• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 7,842 Views, 155 Comments

My Zodiac - xd77

Celestia finds an abandoned pegasus colt baby and adopts him

  • ...

Chapter 14: Meeting the Young Six

It had come time for Celestia, Cadance, and Shining Armor to go about their ways and move forward with their duties therefore they could not stay long enough for the upcoming fun activities and classes scheduled for today, so as Cadance and Shining Armor approached Nathan, Celestia approached her son.

"Now Nathan we have to go, so you listen to your aunt and do what she says, and listen to what's ordered to you." Cadance said.

"Yes Mom." Nathan obeyed as he hugged her then he turned and hugged Shining Armor as well.

"Bye Dad, Bye Mom." he said.

"Oh Nathan, one more thing, please don't start any trouble, if you have a problem tell your aunt about it okay?" Shining Armor asked.

"Ah' can't promise anything, but ah'll try." Nathan said.

As Nathan watched his parents leave Celestia embraced her son as well.

"Zodi, I'm hoping nothing bad will happen to you, so let's hope you can get along well here with all the creatures." she said.

"I'll be fine Mom, I have Nate with me." Zodiac said as he gave her a good bye hug and kiss.

"Have a good day sweetie." said Celestia as she followed Cadance and Shining Armor out the door, he and Nathan were now together, but were soon joined by Twilight and her friends.

"Well boys, what do you say, you want to come and meet the others?" Twilight asked.

"Sure thing Twilight uh ah' mean Principal Sparkle." Zodiac said.

"Aunt Twilight, who are these guys we're going to see?" Nathan asked.

"You'll see Nate." Twilight answered to her nephew and they walked away from the entrance and down the corridors that led to the classrooms and gymnasium. There was also a cafeteria that was run by some of the best cooks in Equestria, for Nathan it looked like the comforts of Thomas Jefferson Elementary School in Dallas, only bigger. As for Zodiac, it was just as identical to Canterlot Elementary at home.

As the group entered a gymnasium, Nathan and Zodiac were mesmerized at how huge it was, there were balls of all kinds, hoops for flying through, and a resting bench for taking breaks and drinking water, but as for the creatures in here, they were just as surprised, not by seeing Zodiac, but seeing Nathan because they had heard about humans, but they never actually thought today would be the day they would actually see one in person.

"Everyone, we'd like you meet Zodiac and my nephew Nathan Cadenza." Twilight said, soon they were cornered in curiosity by an orange dragon with antlers, a yak, a blue griffon, a khaki brown colored earth pony with a turquoise blue mane and tail with a cutie mark of three sea turtles, a hyperactive and excited hippogriff, and a shy blue and pink changeling.

"Zodiac, Nathan please introduce yourselves." Rainbow Dash said.

"Hi it sure is a pleasure to meet y'all." Nathan said.

"As it is for mEEEAHHH!!!!!!" Zodiac screamed, he felt two fur covered arms pick him up off the ground and was now in mid air these arms then pulled him close to a chest and hugged him tightly.

"YOU ARE JUST THE CUTEST THING I'VE EVER MET, I could just hug you to death!!!!!!!" said the voice of the hippogriff, Zodiac looked up and saw that she had a sensitive yet excited look of joy over his cuteness.

"I'm Silverstream, I'm from Mount Aris and Seaquestria I was sea pony, but now I'm a hippogriff, I'll explain my story later." said Silverstream as she continued to hug Zodiac, she then pulled him closer to where his face was buried in her chest.

"How can I ever be friends with a cute guy like you?!" she said as she squeezed him.

"Stop trying to break me in half?" muffled Zodiac, he then let out a small cough from the pressure being put on him by her hyper hug.

"Silverstream, put him down, you're choking him." Twilight ordered.

"Yes, Principal Sparkle." obeyed Silverstream, and she gently put him back onto the ground.

The next one to an introduction was Gallus, "Nice to meet you two, I'm Gallus from Griffonstone."

"I'm Ocellus of the Changeling kingdom." said Ocellus which caught a sudden eye of Zodiac.

"I'm Sandbar from Ponyville." Sandbar said.

"Me Yona of Yakyakistan, Yak love meeting new creatures." said Yona as she embraced Nathan, Nathan choked from the power of the young yak's embrace.

And last was none other than Smolder, "And I'm Smolder of the Dragon lands."

"So mind telling us your names, Principal Sparkle said that you all would introduce yourselves as well." Sandbar said.

"Oh yeah sorry." Zodiac apologized, "I'm Zodiac from Canterlot, I am Princess Celestia's son and Princess Luna's nephew, but you can call me Zodi for short."

Then Nathan stepped up, "And ah'm Nathan of the Crystal Empire, orginally ah'm from Dallas, Texas in the United States of America."

"United States of America, where is that located?" Smolder asked.

"Let's just say ah'm from another world." Nathan answered.

"Well the professors told us about a human, but we've never thought we'd see one in person." Ocellus said.

"You all should see his moves." Zodiac said, "He's taken down at least two bullies, he's tough."

Smolder was equally surprised, "Really, tougher than dragons?!"

She then got into Nathan's face, "Let's see you prove it."

"No Smolder, it's not a good idea to do stuff like that him because he'll take it as a challenge." Twilight said as she turned to her nephew with a serious expression, "And I don't want any violence in this school Nathan, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Aunt Twilight." Nathan said with a gulp.

"Good, now it's almost time for exercise and games, so why don't you all head on down to the gym and play." said Twilight.

Nathan and Zodiac were inside the gym with the young six, but instead of playing hoops and balls like they do, they just sat on the floor and talked.

"So Zodi, when did Celestia give birth to you, because I've never heard about Celestia having children until now." said Sandbar.

"Well, technically, I wasn't born." Zodiac said, this confused everyone.

"What do you mean?" Ocellus asked as she walked up to Zodiac.

"I was adopted, my mom told me once that she found me in a basket by the river and that I was covered in mud and was crying deeply." he said as he looked down with sadness.

"What cruel creature would leave such a cute thing like you all alone like that?!" exclaimed Silverstream.

"Yona hate mean creatures responsible!" growled Yona.

"Yeah, besides you're too cute to be abandoned." Ocellus said kissing him on his cheek, this made Zodi blush.

"Not to mention that like me, you've got a loving aunt and mother that care deeply fer' ya." said Nathan draping a hand on his back and smiled at him.

"You're going to make a good pony to me." said Ocellus as she hugged him, the rest could definitely tell she already had a romantic interest in him since she was the first one to set a loving smile, Gallus, Nathan, Sandbar, and Smolder snickered while Silverstream and Yona stared in confusion.

"Ocellus and Zodi sittin' in a....." Nathan said, but Ocellus glared back at him and the others.

"Hey, I just think he's cute okay, we are not in love, I'm just trying to be a fine influence for him because that is what he needs desperately." Ocellus said.

"Hey Zodi, bottom line is, you're not ignored here, and we'll see to it that you have more friends in every way." said Ocellus, Zodiac smiled and gave her another embrace, but this time he felt a kiss on his forehead, Ocellus had kissed him.

"And that is a symbol of our new friendship." she said.

"I knew things wouldn't go wrong here." Zodiac said.

"So what do you say kid, friends?" Gallus asked as he held out his clawed hand, Smolder, Yona, Sandbar, and Silverstream soon joined in putting their hands and hooves on top of his, Ocellus joined in and then Nathan.

"Come on Zodi, it'll be fun." Smolder said.

Zodi felt his heart move up to love mode and decided to join in.

"Friends till the end!" he exclaimed as he was the last one to put his hoof in, then they all raised their limbs together.

"GO FRIENDSHIP!" they yelled, then they giggled and laughed, suddenly without warning, Twilight popped in.

"Hey you all better get to your first class, the bell is going to ring in 10 minutes." she said.

"Yes Principal Sparkle." they all said as they exited the gym and back out into the hallways to their first class, while Nathan walked in front with Smolder and Yona, Zodiac walked beside Ocellus since she was the first one to develop quick feeling to him.

"Hey Zodi?" she asked as she turned to him with another smile.

"Yes Ocellus?" Zodiac asked back.

"How about I take you with me to the Changeling Kingdom the day after tomorrow,my leader and his brother would take a big liking to you." she requested.

"Well, let me see if it is okay with my mom first." Zodiac answered.

Ocellus giggled, "Of course silly, we wouldn't want you gone!" she said as she tickled him making him giggle, Zodiac then hugged her once more.

"And remember, you can hug or kiss me whenever you want to because you are officially mine." she said.

"Hey," Gallus interrupted, "Why don't we take him to all of our Kingdoms."

"That's a great idea." said Nathan, "I'd love to take him to Texas, it's huge!"

"He'll do more better in the Dragon Lands." said Smolder.

"Yona take Zodiac to Yakyakistan to meet leaders." Yona interfered.

"Aww, but I think he'll have a much more better time at Mt. Aris and Seaquestria." said Silverstream as she wiggled his cheek with her right talon.

"Come on everyone," Ocellus interferred, "Let's let him make the first choice."

"Okay." Zodiac said, "I choose for my first kingdom tour...The Changeling Kingdom." Zodiac said.

"Second one will be this Texas place."

"Third will be Yakyakistan."

"Fourth Mt. Aris and Seaquestria."

"Fifth will be Griffonstone."

"Lastly will be the Dragon Lands."

"Well if that your list of orderly trips, then we abide to it." said Ocellus and they walked away to their class.

However, just outside of the school watching from the shadows, a certain racist unicorn hell bent on wanting nothing more than to shut down Twilight's school stood and faced the window looking straight at Zodiac with an evil look, a look that posed that he had a way of making not only Twilight cooperate to what he wanted, but Celestia as well.

"Just you wait kid, soon I'll have you in my grasp, only then will Twilight surrender her school up." he then gave a quiet evil laugh and stepped through a portal back to his chambers where he would advise a plan to kidnap Zodiac by surprise and hold him as a hostage in a place where nopony would save him.

Author's Note:

Young Six is now Young Eight!