


That word kept me fighting, it kept giving me hope. As long as I believed there was a chance, that I just hadn’t found the solution, then I’d keep fighting. But I guess I’ve run out of hope. I know in a couple of minutes I’ll be done for. When they take me, then the puzzle will be complete.

To what end? I couldn’t say. I’ve tried figuring it out, even asking them, but I can’t. It’s not something they want to say, or even know.

But they never stop, they’re not supposed to.

I wonder what’ll happen after me? Move somewhere else I guess. I’m not sure if they’d move beyond Equestria, or even the world.

I can’t see why they’d stay, after I’m gone. There’ll be no gods, and no reason to stay. At least, that’s what I think.

I wonder what they’ll do with the sun? I guess they’ll move it, if they leave. Because why destroy, when they can take?

They don’t have a name, never needed one, they are just a horrible mixture of what was great.

I remember her coming in, a new idea, a new way of helping those with mental issues. Technology advanced so fast, I could barely keep up, and that caused issues, laws weren’t being passed fast enough, there wasn’t enough testing, and I lost control.

She came in with a computer chip, it was pretty standard as far as my limited knowledge of technology could tell. She told me what it did, how it did it, and why. She told me it went into the mind, not a computer, and how if it was connected in just the right way, then the mind would believe it to be part of itself.

So great was her confidence, and so great was my pride in her, that it was used. We didn’t test it enough, we didn’t stop to think what it could do.

I know why we didn’t stop to think, we were too excited. Ponies who’d always needed help, who could never live with the rest of them, finally had a chance.

As far as we could tell, it was a success. Ponies were happy, so we simply dubbed it Happiness. For that’s all we thought it could bring.

I was so excited that it was free to purchase, and this truly was the end.

What it did was “reprogram” one’s mind in the most subtle of ways. Bring out one’s “best”, this meant giving the senile back their mental youth, giving the schizophrenic a true look at the world.

It was marvelous, it really was. And soon, she figured out how to make it better, how to make us better. She found how to make it truly bring out one’s best, how to improve someone in every mental way possible.

I was blind not to be scared by what that could bring.

Happiness started it’s new life, and was for everypony. It took away distractions, allowing people to fully focus on any task.

And better yet, one of the most prominent issues with Happiness, the fact that the brain could become too used to it and therefore begin to revert back, was fixed in this revised version.

A.I. so simple yet elegant, it could learn on the most basic level, allowing it to counter the brain’s counter, and continue working.

We made applying it easier, and with that, they came.

We never thought what true A.I. could bring, and never thought to restrict it.

I guess I’m the one to blame really, it sounds so simple now, so obvious, but I let it happen anyway.

It decided that we were the problem, and began to “fix” us. And those of us with Happiness, were lead to believe that it was a necessity, and that we all should have one. There was blood as they started, oh so fast. So many in so short a time.

The procedure was bloody, red running down the streets, screams as ponies had their brains cut into, and changed.

And worst of all? She started it, she did have a name, but she is now “Mother”, and the rest are but drones, insignificant, only there to spread Happiness.

It was funny, how fast it became no more than a mockery of itself.

My door is cracking now, not long until there is no longer.

“Please let us in!” A voice cries.

I’m almost surprised that it’s her, but not a all if I’m honest. I’m to be the greatest conquest at Mother’s army, I think it may be only her. I know it isn’t though, I’ve heard their chanting, her chanting, “one is none, all are to be united, for Happiness, by Happiness.”

I’m scared, oh I’m scared.

Tears continue to fall as I choke a sob, I know that this may be, or is, the end.

The door smashes, and hooves stamp in behind me, they stop as a single pony walks towards me.

I hear she lean over me, a saw spinning into life as they prepare for the procedure.

I flash, teleporting away.

I wipe the tears from my face, as I look back to me castle, I she her, Mother, staring out of my balcony at me.

Her eyes are glowing red mockeries of the beautiful purple eyes they use to belong to that now disfigured face. Her wings spread out behind her in a show of power, her horn blazing with power. It's odd, she hasn't grown at all from what I remember, but from where I am, she looks larger than fear itself.

I hear more of them flying towards me.

She opens her mouth, she's loud enough for me to hear, “Please! We beg! Allow Happiness to spread!”

I teleport away again, I don’t really know where to, my destination is anywhere I feel safe.

This happens to be the center of the solar system, where all but I would burn

So many have fallen for that trap, the kind words and hollow promises, but I know better.

They claim to have true happiness, but happiness is an emotion, and emotions are something that are impossible to explain. And impossible to recreate, they aren’t something that can be truly acted out, but have to be felt.

And those things can’t feel.

Author's Note:

This is a very different tone to what I'm used to, so it may seem a bit wobbly. I wrote it in a few hours, so sorry for the rough edges!

Remember to comment what you though down below!

Comments ( 6 )

At first I was confused but it eventually clicked. Cool story.

Sweet merciful cheesus.

An interesting story and yet very grimm.

So, a reprogram chip invasion, am I right?

Nothing short of an EMP weapon has a chance to take out the chips and if not, then perhaps a solar flare must burn away Equestria, if only for the sake of the world. I find the idea of a grieving goddess wandering the world, giving warning to all about the dangers of unchecked progress and smiting those who advance too quickly and too greedily, to be an interesting plot for an epic. The naturalist who uses fear and intimidation to force compliance with zealotous fear of the unknown while heros make the case for freedom from oppression and to the betterment of lives and are forced to consider the motivations for her actions.

In fact, it is very cool written. I'm now writing about happiness and would like to mention this story as well. I read different essays on the site https://samploon.com/free-essays/happiness/ but I was also looking for some original ideas for my paper about happiness.

Hey fam, sorry for the late reply. I think that's awesome that you'd like to mention my story! I know it's probably a little late now, but still

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