• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2014
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AJ Aficionado

The Guy who wrote "Dibs on My Sister". Prereader for Firesight, writer of erotic fanfiction and lover of Eeveelutions.

Comments ( 48 )

6755278 I have quite a bit planned for Stormblast and Calluna in the future. Thanks for leaving me my first comment. :pinkiesmile:

You and me baby are nothing but mammals...

about "shippers" - just write a 0815 mare name on your box, and pay yourself for the shipment, i mean, what could go wrong ?!

nice story all in all ^^ OH WAIT THIS WAS JUST THE 1st CHAPTER ?! ther is going to be MOAR ?

This was a fun story to read and edit, kohai! And as a thank-you... here's some running commentary for you.

She wouldn’t be in possession of such controversial material at all if not for Lyra.

Let's hear it for Lyra! The mare from which all post-portal corruption (and human/pony coitus!) did spread..

“Today in international news: the scourge of shippers.

Watch your flanks, Everypony! :rainbowlaugh: I swear, those goddamn shippers ship everything...

“Does this mean we’ll have to check all our shipping crates for humans then?”


“Princess Celestia was asked to comment on how these risks would be addressed to which she replied, “Existing magical countermeasures will be more than enough to ensure detection of the illegals, and that all undocumented shippers will be returned to sender.”

Sounds like Celestia's more keen on protecting her nation's borders than Obama, at least...

“No matter how bad a year they’re having, they always play good against one another.” Roseluck responded politely, finishing the well-worn trope about the Baltimare/Cloudsdale rivalry.

Well-worn, but often true. Many sports rivalries are like that. Arch-rivals are always up for playing each other no matter how bad their teams are that particular season. Cowboys/Redskins are like that.

This is just what getting old means, I guess,

Sucks, don't it? Or it's what the responsbility of raising a child means, more to the point.

“Being an adult is never cool. But, you shouldn’t worry too much: he’s been wanting to spend more time with his little fillyfriend, Calluna, anyway.”

Parents are never cool to teenaged kids. Grandparents, on the other hoof...

“I know Lily has got to be freaking out…”

Which is different than normal how? :rainbowlaugh:

“Come on, Richard, buck up! It’s just a little banging.
“Okay, Cloud Kicker!” Richard smiled and gave his wife’s ear a gentle flick.


“You’re so adorable, Richard!”

Or adorkable. :ajsmug:

Roseluck lay across her husband’s legs, accepting nachos from Richard’s hand while drinking bottles of Sparkle Cola as a consolation prize as the two of them watched the game.

I have sudden images of Twilight in a TV commercial for this during the game. "Drink Sparkle Cola! Fizzy fun fit for a princess!" :rainbowlaugh: Now just imagine... Midnight Sparkle Cola...

Waiting patiently for the game to end, she plotted and schemed, rubbing her hooves together whenever her unwitting companion was distracted. I’ve never lost before, Richard, and I’m not about to lose now!

That's our Rose. She always gets her man.

Richard rang the flower shop to check up on Storm and was relieved to find out that his son hadn’t rutted anypony yet.

I'm curious to know exactly how he determined that. "Hey Lily! It's Richard. I just wanted to know, has my son screwed your daughter yet?" *shriek of horror and fainting sounds on the other end*


Naaah. Something better than that!

Harry Potter? *ducks*

“Take it from one of the merciless equine overlords to know talent when she sees it

And I, for one, welcome our new mericless equine overlords.

And… science!

Then let's watch this show...


aside from a silver crucifix she wore around her neck

She's gone VERY native! :pinkiegasp: Now I'm imagining someone explaining earth religions to Celestia...

Richard paused the movie. “Now that’s not fair! He could be a valedictorian for all we know. Magna Cum Lot!”


a strange symbol he could not recognize; a rather ornate upside-down letter ‘A’.

What *does* that symbol mean? It's driving me crazy not knowing.

“I trust you’ll find my stamina to be far greater than average… Doctor.”

Subtle. Or about as subtle as any porno flick is.

“That mare… she actually has a nicer rump than mine... that’s not possible!”

“Whoa there, little lady! No one has a bigger Richard than Dick.” The former-gentleman thumped his chest proudly before wrapping his arms back around his mate.

“You got that right.” Roseluck muttered sarcastically.

Oh really? Weren't you with a Saddle Arabian once, Rose? :ajsmug:

Because you have not been properly broken!” he cackled, echoing his words to her at the very first meeting years earlier, when he was but a Gentleman and her, but a client.

Already driven half-mad by need, she felt the insanity and overwhelming arousal of that night grip her once more. She was restrained, powerless, a defenseless mare in the grip of a hunter from beyond Luna’s Stars; a demon from beyond the dimensional rift come to claim her for a prize…

Wow... sounds like a hypnotic trigger! I know from where this came, but it's still fun to think of that way.

“I hope the old couch can withstand another cleansing before we have to apply the Lily Valley technique and set it ablaze.”

To quote Lily Valley herself--sometimes, fire IS the only answer! :pinkiegasp:

“And yet you’re curious about them. I notice how you like to play around with mine! I think it’s really sweet and… very unique for a stallion.” Roseluck winced slightly. “Mostly, it’s other mares that have a thing for teats.”

I'm surprised you haven't already figured out that men love boobs, Rose. :raritywink:

“And me? As I was looking Celestia over, I noticed how attractive she was — in that older, distinguished, stately woman sort of way — and yet my eyes kept being drawn back to her massive teats!

Confession is good for the soul, Richard. And I'm sure you're far from the only one to fantasize about Celly. :rainbowwild:

Hot fantasy! I wonder who suggested it? :raritywink:

“There’s a good monster!” Roseluck cooed gently. “And getting back to that ‘something special’ I mentioned earlier… how you like for me to feed you next time? With a little bit of magical help…”

If she's doing what I *think* she's going to do, I can't wait! :yay:


Confession is good for the soul, Richard. And I'm sure you're far from the only one to fantasize about Celly. :rainbowwild:

Hot fantasy! I wonder who suggested it? :raritywink:

and now imagine Luna checking out all the dreams of the new male visitors from beyond the portal ... every one of them dreaming about her sisters boobs and what they would do to them.


Oh, I'm sure there'd be a more than a few about her and her various body parts, too. :ajsmug: And then they agree to do a pinup calendar with themselves in various poses in the name of interspecies harmony...

Let's hear it for Lyra! The mare from which all post-portal corruption (and human/pony coitus!) did spread..

She's a pioneer in the purest sense. A real A-mare-ican.


Well-worn, but often true. Many sports rivalries are like that. Arch-rivals are always up for playing each other no matter how bad their teams are that particular season. Cowboys/Redskins are like that.

I think of the Cubs and Cardinals in baseball. No matter how bad the Cubbies are, they always put up a fight when the redbirds show up.


Cloud Kicker, your legacy lives on...

I have sudden images of Twilight in a TV commercial for this during the game. "Drink Sparkle Cola! Fizzy fun fit for a princess!" :rainbowlaugh: Now just imagine... Midnight Sparkle Cola...

It wouldn't be an AJA story without a Fallout Equestria reference. Midnight Sparkle Cola would be an intriguing concept, especially if each person who drank it was subjected to a unique form of revenge! :rainbowlaugh:

That's our Rose. She always gets her man.


Yeah she's a mountie all right! Or is that a 'mount-ee'? :rainbowwild:

I'm curious to know exactly how he determined that. "Hey Lily! It's Richard. I just wanted to know, has my son screwed your daughter yet?" *shriek of horror and fainting sounds on the other end*

Hey just wanted to make sure they were keeping an eye on them. That running off and doing whatever stuff works for the CMC, but some ponies/humans hold to a higher standard by god!


And I, for one, welcome our new mericless equine overlords.

As do I, friend. As do I.

She's gone VERY native! :pinkiegasp: Now I'm imagining someone explaining earth religions to Celestia...

I left an extended comment about this on the Gdoc this started off on. I'm leaving it to people to decide what her intent is... I'll get back to that later... but I do want to point out that xenophilia is absolutely a thing among ponies as well as people. It's not difficult to imagine she wears the symbol because she thinks it's foreign and strange and cool. Like all those guys that get random kanji tattooed on their arm.

Oh really? Weren't you with a Saddle Arabian once, Rose? :ajsmug:

Patience... all will be revealed in time. :pinkiecrazy:

Confession is good for the soul, Richard. And I'm sure you're far from the only one to fantasize about Celly. :rainbowwild:

Hot fantasy! I wonder who suggested it? :raritywink:

You did! You also made the Lily transformation scene in Fertile Ground much better and improved on the domination aspect of the Lily/Rose sex scene. It's the little things that really sells a story. :eeyup:

If she's doing what I *think* she's going to do, I can't wait! :yay:

You're in for a treat!

7409108 Six pages written on a googledoc. I wrote a blog on this story you can read here. The tl;dr is the story is going to take a turn for the serious and I've been in a writing slump. I'll try to get an update out within a month or so.

7409108 Just a quick update to let you know that the mental block has been more persistent than I'd thought and not much progress has been made. I've gone over my old work and concluded that I'm a different person than the one that mapped out the original concept for Movie Night. I'm working on it right now, and intend to fulfill my promise to write this, but It's going to take time to re-define this story and find peace within my troubled mind to execute its construction to my own high standards.

I'm sorry for the delays, friend.

Couple of editing issues here.

It’s like Debbie Does Dallas… with a pony in it. And… science!

missing ending italics tag, the rest of the story is in italics.


missing space.

Otherwise, an enjoyable story. I'm actually liking the world building going on. I'm not sure how much is yours and how much is the Gentlemanverse in general, but it's all fun. (I admit to only having read your stories from the 'verse and one or two beyond that). Looking forward to more of it. It's kinda fun watching Richard deal with the more open-sex standards of ponies.

7610898 Fixed. Thanks for catching that for me. Google Docs is an absolute disaster when it comes to importing italics and bold. A lot of the worldbuilding in this story is mine. Roseluck and Richard are characters I've conceived from the ground up and the business with vaguely Scottish ponies in Caleponia are all stuff I added on. I promise to get back to this story eventually and I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. :twilightsmile:

Edit: Richard was actually a name thrown out there in Gentleman For Mares as a gentleman who broke his leg with a client so I did take cues from that.

7610898 Sorry to reply again but I'd be remiss if I didn't direct you towards the Gentlemanverse homepage. It contains a basic explanation of how the universe works. I absolutely recommend DEL's principal canon fics, Feathered Heart and Gentleman For Mares. Both are really sweet fics with awesome worldbuilding. I really love how DEL got around the "displaced" dilemma of introducing humans into the pony world. It's also a reboot of sorts to the Leroverse, which itself has an interesting take on pony society and herd structures. I could go on at length about how awesome this verse is, but I recommend those two definitely and Five Star Service: A Gentleman For Mares Tale. Five Star Service was a huge inspiration for the wing of the Gentlemanverse I constructed. Great story!

Happy reading!


Awesome thanks - I've had more G'verse stories on my To Read list, but I just haven't gotten there yet. So at the moment, the bulk of my exposure is what you've written. I haven't heard of the "Leroverse" so I'll have to check that out as well.

P.S. Lemmie know if you want any editing/pre-reading done in the future.

7611621 As a note, I don't actually think this is a good story, but it's a damn good piece of worldbuilding that I'd have been proud to write myself. Absolutely brilliant! The Leroverse is founded on this story -----> here.

Almost all of it is absorbed into the G4M canon.

When the next chapter is published I'll shoot you a link to it! Welcome aboard.

Haha great!
And I thought the twist was going to be Lily doing 'the talk' first. That would have been equally funny.

I hope we can have some more chapters in the future...

Son, you ever hear of Tannerite?

I bucking love you. :pinkiehappy:


Oh my god, the tannerite line was excellent.

It seems to me from reading this chapter that all problems in life can be solved with a mixture of hot sex, tannerite and duck tape. I mean, what more is there?

“When I was a little filly, we were taught that babies came from a magical spell that only Celestia was said to be able to cast. I think Daisy was the last pony to find out that wasn’t true.”

Then I don't want to hear another goddamn word from ponies making fun of us over the stork story! In fairness, though, I was the last one in my family to stop believing in Santa Claus. I believed until I was twelve or so.:facehoof:

Richard grinned and shook his head as he regarded his wife’s overly-sweetened beverage. “Rose, I’ll never understand why you even bother adding coffee to your cream and sugar.”

Hey, sometimes I even add coke to my rum! :rainbowlaugh:

“My handler at Gentleman For Mares, and good friend, Eve — you met her at the wedding — had been the one to restrict me from seeing any more pegasi clients until I could learn to behave myself.”

"I might not have listened except she's a crack shot with a bow and arrow and worse, Five Stars had a set available!" :unsuresweetie:

No need to worry, Stuntman, just a simple recon mission…

You do realize that the Soviets in Panzer Corps always went after exposed recon units and killed them, right? :pinkiegasp:

All the TV shows we could have imported to Equestria from our world, and we imported that! — “Ultimate Gross-out Challenge… and have a little chat.”

Equestrian Double Dare!!!! Been nearly thirty years since I've seen that show... *sigh* :ajsleepy:

“Though now that yeh mention it, Aunt Lily was acting a bit… Lily-er than usual. Yeh know?”

Nopony can out-Lily Lily! Of course, now she seems to spent a lot of time around the cutlery drawer practicing spinning knives around her hoof... :pinkiecrazy:

“Some of humanity’s greatest victories in war came after a setback. The greatest accomplishment one can achieve when hopelessly outnumbered is to save the lives of their comrades and live another day. Even Firefly spent the first few months of the Pony/Gryphon War in full retreat. And you wouldn’t call her a coward!”

Oh, there was once something she was VERY afraid to do. What was that? Here's a hint: Sky Sentry was involved.

The kind of experience a young man… or colt, will eventually find himself in when he cares about someone very, very much.”

Or not, for some of us, lacking any real ability to relate to or court the opposite sex and getting nothing out of trying the same sex. Yeah, I'm a bit bitter.

Roseluck’s attitude now made complete sense to Richard. “Well let me tell you; there’s plenty of ways to have fun that don’t involve sex.”

"For example, there's the mile high club... on second thought, no. Okay, how about a little roleplay... darn, not that either... Well, there's always TANNERITE!!!!" :twilightoops:

Best. Father. Son. Bonding. EVER.

It seems to me from reading this chapter and all problems in life can be solved with a mixture of hot sex, tannerite and duck tape. I mean, what more is there?

Paintballing. But don't let the unicorns find out about it or Gentlemanverse Littlepip and her loyal band of heroes will end up sniping us all.


You do realize that the Soviets in Panzer Corps always went after exposed recon units and killed them, right? :pinkiegasp:

So many T-34's... I never want to see a T-34 ever again...

Or not, for some of us, lacking any real ability to relate to or court the opposite sex and getting nothing out of trying the same sex. Yeah, I'm a bit bitter.

I know that feel, bro. :pinkiesad2:

Best. Father. Son. Bonding. EVER.

You don't have to take your clothes off (assuming you wear them) to have a good time!

Edit: I forgot to hit reply. Damn it! (He knows anyway, it's cool)


Now...one must ask themselves this: how will Lily and Goldie handle this talk...if they haven't already? I'd be a good bit of humor reading about Lily TRYING to be a calm and collected mare during that whole talk.

I have to be careful how long I diverge from the main story of Richard and Rose watching their movie. I agree it would be interesting to see, but I'm not sure I can fit it.

Roseluck still needs to come through on the promise she made back in chapter 1 regarding a certain fantasy of Richard's...

Ha! Yes! That ending to the chapter!:rainbowlaugh:

7762719 People really dug the tannerite joke. I have never released a chapter with such overwhelming approval from the masses. Great crowd!

She liked to think she was bringing a savage to dignity.

Really? You're going with the old, "Men are stupid / savages" trope, that women or mares have to try to change men to suit them? If I had a wife - and she thought that about me, privately or not - I would simply walk out the door.


I think you’re overreacting. :rainbowhuh: No, he’s not. Look at the context of the previous paragraph:

The florist had worked hard to master basic cooking after living a life of dependence on her boss and friend, Daisy, to keep herself fed. Now living with a human stallion whose idea of dinner involved cardboard boxes, all manner of modern processing, preservatives, and the absolute horror of fast-food restaurants — the poor mare had fainted when Lyra described the concept of them to her — Roseluck knew she’d be called upon to help feed her stallion in the far-less industrialized land of Equestria.

She liked to think she was bringing a savage to dignity. A handsome savage with great abs, nice flanks, sweet disposition, and great bedroom technique, but a savage nonetheless.

Calling him ‘savage’ here is in (exaggerated) reference to his previously poor eating habits, what she sees as his over-reliance on fast food/TV dinners than eating good home-cooked meals, which she seeks to rectify by becoming a good cook so she can take care of her stallion as a proper mare (remember reversed gender roles; mares are programmed to keep and protect stallions in Equestria!) Having read all the stories of these two including The Scent of Prey and A Gentleman’s Price, Richard is anything but stupid or uncivilized and she would never think that about him. She calls him ‘monster’ once in a while, but that’s only in teasing reference to their predator/prey games back when he was a Gentleman and she was his client.

Thumbs way up on the chapter, AJA!!!! Was a pleasure to read and edit. And one can only imagine what Terra--or Rose--are going to do next... :rainbowwild:


Running theme of hunter and prey going all the way back to the parent fic. Wasn't intended to be anything other than a callback.

Great work as always, now to badger you to do MORE

Apparently the name Terra Foliata means "ground nest created by a burrowing animal." That... is not even remotely sexy, but thanks to Twilight Adept for the information regardless.

I don't know, you say "ground nest created by a burrowing animal", I say "hole that a feral beast thrusts itself into before filling it with its children". With enough imagination you can make anything sound filthy.

Tannerite's awesome, but I'm not sure how they'll set it off. I have trouble believing the princesses would allow the import of firearms. Tannerite's not their only option, though. Not that I would know personally, mind. My friends and I definitely did not do any experimenting with the home creation of high explosives in the name of fun and stupidity when I was younger. (Much younger. A looong time ago. Definitely long enough ago that the statute of limitations does not apply and besides I was totally a minor and please don't arrest me Mr./Ms. NSA agent, please...)

I'm just now noticing this comment, forgive the late response. Regarding tannerite, we know a limited supply of firearms were brought into Equestria by the U.S. Marine Corps in Feathered Heart so it isn't inconceivable that tannerite could exist here. I'm using headcanon here since FH was never finished (Demon Eyes Laharl left the fandom for greener pastures) but perhaps after the Cloven War a limited amount was brought in to test out firearms use for the Equestrian military. You never know! I could explain things better if I knew how familiar you were with this universe, but I recommend Gentleman For Mares and Feathered Heart to get some background on what you're reading here. Thanks for the comment.

Honestly, this chapter wasn't my cup of tea either. Not to say I didn't like the scene I wrote, but it just isn't my dig. I was ultimately writing for the challenge of writing a human woman on stallion scene which are rare. It's no Foolers Rush In Chapter Four, but it was good for when I wrote it.

Speaking of Chapter Four, I can't see the downside to simply cranking out a few one-shots on that level for the purpose of getting my name out there so that maybe they'll give one of my longer fics a chance. I have a couple ideas too.

I agree that we should be hearing more about Terra given her prominence, and rest assured you will.

An AC-130 in Equestria? That almost has to happen! I don’t know much about WoW, but I see how you’re literally enabling crossovers from other verses to occur here in the G4Mverse. This gonna be good! :rainbowwild:

I like how you’re alternating between clop and worldbuilding chapters, and that you just incorporated a measure of canon to bring in Starswirl and mention the Pony of Shadows. I’d love to see Starswirl on Earth or giving a lecture on magic theory to an auditorium full of scientists and arcane theorists or a classroom full of students since it was implied even in the show that he taught Celly and Luna in the past. Welcome back, Movie Night, and I look forward to seeing what ‘magical research’ Rose and Richard may engage and what Terra Foliata naughtiness they may watch next!

You're in luck! We'll get another Terra chapter up next and it won't be Rose and Richard who watch her do her thing this time around. Going to change things up a little bit and keep it fresh. I think you'll enjoy where I take things next!

For anyone wondering, this story will not borrow any of the storylines or characters from World of Warcraft, merely integrate the universe itself into the fairly limited universe MLP inhabits though we may get a demon or two from WoW. The MLP movie gave us more races and cultures but we still know nothing of what's outside their world, the good or the bad. This won't be the rest of story which will follow the one parts clop one parts story formula but is intended to give readers a taste of what's coming down the road once Movie Night is completed and I push towards achieving Demon Eyes Laharl's vision of the future of this universe. I look forward to 2018!

Great depiction of Delta Tango.

Thanks! I guess it's all those speeches and rallies of his I listened to during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Oh boy pony porn! that was a nice chapter

Catching up on this again. Hoping to see more eventually. Thanks again for taking the time to share your work with us.

I do plan on finishing this. Thanks for your kind words!

Are there still plans to finish this?

It's been canceled for a long time.

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