• Published 23rd Oct 2015
  • 3,570 Views, 28 Comments

Cult of Personalities - Teyeson Bee

The Crystal Prep 5 meet some new boys who have personalities similar to their own. Two students decide to play matchmaker with them.

  • ...

Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Match!

Author's Note:

Just to clarify for this story. Sour Sweet's dialogue contains moments where she switches from sour to sweet. This will be made clear by the use of bold print for her sour dialogue with normal print for sweet dialogue. Just a heads up. Enjoy! :pinkiehappy:

"Lemon Zest! Are you listening to me?" Sugarcoat snapped as she and Lemon walked down the hallway of Crystal Prep Academy. It had been five weeks since the Friendship Games and the magical fiasco at Canterlot High, and for the most part, everything was back to normal for the students. On this particular day, Sugarcoat, the one with the white pigtails and glasses, and Lemon Zest, the one with the green hair and headphones, were talking about weekend plans on their way to lunch. Or at least, Sugarcoat was talking about it. Lemon was too busy jamming to the music blaring from her headphones as usual, which irritated Sugarcoat greatly. After asking three times, Sugarcoat finally grabbed the headphones, pulled them back to reveal Lemon's right ear, and shouted.


Lemon flinched as Sugarcoat's voice echoed in her ear. She immediately took off the headphones and glared at Sugarcoat.

"Dude! You're harshin' my buzz!" she groaned. "What's up?"

"First off," Sugarcoat calmly snapped, adjusting her glasses, "I am not a dude. I am a lady and should be addressed as such. Second, your 'buzz' is really annoying and distracts you too much. You should really try turning down the volume. Thirdly, and most importantly, I was asking if you had any plans going on Saturday."

"Yeah, I do," Lemon responded. "I got tickets to see my favorite rock group at the stadium. It's gonna be awesome! You wanna come?"

"I think I would rather gargle liquid nitrogen than listen to rock and roll on my own accord," Sugarcoat bluntly stated. "You know that stuff is probably rotting your brain, right?"

"Oh my gosh!" Lemon groaned. "There you go again! You could've just said no. Man, you have no sense of tact or restraint."

"Is it my fault that I prefer to be honest?"

"There's a fine line between being honest and brutally honest, ya know?"

"Yes. And I prefer to be brutally honest. Oh, and while I'm on the subject, I constantly grow annoyed by your use of the terms, 'dude' and 'man' when you're talking to other girls. I'm not a man, so you should-"


Lemon and Sugarcoat made their way to the lunchroom. They quickly made their way through the line, and sat down at their usual spot. No sooner than five minutes after they sat down, their other friends, Indigo Zap, Sunny Flare, and Sour Sweet, came in. Indigo was the one with the blue hair and goggles, Sunny had the short, violet-pink hair, and Sour had the pink ponytail and freckles. Though they couldn't hear anything they were saying, Sugarcoat and Lemon knew from the look of it, there was some tension within the trio. It seemed that Sour and Sunny were snapping at each other as Indigo just tried to keep her distance. Even after the three joined with Sugarcoat and Lemon, they were still going at it with each other. Sugarcoat and Lemon glanced over at Indigo, but she just shook her head with a look that said, "I have no idea." It wasn't until Lemon gave a loud whistle that silenced the table.

"What's going on guys?" she asked.

"Well, why don't you ask Sunny!" Sour angrily responded as she pointed at Sunny. "She got me in trouble last period!"

"I was just abiding by the rules," Sunny retorted. "You lied when you said you had to go to the bathroom. You just wanted to check your Facebook status on your phone!"

"You didn't have to tell the teacher that! If you weren't such a stickler for the rules, then maybe you could've been a sweeter friend. But instead you decide to be a teacher's pet!"

"I was just trying to be a strong, law-abiding student. Maybe I should do the same thing with Indigo!"

Indigo's head jolted up as she looked over at Sunny with a surprised look. "Me?! What did I do?"

"You are always pushing the boundaries of the rules," Sunny scowled. "You are such a rebel, and your constant competitive nature will do nothing but get you into more trouble!"

"Well excuse me for having school spirit!" Indigo snapped. "At least I'm not completely insane, like SOME of us." She then made a not-so-subtle gesture towards Sour Sweet, which didn't go unnoticed.

"You don't mean that, do you?" Sour pouted. "I'll kick your butt for that!"

"There!" Indigo pointed. "That's exactly what I mean! Nobody can figure you out! You change expression on a dime, and it's just so insane! You're insane!"

"You take that back!"

The whole table shook as the three girls continued their attacks. The rest of the lunchroom had already turned to see what was going on. Sugar and Lemon winced in embarrassment as they lowered their heads. Everyone just froze and watched as the three let out their aggression. Finally, two of the students, Neon Lights and Moon Dancer, decided that enough was enough and walked up to the table. They glanced towards Sugarcoat and Lemon, who just gave looks that said, "Don't even ask."

"Guys!" Neon tried shouting, but to no avail. "GUYS!" Still nothing. "SHUT IT!"

All three girls immediately shut up as they looked at Neon. The rest of the cafeteria decided that the show was over and went back to their own lunches.

"Seriously guys!" Neon groaned. "I don't understand how five girls who are so different can call themselves friends. Your personalities clash so much!" The five lowered their heads in contemplation. "Though I don't understand it, do you guys really want to end things over such arguments?" The five lifted their heads as they looked at each other, glancing from one to another.

A moment of silence passed over the table, before the five let out a simultaneous, "Sorry."

"That's better," Neon sighed in relief. Another awkward minute of silence passed over before Moon Dancer thought it best to change subjects.

"Well, switching to brighter news, are you guys coming to the dance the school is throwing at the community center tonight? I hear there's going to be a live band and everything. Should be a swell time." The girls looked at each other, contemplating on what to do. After a minute, they all turned back to Neon and Moon Dancer.

"We will be there," Sunny said.

"Great!" Neon replied happily as he and Moon Dancer turned to leave. "See you guys tonight!"

As they walked away, the two looked back to the five for a second and then leaned in towards each other.

"I've never met friends more opposite!" Neon whispered.

"I know," Moon Dancer whispered back. "Maybe one day they'll find their matches."

The five friends made their way to the community center at 8:15 and walked in. The walls were decorated with sashes with the Crystal Prep emblem on them, a punch bowl was set up at the corner of the room, and a large stage was sitting at the front for the live band with the equipment already set up. From the look of it, half the student body had already arrived. The girls looked around at the many students before Sugarcoat let out a groan.

"I was under the impression that we said we were going to be fashionably late, but it looks like we're just late." She shot a scowl at Sunny. "Thanks to one's need to try on ten different dresses and do her hair five times."

"I always plan to look my best, no matter how long it takes," Sunny scoffed as she brushed her hair back. The others just sighed as they ventured further in. After a few minutes of commuting and surveying, the front doors opened. Sunny glanced over and raised an eyebrow with curiosity as five guys walked in. Five guys who weren't recognizable.

"Heads up, girls," she said, catching the others' attention. "New guys at 10 o'clock." The girls all looked over at 10 o'clock. Well...all except Indigo, who was looking in the opposite direction. Sunny sighed annoyingly.

"That's 2 o'clock, Indigo!"

"Oh. Right," Indigo chuckled as she turned to where the others were looking. The girls all raised their brows in unison as they watched the new guys walk around towards the side of the stage.

The one in the front was tall, had short-cut, straight brown hair, and wore a pressed, white dress shirt. The next had shaggy, royal blue hair down to his neck, a small scar on his upper lip, and wore a dark blue dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. The one following had short blonde hair combed back, wore glasses, and was the only one in an actual suit and tie. The next one had darker skin than the others, almost caramel-colored, had a black buzz cut, and wore a tan, diamond patterned sweater vest, and the last had long teal hair tied in a ponytail, a goatee, and wore a black dress shirt. Whoever they were, they were quite appealing to the girls.

"Are they new students?" Indigo wondered aloud.

"Or are they just here to play?" Sugarcoat chimed in.

"Oh! That one is SO cute!" Sour sighed. "But THAT one looks ridiculous!"

"Whoever they are, I betcha they know how to rock!" Lemon grinned.

"Let's go introduce ourselves, shall we?" Sunny asked. The girls nodded and traveled over to where the boys were getting their instruments ready. As soon as they arrived, Sunny let out a loud cough to get the guys' attention, which it did. "Greetings gentlemen," she greeted politely. "My name is Sunny Flare, and these are my friends; Lemon Zest, Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet, and Indigo Zap. We just wanted to greet you and were wondering if you are just here to play, or are you joining us at Crystal Prep."

The tall one with the brown hair stepped forward and took Sunny's hand. "Thank you for your greetings. To answer your question; yes, we are here to both play and join Crystal Prep. My name is Stickler, and these are my colleagues and band partners. I am the keyboardist and leader of the band."

"Yeah right, dude!" the guy with the teal ponytail laughed as he stepped forward. "The leader is someone who actually leads the band, like me. I'm the lead singer and lead guitarist!"

"The keyboard is a leading instrument, Whammy Bar!" Stickler snapped.

"But the guitar is more superior in a rock band!" Whammy Bar retorted. He then turned his attention to the girls. "What's up? Name's Whammy Bar, but my friends call me Wham. I'm the lead guitarist of the group!"

"No way!" Lemon excitedly stepped forward, pushing Sunny out of the way. "Do you rock?"

"If by rock you mean play the greatest of rock and roll hits while being great while doing it, then heck yeah!"

"WICKED!" Lemon shouted happily as she and Whammy Bar rocked their heads. Sugarcoat sighed annoyingly.

"This is what I mean by saying rock and roll rot your brain," she muttered.

"I agree," said the blonde in the suit as he stepped up to her. "The only reason I joined this band was to hang out with friends. Fortunately for me, I have grown immune to the poison of rock. I prefer classical music myself."

"The same," Sugarcoat said. "I'm Sugarcoat, as in I don't sugarcoat anything. I prefer to be honest."

"A very noble feature," the guy nodded. "I'm Beat Bush. I don't beat around the bush myself."

"So you believe honesty is the best policy as well?"

"No matter how blunt or brutal."



Meanwhile, Indigo had started to interact with the guy with the blue hair.

"So, how did you get that scar?" she asked.

"I fell off my skateboard," he replied. "I was on the run from a very angry hall monitor who just happened to posses a 'Kick Me' sign on his back. Placed by yours truly."

"Nice!" Indigo laughed. "I did something like that once!" The two shook hands. "I'm Indigo Zap, by the way."

"Cobalt Spark! Pleased to meet ya!"

While that was going on, Sour was talking with the dark-skinned guy.

"You look so sweet," she smiled. "I bet you're a real troublemaker!"

"No, no. Not me, chica," he replied. "I got nothin' to hide. Yes I do. Oh go away!" Sour tilted her head in confusion. "My apologies, senorita. My mind sometimes fights with itself. Comprende?"

"Multiple personalities, huh?" Sour said. "That's interesting. And also kinda creepy! But mostly interesting. I'm Sour Sweet."

"Mi llamo Dos Personas! Pleased to be making your acquaintance, flor pequena. I was gonna say that. Shut up!"

As the five girls communed with the guys, from the other side of the room, Neon and Moon Dancer were watching them the entire time. Neon had already met with the band, and he was blown away about how alike they were to the five girls. Now they were all talking and it looked like they connected so well. Neon and Moon Dancer looked at each other with coy expressions.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Neon asked.

"Time to play matchmaker!" Moon squeed with excitement.

The girls had continued to talk to their counterparts until it was time for their performance. The guys quickly went up on stage and got in their positions. While Whammy Bar was guitarist and Stickler was at the keyboard, Dos Personas played the bass, Cobalt Spark sat at the drums, and Beat Bush held his cowbell proudly. They then started with a heavy rendition of Enter Sandman as the crowd danced to the beats. Neon and Moon Dancer took the initiative and went over to the girls, who were standing by the wall.

"So guys," Neon said nonchalantly, "What do you think of the new guys?"

"They can ROCK!" Lemon shouted as she rocked her head to the song.

"They're quite spirited," Sugarcoat added. The others nodded in agreement.

"That's good," Moon Dancer said. "You know what I think? The ten of you would make the cutest couples!" The five stopped and stared at Moon Dancer like she was talking in tongues. "Well, we saw you guys talking to them," she continued, "and it looked like you were getting along quite nicely. You guys match so well with them."

The five looked at each other. "You think so?" Indigo asked.

"Well, yeah!" Neon replied as he pointed towards the band. "I mean, look at them!" The five glanced up at the band as they continued their performance, and they had to admit; under the artificial lighting, they did look even more stunning. The girls gave a simultaneous sigh as they were immediately lost in the boys' performance.

"Well, he certainly is charming," Sunny smiled.

"And I absolutely adore his personality!" Sour sighed.

"Same here," Lemon and Indigo agreed.

"He is quite the hunk of man that must be plucked from the field of life and given to me as my one and only," Sugarcoat dreamily giggled.

"Well...that's one way of putting it," Neon awkwardly added. "You girls should go for it!"

The girls snapped out of their trance and looked at each other again with determination.

"Their absolutely right!" Sunny beamed. "We'll ask them after the dance, and they will be ours!" The other girls cheered in agreement. Neon and Moon Dancer smiled at each other and walked away, satisfied with their work. Only time will tell if it will all pay off.

A week after the dance, Neon and Moon Dancer were just entering school for the day. They hadn't seen the five since that night, and the curiosity of what happened with their counterparts was almost killing them.

"You think it went well?" Moon Dancer asked as she got her books from her locker.

"You kidding?" Neon chuckled. "Those girls pretty much met their twins! Perfect matches I tell ya! Still, it would be nice if we could actually know what's going on between them!" Moon Dancer nodded as they started to head to their first class. But before they could, the front doors of the school opened up, and in walked the five girls. Neon and Moon Dancer turned and their faces immediately curled into smiles as they saw that the girls were not alone. They were indeed with the boys, and they were holding hands and had arms around each other, and each girl had a big smile plastered on her face. Moon Dancer squealed with happiness.

"We did it!" she cheered. "We found their matches!"

"Look at 'em!" Neon chuckled as the two watched them walk. "Just like peas in a pod! I mean, just look at Sugarcoat and Whammy Bar holding hands!"

"Wait. What?"

The two looked over again, and they weren't seeing things. Sugarcoat was holding WHAMMY BAR'S hand. The two froze in shock as they looked at the other couples. Sugarcoat and Whammy Bar, Sour Sweet and Stickler, Indigo Zap and Dos Personas, Lemon Zest and Beat Bush, and Sunny Flare and Cobalt Spark? Neon and Moon Dancer looked at each other with the look of utmost disbelief on their face, as only one word could come out.


When the group had reached the two, they were still looking with open mouths and wide eyes. "Good morning guys!" Sour happily greeted. She got no response as the two were still frozen. "HEY! I said good morning!"

Neon and Moon Dancer quickly snapped out of their trance and put on awkward smiles. "Morning...guys." Neon said as he continued to look from couple to couple. "So...I see that you guys took our advice."

"Yep!" Indigo happily replied as she squeezed Dos' hand. "And it worked out great! Right Dosy?"

"You know it," Dos agreed, "my little princesa! I was gonna go for angel. I thought of a better one! Shut up!" Indigo laughed happily as Dos argued with himself. Neon and Moon Dancer looked at each other again.

"We couldn't be happier!" Sunny said, "I must say, thank you for the advice!" She suddenly squeaked as Cobalt playfully pinched her from behind. Sunny giggled and elbowed him back. "Stop it Cobalt! You are such a rebel!"

Neon and Moon Dancer were...well...speechless. What exactly went on? What did the girls see that they didn't? The two gave an awkward chuckle as Neon leaned over to the girls.

"Uh...could we talk to you girls? In private?"

"I suppose so," Sugarcoat said. She turned to Whammy Bar. "Do you and the boys mind standing over there as we talk?"

"No problemo, dude!" Whammy Bar replied.

"Thanks, pookie. You are so adorable," Sugarcoat blankly complimented as she gave Whammy a quick peck on the cheek. The boys then walked towards the opposite hall. As soon as they were out of listening range, Neon and Moon Dancer looked at the girls with their hidden shocked faces.

"What's up?" Lemon asked casually.

"What's...up?!" Neon repeated. "We thought you guys were gonna ask the guys out!"

"And so we did," Sunny replied.

"But we thought you were going for the RIGHT guys!" Moon Dancer added. The five confusingly looked at each other. "We thought we had found the perfect matches for you guys! Your personalities matched so well! Lemon Zest!" Lemon straightened up at the mention of her name. "We thought you and Whammy Bar had hit it off so well!"

"Oh, Whammy Bar's cool, I guess," Lemon said, "but his obsession with rock got tiring. That's all he ever talks about. But Beat Bush? The way he never leaves out any information just gets to me, you know? He is so honest, it's hot!"

"Maybe a bit too honest," Sugarcoat chimed in. "His constant lack of tact was quite unnerving. Whammy Bar, on the other hand, has such a thrill of fun. I simply adore his usage of the terms, 'dude' and 'man'. It gets my blood going at a rate that would be compared to a race car."

"Ok..." Neon muttered. "Well, what about you, Sunny? Didn't you like Stickler?"

"He was alright," Sunny sighed, "but his obsession with the rules was quite annoying. I caught sight of Cobalt's rebel nature, and my heart just melted. So much better than Stickler."

"Hey! Don't you talk bad about my Stickler-Tickler!" Sour snapped. "He is such a sweetie, and he cares so much about my safety. His leadership attitude just gives me the chills!"

"What about Dos?" Moon Dancer asked.

"Him?" Sour scoffed. "His constant fighting with himself got so annoying! How does one handle someone changing tones constantly? It must be torture!"

"Not at all!" Indigo retorted. "Dos' constant changing in tones keeps me on my feet. He's so cute that way. And that accent?" She sighed a bit and fanned her face with her hand. "So hot!"

"Cobalt's pretty hot too," Moon Dancer suggested, "and he's an athlete! Just like you!"

"Oh please," Indigo snorted. "He is SUCH a rebel that it isn't funny. All he does is tell how great he is and constantly pushes his luck with the rules. I mean, who does that?"

"My Cobalt does!" Sunny snarled. "And it's adorable!"

Neon and Moon Dancer were at a loss for words. All they could do was look at the five girls with open mouths and shocked eyes. No matter how many times they tried and put two and two together, nothing logical came up. Their plan had completely backfired on them, but the girls still looked just as happy as they pictured. They just couldn't figure it out. They all...and their personalities...and the boys...the similarities...opposites...their minds had been broken.

"Well," Neon said awkwardly smiling, "we're glad for you girls. And good luck with your futures together."

"Now if you'll excuse us," Moon Dancer continued blankly, "we're gonna go and...try and make sense of the world." And with that, the two walked away, making mental vow never to play matchmaker ever again.

"What was that about?" Cobalt asked as boys came back to the girls.

"Don't know," Sugarcoat said. "Maybe they both skipped breakfast. They are really bad at that, and it should be fixed right away, as to prevent getting delusional and mood swings.

"Oh my gosh!" Lemon groaned. "Will you stop with the too honest thing? It's really annoying!"

"Being too honest may cause rifts in between friends," Beat Bush added. "Saying things like, Lemon Zest uses too much of the phrases with 'man' and 'dude' within them."

"See? He gets it!" Lemon happily stated as the girls and their new boyfriends continued down to their classes, happy as any new couple would be.

Comments ( 28 )

Obligatory musical reference GO!

Once I got to the last part, I did not expect THAT to happen. Talk about coming out of left field.

"He is quite the hunk of man that must be plucked from the field of life and given to me as my one and only," Sugarcoat dreamily giggled.

Well Sugar can get descriptive :rainbowhuh:

6560635 Thats what I was going for. Quite a twist eh? :trollestia:

6560963 I must've laughed for minutes when writing that part, just by imagining the others' reactions. :rainbowlaugh:

6561042 Yeah Sugarcoat had the best lines here:pinkiehappy:

6561040 Well, you switched two in the group, and three in the other. I would have taken each one down to the next until you come back to the start. You need to add a bonus chapter of what happened during that week so we can see how all that played out.

6561313 I'll see what I can do

Okay that twist really threw me for a loop, well done. XD

Well I saw the ' them not being matched with their personality' thing coming from a mile away yet it was still funny and clever

It was SO funny, seeing how they refuted the guys with their own personality. They were basically telling THEMSELVES off, and I couldn't even read anymore because I was laughing so hard when Sour Sweet's part came up

6573842 Glad you enjoyed it! :pinkiehappy:

"Yes. And I prefer to be brutally honest. Oh, and while I'm on the subject, I constantly grow annoyed by your use of the terms, 'dude' and 'man' when you're talking to other girls. I'm not a man, so you should-"

Whammy Bar, on the other hand, has such a thrill of fun. I simply adore his usage of the terms, 'dude' and 'man'. It gets my blood going at a rate that would be compared to a race car."


"Yes. And I prefer to be brutally honest. Oh, and while I'm on the subject, I constantly grow annoyed by your use of the terms, 'dude' and 'man' when you're talking to other girls. I'm not a man, so you should-"

Whoa. :rainbowderp:
Now there's a line that speaks to me, friendo.


Neon Lights and Moondancer was surprised at the result, yet they seems to be great friends in this story! Opposite do attract


My progressively changing actions...left to right from top to bottom of page...


6780169 Sugarcoat approves. I definitely found this too funny. I'll show it to my friends they'll love it.

The entire Crystal Quintet find dates on the same night...

Nice story there, my friend:raritywink:

*Looks at Title of chapter.* Fiddler on the Roof, anyone?

So Neon and Moon are also happily dating after the events of this story, right?

but my friends call me Wham.




:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:You win an internet!

7846299 How about:

plus the only Final Fantasy I enjoyed was V

I love this chapter's title! A reference to Fiddler on The Roof! My fav movie of all time!

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