• Member Since 2nd May, 2015
  • offline last seen Monday


If a train leaves Canterlot at 100 MPH, whats the conductors name?


It has now been twenty two years since the infamous events of Jurassic Park. Now armed with a new owner and a new name, the ponies running Isla Zebra have a chance to make the new park successful for the whole world to enjoy. So why not go one step beyond?

It's that mindset that got them here. Jurassic World now has it's first genetically modified hybrid..... is history doomed to repeat itself?

Co-author: HTKWolfe777

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 40 )

If you've seen any of the movies I think you'll know where this is headed....

So, the scientist is Sunset and in Claire's role is Apple Bloom?

Well this promises to be... interesting. Archived.

I can't wait to see the Indominus Rex.

Where's spike dammit

More of this master piece

I can't wait when the Indominus breaks out.

Oh I loved the scene when the Indominus broke out.

the ponies running Isla Zebra

Shouldn't it be Isla Neighblar?

Good fanfic so far, I'm looking forward to seeing the rest.

Also, random question, have you considered adapting Jurassic Park: The Game from Telltale?


It's something I haven't really considered yet, but if I can find the ideal characters to use for it I would.

7106379 Yeah, that is kind of tricky, maybe I could help somehow.

6573070 When is the next chapter coming out?

7106379 When is the new chapter coming?

7106379 Is the next chapter coming?

Nicely done!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!

When is the new chapter coming?

Hope this gets finished soon, I'd love to see this :)

I messaged the person who wrote this story, they said they didn’t want to do Fallen Kingdom , they don’t like Fallen Kingdom

Like the next story?
If that’s what you mean then yes they don’t want to do fallen kingdom

I meant the next chapter of THIS story

They replied “The issue isnt will I finish JP4. Its then I would have to adapt Fallen Kingdom. I hate Fallen Kingdom” so I think it means they don’t want to finish this story because then they will have to make Fallen Kingdom

Frankly, that's unfair IMO. He could just ignore Fallen Kingdom and either do his own thing or just end it at Jurassic World with some tweaks to make the ending final.

i asked him what he was going to do with Jurassic World Dominion coming out

Don't ya wanna continue the chapter, mate?
It's been quite a while now. It'll be great if ya write again.

I'll tell you what. For you, I'll have the next chapter done after my con trip next weekend.

Great! And...um....how about Fallen Kingdom & Dominion?
I bet ya already seen Dominion.

I'm on the fence about fallen kingdom (dont hold your breath to be fair) I will not be adapting Dominion however. When I said I hate Fallen Kingdom to be for accurate I hate the final act. Dominion, I hated ALL of it.

Maybe you can rewrite it to be more what you want the movie to be if that makes sence

I was wondering when we would get a new chapter. Looks like the ponies are still in trouble with the Indominus

It’s been a few months, what’s the status?

Is the is series dead? I mean I read your Jurassic pony stories, all of them and I loved them. So could you be a friend and continue the story with new chapters.


Wow, welcome back, I was beginning to think this fic would never get a new chapter.

Glad to see this back. Was worried you had scrapped it due to your dislike of Fallen Kingdom (not sure your verdict on Dominion, though I thought it was way better).

The teenage unicorn began hyper ventilating as Scootaloo grabbed her shoulders.

Umm...who is the teen here? If it's been 22 years since Sweetie was a foal, she should be around 30, and so far I think she's been described as a mare.
If you want to make her younger to where "teenage" can make sense, you'd need to reduce it to 12 years or less.

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