• Member Since 26th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen May 26th


sometimes ideas pop up that need to be written down


Far from Equestria across the ocean there is a kingdom known as Lemuria. The lemurs there try to make as much contact as possible with Equestria but seem more interested in deference and respect than friendship.

Now the next diplomatic group from Lemuria has arrived with a mysterious power that makes even the strongest willed ponies completly agreeable to lemur's demands, and if they aren't stopped it could mean the end of Equestria as ponies know it.

Rated PG

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 109 )

Haven't started yet, but PLEASE let there be King Julian :D

Isn't a crossover with Madagascar, no :P But the lemurs here are certainly idiosyncratic in their own ways.

I was a bit disappointed that there wasn't going to be King Julian in this one, but still interesting nonetheless. MAYBE he can show up later...... hehe

Post a comment on this webzone and I'll send you a pizza roll.

So is it Free Ledger or Full Ledger?


Well, it's all up to Spike, now.

...and maybe a touch of advice from Zecora, if she was out of range of Town Square when the Gem was displayed.

I wonder if Spike will end up eating the Gem?

Ack, you're right, I flipped it once or twice. It's now Free Ledger consistently

Oh shit! Bad day, bad day, very bad day!!!:twilightoops:

These guys need a swift kick in the behind...Hope the gem gets turned on them.

great chapter, can't wait to see more of this:pinkiehappy:

This is pretty awesome so far. I really like your writing style, every pony acts totally in-character and the new lemur-characters are also written in an interesting way. I actually wouldn't even mind if they would succeed in taking over Equestria. The way they're using the alicorns and other ponies is so degrading, I really enjoyed reading it. I hope those "outfits" for the ponies that they were talking about are actually harnesses, like the one in the cover. I would love to see the ponies getting humiliated even further :twilightsmile:

Watching Jessica Jones makes what they're doing so much more horrible to read.

Glad to see people are enjoying the story, thank you for all your support :pinkiehappy:

This story was thought up before Jessica Jones was announced, but there is a certain similarity between the gem and the Purple Man, Killgrave's power, and it makes me feel I'm doing something right if that comparison is popping up in some reader's heads.

The content here will stay very PG, unlike Jessica Jones. Part of the inspiration for Lemur Trouble was envisioning what an episode of the show would look like based around diabolical mind control, and how certain buttons can still be pushed even if the content remains more or less wholesome.

6670577 I love stories about mind control, but they usually have a lot of clop in them, which I can really do without. So I'm actually really glad that this one stays PG.

will this be a short story or a long story.

I've been thinking about that because you know this could go so many different ways right now

6681807 I'm not sure precisely how long it will be. There are at least three more chapters in the works, could be a few more but the total chapters will probably stay single digits.

The story could go in quite a few different directions. I'd love to hear people's ideas and predictions.

well, Spike could grab the gem and eat it and everything is solved,

or he's imprisoned and the animals help free him and he runs for help. The Crystal Heart might be able protect against the gem or at least against the Equestrian army. So Equestria gets completely conquered while he's goe but there's a chance to fight back. The tree of harmony and the Elements could be involved. Hell, maybe Twilight's castle starts causing trouble.

Or he grabs the gem and runs but doesn't eat it because that might not break the spell. So the conquest is stopped but temporarily but all of Ponyville and Canterlot are after him

6684634 How about giving this story multiple endings? This way you can make everyone happy, cause I would love to see the Lemurs win.

another possibilty, Twilight remembers the spell that turned her and her friends into breezies and figures that they can save time for the lemurs by making anyone who isn't a lemur into a pony.

Also I just realized and I wonder if anyone else will, a lemur who is not the main ruler of his country now controls the sun


Yeah that could work, but it would require casting an advanced spell on every single creature they want controlled. I imagine they are more hoping for a way to control masses of other species. Though that would be an interesting way for Twilight to break free; she might test the transformation spell on herself into some non-pony to experiment on whether transformation spells are viable, then suddenly be free. Depends on whether or not the control over her applies any particular desire to remain controlled or if she'd just view it as a detail to test without fully comprehending the implications of negating it briefly.

I really love this story and can't wait for the next chapter :pinkiehappy:

I've had a very busy spring and other projects distracting me, but there will be more chapters in the near future. Things should accelerate during summer.

I love this story!!:pinkiehappy:
When are you going to upload the next chapter??

good chapter, it didn't show how much more about the Lemurs where taking over Equestria, but the cliffhanger of young Spike succumb to the temptation of his lust for Rarity's brainwashed acts of seduction really made up for it all. On spike end, I can understand being so young, he doesn't have the critical mind to admit to himself that Rarity's acts of love are fake, and the fact that he is a dragon who are naturally incline to succumb to his desires only compounds the case. I can't wait to see if he will manage to get out of his daze, before it is too late. On the other hand I can I always love it in hypnoses stories where the bad guys win, so my stance on this is neutral on the out come, as long as the lemurs almost win or their victory is complet.

Very clever. They can't control him, so they placate him by giving him what he covets most.

Man, its going to be satisfying seeing them fall.

7276133 It took a long time for me to feel like I'd threaded the needle when it came to Spike for how genre aware he would be, and how easily he could be manipulated, and hopefully what you see with this chapter and upcoming ones will be what feels like an accurate balance of the intellect and emotional maturity of a baby dragon.

7282648 Always happy to lead to anticipation :)

Looks like those Lemurs really do have some wisdom to them, beyond a magic gem! I can't wait to find out what is in the dragon book.

Not much happened, but it was a good overview of how the Lemurs are occupying the town.

Now that I think about it, it's a bit strange that Twilight and Rarity seem to be basically conspiring and lying to keep Spike happy, particularly since neither seem to think much of it given how flawlessly they lie. Or maybe they're suggestible enough under the gem that they believe the lie when prepped by the lemurs.

Glad to see another chapter, but I feel like there's a few issues. The flyers clubs, overlooks saddles and the fact lemurs would be able to hold on. While I have no doubt lemurs wouldn't care about ponies time doing it this way seems like busy work. Why not learn by flying with lemur passengers at like Fluttershy height?

Second, they knew Spike was coming and planned for it. So if the gem wasn't able to make Rarity act like that, then why was the light show needed. Why not just tell her to behave that way? Spike didn't run into Rarity between the gem unveiling and him leaving town. They could have claimed she had been eager for him to come back, been talkingabout him constantly


Both with Rarity and the new "Royal Dragon" title they claimed that the gem was the reason they'd "realized" things. The point is to motivate him to think the gem is a good idea, so that he's less likely to be suspicious because all these things he likes depend (allegedly) upon the gem helping them "see the light". It makes perfect sense for them to try manipulating him that way.

Come on Spike, you are not that stupid.
You know something is wrong, just say something bad about a Lemur and watch the reaction.

I wonder if Twilight will figure out how the gem can affect the lemurs themselves?

7484632 doubt it. Right now she has no interest in that and if the spell is broken presumably the lemurs will hightail it out

7529989 Eh, Twilight is very curious and tracks down data from every angle, a trait the lemurs still encourage, since they want to learn more about their gem as well. Presumably if Twilight finds some old ward in the spell lattice preventing the lemurs from being "enlightened," she would happily repair such an oversight immediately for the benefit of her lemur masters.

7530899 she's probably been ordered to report when she finds out the issue

7530976 I'm sure she has, and I can just see her coming in and reporting "Oh, by the way, I found some weird little spell-structure that was preventing lemurs from being enlightened. I realized that was in error of course, so I corrected the mistake immediately. Now Equestria will be even stronger with the power of magically enlightened lemurs to guide it!"

7530985 I'm not sure Twilight in her current state of mind is capable of believing that lemurs can become better than they are.

7550573 But the lemurs have also told Twilight that the magic gem makes everyone wiser.

It's like that ancient philosophical conundrum: Could God create a microwave hot pocket so hot that he couldn't eat it?

Strange. I'm tracking this but it isn't showing a new unread chapter for me right now, when there clearly is one...

Also yay update.

Great to see an other chapter of this story again. I hope the next one will be just as good.

7644644 I accidentally hit publish before I'd finished my last read-through, hit unpublish then released it again once I was satisfied. Could that have tripped up the update alert?

Spike you need help, your friends with the current dragon lord, ember should know what to do.


That's probably it. Not sure how to make it re-appear for everyone. I guess they won't all notice it until they look at the story again manually, or on your next update.

7645020 the story takes place in mid season 4, so Spike hasn't met Ember yet.

Ooh man, suddenly a time limit on freeing the ponies. That's a bit scary. Sad that even considering injury of Spike she can't resist the gem.

I liked that Spike read the subtext of the play so well.

7645708 Mind control can be tragic. This provides a chilling answer to the question 'what request from a lemur would ponies say no to?' But you can see from that interaction that the ponies aren't helpless automotons, and in such moments of conflict will search for compromise solutions.

I really enjoyed writing the play, and there is a LOT of subtext to be read, as a children's play adapted from the lemur's history books, posing things from a lemur's biased perspective.

7645708 is it actually a time limit? It might seem like it but if the play is at all accurate then it might not be. After all, if they want to suggest they'e so great why claim that they didn't just have all these gems and use it on every species at once? And if they had time to actually make these extra gems then it suggests they had a little more than just a few weeks of everyone under control.

I can think of one other thing, besides permanent control, that it could be. It might been when the desire to please the lemurs becomes fully dominant. Basically my idea is permanently green eyed Twilight would not only hurt Spike if a lemur commanded it, she'd hurt Spike without a command if she even heard him asking those kinds of questions

And I have to say that Rarity did an absolutely fabulous job degrading her former princesses. Blinder will no doubt quickly become all the rage for ponies, even those without a personal lemur, let's call them "attendents." Were the bells her idea? I mean it seemed like the original idea was purely functional and Rarity's design wasn't. But she didn't do anything with their wings?

Cool development. Hate to say it, but Spike needs to recruit Garble and the gang to stop the lemurs, just like their ancestors did.

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