• Published 24th Feb 2012
  • 7,325 Views, 361 Comments

Changing Worlds - AxleandWheel

The new ponies in town, the BLU team, have some adapting to do

  • ...


The measuring tape wrapped around Sniper's leg. Rarity looked closely, then wrote down another number on the slowly growing list of measurements.

“I didn't know you'd need this many measurements, Rarity."

"Well, some seamstresses might only take two or three, but I pride myself on making everything fit absolutely perfectly. Now hold still for just a touch longer. I have one more to take." She wrapped the tape around his chest, marking the final number with a flourish. "There we go! I must say, I'm glad to see you came in so quickly for your fitting. I have a distinct feeling the others are going to take a bit more pestering." She put the notepad and measuring tape on her desk as Sniper stepped off the small pedestal. "I can't believe I get this chance. Sales at the boutique jumped quite a bit after last year's Gala. Can you imagine what will happen when they see the six dresses from last year plus two new designs AND a set of tuxedos? I'll have new business for months!" Rarity's eyes lit up as Sniper only tangentially listened.

"Uh huh." He prodded a small vase, then looked up at the white unicorn. "So how long do ya think it'll take?"

"Oh, a few days, once I get started. Now, I do need a few ideas for the theme. It's not going to be the spectacle that the dresses are, but I would still like to capture some personality in the tuxes. So tell me: are there any interests of yours?"

"Uh..." He thought long and hard. "Uh... I used to be an outdoorsman."

"Hmm... well, it's a start. Anything else? What about your cutie mark?"

Sniper froze.

"Well, come now, what is it? I'm sure it will give me something to work with."

He turned, showing that on his flank there was nothing.


"Bahaha! I can't believe you're a blank flank!" Scout laughed at the stallion. The two sat on a pair of bar stools in front of Heavy's bar. Heavy and Demo stood behind the counter, listening to the conversation.

"Yeah, cause I'm sure you figured it out the minute you set foot here." Sniper glared at the boy.

"Totally." Scout turned around, showing off the winged horse shoe on his flank. "I'm fast, I deliver the mail. It appeared exactly two days after we got here."

"Mine took about a week." Demo turned, revealing an explosion shaped mark.”In hindsight probably should have tried explosion based things a little quicker.”

"Heavy has sandvich for butt symbol!" Heavy showed that, indeed, a sandwich on a plate was apparently his calling in life. Sniper grimaced.

"You’re joking, right? I'm the only one?"

"Aye, lad." Demo nodded. "Maybe we can help ye get it?"

"Cheer up man. Maybe you can get a cutie mark for peein' in jars!" Sniper swung at Scout, but the pegasus deftly dodged the blow. Sniper stood up, and started heading out.

"I'll get my damn cutie mark, and I don't need none of your help to do it!" He slammed the door behind him. He started walking, not really with any purpose, taking stock of what he could possibly do. For the past six years, the only thing he'd done was kill things. 'That's not gonna fly in this world' he thought.

Suddenly a blur flying past him snapped him out of his trance. A crashing sound led his eyes to a set of three fillies, splayed about in front of a tree. Pieces of wood were scattered around the ground, along with a set of tires and what looked to be a small engine.

"I told you that wouldn't work, Scootaloo." The yellow filly said, getting up and dusting herself off.

"C'mon, you know that Go-kart Racers would have been an awesome cutie mark!"

Sniper trotted over to the girls. "Are you all okay?" He called out.

"Yeah, just a little sore." The white unicorn said. "Wait a second. I know you, you're one of Rarity's friends"

"Yeah, I'm Sniper." He tried to remember if he had seen the filly before, only coming up with a vague memory of when he first entered town. "You're Rarity's little sister, right?"

She nodded. "I'm Sweetie Belle, that's Scootaloo, and that's Apple Bloom." They nodded at him at their introductions.

"What were you doing that slammed you into a tree?"

"We were trying to get our cutie marks for go-karting. Seems like that's not what we're good at."

"Cutie marks?" Sniper's ears perked up. "You were trying to get your cutie marks?"

"A-course! After all..." There was a slight pause as Apple Bloom looked at her compatriots. "...We are the-"

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!" All three shouted at once. Out of instinct Sniper covered his ears. How three small fillies could be that loud eluded him.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders?" He wondered aloud, trying to get his hearing back.

"Totally! Wanna hear our theme song?" Scootaloo started drawing in breath, but Apple Bloom practically shoved a hoof in her mouth.

"Maybe later, Scoots. We gotta get over to Fluttershy's before it gets dark or she'll never let us try to get a badger-wrangling cutie mark" The three started towards the large tree in the distance where Fluttershy lived.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Badger wrangling? That sounds kinda dangerous"

"That's why we're goin’ to Fluttershy's! If they get out of hand, she can just stare em down!" Apple Bloom's chipper voice called back.

“I was actually about to head over to Fluttershy’s. I might as well go with you.” In truth, Sniper could already tell the three would be a handful for even an experienced pony. ‘Poor Fluttershy would be driven crazy!’ He thought, catching up to the fillies.

“Well, alright, ah suppose. Maybe you can give us ideas on what else we can do for a cutie mark.” Apple Bloom said without looking back. “Ah mean, anypony who has a cutie mark can help, right?”

“Er...” Sniper trailed off, desperately wanting to change the subject.

“What is your cutie mark anyway?” Scootaloo turned to the stallion. “I’m sure it’s something cool. Like two kangaroos boxing or something like that! That’s what it is, isn’t it!” She smiled wide.

“Ya see-” He tried to interject, but he was cut off by Sweetie Belle.

“Maybe we should ask for the story! I bet a cutie mark like that has an interesting story behind it.” The three looked at him expectantly.

“So how’d ya do it!? How’d you get a kangaroo boxin’ cutie mark?” Apple Bloom asked, smiling wide.

“I don’t have a bloody kangaroo boxin’ cutie mark!” He raised his voice. “I don’t have any cutie mark.”

“You mean...” Scootaloo looked to confirm the statement. Indeed, no image rested upon his flank. He sighed.

“Girls, emergency Crusader meetin’.” The three ducked behind a nearby tree. Sniper heard hushed whispers on the other side, though the overlap in voices and the quiet volume made it impossible to make anything out. After about a minute, the three stepped around the tree back into view.

“After talking it over, we are prepared to offer you a temporary position the Cutie Mark Crusaders.” Sweetie’s voice took on a very dignified tone. “Should you join us, we will help you with the utmost haste to get your mark.”

“Why’re ya talkin all funny, Sweetie?” Apple Bloom tilted her head.

“I saw it in a movie once.” Sweetie said under her breath.

“Er... I guess it wouldn’t hurt. Not like I’ve got much else to do during the day.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

“Perfect! Welcome, temporary member Sniper! Since you’re not a full member, we’re not going to put you through the initiation.” Sweetie grinned.

“Good, I still haven’t revised that thing.” Scootaloo said.

The crusaders headed toward the shack in the distance, and Sniper followed, confused as to exactly what had just happened.


“No, no, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” Fluttershy repeated herself again. “The badgers are too dangerous for you girls to mess with.”

“What about him?” Scootaloo pointed at Sniper.

“Don’t throw me under the bus, kid.” He groaned

“I couldn’t forgive myself if you fillies got hurt trying something dangerous on my watch. Why not try wrangling something calmer? Like the bunnies?”

“Fluttershy, we’ve tried that before, remember? Angel tried to lead a revolution.” Sweetie said.

“Still don’t know how a rabbit builds a cannon out of a log.” Scootaloo rubbed her head, remembering some phantom pain.

“Look, Fluttershy, can I talk to you?” Sniper walked over to her, lowering his voice. “They’re not gonna give up on this. Is there maybe a small one that they can wrangle so they move on to the next thing?”

“...Now that you mention it, there’s a young one that’s about two months old. It’s calm enough for something like that. Plus I’ll be on hoof to stop it if things go too far...”

“There ya go.”

The group convened outside, and Fluttershy led a small badger to the front. After a few quiet words to it, the animal nodded, and then went running off.

“Alright Crusaders! After that badger!” Apple Bloom shouted. The three girls ran off, with Sniper reluctantly following. The badger swerved to avoid them. The three split, Sweetie and Scootaloo trying to flank him. Slowly they started gaining on the animal.

‘Man, this thing is faster than I thought it would be.’ Sniper thought. He looked around quickly, then saw what he wanted. He swerved, running up a boulder. With a strong kick, he flew over the badger’s head, landing right in front of it. The girls caught up, surrounding the cub.

“Looks like we got him!” The group smiled, then looked at their flanks. Nothing had changed, though, and they hung their heads. Sniper snuck a look at his own, and found much the same.

“Shoot. Ah really thought that would work.”

“Hmm... what next?”

The girls started discussing their next attempt for the day.

“Um, girls.” Fluttershy tried to say, but she was drowned out by the fillies. “I really think you should back away.” The group didn’t see the cub start to shrink away from them. “I think you’re giving it -”

The small animal squealed in fear loudly. The three stopped immediately, stepping away from the crying cub.


“Er... there there, little guy.” Sniper crouched, trying to sound soothing, but not quite succeeding. “You’re alright. Nothing’s wrong.”

He heard a growl behind him. He slowly turned to see a very angry momma badger growling at him. “Er... nothing’s wrong?” The mother ran at him, and he bolted.


“Ow. Ow. OW!” Sniper winced as Fluttershy wrapped the bandage around the wounds on his leg.

“I’m so sorry. And so is Ms. Badger. Aren’t you?” The badger looked at Sniper coldly, blocking her cub from view with her front paw. Fluttershy finished wrapping the bandages.

“Eh, it’s my fault I guess.” He stood up, tenderly putting his leg down. “Shoulda been obvious it was getting freaked out. And there ain’t an animal I’ve ever met that wouldn’t do worse for her kid”

“Well, what’s our next move, Crusaders?” Apple Bloom started walking away.

“Ooh! Paragliding!” Scootaloo jumped up.

“Ah, I better catch up to em. Sorry to bother you, Fluttershy.” He started off towards the crusaders.

“Um... if you want, I can come with you. You might need the help.”

“I don’t want to bother you. I’m sure you’ve got to tend to something back home.”

“No, they’re all doing fine. I think you need help.” Fluttershy’s voice became a little more firm. She cast a gaze at the crusaders.

He looked at the trio, then winced as a small pang of pain went through his thigh. “Well... alright, but I don’t want you getting in trouble on my behalf, alright?”

“Of course.” The two chased after the crusaders.


“What did you learn?” The crusaders hung from a tree, tied up in a makeshift paraglider. Sniper worked to try to unpry the wooden cross beams out of the branches.

“Paragliding is a bad idea if we built our glider in less than 15 minutes.” Applebloom answered. “Are we out yet?”

“Not quite...” A large amount of the cloth was wrapped around a branch, pulling it back like rubber. “Ah, I think I see the problem.” He bit the cloth and pulled. It didn’t budge at first. He bit harder, pulling until he felt it give way, and the cross beams fell, freeing the crusaders. They hopped down the tree branches. ‘Perfect’ He thought. ‘Now to get out-’

A loud ripping sound caught him off guard, and he tumbled backward, cloth in his mouth. The bent tree branch snapped back into place, smacking him in the side and sending him toppling headfirst into the knothole of another tree. Through his dazed mind he could vaguely make out a family of very angry squirrels started chattering at him.


The Crusaders were gathered in the clubhouse, trying their hoof at crafts. As opposed to every other suggestion of the day, this one came from Fluttershy after seeing the bumps and bruises caused by their recent excursions. “See, now isn’t this better?”

“Ah guess.” Apple Bloom half-heartedly painted a picture of a flower.

Sniper was neglecting to do anything relating to the crafts, instead tending to the wounds he’d gathered throughout the day. ‘Just glad there ain’t any way I’m getting hurt here. The scissors aren’t even sharp enough to draw blood. The worst I’m getting here is a paper cut.’

“Hey Sniper, could you help me?” Fluttershy was attempting to hang a banner above the window. Sniper climbed up on a ladder, confident in himself.

Scootaloo sighed. “No offence Fluttershy, but this is kind of boring. I mean, out there is a wide world of things we could do-” She swung her hooves wide, trying to paint a mental picture of the world. Instead, she managed to smack the ladder Sniper stood on. He wobbled, tumbling off of it, bouncing off a pile of supplies, and out the window.

He landed hard on the ground, back first. He stared at the sky. Four heads popped out. “Are you okay?” They called down in a messy chorus.

His brow furrowed, and he started walking away into the forest. He wouldn’t let his anger get the best of him. ‘No, not this time, not for stupid reasons like-’

A sudden pressure gripped his leg, and his thought were stopped as he found his world upside-down. His brain raced to figure out what happened, when he spotted his ankle. A basic snare trap, the kind he had set up several times himself, now held him captive. The bushes behind him rustled. He braced for whatever had set the trap.

“Oh my goodness!” Fluttershy cried. She came out of the bushes. “What happened?”

“Look, I’m fine.” He struggled against the rope. “Well, mostly. It’ll only take a sec to get out of this stupid thing.” He twisted against it, but to no avail.

“Here, let me look at it.” She flew up to him.

“I’m fine.” He struggled more, trying to wedge his front hoof in to get himself free.

She reached for her saddlebag. “I can help, I have-”

“No, I’ve got it!” He tangled himself more, somehow causing the rope to start spinning.

“But I can get you out if you hold still, it’d only take-”

"Look! I don't need a bloody babysitter!" He snapped at her. He’d had enough.

Fluttershy recoiled at the yelling. "I... I'm only trying to help"

“I don't need more help. Already been slammed into a damn tree, mauled by a damn badger, and thrown out a damn window in the name of help! And now when it comes down to the one thing I’m actually good at, I’m being told I don’t know anything about it! Why don't you just leave me alone! You and those kids have caused me nothing but trouble since I started this whole thing! I'll sort it out myself, like I shoulda done with this stupid Cutie Mark thing in the first place!"

Tears welled up in Fluttershy's eyes. A pang of regret surged through Sniper. "Fluttershy, wait-" She didn't wait for him to finish and ran off, sobbing. 'Way to go, Einstein.' He berated himself. He pulled against the rope, but it did not give way. He heard a rustling in the bushes. “Who’s there?” He called. The panic in his voice was only slightly hidden by his anger. “Let me out of this!”

A white creature hopped out of the woods. A rabbit. ‘How ironic.’ His eyelids lowered. He already knew the rabbit well. After all, how many other rabbits wore an army helmet on a regular basis?

“Angel. I don’t suppose you’re willing to help me, are you?”

The rabbit put his paw to his chin mockingly. He stuck his tongue out at the trapped pony, then started back into the forest.

“What did I ever do to you!?” Sniper was still riding high on his anger. “You’ve had the knives out for me from day one for no reason!”

Angel spun on his heels, staring at him with anger. Angel pointed toward the forest. The direction Fluttershy ran off to.

“…That was… well… but…” Sniper couldn’t find the words to say.

Angel started pantomiming. Sniper gathered that Angel didn’t want Fluttershy hurt. His head sunk low at that. “I’m sorry. I really am. But I’m so sick of not bein’ able to do anything on my own here. I’m a sniper, I’m supposed to get along by myself, and yet here I am, practically begging a rabbit to get me out of somethin’ any hunter in their right mind could get out of in an instant. I don’t blame you for not wanting to help me.”

Angel cocked an eyebrow. He couldn’t help but feel sorry for the stallion, however begrudgingly that feeling came to him. Angel found the source of the rope, and gnawed at it. After a minute the rope snapped and Sniper came tumbling down. Once on the ground he was able to unwrap himself from the rope.

“Thanks.” Sniper held out a hoof toward the rabbit. Angel swiped it away. He pointed again to the spot in the forest. “Ah. I gotcha. Guess I should find Fluttershy and apologize.”

Angel nodded curtly.

The two jolted when a scream pierced through the trees. They both bolted toward the source.

Huddled under a tree were the Cutie Mark Crusaders, guarded by Fluttershy. Overhead metallic screeches sounded. A pair of birds that shone with bronze circled the tree. “The hell are those things!?” Sniper shouted toward Fluttershy.

“Stymphalian birds!” She yelled back. “They’re fiercely territorial! Their nest must be near here! We can’t get out of the tree without being attacked!” As if on cue, several metallic feathers hit the base of the tree, sticking in like a throwing knife.

“Hold on! I’ll distract them!” He looked around. Several stones lined the bank of a nearby lake. He scooped up several of them. Sniper tossed a hoofful into the air, then spun around. With a swift kick he sent the stones hurtling toward the birds. A few of the launched stones found their target, striking one in the head and stomach. It didn’t seem to faze the bird as it turned toward him.

Sniper dove behind a tree as several feathers slammed the wood. ‘I need a distraction of some kind…’ He thought. Angel started pointing off to the right. Looking over, Fluttershy’s saddlebag lay behind another tree. He ducked and bolted toward the tree. A few feathers hit the ground behind him. One grazed his tail, shearing hair. Angel deftly dodged the feathers

Sniper rummaged through the bag. ‘Need something. A distraction, something to…’ He paused as he came across a glass jar. ‘No. No… not that… Please, there’s got to be something else’ He turned the bag over, frantically shifting through the pile for something, anything else. Alas, nothing better came to mind. He sighed in defeat. “Angel, can you keep them busy for about 30 seconds?” Angel tilted his head, then nodded confusedly. “Good. I’ve got a plan, but need just a little bit of time to get what I need. Do you remember the academy?”

Angel eyed the stallion suspiciously, but saluted after studying him for a few seconds. Sniper spun around, and Angel hopped on his back. Sniper reared his back legs, and kicked with all his might once the rabbit hopped onto the hooves.

Angel soared, landing on the back of one of the birds. Tiny paws wrapped around the bronze feathers. Angel pulled up, yanking the bird’s skin with him. The bird screeched, and Angel seemed to control the creature. He flew around, tugging at the feathers like they were a set of reins. He slammed his fists forward, and a set of razor feathers shot from the bird like the machine guns of a fighter plane. Angel swung around, peppering the other bird with his makeshift machine gun.

“Not quite what I had in mind, but it will work.” He darted behind a tree with the jar. ‘Can’t believe I have to do this again.’ Once he finished, he heard a sound that flattened his ears against his head.

“Angel!” Fluttershy called out. Sniper peeked from behind to see Fluttershy catch the rabbit. Angel cradled his arm, where a line of red was barely visible. The birds landed next to Fluttershy, surrounding her. She shrunk as much as she could, shielding the rabbit. The Cutie Mark Crusaders shivered in the tree.

‘Now or never, mate.’ “OY!” The birds’ heads snapped towards the sound. Sniper let out a swift kick, sending another stone into one of the bird’s faces. “Over here! I ain’t afraid of ya!” He said over his quaking knees.

A pair of metallic screeches greeted him. The birds shot toward him. ‘Not yet…’ A flurry of feathers grazed his skin, leaving red trails in their wake. ‘Almost’ He started running through the calculations in his head. Their movement was erratic, but there was a slight rhythm to it. ‘Maximum impact in 3… 2… 1…’


He spun and tossed the jar forward. It caught one bird in the head, showering him with the foul contents. The other bird received just as much as the leader. They squawked and shrieked, blinded by the liquid and glass. The birds shuddered into the air and away from the scene, trying desperately to clear their vision and nostrils of the stench.

“You did it!” He was practically tackled by the Crusaders. “That was soooo cool!” Scootaloo gushed. “You were all like POW WASHA JARATE!”

“What even is a jarate?” Applebloom asked.

“A forbidden technique that takes several decades to master. I’m not allowed to divulge its secrets.” Sniper lied through his teeth. He trotted over to Fluttershy.

“You okay?” He held out a hoof. She grabbed it and stood up, careful not to drop Angel.

“Y…yes. That was amazing.” She looked in awe of the carnage of feathers on the field.

“I mean, it just had to be done. I’m glad no one got hurt any more than they did.” He cast a look at Angel. “Speakin of which, is he alright?” Angel held an arm tight to his side, trying not to show any pain. “It looks like he took a pretty nasty slash right below the ribs.” Fluttershy explained. “I’ll get it cleaned and bandaged as soon as I get home. It shouldn’t cause any issues if I tend to it quickly.”

“Look Fluttershy… about earlier…. I’m sorry about goin off on you like that. I’m kind of used to bein alone and not needin help. I guess that doesn’t really excuse me yelling and all that. But I really am –“

He was cut off by the pegasus pecking him on the cheek.

“I forgive you.” She gave him a sweet smile. Sniper’s gold coat turned a shade of red darker as a surge of heat went through him.

“Ewww.” Scootaloo called out. Fluttershy’s ears flattened, as if she just remembered that the Crusaders were standing behind her.

“Aw, I think it’s sweet.” Sweetie comforted Fluttershy.

“He got it! Mr. Sniper’s cutie mark!” Applebloom practically vaulted over Sweetie. Sniper craned his neck to look. Sure enough, he could see something there.

‘Please not Jarate, please not Jarate…’

The image finally settled. To his undying relief, it wasn’t Jarate. It took the appearance of a bullseye target, similar to the ones he used to train with back in Australia. The target was shattering as if something had hit it dead in the center.


Sniper breathed a sigh of relief.

"C'mon." He motioned toward the mare and fillies. "I think we're done crusadin' today. how about lunch at Heavy's?"