• Published 27th Oct 2015
  • 2,617 Views, 32 Comments

My Queen - Robo Bro

David Sharp, member of the band "Raging Incubus", wakes up, downs a can of beer, and finds a bug-horse monstrosity in his kitchen that insists on calling him his "Queen".

  • ...

Chapter 1


David Sharp smacked his alarm clock to shut it up. From his face down position in his drool soaked pillow he groaned. Through yet still sleepy eyes, he glared at the face of his clock. Seven thirty AM. Too damn early for how late he had stayed up the previous night, but he had rented a place for his band, Raging Incubus, to rehearse at eight thirty this morning and he wasn’t going to let the money go to waste. They weren’t very popular yet, and that wasn’t going to change if they didn’t take their jamming sessions seriously.

It used to be that he and his mates would just practice in the basement of David’s house, but recently his roommates had put a halt to that. Who knew that carving your band logo into the wall and making a matching costume set for your group out of your roommates’ bedding in a fit of drunken inspiration one time would get the band banned from the house? David got his revenge for the banishment, though. The next night he had glued both of his roommates’ sleeping bags to the ceiling. They were still trying to figure out how he had managed to do so while they were still in them.

Grinning at the memory of their terror when they woke up, David looked again at his clock. Seven forty. He really didn’t have much more time to waste in bed. Much to his body’s protest, he threw off the covers and rolled over onto his back only to find there wasn’t any bed in the direction he was rolling. There’s nothing like the pain of a two foot fall to your bedroom floor to fully wake you up and remind you just how stupid you are when you’re still half asleep.

Rubbing various sore spots, David got to his feet, threw on the clothes he had left lying atop his nightstand and proceeded out of his room and into the kitchen. He opened the fridge intending to grab a carton of orange juice, but found his eyes drifting towards the glint of metal inside the half empty cardboard case of beer. Shrugging, he pulled out a can from the box, shutting the fridge behind him and enjoyed the satisfying crack and hiss of opening it up. He took a deep swig, closing his eyes so as to focus better on the taste and feel of the golden brew flowing over his tongue and down his throat. It may have been cheap crap that he only bought because it was all he could afford, but at this moment it was the elixir of gods.

With a sigh of contentment, David placed the now empty can on the counter beside the sink with a clunk. He turned around with the intent of going to the living room to grab his guitar but froze in place.

Standing right in the middle of his kitchen was some sort of weird, short, blue eyed, gossamer winged, black bug-horse thing with holes in its limbs. The two just stared at each other for a moment, one in slack jawed surprise and the other with wide eyed anticipation. David turned to the can on the counter and then back to the bug-horse.

“Mum was right. Booze has made me go mad.” David mumbled to himself. He was not looking forward to the inevitable ‘I told you so’ coming his way.

“What’s that, my Queen?” The bug-horse thing tilted its head as it spoke. Its voice was actually pretty cool, layered and stuff. It’d probably sound awesome in a song.

“Queen is awesome. And dead. And I’m not Queen.” David responded absently while contemplating how difficult it would be to hide his new psychosis from the world. Maybe if he was lucky he could use it to write some amazing songs.

“I don’t understand. You are my Queen.” The thing scrunched up its little buggy face. The two of them blinked at each other a few more times.

“I’m talking with my hallucination, and it’s calling me a queen. What does that say about my subconscious?”

“Are you okay, my Queen? You seem a little uneasy.”

“Well, at least you’re a considerate hallucination.”

“I always have been. Is something wrong?” The bug thing prodded with concern.

“So you admit you’re a hallucination!” David pointed a finger at the creature triumphantly.

“Well, Hallucination is my name. I’m not sure what you’re getting at.” He responded uncertainly, tensing up. David’s arm dropped back to his side limply.

“My hallucination is named....Hallucination.” David began to laugh at the absurdity of the situation.

“Oh good, you’re laughing. I was worried that you were angry with me.” Hallucination visibly relaxed.

“No, I think I’m too amused to be angry. There’s not much point in getting angry at a hallucination, right?”

“I’m glad you think so, my Queen.”

“Why do you keep calling me that?”


“You keep calling me ‘Queen’. I’m not a queen. Last I checked I’m not even the right gender.” David pulled at the waist of his jeans and looked at what lay beneath. “Yup. Still a guy.”

The little creature giggled at his words. “Very funny, my Queen. You’re obviously in disguise.”

“I don’t know of many disguises that can get a black, bug-horse thing to look like a human.”

“Sure you do!”

Hallucination suddenly caught fire, green flames licking over him and the floor where he stood. Only thinking that his roommates would kill him for burning a hole into the kitchen floor, David leapt forward in a panic and reached for the thing that threatened the floor’s sense of wholeness. Contrary to what his mind knew should be happening to a guy that just grabbed onto a burning entity with his bare hands, he found that he was not in any pain from doing so. To his even greater shock, he was now embracing a mirror image of himself.

“Tada!” Hallucination realized he was being embraced by his ‘Queen’ and blushed. “Oh... umm.... I didn’t realize you liked me this way. I don’t think this is appropriate, what would the hive say?”

“AHHHHHH!” David jumped back from his sudden doppelganger screaming. He tripped and fell backwards, hitting his head on the counter and blacking out.

-Moments Later-

“My Queen, are you okay? You hit your head awfully hard.” Hallucination hovered in the air above his Queen.

“Ugh....I’m fine." David responded in a voice much akin to Hallucination's. "Wait, what’s wrong with my voice?”

David opened his eyes and looked down upon ‘his’ body. In place of the usual somewhat peachy coloured limbs and various fabrics that were his clothes was black, chitinous skin, four long legs ending in hooves and filled with holes. A large muzzle filled his view where his nose should have been and a bit of greenish blue hair was visible just out of the corner of his eye.

David and Hallucination stared at each other for awhile in silence.

“I think I understand now. I’m still dreaming! My alarm hasn’t even really gone off yet! I’m going to wake up any moment now and go play with my band mates!”

“This isn’t a dream, my Queen.” Hallucination argued.

“Sure it is! If it wasn’t, this would hurt!” David lifted a forehoof.

“Uhh.....you really shouldn’t-" his objections were interrupted by the loud crack of a hoof meeting face, “nevermind.”

Blackness greeted David for the second time that day.

-Many Moments Later-

“The patient’s vitals appear to be stable. I think the danger has passed.”

“Yes, doctor.”

The voices of strangers woke David up, one masculine and the other feminine. Other than the voices, the first thing he noticed was that he had a splitting headache. The second thing was the overly sanitized scent of a hospital.

“It appears the patient is waking up. How are you feeling?” An elderly doctor hovered over David, fortunately not literally. Off to his side was a nurse writing something down on a clipboard. David groaned.

“What happened?” He croaked, noting quite happily that he was his normal human self.

“You consumed some contaminated alcohol and it caused some hallucinations and blackouts. Don’t worry, we’ve removed it from your system so you’ll make a full recovery.” The doctor explained. David laughed weakly. It had just been a bit of bad beer. He wasn’t crazy.

“Thank you, doctor.” He sighed in relief.

“Think nothing of it, I’m glad to help my Queen. Now try to get some rest, you need it.”

The two medical staff exited the room, leaving David to whimper in solitude.

Author's Note:

Just a silly little story I wrote as a random idea entered my mind awhile back. I had left it sitting around on my computer collecting metaphorical dust but finally decided to post it here.

Hope you enjoyed it. If you didn't, well, at least it's short.

Comments ( 32 )

I wish this was longer. I could imagine his band gaining fans only to find out they are all changelings.

Could there possible be an sequel? If there was, I'd read it.


I hadn't really thought of writing a sequel to this story before, to be quite honest. I had intended it to just be the silly, little one shot that it currently is. I'm not sure how well I could maintain the tone of the story through a longer fiction. It'd be a new experience for me to try writing a longer, comedic story.

I can give it a try sometime in the future, but if I find I'm dissatisfied with the result I'm rather unlikely to post it.

Continue it, please. Its so amusing concept, and It can be very good story if go in right way

+ bonus

So what exactly happened? Is he still hallucinating?


The original intention of the ending was to leave it open for the readers to decide whatever they liked best. Three primary options would have been that he was still hallucinating, that the doctor was playing a prank on him, or it was all real.

Naturally, if I do continue this story (and I admit to having a chapter nearly completed), then I'd have to do away with the ambiguity and choose one. I must admit, liking the ambiguity is one reason I hadn't thought of doing a sequel/continuation when I first wrote it.



Love that picture. Did you find that or draw it?

Anyway, I may continue this story soonish. I have a new chapter more or less written, though I plan on letting it sit a little bit before I go over it again for editing and modifications. Now I need to decide on whether to just change this story to incomplete, or make it an official sequel. I'm leaning towards the latter, though. That way if somebody prefers it as the short one shot it currently is (or if I simply do a poor job with the rest of it), they can consider this its own, complete story without the baggage of the attempted follow up.

I wish I draw this, but its from IDW artist Andy Price (that guy who draw first saga from idw comics)


I really need to get my hands on some of the idw comics, I've been wanting to give them a read for quite some time.

Where are all these views and likes coming from? O_o

Twelve likes in two days? That's nearly doubling what it had before this and more than doubling the performance of the two days following the actual posting of this story way back in October. The amount of growth in views and likes is akin to what I'd expect to see had I released a new chapter, and I am quite perplexed by this. Pleased, but perplexed.


My Queen got added to one of the changeling focused groups, from the looks of things.

You might want to consider hunting down a few more you think fitting. It's hard to find stories without them, so probebly why you've seen such an influx lately.


Yes and no. Sure, it may apply now, but for the first couple days of higher views this story didn't have any tagged groups it belonged to. It did, however, seem to show up in the "also liked" lists for another story that got fairly popular (Two Legs or Four, There's Always More), so that may be where it came from at first.

:rainbowlaugh: Well, this was certainly one of the more unique and amusing ideas I've seen here yet. I liked it.

That was a fun little one-shot. I know I sure as hell wouldn't mind being Queen of the Changelings.

...Hmmmm... I wish there was a continuation to this... might make something similar to this down the road... GAH! WHY ARE THERE SO MANY GOOD IDEAS!!!


There sort of is in the form of a sequel, but it's not available to be read on FIMFiction right now as the first and currently only chapter didn't pass judgement by the moderators. Eventually, I will write more chapters and the problem (not related closely enough to MLP) will be remedied. Not sure when I'll get around to that, though, since I have other stuff I'm focusing on at the moment.

6940736 Ahhhhh fair enough.

Hmmmmm... Would you mind if I made a story similar to this? I'll be sure to put this story in the description and all of that.


If you want to, by all means, go ahead. Inspiring another writer is an honor.

6940810 Thank you! It probably won't be good, but I like to try to put a little spin on things other people make! If I try to make something completely new... well just look at my stories called What Am I? and Story of Oblivion.

...Yeah, not exactly my most stellar work.


Regardless of the quality it ends up as, give me a shout when you've posted it, I'd like to see what you come up with.

Wow, Chryssie must've gotten really wasted to forget who she is.

i would love to see a continuation of this


You and several others. I'll get around to it eventually. Probably sometime after I finish writing one of my other stories.

All that's missing is Rod Serling.


I suppose I did mention something about a potential sequel eventually at some point in these comments. I'm not going to make any promises as to when it'll come out, but I suspect I'll start working on (continuing to work on, really) the sequel soon.

“Well, Hallucination is my name. I’m not sure what you’re getting at.”

well, that was random...

If you can’t beat them, rule over them with an iron fist?

“Queen is awesome. And dead. And I’m not Queen.” David responded absently while contemplating how difficult it would be to hide his new psychosis from the world. Maybe if he was lucky he could use it to write some amazing songs.

Goddamnit dude. Freddie died too young. Now I'm sad :raritydespair:

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