• Published 2nd Jun 2012
  • 2,039 Views, 15 Comments

Scratching a New Octave - Tyler-the-Brony

The story of Vinyl's Cutie Mark and her first Love.

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Chapter 10: Reciprocation in Life and In Ideas

“I-I love you.” Vinyl stated, almost not believing she had really said it.

The silence that followed those words was not overly long, but it felt like an eternity.

“C-Could you please repeat that?” Octavia asked, not daring to believe her ears.

“S-Sure. I love you. I have ever since I first heard you play. You’re the reason for my Cutie Mark. A-And the reason I’m telling you this now is because I heard a rumour that you might feel the same way.” Vinyl replied in a near whisper.

“W-Well Vinyl, the truth is, that the rumour you heard is indeed true. I love you too. And I also fell in love with you when I first heard you play.” Octavia replied.

This time there was another silence, or at least it appeared so to the two artistic ponies. In reality, there was a huge shuffling of paper and fabric as Rarity ditched her old designs in lieu of this new information.

“Do you mean that?” Vinyl asked, unsure that this was all really real.

“I do Vinyl. Hearing you say it has finally given me the courage to say it.” Octavia told her, feeling a warm smile on her lips.

“I love you Vinyl Scratch. And I promise you I always will.” Octavia added.

Vinyl smiled and lifted her glasses, seeing Octavia’s shocked expression as she finally saw her eyes.

“I’ve heard a lot of great things today, but that is by far the best. I love you too Octavia. And I promise to return all the love you give me, forever and always.” Vinyl replied, seeing Octavia smile again.

Octavia and Vinyl inched closer over the table, feeling the pull towards each other. Once they were mere inches from each other, they said one last word each.



Once those last words were spoken, Octavia and Vinyl lips met for the first time. The kiss was far from the most romantic one they would ever experience, but this one would always be the most magical.

Each of them stayed in the kiss for a long time, neither wanting it to end. They simply revelled in the feeling of each other’s lips, adding or subtracting nothing to the experience. It was simply perfect as it was.

Eventually, they separated slowly to stare deep into each other eyes. How long they stayed that way, they never knew. It could have been years for all they cared. What eventually broke their moment was a single word shouted from the other nearby unicorn, whom they had both forgotten about.

“Done!” Rarity shouted.

Vinyl and Octavia stared at her, confused at first, and then embarrassed soon after. They had long since forgotten that anypony else was there in the world.

“Done what Rare?” Vinyl asked, taking Octavia’s hoof in her own.

“Your dresses for Graduation obviously.” Rarity spoke up.

“Wait.” Octavia began. “You mean you’re simply done the preliminary sketches right?”

“Why no darling. I am finished the final product. As well as most of all the others. I will need to go out to finish Jewels ensemble though. And the stallions are a bit harder to design for. Minor details though in the long run.” Rarity replied, seeing their shocked faces.

“You’re done all that!? How can you be? How long were we…you know.” Vinyl asked, blushing at the end.

“At least a few hours Vinyl dear. I do keep clocks down here to monitor my deadlines, but once I reach my groove, I do happen to forget to glance at them. I had a flash of inspiration, and I descended into my own world while I let you two stay in yours.” Rarity responded, happy to see the new couple smile instead of simply blush and look away.

“Wow. You are simply amazing Rarity.” Octavia spoke up.

“Pay it no mind my dear Octavia. You had much better things to partake of no?” Rarity inquired.

Vinyl and Octavia looked at each other again, smiled and got up from their chairs. Each noticed that their haunches felt a little numb, indicating that they had indeed been sitting there as long as Rarity had stated.

“So can we see em Rare?” Vinyl asked after moving to stand next to Octavia.

“Heavens no!” Rarity told them being quite defiant.

“Why not?” Octavia asked, mildly confused.

“These are very special to me. I want the first time you see and wear them to be special. So for that reason, I’ll be guarding them personally from prying eyes until you leave and coming back with you to make sure that nopony, especially you two, sees them before graduation.” Rarity elaborated.

“Wow Rare. These must really be something. I understand though. Fashion is to you what music is to us.” Vinyl answered, looking to Octavia as she said it and seeing her nod.

“Indeed Rarity. We will respect your wishes. And we would both be happy to have you there for our Graduation.” Octavia added.

“Excellent! Now, I hope you two don’t mind, but I must go collect my friend Spike and begin searching for Jewels. If all goes well, I will be back before sunset. Your return train is three days after tomorrow isn’t it?” Rarity asked, seeing nods as her answer.

With that, Rarity was out the door and on her way. Octavia and Vinyl looked at each other, and came to the same conclusion.

“Sleep sounds good doesn’t it?” Vinyl asked.

“Without a doubt dear. Shall we head upstairs then?” Octavia added.

Both ponies then proceed to head upstairs, heading towards the one room they were sharing, both seeing two beds within it. Octavia turned to Vinyl.

“You don’t mind if I ask to sleep in the same bed as you do you?” Octavia asked, proceeding to look down after she asked, worried she may have overestimated the extent of their new relationship.

Vinyl turned around to see Octavia’s worried face, and came forward. Seeing Vinyl’s shadow move, Vinyl looked up. Once she did, Vinyl kissed her again. This kiss was shorter, but felt even sweeter than before.

“Nothing would make me happier than to have my new marefriend share my bed.” Vinyl answered after separating from Octavia.

At that comment, Octavia smiled and followed Vinyl the rest of the way to the larger bed. Within moments, they were in the bed. It took a great deal longer for them to fall asleep though. Neither of them wanted this day to end.

“Hey Octavia?” Vinyl whispered as she held Octavia close to her.

“Yes?” Octavia whispered back.

“Love you.” Vinyl told her.

Octavia smiled.

“I love you too Vinyl.” Octavia answered, snuggling close to Vinyl again.

Shortly after that, both ponies fell asleep. It had been a long day that would mark the beginning of the rest of their lives.