• Published 4th Jan 2016
  • 8,306 Views, 158 Comments

To Touch the Sun - RoyalBardofCanterlot

The noble deeds Lady Twilight Sparkle did to win the hoof of Princess Celestia

  • ...

Teach My Heart To Love

Twilight strolled slowly through the walled garden of Canterlot Castle. That morning she had been released from the hospital. Her back legs still ached somewhat, but she was trying to walk off the pain. Years of mental discipline allowed her to ignore bodily aches. The azure, afternoon sky was dotted with puffy, white clouds that floated by the sun. On either side of her rows of verdant, green bushes rose up. They gave way to pink roses blossoms that spread their fragrance over the grounds. Twilight paused and buried her muzzle into the flowers, inhaling their sweet scent. She sighed in pleasure then began to nibble the petals.

She had almost died. The truth of that fact had hit her during her morning meditations. She wasn't even sure why she had risked her life. It had seemed so noble at the time, going out on a quest to win Celestia's heart. Then she had seen the devastation on Celestia's face, the way she had looked at her. She had been so terrified that she had nearly lost Twilight. Then there was the way her mother had given her a crushing embrace and cried over her when she had gone home after being let out of the hospital. Her dad had hugged her as well and even he had looked misty-eyed. If their was one thing nearly dying had taught Twilight, it was how many ponies cared about her. She had gone back to Ponyville and Pinkie had thrown her a party. Next week, Twilight had planned on helping Pinkie throw a party. It was sure to put her organizational skills to the test and she'd get to spend time with her bubbly, pink friend.

In fact, she decided as she nibbled on the rose petals, she was going to make plans to spend one-on-one time with each one of her friends. It was something she had started neglecting, content with weekly sleepovers or other get-togethers. And she could probably spend more time with her family, including her brother and sister-in-law.

Twilight spent a few more moments nibbling on the petals. She took her muzzle from the bushes and returned to trotting along the cobblestone path, the stone rough against her hooves. She paused to enjoy the cool wind tossing her mane and sunlight warming her back. In the distance a bird sang and a yellow butterfly danced on the breeze.

Twilight blinked. Has the world always been so beautiful?

She closed her eyes, reaching out to the world with her magic, trying to feel those lines of swirling mystic energies that coursed through the world. Rather than the thrumming pulse her senses once picked up there was nothing but the faintest hum. It was like being half-blind. After a while her horn began to hurt and with it her head.

Sighing, she reached up and massaged her horn. Tears welled up in her eyes and she fought to hold them back. "Nothing I can do about that." A feeling of powerlessness nearly overwhelmed her. She forced it away. Celestia had invited her for tea beneath the oak tree. It was where they normally took tea together ever since she'd been a filly.

Twilight continued to trot along the cobblestone path. Rows of rose bushes gave way to a rolling meadow filled with yellow and orange marigolds, yellow, trumpet shaped daffodils, yellow daisies, golden rods, all waving in a delicate wind. The cobblestone path ended and Twilight stepped into the meadow and the soft grass.

The flowers of the Sun Garden waved and brushed along her hooves as she made her way through the flowers. Beside it was the Moon Garden. The two were separated by a fountain. Cool water ran down into a large, alabaster basin. Recently, statues of the Two Sisters had been added to the fountain. Pale wisteria hung from the branches of the elm trees which were also in bloom, ivory blossoms against the sky. Rows and rows of white petunias, white roses, calla lilies and hydrangeas filled the garden which had been planted millenia ago in honor of the Moon Princess, just now recently returned.

Both gardens shone in the sun light. Twilight glanced over at the Moon Garden. She genuinely hoped that Celestia wasn't still angry, or worse, punishing Luna. It was Twilight's own fault that she had gotten injured, not Luna's. That was something she should bring up with Celestia. She trekked through the garden and at last reached a wooden arch covered in jasmine. The rich, sweet scent of the jasmine intoxicated her. Like with the roses, she buried her muzzle into the flowers. After a few seconds she moved on, walking past the arch. Hydrangea bushes, blue petals spreading between green leaves rose up on either side of her.

She took a moment to appreciate their beauty. A swarm of monarch butterflies danced and floated around the flowers. Yellow-and-black striped bees buzzed around the blossoms. In the distance were willow trees, swaying, light green leaves dragging on the ground. When she had been a filly she had scampered and played beneath them. Twilight strode past the willow branches. There was a lake and over the lake a pony made forest.

Twilight stepped onto the red, Nekonese-style foot bridge and strolled over to the other side. An orange fish jumped up and hit the water. Droplets sprung up, splashing her fur. She shivered. The water felt cool, refreshing against her fur. After stepping back on land she made her way into the woods. Shafts of light pierced through the pine branches. Her hooves crunched pine needles and maple leaves left behind by generations of autumns though it was now summer. She made her way through a grove of maple trees which led into a clearing surrounded by pine trees. Even here the forest floor was covered by leaves.

She stepped out of the woods and into a rolling grassland. There was a vast oak tree that spread its branches over nearly the whole meadow as if he longed to take the meadow into his embrace. Twilight always thought of the oak as male. Ivy covered its branches and moss fell down its arms, like a sorcerer's beard.

Standing beneath the oak was Princess Celestia. She was laying in the grass, her coat radiant, the rivers of her rainbow mane spilling down her back, caught in its eternal, cosmic breeze. Her mother's necklace was still around her neck.

Twilight gazed at her former mentor. Has Princess Celestia always been this beautiful?

A blue gingham picnic blanket was spread out below the princess. Several sandwiches and a pot of tea were laid on it. Twilight hurried over and sat beside her. Celestia nuzzled her in greeting. "Hello, my faithful student."

Twilight nuzzled her back. "Princess."

Celestia poured her a cup of tea, then poured one for herself. Wisps of steam rose up from Twilight's tea cup. She lifted it with her hooves, the steam carrying the spicy tang of mint. She sipped it, enjoying the refreshing flavor. Celestia sipped her own tea. For a few seconds, they sat by each other in silence. It was nice, Twilight reflected. Sitting beside Celestia, drinking tea. It was something they had done once a day after her lessons back when she'd been in Canterlot. Now it was once every two weeks if that.

It was something she had missed. Twilight laid down her tea cup. "Princess-"

Celestia placed a hoof to her muzzle. "Please. Call me Celestia. I think we've gone beyond titles."

Twilight smiled. "Celestia. How is Luna? I hope you're not angry with her. I accept full responsibility for what happened. It was my decision and mine alone."

Celestia blew on her tea before raising the porcelain cup to her lips. "Yet, did she not give you the information you needed to go off on your mission of self-destruction?"


"Then I think a spanking will be in order at the very least."

Twilight gawked. "I, um, well she's your sister and you're the Princess and it's your decision, but I ask that you reconsider."

Celestia's lips twitched into a grin before she raised a cucumber sandwich to her lips and nibbled on it. "Very well. I will have mercy on my sister's backside."

Twilight got the distinct impression that Celestia had just played a trick on her. The grin on her muzzle confirmed this suspicion. Celestia took another bite out of the cucumber sandwich, swallowed it. "I was kidding, Twilight. Luna might submit to such a punishment considering how guilty she feels, but she's far too old for one." She nuzzled Twilight's ear. "That's so you. You're only a day out of the hospital and your first concern is for the welfare of another. Rarity told me what you did, sacrificing your magic to heal her."

Twilight blushed though the praise made her heart swell. "Rarity's my friend. What's magic for if it's not for helping others?"

Celestia laid a wing on her back. Twilight moved closer to the warmth, pressing herself to her side. "You've learned so much, Twilight. Have you tried using magic today?"

Twilight sighed. "Yeah, but I'm still too weak."

Celestia gestured with a hoof to a daisy sandwich. "I made you your favorite. Daisy sandwich. There's a catch though."

Twilight looked from the sandwich to Celestia. "What?"

"Well, remember how when you were my student and I'd set up a reward for you if you did particularly well?"

Twilight nodded.

"I want you to levitate the sandwich and if you do well you get a reward."

Twilight looked at the sandwich. "What's the reward? A cookie?" That's what it had usually been. A cookie or a new book.

Celestia smiled that kind smile of hers that always made Twilight's heart skip a beat. "You get to choose where we have our first date as a couple."

Twilight's eyes widened. "You mean...?"

"Yes, Twilight. I am officially accepting your courtship. I want you to be my very special somepony."

Twilight captured her lips in a kiss. Celestia kissed back, pressing her lips to the lips of her former student. They drank each other in, Celestia's lips tasting of sugar and lemon and spring grass, Twilight tasting of lavender and mint tea. Twilight's lips were soft, so soft. Celestia hadn't been kissed in a long time, but she pressed into her student, letting go of her last few inhibitions. They kissed again and again before finally drawing away.

Twilight flung her hooves around Celestia and Celestia drew her close with a wing, snuggling her to her side. Twilight cuddled into her, her favorite place to be in the whole wide world.

"Now, let's see you lift that sandwich."

Twilight, still comfortably snuggled into Celestia's side, lit up her horn. There was a sharp, shooting pain through her forehead and she winced. Celestia stroked her back with her wing. "Shh. Keep going. You can do it."

Emboldened by her words, Twilight lit her horn back up. The pain was still there, but she pushed through it. She tentatively reached out with her aura, trying to take hold of the sandwich. Slowly, it began to lift a half-inch into the air. It rose so slowly as to be nearly imperceptible. Twilight grit her teeth as she strained to bring the sandwich over to her.

A bead of sweat broke out on her forehead and the sandwich wavered before it fell back to the plate. Twilight let out a loud curse. Celestia ran a soothing hoof through her mane. "Keep trying, Twilight. You'll get it."

Twilight focused on the sandwich and tried not to be distracted by the lovely warmth of Celestia's wing wrapped around her withers, her hot breath on her neck. She shivered.

"Remember Twilight. You get to choose where we go for our first date. That's what I call motivation."

The princess's breath tickled her ear. Twilight moved closer to her, almost desperate for that warmth and affection. She closed her eyes, blocking out the warmth of wing and sunlight, the chanting of the birds, the softness of the sweet-smelling grass, drawing up power from the earth and the sun and the reserve of magic deep within the core of her soul.

The mystic energy flowed through her chakras and up to her horn, manifesting as a violet glow. Twilight latched onto the energy she had left and directed it towards the sandwich. It flowed, at the command of her Will, towards the plate. Finally, the aura wrapped around the sandwich. More beads of sweat broke out on her face, sliding down to her muzzle.

The sandwich lifted, secure in Twilight's aura. She slid it off the plate, dragging it just about half-an-inch over the picnic blanket.

Celestia stroked her mane. "You're doing it, Twilight."

Twilight's heart swelled from the praise and she put a bit more power into the spell. A sharp pain went through her head and a light whimper escaped her lips.

"If you really have to, use your hoof."

Twilight shook her head. "No. I'm going to do this."

"Very well."

Twilight lifted the sandwich from the picnic blanket as she gritted her teeth from the strain and the burgeoning migraine, guiding it towards her lips.

Pain ripped through her horn and it fell to the ground. Celestia ran her feathers along her back, attempting to soothe her. "Better than most, as always. Just use your hooves."

Twilight opened her eyes. "I used to be able to levitate a library's worth of books. It was easy. It was fun."

"I know, Twilight."

"When Spike was sleepy, I'd carry him up to his basket. I'd keep him safe in my aura."

"You'll get there again." Celestia moved her hoof down from stroking Twilight's mane to laying it on her shoulder. "You are still that brilliantly talented unicorn I took under my wing all those years ago. It's going to take time, but you'll get your powers back."

Twilight rested her head on Celestia's shoulder. "When?"

Celestia didn't answer for a few moments. "I don't know, Twilight. The doctor said up to six months for an Alpha Level unicorn. But you're the same unicorn that beat up the God of Chaos so who knows?"

Twilight's lips twitched up into a slight grin. "You have more faith in me than I have faith in myself."

"You should have more faith in yourself, my faithful...well I suppose you're not my student anymore are you?"

Twilight nuzzled her. "I don't mind you calling me that."

Celestia nuzzled her back. "So, where do we go from here? It has been an exceedingly long time since I've been in a relationship."

Twilight shrugged from her place beneath Celestia's wing. "I'm not sure myself. I think a date would be a nice place to start." She picked up the sandwich and took several bites out of it. It was delicious, the tang of the daisies delighting her taste buds. As Celestia had said, daisies were her favorite. She finished the sandwich up in a few bites.

Celestia lit her horn and re-heated Twilight's tea. Twilight leaned against her and sipped the tea. "I kind of like this as our first date. Tea, daisy sandwiches and kisses. Sounds good to me."

Celestia planted a kiss just beneath Twilight's horn. "Y'know what? It sounds good to me too."

So they laid side by side, eating sandwiches and sipping tea, occasionally nuzzling or sharing kisses. The sun went on its westward trek and they stayed curled up on the picnic blanket even as Celestia lowered the sun.

Twilight nuzzled Celestia's neck, running little kisses down it. Celestia sighed in pleasure and felt a burst of happiness. A broad smile covered her face as she returned the kisses, running them down Twilight's own neck.

I'm happy, so happy. Have I ever been this happy? Twilight...you make my heart young again.

Luna raised the moon and the orb shone its silvery light over the gardens and the pair of lovers in its depths. They curled around each other, delighting in a too-long denied intimacy.

Twilight wrapped her hooves around Celestia's neck, Celestia wrapping her wings around the unicorn, smiling down at her. "This has been a wonderful first date Twilight."

Twilight returned the smile, planting a kiss on her shoulder. "Only because you were here with me."

Celestia kissed her nose. "Ah, when will you learn to stop underestimating yourself? It was you that made this date so wonderful."

Twilight giggled at the touch of Celestia's lips. "Let's just say it was both of us. We just...work. Like two puzzle pieces."

Celestia nuzzled the unicorn's neck, eliciting more giggles as her muzzle brushed up against a ticklish spot. The stars had come out, their lights shining in the ebony cloak of night. Twilight looked up at them. "It's getting late, but I don't want to go."

"You don't have to. I don't want you to go either."

So, they lay side-by-side until dreams took them. Perhaps it was not the most dignified spot for a Princess to sleep, but with her beloved held secure in her wings, Celestia couldn't find it in her to care.

Celestia was awoken by the flap of wings. She looked up. Her sister stood there, smiling down at the pair. Celestia smiled up at her. Luna winked and took once more to the air. Twilight mumbled in her sleep and Celestia stroked her face with a wing, planting a kiss on her lips.

Le Fin

Author's Note:

Well, now she's got the girl. Can she keep her? Find out in the upcoming sequel, Seasons of the Heart.

Comments ( 36 )

hmmmm I half expect for twilight to wake up form a dream


"Your doing it, Twilight."


Now do one with Shining Armor and Cadence. ...Please?

7549043 I already have one. The Married Life of Cadence and Shining Armor.

And then Chrysalis come back and try to take her away from Celestia.

And she could be angry at her the same way Celestia was at Luna :3

7383983 Hello. I hate to ask, but do you think my pacing improved in later chapters? Really thinking about editing some of my earlier work and this story may fall into the "to-be-edited" category.

Really great story, can't wait for the sequel

7746613 Yeah in the earlier chapters it was way too rushed, but it did get better in the end

Since you've mentioned that you're thinking of going back and editing this story a few things I caught:

She closed her eyes and focused on her magic. A soft golden glow surrounded her and in her place appeared a pink-maned, medium-sized unicorn. Twilight gawked.

"How did you do that?" Twilight asked, touching her side and trying to feel for her wings. "This is no ordinary illusion spell."

"This is what I looked like before I became an alicorn. It took centuries for me to perfect this spell. Sometimes when I want to take a walk unencumbered I cast this spell." She explained, making her way up the stairs.

Then a couple chapter's later:

Twilight practically bounced out the door, Celestia keeping pace beside her as they stepped into town. In order to avoid attention, Celestia disguised her white wings and let her hair hang rather than blow in its ethereal wind.

Suggesting two completely different methods of disguise. Remember conservation of detail. There's no need to have Celestia disguise herself multiple ways in the story.

Also the first one suggests that Celestia was born a mortal unicorn and ascended to being an alicorn later. But in other parts of the story its stated that Celestia is of divine heritage and related to the creator deities of the setting.

While the two can be reconciled it strikes me that most ways to do so would be unnecessarily convoluted.

8154437 In the Pegasan language-of my own invention and to be explored in a later project-the double i is plural. "Kirii" means "days" for example. "Eqaunii" would be "ponies/horses" and so on and so forth.
And that should be "Pegasan" thanks for pointing that out. (Like "Roman" or "English")

8154318 Twilight has the cutest little inferiority complex, doesn't she?
I just wanna cuddle her and tell her she's a pretty pony. :rainbowkiss:

8154437 Actually, you're right. Pegasus city-states it is.

I'm now genuinely interested in shipping Twilight and Celestia...:twilightblush:
Thank you for writing this.

I look forward to every new chapter in "Season's Of The Heart", and decided to check out its predecessor again. The final chapter made me smile multiple times. I loved Twilight's stroll through the garden. We all should be open to the beauty around us. I also agree with Celestia that Twilight's sacrifice was very much in character. It is painful to read about her magic injury. But, I look forward to her power's triumphant return, hopefully at a dramatic moment, as a part of "Seasons".


At any time, my fellow pony enthusiast. We all have areas we can improve in in everything that we can do, but not everyone allows themselves to realize that. You show a strength of character in not only bettering yourself, but revisiting this to let me know, and I am very happy for you.

Happy Holidays, Bard.

Haha, yeah, I retconned the :yay: out of Celestia's origin story, like a DC editor on acid. Also, edited the disguise discrepancy. Thanks for the comment.

Personally, I like to think that they were an entire race at once point, only to dwindle down over time until it was just her and Luna.

If you want more, check out the sequel.

Isn't this on Equestria Daily?

no, it's reincarnated. there's a difference

Oh no no no no, it can't just end there!

Thank you for commenting. It has two sequels, though one is a Luna/Chrysalis side story (it makes sense in context)


Holy crud, I rated this E? Fixed.

10081367 Awesome! I hope there will be more too; two sequels might not be enough.
How much mature content is in the tagged sequel? Is it able to be skipped or is there a SFW version? I don’t really read non-gore mature stuff and if it’s the focus of the story I might have to pass.

Just one chapter of Twilight and Celestia being intimate. (Also, good catch about Twilight being a Noble. That is, indeed, a plot point in the sequel.)

It’s only one chapter? Huh, that’s unusual.

Actually, Seasons is my longest work at over one-hundred thousand words, but there's only one sex scene and a few references.

Huh, is that why there isn’t a SFW version too?

I’ll stick it in the RL then.

Thanks for the fic! It was really great!

Le Fin

This is a golden ending 1000000000 stars

Well, now she's got the girl. Can she keep her? Find out in the upcoming sequel, Seasons of the Heart.

What do you mean?

Also great story.

That's actually how I learned "Chai" means "tea".

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