• Published 21st Oct 2015
  • 397 Views, 3 Comments

The Broken Mirror - Keywii_Cookies55

The world of Equestria is bright, colourful, and friendly. But what if it weren't? What if it were a dark place filled with terrible things. Join Pinkie and Rarity as they explore this concept.

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Ch1 Daily Dealings

Princess Celestia.

Ruler of Equestria, and benevolent alicorn leader of all ponykind, was rising the sun on yet another beautiful day in the magical lands. This, however, was such a common event that nopony even thought twice about it. In fact they relied on this for their very way of life.

Celestia, however, was but one of four alicorn princesses in this country filled with talking cartoon horses. Along side her was the Princess of the Night, Luna, who raised the moon and watched over the dreams of every pony. Another of the princesses was Cadence, who was the Princess of Love, and ruler of the Crystal Empire.

And finally, there was Twilight Sparkle, the newest of the four and the beloved Princess of Friendship. This was the first night after receiving her castle that Twilight finally felt at home, and was blissfully sleeping the dawn away. This wouldn't stand however.

On this particular morning Spike, Twilight's adolescent dragon assistant, was in the castle's kitchen. Preparing Twilight's favourite breakfast; a stack of 10 chocolate chip pancakes drizzled in syrup and topped with a generous helping of whipped cream. He was getting impatient with just cooking however and decided to take action.

Setting the stack on the kitchen counter and taking off his heart-adorned apron, Spike began marching through the grand hallways towards Twilight's bedroom. The door was closed, but this wasn't unusual, so he knocked on the door and waited. Getting no answer above a light mumble, he felt further action was needed.

So he barged in.

"Twilight, wake up! I made you breakfast." He called to her from the now open doorway. In response she mumbled something he couldn't hear.

"Twilight!" But his voice was proving ineffective. So, thinking on his feet he ran back to the kitchen and grabbed the plate of food.

With his 'motivation' now in hand, he walked back into Twilight's room and held the plate in front of her nose. It didn't take more then a fraction of a second for Twilight to begin sniffing and smiling in her sleep.

With the remainder of the second she shot up from her sleep and exclaimed "I'm pancake!"


Birds were very faintly heard through the closed windows in the room.

With Spike now staring at her, eyebrow raised, Twilight grew a light shade of red in her cheeks, clearly embarrassed, "...awake. I meant awake..."

Spike just smirked and walked away with the plate of delicious wonderfulness in his claws.

"Breakfast is ready!" He shouted back to her as he tried to stifle a laugh.

Now alone in her bedroom, Twilight stretched and attempted to wake up properly. Beginning her morning ritual she walked over to the window and opened it, soaking in the marvelous morning sunlight.

She yawned happily, "It sure feels like it's going to be a good day, today." She thought to herself, "Princess Celestia doesn't have any royal duties for me to take care of."

Drinking in the morning air she smiled to herself and began making her way to the dining hall for breakfast. "And It sure has been a while since I just sat down and read a good book." It was about this time that the delightful fragrance of her favourite meal enveloped her completely.

"That sure does smell good Spike," Twilight said rounding the corner, eyes still closed from the morning fast she had yet to break.

"Yeah! he's certainly outdone himself today," beamed the cheerful voice of an equally cheerful mare as she joined Twilight on her walk into the room.

Twilight simply smiled, she was not much of a morning pony herself, but the energy of others was always welcome. "I'm glad I have him, I'd probably go hungry if he wasn't here to cook for me."

Hearing this, Spike smiled and turned to reply, but upon noticing something, became confused.

"Pinkie? If I knew you were going to be here I would have made more." Spike said, not thinking too much about it.

Pinkie Pie was an Earth Pony, and good friend of Twilight's. 'Energetic' and 'happy' failed to properly describe this walking ball of Laughter, as nothing could keep up with her antics. Being addressed by Spike didn't phase her, and she just waved a hoof dismissively as she took a seat at the circular table, "That's okay, I already ate breakfast, but we can make lunch together." She walked over to sit at the dining table.

Spike smiled at this as he got up onto a chair at the dining table himself. "That'd be great, but don't you have to work?" he asked, genuinely curious why she was here and not at the cafe she resided, Sugarcube Corner.

But Pinkie just dismissed this comment as well. "Don't be silly, I was up late last night baking so I could be free to have fun around Ponyville today!"

"Oh, that sounds great, what were you baking?" Spike asked.

But as these two friends chit-chatted about this and that, Twilight couldn't help but feel like something was off. There was something about this scene that was unusual and that required her attention, but she couldn't quite figure out what it was with her still sleep-clouded mind.

"Did I forget to follow the checklist?" She thought to herself before remembering she promised to stop having a checklist for her everyday life. "No..."

She sat down at the dining table and started eating her breakfast, "What could it be?" she continued thinking as she practically inhaled her short-stack.

When she finished, both her food, and attempting to discern the issue. A bright pink mop of cotton candy shaped hair popped up behind her.

"Wow Twilight, you sure ate that fast," is what Pinkie wanted to say, but was interrupted by Twilight jerking forward in surprise. "GAAAAH!"

"Pinkie!" Twilight yelled, now fully awake after such a startle, "You can't just keep doing that, I thought you were sitting over..." She trailed off before she began to point to the empty seat beside Spike as it occurred to her what had felt off this whole time.

"...Pinkie," Twilight began slowly after a short pause, "How long have you been here?"

"Just now when you finished eating." Pinkie answered curtly, smiling to herself at such a response, but Twilight just held out her hoof in a 'stop' motion.

"No, I mean, when did you get to the castle?" She asked, putting emphasis on every word in order to make sure Pinkie understood correctly.

"Oooohhh, that happened just a few minutes ago when you said you were glad to live with Spike." Pinkie remarked thoughtfully, but this answer didn't satisfy Twilight's curiosity either.

"That doesn't make sense though, that's right before I first saw you, and you would have had to come in before that." Twilight stated, almost to herself as she began pacing.

Pinkie remained silent but thoughtful.

"You would have had to be at the castle itself before hearing me say that if you answered me right away like you did."

Spike just watched the exchange happen from his seat, knowing full well not to get involved.

"I suppose you could have crawled in through the windows, but then Spike would have saw you, and he didn't see you until after I did." Twilight's eye began to twitch.

Now it was Pinkies turn to interrupt her friend, "Twiliiiiiight, I thought you already learned that you need to believe." She said, with just a touch of annoyance.

Twilight was broken from her thought process and looked to Pinkie, "But that was just for your Pinkie Sense, this is about how you always go from place to place all the time."

Although Twilight was entirely serious, Pinkie broke out into a laugh, her pink coat shaking slightly from the impromptu giggle fit. "Hehehe ahahehehaheha! Oh Twilight, my jumps aren't a secret." Pinkie continued laughing, but Twilight seemed even more baffled.

"But...but HOW?" Twilight stammered out.

"I don't know, but it sure is fun!"


It was maybe 20 minutes later, Twilight had left Spike to watch over the castle while she went out to get answers. Pinkie was hopping along cheerfully as Twilight simply walked through the streets of early morning Ponyville. She learned from the last time she tried to study Pinkie that just asking questions and recording data resulted in simply wasting time. As well, the entire time she and Spike had been following her that day, not only did she not learn anything useful, she also got pretty badly injured along the way.

Maybe back then she'd have been too proud to ask for help when it came to science, but these days she'd gladly accept the assistance of anyone that would be able to offer it. Unfortunately there weren't too many ponies in Ponyville that cared much for science in the way she did. Devoting more time to practical things, such as farming the food they ate, or doing repairs on the frequent weekly damage the buildings around here took. So her options were few.

In fact, her and Pinkie were on their way to the only other scientist in the entire small town she knew about. Time Turner, or as he preferred to be called; Doctor Hooves, was a brilliant scientist and an accomplished inventor. It was only a week ago that he'd showcased his now-renowned Flameless Fireworks™ at the highly anticipated wedding of the towns resident donkeys, Cranky and Matilda.

Twilight didn't really think much of the Doctor before then. He was polite and intelligent, but he mostly kept to himself. This changed just recently however. The day of the wedding, after the event had taken place, Twilight knocked on his door and formally introduced herself, praising his creation and asking him questions about how it worked. Ever since that day they'd frequently been spending time together and discussing advanced level science and any other scholarly things that they could think to bring up with each other. At this point she considered the two of them friends.

This was why she was heading over to his house now. Perhaps with his fresh perspective, she could finally sate her burning curiosity and put the years long matter to rest. Not that Twilight thought she could figure it out today. Pinkie could seemingly teleport without the aid of unicorn magic, and Earth pony magic certainly couldn't explain everything Pinkie was capable of. But asking the Doctors help would be a step in the right direction.

On their way to his house, Twilight and Pinkie passed by the local Hay Burger Queen, and spotted Doctor Hooves eating outside with one of his other friends. Twilight had already eaten breakfast, and it was a delicious, if short-lived, breakfast at that. But she was still weighed down by a bit of hunger. With this in mind, she decided that if nothing else she can grab a bite to eat to tide her over until lunch. Princessing was hungry work, after all.

Twilight couldn't hear what Time Turner and the grey mare he sat with were talking about, but as she and Pinkie approached, Twilight caught the tail end of the conversation.

"-and they've been so happy together." The doctors friend finished saying as Twilight and Pinkie walked up to them. "Pinkie and Twilight? Hello!" His friend cheerfully greeted.

Pinkie quickly waved in response, hey mane lightly bouncing as she did, "Hi Derpy, how are you today?"

Derpy Hooves, a grey pegasus with seemingly perpetually crossed eyes, was a carefree mailmare and a good friend with most of the ponies in Ponyville. Because she shared the last trait with Pinkie, the two always took the time to talk and swap stories.

As their conversation began however, Time Turner focused his attention on the more purple of the mares. Taking an occasional bite of his morning meal as he did, "Twilight!" he exclaimed, "Just the mare I wanted to talk to. I think I've come to a solution regarding yesterdays conversation that I wanted to run by you. Are you busy today?" He asked, excitement clear on his face.

"I am free, but I wanted to talk with you as well." Twilight replied, sitting down in an empty seat beside him.

He straightened his bow tie in pride, "No doubt it has something to do with the plasma globe you saw the other day? I'm rather proud of that one myself."

Twilight just smiled and shook her head, wasting no time in getting right down to her point, "I am still curious about that, but no, today I wanted your help with something that's been troubling me for a long time."

Flabbergasted, the Doctor dropped his food onto the plate in front of him, "Great whickering stallions! That simply won't do! By all means, what's gotten the great Twilight Sparkle bewildered?"

Twilight blushed slightly at the praise, but quickly regained her senses. "It's about Pinkie, she does things that I just can't explain, and I stopped questioning her 'Pinkie Sense'" she said putting air quotes on the last two words, "but there's other things about her that don't make any sense!"

Doctor Hooves just listened on as Twilight continued describing her concerns. "She can just teleport around! And I don't know why! Earth Pony magic isn't capable of doing that!"

"I would certainly think not, no." the Doctor quickly added, "Speaking from personal experience, hopping about from place to place is strictly Unicorn territory."

"Exactly!" Twilight exclaimed. "But all the tests I've run didn't answer any of my questions, if anything they just left me more curious."

Time Turner quickly stood up and threw a few bits onto the table beside his plate. "Well what are we waiting for then?! Come! Let us retreat to my lab and see what can be done about this curiosity of yours."

This alerted the attention of both Pinkie and Derpy, as well as that of the odd pony or two in the vicinity, but only the former two continued to look after a short few seconds. Derpy looked up at him with a confused expression.

The Doctor returned her look with an apologetic smile of his own. "I must apologize, my friend, as science is calling me! I do hope we can continue this conversation at another time." He proclaimed loudly, followed by speaking quietly to himself for a second, "I'm rather interested in the story of this book of yours."

Pinkie smiled brightly and said goodbye to Derpy before following Twilight and Turner.

"Let us make haste!" He shouted before running off towards his home.


No time at all had passed between chatting at the cafe and walking through the front door of Doctor Hooves home, being that he, Twilight, and Pinkie had quickly rushed over. From there the theorizing began; how far can Pinkie 'jump'? Why is it that she's as light as a pegasus? Where does she pull her party canon from? How does she store things in her mane?

Questions were only getting them so far however, and after maybe half an hour Twilight was growing a bit restless. She suggested hooking Pinkie up to sensors and graphing information. But the Doctor had a different solution.

"Perhaps we can take some samples and run the tests on those." He suggested to Twilight, to which she was hesitant about. Saliva was one thing, and although a mare's mane is important, it can grow back, but he had also suggested taking a blood sample from Pinkie, and that unnerved Twilight slightly.

The scientist part of her brain was entirely convinced that this was a good idea, since in the right hooves, taking blood is entirely safe. The 'Princess of Friendship' portion of her was uneasy at the prospect however. Especially when the idea was pitched to Pinkie and she seemed to be partially afraid of the needle that would need to pierce her skin. Pinkie seemed to be afraid of needles in general, "I'll b-be fine..." Pinkie meekly said, putting the needs of her friends before her own. This just made Twilight feel guilty, but she made sure Pinkie was alright by asking a second time.

With the pink horse now insisting, the samples were taken, but as quickly and painlessly as possible. "That should be the last of them." Twilight reassured an uncomfortable looking pink party pony as she put the last of the cotton candy coloured hair clippings into a small bag with her magical aura.

Pinkie saw fit to get some fresh air at this point. And Twilight understood completely.

After she left the lab, the testing could begin. The first two tests had resulted in nothing happening, much to the disappointment of a certain purple alicorn. The third however, quite literally exploded in a puff of hot pink smoke and confetti.

"...another failure..." Twilight lamented after a short fit of coughing.

Doctor Hooves seemed to have taken notice of something however. "Not necessarily Twilight. When you've got a second, take a look at this," he motioned for her to join him on the other side of the room.

Twilight shook her head in an attempt to regain a bit of her composure, but smiled and joined the other scientist by the microscope he was using.

He moved aside for her and smiled, "I was carefully studying Pinkie Pies skin cells in an effort to gauge any difference from our own and spotted nothing significant initially."

Twilight bent her head downward to look into the microscope and gasped at what she saw, "but after hearing the explosion," the Dotor continued, "every cell seemed to almost stop and look at it, followed by what you see now."

She couldn't believe her eyes, "This doesn't make any sense!" She thought to herself. Looking at the sample again, she noted the distinct sight of what could only be described as a party. Each cell had it's own miniature party hat, and dozens were mingling. Some looked to be lightly vibrating on cue with each other, as if talking. Which Twilight confirmed when it looked as though one of the cells had told some style of joke and several nearby it had began shaking in a form of laughter.

Her head shot up in excitement as Doctor Hooves smile only widened further. "Do you realize the implications?!" He shouted excitedly.

"We have to document everything!" Twilight almost screamed in pure delight.


While this was going on in the laboratory, Pinkie saw fit to wander the Doctors home, if nothing else, then to calm her nerves a bit. She was happy for Twilight, even if this would probably end in another hydra attack at Froggy Bottom Bogg. But she was still unsure.

"Why does she have to question everything all the time?" Pinkie thought as she wandered into the kitchen, "why can't she just have faith in something?" Though seeing as she was wandering backwards into the kitchen while she considered Twilight's lack of beliefs. Pinkie Pie failed to spot the white Unicorn currently deciding which style of curtains to hang in the window that would best frame Ponyville.

Rarity was Ponyville's premiere fashionista, owning her own boutique and having worked from the bottom upward. As well, she fancied herself a good friend, knowing both Twilight and Pinkie for years now. She did, however, have a prissy air about her.

"Hmm...no, too orange!" The Unicorn briefly remarked before Pinkie bumped her brightly coloured balloon-adorned flank into Rarity's diamond covered rear.

This startled both of them.

Calming down somewhat, Rarity dispelled the telekinetic magic she was using to hold up the differently coloured pieces of fabric, and turned to face her friend. "Pinkie Pie?" The Unicorn breathed in surprise. "Good heavens dear, whatever are you doing here?"

Pinkie, to her credit, caught her breath and analyzed the situation far quicker then Rarity. Thus she was no longer surprised to see her seamstress friend at Dr. Hooves own home.

"Oh hi Rarity!" Pinkie spoke, now turning to actually face her friend. Her expression was that of defeat with just a touch of annoyance, "Twilight is studying me again!"

This did little to answer Rarities question however, and she became confused. "Pardon?"

Pinkie grew a quizzical sort of look for a second before smiling and putting her left foreleg over Rarity's shoulder, "Oh right, you weren't there." Giggling, she continued, "Twilight didn't understand my Pinkie Sense, so she followed me around all day and I had fun leading her everywhere. And then Fluttershy was in trouble, but we got there and she was fine, but that wasn't the doozy! As it turns out the doozy was that Twilight took a leap of faith, I didn't expect THAT!"

Part way through the short ramble, Rarity nudged out from under Pinkies grasp and stood facing her instead. "But I guess it didn't take..." Pinkie continued, taking on a sort of somber presence.

Rarity had little idea what to do here, not only because she had no idea what Pinkie was talking about based on her vague description of events, but also because she was focused on interior design before meeting her energetic friend less then twenty seconds earlier.

Still attempting to catch her bearings, Rarity attempted consoling her upset looking friend. "...Pinkie..."

"Oh, what do I say here?" She thought to herself, "I don't even know what's bothering her, it has something to do with Twilight, but past that I haven't a clue."

Rarity shook off her doubt and smiled at Pinkies waiting eyes. "...Pinkie Pie, what happened?"

This took Pinkie by surprise, she thought she explained what happened at Froggy Bottom Bog pretty clearly, "...but I guess not," she second guessed.

There was a pause as the two looked at each other. Pinkie was getting uncomfortable however and decided to change the subject. "So...what are you doing, Rarity?"

"Now, now, darling, don't dodge the question, I AM curious what really happened with you and Twilight." Rarity pried, normally it was standard practice to let Pinkie be herself and not interfere in her antics. Everyone in Ponyville knew this. Rarity however was making an exception this time knowing that Twilight was involved. She found herself following Twilight's antics more closely ever since she became a princess several months ago, And even more so now that so had her own castle.

Pinkie however was never one to like repeating herself, and was hesitating at Rarity suddenly demanding her to expand upon her unclear recollection of events from years passed.

"...I, but I already explained that s-silly!" Pinkie was sweating, normally she had no trouble dodging ponies asking her to clarify herself when she acted the way she did. But it was getting increasingly difficult as this particular conversation continued.

Rarity realized at this point that she was causing unwanted stress and determined that a change of topic was indeed in order. So, shifting her eyes a bit, she addressed Pinkie, "Well, that's quite alright."

She turned her attention away from her nervous friend to the fabric she was looking over earlier. "Since you did ask me what I'm doing however, I suppose an answer is in order."

The mood improved immediately as Rarity described her reason for her visit today. "You see Pinkie dear, ever since the wedding a week ago, Time Turner." She took a short break in speech to get out a quick laugh "Or, the Doctor, as is the name he chooses for himself these days."

She turned quickly to a smiling Pinkie Pie, holding four differently coloured curtain patterns in her magical blue aura, "He impressed all of us with his inspired fireworks. Flameless he calls them? Well he seems to have found himself quite the attention recently."

Pinkie was watching Rarity as she eloquently recalled her reason for visiting, and all the while specifically watching a shiny, star covered pattern. It reminded her vaguely of Twilight's first Gala dress, at least the revised, not-as-good one.

"And as such," Rarity continued, almost forgetting Pinkie was even there, "he's asked me to help, how they say, 'spruce up the place'? Yes, I rather like that one."

Pinkie could see Rarity practically beaming with excitement, and wanted to share in her exuberance with some of her own. "Wow! That's cool!"

But that didn't happen. Instead, Rarity hesitated, not getting the reaction she had wanted. "I've seen her get more excited about a slice of pie," Rarity thought to herself.

"Yes, I do suppose it is quite... 'cool'" Rarity stated as she turned away, more hurt then annoyed.

This hurt Pinkie as well, "What's wrong with Rarity?" she thought, "She went from super excited to super frowny all at once." So, without a good understanding of why each other was acting the way they were, they remained in silence for a minute.


This stretched on for several minutes. Rarity had decided on a kitchen curtain aesthetic that worked and moved onto the front room. All the while Pinkie was attempting to conceive what exactly she had said to upset Rarity. "And then I said that I already explained it, and she looked at me, but lightened up..."

The silence continued however, All the while Rarity felt a bit guilty, "I've never seen her this quiet before. Sure she wasn't as excited as I expected, but did I perhaps create this lull in conversation?" She thought as she stole a glance or two at her normally bouncy pink friend.

"...ah..." she began, but quickly retracted as she realized she didn't actually have anything to say. "What can I say to console her?" Rarity began thinking, "How does one cheer up Pinkie Pie?"

This went on for another 20 minutes, both struggling to start a sentence and break the silence, and both entirely focused on the words they'd already shared.


"And you're sure this big glass window will protect us?"

Twilight Sparkle and Time Turner had spent roughly an hour running tests and documenting any and all information on the odd habits and mannerisms that Pinkies DNA held. They'd learned dozens of things in that time; that Pinkie hops around all the time because she oddly has some pegasus magic imbued in her regular earth pony magic. That if she were any other colour she'd have different skills, yellow for example had her cells running a business, and red had her creating and inventing different machines.

But Twilight had yet to solve the problem she came here for. The solution was as of yet out of her reach. So the good Doctor felt that something a bit more controlled was in order. Thus, with Twilight following closely behind, he walked down his basement stairs into his Testing Complex. Which was just his way to name a small empty room connected to an observation area by a large, three inch think slab of solid glass. The two sat in the observation room and looked in on a lock of Pinkies manehair.

By normal standards this would be seen as perfectly safe, perhaps a bit creepy under different circumstances, but still, safe. This was however a scaled up version of the experiment Twilight had run earlier. The one that literally exploded in her face. As such she was a bit more then hesitant.

"Not to worry, Twilight," Doctor Hooves stated as he tapped his hoof on the glass, "This mere 'window' has protected me from any number of explosions. I'd think that adding a little colour to the mix shouldn't make things more dangerous."

Twilight lightly smiled, she was sure that the magnitude of the explosion would easily crack the glass enough to pose a threat. But she was only here because she wanted a fresh perspective, and on that front she'd certainly not been disappointed.

"Well if we're in no danger then I think we're ready to begin." Twilight remarked.

The Doctor handed Twilight a pair of thick goggles to wear. "Safety first, as they say!" He exclaimed while he put on a pair of his own.

With their safety gear firmly applied, and having double checked that the doors were locked so nopony could wander into the basement while the experiment was taking place, they were ready to begin.

Twilight looked focused as she stared at the lock of hair. She intently studied every strand, the way they appeared as cotton candy. The way that the frayed end seemed to curl in on itself ever so slightly. Each curl, shade, and exact placement was taken into account when Twilights alicorn horn lit in a brilliant magenta colour.

She knew the exact magic she wished to invoke, and like clockwork, the hair in the adjacent room was enveloped in the same magical aura. This was where absolute concentration was required, Not due to lack of experience, but solely to the complicated level of spell Twilight was conjuring.

"I wonder what will end up happening," Twilight thought as the spell took effect.

But as before, a bright pink explosion of confetti and streamers engulfed the room around the spell, throwing the hair forward at the glass. Twilight almost cancelled the spell, but she felt something. Something she couldn't explain, an unseen force that felt just a little bit different.

Twilight knew from experience that the flow of an explosion was traditionally outward in all directions, the force being a push. But the secondary force she felt was unusual, an...inward pull? It started off small at first, almost like an itch in the back of her mind, but it quickly grew to make itself known.

"Ahhh!" Twilight yelped, as all of a sudden, there was a second inward explosion, and this cancelled her spell outright. Throwing her out of her magic and disorienting her. She stumbled back, but caught herself before she fell over.

"Great Wickering Stallions!" Doctor Hooves exclaimed as he stared at the implosion before him. Twilight shook her head a bit and then looked forward. She immediately regretted doing so however.

"What is that?!"


Rarity had had enough, she was supposed to be Pinkie's friend, yet she'd acted unbecoming earlier. It'd nearly been an hour, and she was through waiting in silence.

"Pinkie dear," She said, turning to the confused and upset looking pink mare in the room with her. "I'd just like to apologize for my rude behavior earlier."

Pinkie looked at Rarity to listen, but something was wrong. VERY wrong.

"You were excited and I clearly failed to return your wonderful compliment." The white unicorn put her right hoof on her friends shoulder, "It was rather unladylike of me and I do hope you can accept my apology.

But Pinkie was too preoccupied to notice anything Rarity had said. Someone, or something was trying to invoke her Pinkie Powers, which was very much so NOT a good thing. It even knew what it was doing, It was attempting to 'jump' Pinkie into the basement.

She knew she could jump from place to place to entertain her friends, she even had a good grasp on how to do it, but never had anyone or anything else done it FOR her.

Rarity took notice of the worry plastered on Pinkies face and became worried herself. "Is something the matter, Pinkie?" But instead of answering, Pinkie just grew more frantic

Pinkie was sharply aware that she had less than a second to react now. She was about to be in the basement, and although that wouldn't be too much of a problem she thought, Rarity was still touching her. Thinking fast, Pinkie attempted the push Rarity's hoof off of her. Stepping to the right she almost succeeded, but her purple maned friend held firm.

And then, the two ponies were no longer in the room. Instead, in their place, a small lock of pink hair gently floated down to the floor.


"I...did...WHAT?!" Twilight screamed, fear plain on her face.

"You opened up a..." The Doctor was in the middle of answering when he saw it. Or rather, them.

In the testing room, Pinkie and Rarity, seemingly while no one was looking, suddenly appeared, facing the glass. Pinkie was worried and disturbed, And Rarity was just now realizing that she wasn't in the Doctors library anymore.

Twilight's fear exploded into outright terror as she saw her friends standing in the room in front of her. Without thinking she tried to reach through the glass to reach out to her friends and pull them out of danger.

Pinkie was about to say something, but she suddenly felt an immensely strong wind behind her. Rarity felt it as well. This was followed just as suddenly by the glass in front of her getting further away as they were pulled backwards.

"HELP!" was what Pinkie wanted to scream, she wanted desperately to scream this, but it was easily drowned out by the increasingly louder winds pulling at her.


And just as suddenly as everything else; the room, the light, and Twilight Sparkle all faded away, replaced by blackness.

Blackness...and a nagging need to sleep.

Author's Note:

Welcome to a very ambitious project of mine and my good friend DrPinkieDie. I hope you enjoy, and if you notice the pacing being a little fast in places, don't be afraid to say so, I'm always second guessing myself.