• Published 29th Oct 2015
  • 2,987 Views, 78 Comments

DC Comics: Discord, Spirit of Chaos! - Mega NewWays97

After finding a strange object in everfree Discord finds himself lost in a new world at the dawn of superheros. See how he handles his new life in the world of DC Comics.

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Issue 5: The Mother Box and interview.

Discord walked back in forth in deep thought. ‘Ok so the metal cube talked.’ Discord thought to himself. The cube was placed on the table right below him. Discord reached up and picked the cube back up. He floated back off the ceiling and turned rightside up. “Ok I’m going to ask some questions, can you answer?”

“I will to the best of my ability.” The cube said.

“Alright first question… what are you?”

“I am a Mother Box.”

“Ok, now what is a mother box?” Discord deadpanned.

“I am a sentient supercomputer created by the New Gods gods for a multiple of proposes.” The mother box answered.

“Alright, so then why were you on Equestria?” Discord said floating ing his crotch.

“Unknown, I seem to have been damaged for a time,” The mother Box answered. “How did you repair me?”

Discord shrugged. “Magic, lets leave it at that.”

“So you're a magic user?” The mother box asked.

“Yes I am, Discord Spirit of Chaos, and you are?”

The box didn’t respond for a few moments. “I do not have a name, we usually do not have names.” Discord felt awkward about this.

“Ok calling you mother box would seem weird, how about we give you name?” Discord asked. He floated a crate up to him as he started looking through it. “I know it was in here somewhere.” Discord pulled a out a book and have a blow on it. “Yes just was I was looking for.’

It was a book of names. However when Discord opened it he saw most of the ink had been smudged or faded completely. “You should keep you things in a better place next time.” The mother box said with what Discord could guess was a chuckle.

“Yeah well I only use this place to listen to radio sleep and eat, plus I found this place only a few months ago.” Discord snapped back as he flipped through the pages. “Ok the only names in here that are not gone are Curie, Josua and Nyx… though I don’t think they are actually supposed to be in this book..”

“Curie sounds nice.” Discord shrugged.

“Alright then I’ll call you Curie.” Discord said he started to eat the book a bit. It was worthless as reading instrument but for Discord it served as dinner. Discord floated into his hammock. “Well good night.”

Discord looked down from the buildings are the streets got repaired. Sombra Crystals disappeared soon with him sealed and the streets showed the damage. Cracks formed all over and some parts of the streets were torn open leading down to the sewers and old subways. ‘I just hope they keep the statue out of the way.’ Discord thought as he flew into the air.

After he had imprisoned Sombra within the statue it seemed a group wearing hazmat suits had took the statue. Discord attempted to ask them about it. ‘“Don’t worry we are taking it and whatever is in it to a secured facility away.” one of them said.

As things seemed calm Discord decided to take some time off. Landing on a tree in the park he decided to get himself some alone time with his own thoughts. ‘Ok so recap of my time here, I find strange metal cube, which is really a mother box, get sent to strange world become a superhero, and now Sombra was here as well.’

“Hey you got a second?” Discord turned down to see Superman wearing a suit and glasses?

“Superman?” Discord asked floating down. Superman pulled him back away from anyone to hear them.

“Don’t say that you’ll blow my cover, and it’s Clark, Clark Kent.” Clark said.

The two sat in a slow dinner as the only two there Discord was looking at the menu. ‘Strange a lot of Equestria dishes are on the menu, though given humans are omnivores it’s likely there’s meat.’ Discord thought putting it down he looked at “Superman” or as Discord now found out Clark Kent.

Clark was his real name it seemed while Superman was a alias. “So I’m literally the only one who a hero twenty four seven?” Discord asked has he started to play with the knife.

“Well yes, though I think you do need to sleep don’t you?” Clark asked.

“Well… yes, kinda.” Discord said, when he used to be at full power he could remove that pesky limitation. However he needed it now to conserve energy, “Ok enough about this why are you in Everfree anyway?”

“I was sent to get a interview with you, the whole crystal disaster was over the news as was a video of you fighting a shadow.” Clark answered.

Discord thought about that. He should have realized that his fight with Sombra would be videotaped by anyone with a phone. Which he suspected was most people. “Well why not, how about I get us something to eat while we do this, I take your hungry?”

“Not really no.” Discord put down the menu. “Fair enough I eat on the way here.” Clark raised a eyebrow at this. “What what you guys call junk and Trash I call lunch.” Discord leaned on the table. “So where do you want to start? Where I come from? What am I? Or about who that was attacking the city?”

“Let’s start off with you and where you come from.”

“Alright I come from a dimension that is steeped magic, Equis is it’s current name though others call it different things, as for what I am, I was the Spirit of Chaos my job if you could call it that was to prevent stagnation, though my powers were also a curse.” Discord said as he picked up the spoon.

“A curse how?” Clark asked.

“Chaos can if you're not careful remove you from the world around you, you start to lose your sense of what you are and what’s going on, in other words if your sense of self isn’t strong then you lose yourself to madness.” Discord put it back down.

“You're not insane now right?” Clark asked.

“Oh no not at all, I had some help getting back some of my sanity wasn’t long till I got it all back, I’ll never make that mistake again.” Discord answered.

“Ok so could you tell a bit about yourself?”

“Well lets see I’m last I checked five thousand three hundred and fifty years old, but that’s really when I stopped having birthdays after that long it was safe to say I was for all intents and purposes immortal.” Discorr stated, “As for family? I have none.”

“So no mother or father?”

“If you can count magic as a mother then yes if not then no.”

“Alright not then that Shadow creature I take it you know who he was?”

“Of course I do, he was from the same dimension as me. His name is Sombra he the last son on the Umbrum a race of dark fairies if you will of course that’s a loose comparison. Sombra was the ruler of the Crystal Empire, of course he was a tyrant to his subjects.”

“I take it he was overthrown?”

“Yes but not by the inhabitants of the Empire, the strangest thing is, he should be dead he was imprisoned under frozen ice and blown to pieces, seems the rumors of Umbrum being able to survive death might have bases after all.”

“So do you have any idea how both of you got here?”

“For me yes random wormhole caused by playing with a piece of strange technology, Sombra? Who knows maybe the force of the blast tossed him though time and space.” Discord had a smile. “I doubt it though.”

A small tendril of shadow moved across the corners using the shadows to hide. It had hitched a ride on the van that went to dispose of the statue. Now it was moving around this building. A doors opened as the last of the workers went home. In that moment it passed right through and into the room. The shadow slowly grew in form and said one word. “Yes.” A small army of robots were right in front of it.

A dark laugh echoed through LexCorp that night.

Author's Note:

Here Issue 5, took a while longer then expected. Blame Fallout 4, computer troubles and collage.

Anyway another thing I might need a new editor for this.

Anyway which MLP villain should Discord fight next, though keep in mind I'm saving Tirek for last.

Comments ( 10 )

Go with Starlight Glimmer. She has plenty of potential to be a recurring villain and love interest.

I think you should rewrite the interview. No offense, but it felt really rushed.

6831145 hmm thanks I'll see about adding to it

“Don’t say that you’ll blow my cover, and it’s Clark, Clark Kent.”

What cover?! Your disguise is wearing a pair of glasses! :flutterrage:

“Yes but not by the inhabitants of the Empire, the strangest thing is, he should be dead he was imprisoned under frozen ice and blown to pieces, seems the rumors of Umbrum being able to survive death might have bases after all.”

The Crystal idiot is now immortal... wonderful. :applejackconfused:

I'm sad to say as much as I love this concept I felt it was not executed well. I feel as if the pacing is too fast, things just happen too quickly for me to enjoy. I can understand Discord wanting to be praised by people but his magic draining for a blow-average-reason and his magic getting stronger when praised, that was too much for me. Sombra coming in is also so random and out of place. I am actually sorry to say I don't like this fic.

6852993 I can understand it thanks for reading though.

How about the spirit that was nightmare moon possessing someone?

Any chance of an update anytime soon?

Fun story. Although i would like to see Discord at some point even just for a little be back in his world. With how long he's been gone you could have them think he died or something sense they are kind of ignorant of his power. Also with him trying to tell what's happend and them most likely not believing him. Witch could cause him to get mad and something dramatic.

Lastly don't know if your gonna follow the set sctucture that super hero stories do. Then there's a romance that's needed and in all honesty i would prefer if you did a human. You could let your imagination create a much more interesting character than what it being a pony allows. If you really wanted you even do a romance with Eris.

Side not: the pacing with this could be worked on.

I'm thinking of rebooting it with a few changes to make more sense on the concept.

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