• Member Since 6th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen January 21st

Y Nahigara

Just here to provide entertainment through writing


Why? Why couldn't they be there for her special moment? Applebloom tells Applejack how she feels about their parents not being there for them when they have something special to them happen like birthdays, weddings, and especially getting your cutie mark.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

Touching little fic. I enjoyed reading it.

Excellent, Some things to improve on, but very good story for your first one!
You have a great way of conveying feelings, this seems to be your strength. I hope there will be more stories by you?

6576820 Thanks and yea I'm working on a new story which will probably be up in a few weeks :derpytongue2:


Looking forward to it!

That was pretty good:rainbowkiss:

This story made me cry. But I am all for what was on My Little Pony that the family met an untold untimely end and it should always be like that in every writing of the ponies. But I hated to see Applebloom sad. Everytime I think of something sad or a death scene, I can never go through with it in my writing.

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