• Published 30th Oct 2015
  • 1,059 Views, 67 Comments

My idiot - Marshall_Evergreen

The JWA boot camp looks to be the best time of Scootaloo's life. If only she wasn't paired-up with the biggest dork in Equestria: Rumble.

  • ...

Some advice (mini chapter)

Author's Note:

I had wanted to squeeze in Rumble's dilemma in the last chapter, but I felt it was better to just leave it.
I wanted it at the beginning of the next chapter, but I speculate it would have felt a bit out of place.
So I had considered just leaving it.

But it seems I am not the only one who wanted more Rumble action.

So rather than editing the already published chapter, I figured I'd write a 'mini-chapter', just to add some depth Rumble before proceeding with the next chapter.
So this one is for you, Flame5768.
Thanks for reading what I write and persisting to comment on the new chapters.

and thank you all for your support. Comment, like, favourite, track, etc. Whatever you do, thanks for checkin' this story out. Though it is late, and I honestly forgot where I was going with it for a bit, I hope that you all enjoy!

"Wing Pony?" Rumble yelled "Seriously!"

He let out his breath, calming himself. He knew he certainly wasn't coming across very well.

"Sorry. With all due respect sir, though I honour your decisions, I cannot understand why she and I were not only put on a team together, but I was made Wing Pony!" Rumble attempted to soften his words, hoping to not come off as even more rude and obnoxious. "I know Scootaloo is a great flyer; her stamina and control are admirable qualities, but the entire set-up of Delta squad is undoubtedly questionable."

He stood still now, waiting for Soarin's response when it came.

Upon first entering the room, the Wonderbolt had looked exhausted and on the verge of colapse. But now he was wide awake, in no small part due to Rumble's sudden inquiries.

"Questionable?" Soarin questioned, trying to ease Rumble and reach a solution, "How so?"

"She hates my guts out!" Rumble exclaimed.

"I'm sure that's not tr-"

"It has to be true. All through the exercises she was glaring at me. Then at the lunch hall, she got angry because I said 'hello'. Are you sure this filly is stable?"

"I agree that Scootaloo seems to have taken this whole situation quite...personally." Soarin said thoughtfully, chuckling slightly.

"Exactly!" Rumble exclaimed again, "The problem is: I don't know what 'this situation' is!"

Nodding, Soarin stood up and walked to where Rumble was standing nervously. he looked panicked; genuinely confused. Taking this in mind Soarin spoke up again, trying to select words that would be of the most comfort, but also provide the quickest temporary solution. Frankly, he was tired and just wanted some piece, but he also knew that this was a matter that Delta squad would have to sort out for themselves.

"Listen Rumble, maybe you're all over-excited by this new experience. For Scootaloo, it's probably her first time having to fly as a team; she feels a lot of responsibility to and for the team, that's why she's the leader." he stated in a factual tone of voice, punctuating his confidence in his words.

"But I-" Rumble chirped before being cut off quickly by Soarin's hoof.

"However..." he emphasised, "you weren't assigned Wing Pony because I and the other leaders don't believe in you, quite the opposite in fact. You already have great confidence and skill. I believe you have an awesome talent for this, but the fact is that Scootaloo needs you to be there for her and to watch out for her. Remember, you guys are a team! She watches out for you and you watch out for her. You fly together and protect each other from harm."

Placing a hoof on Rumble's shoulder, he continued, getting carried away in the moment.

"Trust me, Cadet when I say that a team is only as good as its weakest member, it's the truth. and don't you forget it." He paused for a moment, trying to regain his 'professional' composure. "Do you understand what I'm telling you? scootaloo just as nervously excited as you are. You two have a lot more in common than you may think, and I'm sure that if you guys can work together, you will be one of the greatest teams ever. Because that's what you'll be: a team!"

Feeling finished, soarin stepped back and stood tall in front of rumble, who had his head hung slightly as he contemplated Soarin's earnest advice and guidance.

"Do you understand?" soarin invited in a kind voice, full of his cheery personality.

Standing silently for a while, he took a moment and than rose up and smiled a confident, victorious smirk. It was really weird, but there something about Soarin that inspired enthusiasm, tenacity and energy...even if he looked ready to keel over.

"Right!" Rumble cheered.

Soarin laughed. "Great!" He exclaimed, "then consider yourself dismissed to your quarters, Cadet."

"Roger that, Sir." He saluted before flying over to the door, ready to leave. He paused and turned his head to look at soarin.


Soarin turned and looked at Rumble expectantly.


He stood in silence for a bit, then smiled. "Go get some rest, Rumble. And who knows, you may learn something from Scootaloo."

Rumble huffed a little and shook his head, smiling. "let's not get ahead of ourselves."

And with that, he left.

Staring at the door, Soarin stayed put, thinking. He wasn't sure what he'd expected from Rumble, but whatever it had been, he was glad and somewhat surprised at how receptive he was. He was a good kid once he got talking, something he found admirable about both him and Scootaloo. Both had expressed concern in the team, which in the very least meant they cared and were aware. Though it was going to take work, Soarin was content with the steps they'd taken today. Surely, they were steps in the right direction.

And with that...he collapsed to the ground, finally fast asleep.

The night had rolled in quietly while the cadets were getting settled into the barracks. In the main academy building, the muffled sound of beating wings could be heard coming from down the corridor outside Soarin's office office. Next minute, the door to the office squeaked open and a certain Rainbow haired mare walked quietly into the dark room.

"Soarin?" she called quietly, "Where are you? You weren't in your room so..."

As if in answer, she tripped on a something round and fleshy and crashed to the floor. She stayed in place for a while, groaning loudly before slapping her hoof across her mouth, trying to keep quiet. Wincing a little, she rolled over to stare at the grunting and gurgling culprit. Sure enough, there he was, still fast asleep.

"Oh, Soarin." Rainbow Dash chuckled, shaking her head in her hoof.

Getting up, she flew over to fetch her Wonerbolt's scarf from the coat hangers on the wall. Now kneeling down by Soarin, she wrapped it loosely around his warm neck, before backing away to look at him. She felt her cheeks getting warm, and that familiar feeling in her chest whenever she was around him. Soarin let out a loud, gargled snore and kicked a little as he exhaled. Rainbow Dash giggled, and closed the door before snuggling next to him, nuzzling and brushing her head up against the crook in his neck endearingly.

"goodnight, dork." Rainbow whispered in a sly voice as she lay her head down.

"Glarple-blrgh-flwrp..." Soarin gurgled.

"Yeah." she sighed in content. "I love you too."

Comments ( 10 )

Great to see another chapter in in story! I think Rumble would have found it interesting that Rainbow Dash was her squads wing pony, hopefully he takes this opportunity to learn and possibly one day join the Wonderbolts! On a side note this story did not pop up in my tracking bar as having a new chapter. I was scrolling down looking at new stories when I saw it being listed as a new chapter. Just a quick heads up!


I think Rumble would have found it interesting that Rainbow Dash was her squads wing pony

Thank you so much for this suggestion!
This does come in later, but thank you so much for your insight, really. It helps me to make this story better. To be honest, I hadn't really thought of doing it much, but now, it seems like an awesome idea. Thanks! :ajsmug:

As for your tracker thing, yeah I've had that happen to me once before. Don't think it's anything to be worried about, because if you are tracking this story, than every blog post I...well, post with the story tagged will appear in your feed. And I always write a blog post for each chapter update, so you'll be just fine. Thanks for the heads up anyway. Glad you enjoyed this chapter. :twilightsmile:

I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS STORY!!!!!! :pinkiehappy::heart::heart::heart::heart:

7311314 GG.
Thanks. It has been corrected.:pinkiesmile:

Rumble seems too into it...but maybe that's a good thing! The way i see it, rumble will be so eager, so willing, that maybe scootaloo will accept him, and realise that she misjudged him...but before that happens, she'll put him through his paces. Interesting development.

I'm trying to hide the fact that i'm fangirling. Can't belive i got my own chapter! Did i hide it well?

So how is the next chapter progressing for you?

7545601 I really should've put this on hiatus by now, it's taken so long for me to actually get around to it. I'll write some more this Saturday and try and get it out ASAP.

5 weeks later...

7650894 Yeah, I'm sorry dude. It would honestly just be best if I put this on hiatus.
I plan to finish it. I just don't know...

Will this ever be continued?

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