• Published 7th Nov 2015
  • 1,713 Views, 18 Comments

From Forgotten to Remembrance - PrinceUniversa

The Cutie Mark Crusaders sneak past some security to see what Luna does on Hearth's Warming Eve, what they discover will forever change their understanding of what Hearth's Warming means to Luna

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A Flower in Bloom

Hearth’s Warming Eve, a special holiday where every family joins together, play and chat. Here we get the chance to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders and their friends discover something they will forever cherish

“Come on Apple Bloom! You got to do better than—WHOA!” Scootaloo ducked under a thrown snowball. Nyx and Sweetie who were on her side were hurling snowballs with their magic as a counter measure hoping to not get hit by the opposing team.

Apple Bloom with Twist and Babs, although did not have the speed of a Pegasus or the magic of the unicorns, they had the dexterity of Earth ponies as Twist continued to make some snowball as ammunition for Babs and Apple Bloom. Babs threw another snowball almost hitting Nyx as she revealed herself there, “Aw shucks, Ah missed!”

“Ya'll get 'em next time Babs! Ah know it!” She went to reach for a snowball only to touch the cold ground, “Twist, mind making more of ‘em snowballs please?”

“Already on it!” She had already made about twenty snowballs for Apple Bloom and Babs to unleash a barrage of them on their adversaries.

Meanwhile on the other side, Scootaloo was beginning to get impatient as the barrage of snowballs was still going. She looked to the two magic users hoping that they have something up their hooves, “You know if you can help right now, I’d very much appreciate it!” She threw another snowball at them only again to narrowly dodge another one thrown by Apple Bloom.

“We’re trying here!” Sweetie Belle and Nyx responded simultaneously. They were throwing snowballs at them wildly without taking a peek. A few times they had to peek; they almost got their heads covered with snow. Numerous times all three had to duck for cover from the bombardment of snowballs.

Nyx checked their surroundings looking for ways to get the upper hand. She saw that Apple Bloom’s side was under a tree. She scratched her chin thinking about if the probability of it working was high enough. Thank the mother of Nyx for being a genius in her own right to teach everything she knew. An idea popped up in her head seeing the chances are high. She poked both Sweetie and Scootaloo pointing at the tree. Scootaloo bore a look of confusion on her face. Nyx tried to suppress a facehoof though her other compatriot was not so subtle.

Sweetie got the idea fairly quickly and described to her the plan in simple words. A big grin emerged on Scootaloo’s face seeing the idea, “A big dump of snow on them! I like it!” They all agreed as the plan went into action. Nyx was to sneak to the tree hoping to not get seen or all else plan is a bust. Scootaloo and Sweetie unleashed a barrage of snowballs as distraction for Nyx.

Apple Bloom and Babs ducked immediately seeing the numerous snowballs hurled at them. This caught them by surprise seeing the determination from them, “What in tarnation? When 'ey got so serious?” Both Babs and Twist just shrugged much to their confusion. That didn’t hamper their determination as well as they doubled their efforts to end this snowball fight.

Unbeknownst to them though, Nyx was just behind the tree they sought refuge in. Without a moment’s hesitation she bucked the tree behind them. The force of the hit was weak but it was enough to rock the tree. The leaves rustled as the snow clumped up began to slowly fall. Twist’s ears perked from the sounds, “Girls, do you hear something?”

Both Apple Bloom and Babs stopped for a moment, “Hear something? What in tarnation are ya…?” Babs got interrupted as a clump of snow fell right on top of all three of them. Their heads popped out of the snow both Sweetie and Scootaloo erupted into laughter. Nyx joined in from behind their backs as she emerged. Apple Bloom instantly understood what happened, “No fair! Y’all did that as a distraction!”

Babs joined in the laughter albeit a quiet one, “Told ya we should have either Nyx or Sweetie Belle on our side…”

Apple Bloom groaned at not listening to her cousin’s advice there, “Ah think Ah’ll pay attention next time cous…”

Twist managed to get out of the pile of snow with a little help from Nyx, “Aw no worries, at least we had fun right?” Everypony who was them nodded their heads in agreement. They continued playing in the snow for some time. As the Sun was setting past the horizon, all six decided best to return home for a good night’s rest. Twist said her farewells and sprinted to home. The rest went to Twilight’s castle since their relatives were there for Hearth’s Warming Eve. The run there was relatively short what with them not getting distracted by anything, such as evergreen trees, some toys, and the usual kids stuff.

Apple Bloom knocked on the castle doors. Normally one wouldn’t expect anyone to hear any knocking in a castle, but Twilight’s makes an exception. A purple magical aura surrounded the right door as Twilight came to check who was knocking. She looked down to see the five fillies in front of her, “Hey you five come on in!” She opened the door fully as the five CMC members went running inside the building.

The five went running into their relatives hugging them while saying the usual ‘I’m home!’ Twilight came in after she close the door. She was about to speak until she got interrupted by Rainbow Dash, which she expected, “Come on Twilight! We’re all here now! So what’s the news!?”

The five looked at each other bewildered by what the news supposed was. Their family members share their look though they already knew that Twilight had some news. She stood there as she cleared her throat, “Now, before I got interrupted by Rainbow here with the news… I managed to talk with the princesses about bringing all of you to Canterlot for Hearth’s Warming Eve!”

“And?” Almost everypony in the room synchronized with each other when they all said that.

Twilight was a bit surprised to hear them almost sync well there. Her brain just couldn’t help but blurt that out, “Wow… All you girls almost synced with one another, just one second off and…” Rainbow sighed out loud while the others gave weird looks at her. She caught on there as she covered her mouth and embarrassingly laughed, “Oh! Hehe, sorry…”

Rarity waved a hoof not wanting to delay the news any longer, “It’s all right darling but please do be quick about the news, I have some appointments with some ponies and I can’t shirk around for long even if the week is going to be Hearth’s Warming Eve soon.”

Twilight scratched her head while, again, laughing in embarrassment, “Sorry girls…” She clears her throat again, this time, staying on topic, “Right then, I took a chance to visit Princess Celestia and Princess Luna about thinking about inviting you girls and your family members with me to the Hearth’s Warming party being held there…”

Everypony’s ears perked as she continued on. Twilight saw everypony ears perking almost at the same time, this time instead of being surprised, she was a bit scared of seeing them almost sync up, “Uh… Well… I… got the chance to talk with them and they gladly accepted my request!” She herself perked up as she finished her news.

All of them looked at her jaw dropped and wide eyed. They looked at each other before eliciting a cheer loud enough to almost shake the foundation of the castle. The CMC were the most excited to hear this news, “You mean we all get a chance to celebrate in Canterlot again?!”

“Yes Scootaloo, and unlike the Grand Galloping Gala, the events going on there won’t be all chaotic…” She looked around seeing if she-know-who was going to pop with her saying chaotic. No sign of Discord gave her a sigh of relief for the most part.

As the adults for the most chatted with each other wondering what to bring and what to dress, the CMC chatted with each other wondering how this party will be like, “So gals, what are y’all think 'bout this party? Ah hope it’s awesome!”

“Considering we get the chance to see Princess Luna again? Why wouldn’t I be excited about it!?" Sweetie Belle pointed to the three of their cutie marks, “We could tell how we got our cutie marks!”

Scootaloo’s whole body was shaking up just from the idea of telling Princess Luna how they got their cutie marks though one thing did come up in her mind, “Wait, doesn’t she already know that we got our cutie marks? I mean we sent the picture of us with them so…”

Nyx did her talk and of course Scootaloo was not pleased with herself having asked the question in the first place, “Scoots, she knows that you got your cutie marks not how you got your cutie marks so technically…”

Scootaloo covered her ears while reciting some random stuff to block out her talking, “Blah, blah, blah, can’t hear you speaking all sciency and what-not Nyx!”

Nyx couldn’t help but chuckle from just hearing her friend do that. Babs on the other hand bore an expression that screamed ‘what did I just witness?’ Apple Bloom having seen that expression before tried to assure her cousin that all this is normal, “Don’t worry Babs, this is all normal with the Ponyville CMC, ya get use t' it.”

She just looked at her still with the bewildered expression, “Ah’m not so certain that Ah will get use t' this.” She waved a hoof at the conversation putting emphasis on that.

Apple Bloom shared her understanding yet chuckled, “Trust me, it’s a lot to get ‘em started on stuff like that.” She lightly stomped on the floor gaining the attention of the other members, “So girls, what’cha say we get ready fer tomorrow fer the best Hearth’s Warming Eve party!?”

All gave their own way of approval for joining with their relatives for what they hope is the best party ever known. They clopped their hooves as they all said the signature motto of the CMC, “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS HEARTH’S WARMING PARTY-GOERS!”


After much preparation, getting the right dresses for the attending party, looking nice, the usual prim and proper ideals that Rarity took over for some time, both fillies and their families go to Canterlot by train to celebrate the festivities. The main leaders of the Ponyville CMC, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were very excited to get the chance to chat with Princess Luna and discuss everything they learned. So much time has passed since they got their cutie marks; they never got the chance to see her in forever from their understanding.

The train ride was slow but that didn’t dampen their excitement to see her. Everywhere they looked; all three saw ponies enjoying Hearth’s Warming Eve. From ponies picking a tree to decorate, to ponies playing out in the snow during night no less! It was a wonderful experience to stay up for the night and celebrate with friends and family, in the same place like before. Twice as the matter of fact thanks to the invite from Nyx and family the last time they were here.

The train came to a screeching halt when they arrived at Canterlot. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo took the first out of the train seeing Canterlot in all its glory. Awaiting them was Twilight’s family as they awaited their daughter. The other five families come out to meet them and introduce themselves to their family.

The CMC stepped out first as Twilight and Cadance were doing their signature hoofshake, to which both Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo fake gagged seeing the girliness of that. Everypony else either gave them a quizzical look or just shrugged not seeing any point arguing about it. The rest of the group didn’t bother much as they followed Twilight’s parents to the Canterlot Castle. The trek there was relatively short save for a few times where some of the family members decided to take a break and buy some stuff when they decide to return and decorate their own homes for the coming events.

When they arrived at their destination, the Castle was as expected, decorated for this special holiday. The chandeliers hanging overhead glowed luminescent colors of Hearth’s Warming Eve, those being of red, green, white, and blue. A few lights decorated the hallway giving each one of them a beautiful look like they were walking through the night sky with the twinkling stars. The red carpet now was combination of red and white where a few pieces of candy cane were used as decoration.

In the main hall, at the base of the stairs, Luna and Celestia were greeting their guests as they entered. Luna smiled seeing all three fillies enter as she walked forward to meet them. They were no less happy to see her as they ran to her giving their best hugs for the Night Princess, “Princess Luna, it’s good to see you!”

Celestia walked down right to Luna’s side, giving a smile warm as the daylight itself, though considering that this is the Sun Princess they’re talking about, this is to be expected, “It is good to see you three with your families.” She shifted her attention to the families that joined in the festivities. She looked to her sister giving a nod of approval as she left her side to greet Twilight and her friends’ families.

Luna gave a grin that the three took notice of. She put a hoof on their mouths silencing them. They were confused as to why they were silenced. She pointed upward as her horn glowed. They looked up to see a bucket right above… Celestia’s head.

The expression on the three fillies’ face was of shock at first before they scrunched up their face. They snickered there trying to hold their laughter in so that Celestia doesn’t notice. Luna winked at them as she let the mechanism holding the bucket release. The bucket fell from the support as it landed on Celestia’s head upside down and dousing her in water.

The four laughed out loud with the three fillies rolling on the floor seeing that it worked. A golden aura enveloped the bucket covering Celestia’s head lifting it off her head. She looked at her sister with a grin that Luna recognized all too well. Luna looked up as well before another bucket of water landed over her head dousing her in water. The families and fillies stared at Luna with their jaw dropped for some time, then looked at each other then back before all of them laughed.

Luna lifted the bucket with her hoof looking at her sister. Although she was not pleased to be at the end of the prank, she was nonetheless happy to see Celestia still has her trickster side, “Haha, very funny Celestia, you knew about this didn’t you?”

She still retained that mischievous grin on her face as she dried herself up, “Come now sister, you know as well as I do that on this holiday, you would always have something up your hoof. I just decided to let you bath in your…” She cleared her throat saying the next word for emphasis, “Success.”

Luna lifted the bucket off her head as she dried herself as well, “Well, you got me there, dear sister. I just wanted everypony here to liven up for the events going on today.”

“I know Luna, and frankly, you did.” She raised a hoof at the family and friends as they slowly died down their laughing. Luna could not help but chuckle a bit there seeing them all laughing. She did indeed liven up the family here. Celestia shifted her attention to Luna first before returning her attention to the families, “Forgive me for this sudden request, but may Luna keep the three fillies huddled around her for this night?”

They all looked at each other wanting confirmation from their families seeing if this was okay. They nudged Twilight forward for them to answer. She was not pleased that she had to be the one to answer her mentor’s question, but nonetheless answered it, “We’d be glad to accept the offer. We’ve been hearing the three basically how they’ve wanting to talk with Princess Luna and well, why ruin this chance?”

The three fillies beamed at her answer as they went charging at Twilight hugging her tightly. She was struggling to get even one hoof out of the hug. They let go seeing that she was struggling. They scratched their heads for a while before returning back to the topic, “Thanks Twilight for... um… you know… with Princess Luna!”

She chuckled as she bought them in the hug this time, “You welcome Sweetie, but you should be thanking your families for allowing this, the same applies to the both of you.” She let go as they left to say their thanks to their families for allowing this opportunity.

Celestia walked forward next to Twilight’s side this time as she whispered, “You’re becoming a better mother then you realize Twilight.” Twilight looked at the three and her adopted daughter seeing their happiness. If there was one thing that she can agree with her mentor, it’s that she is starting to become a good mother indeed. Celestia walked passed her tapping a hoof on the floor gaining the attention of the families, “Since we are all here now, while the three fillies go with Princess Luna, I will be your personal escort for the events here.”

Twilight’s ears perked from hearing that. She was about to talk her out of escorting all of them, but Luna came to her side this time, “Do not worry Twilight, she has been wanting to do this for you and your friends’ families, please do not discourage her from not doing so.”

Twilight looked at Celestia soon-to-be their escort to Luna who anticipated her disapproval from this. She kept on shifting their attention from the both of them until she just sighed and went with it for the night, “Alright Princess Luna, I… guess I’ll allow it for this once.”

Both Princesses smiled as Celestia lead the families on the events and of the castle interior. Both Nyx and Babs, while were a bit saddened that the three stay with Luna, were not arguing with them since they got Princess Celestia escorting them.

They left the main hall into the ballroom leaving the three excited fillies with Princess Luna. Luna poked them with her wings. They turned to her direction with a look of glee in their eyes. Luna chuckled seeing what they wanted to do, “I know you want to tell me about how you got your cutie marks, but let us go to my room. I would not want to be garnering attention with your story.” They happily shook their heads as they followed the princess to her room.


Inside the Night Princess’s own bedroom, the CMC explained how they got their cutie marks not wanting to stop the conversation for even a single break. They have so much glee in their voices, Luna wondered if their glee might end up being infectious to the guests here. In fact, she wished it was infectious since Celestia purposefully invites anyone who can cause a good crisis in the Grand Galloping Gala just to have fun. To that sense, perhaps it might not be so bad to invite herself in the mix.

The three fillies were finishing their last part of their sentence with Scootaloo finishing it for them, “And then we were raised up high in the air as this weird white glow surrounded us and then BOOM, our cutie marks came to be!”

Luna’s was enjoying their story of how they got their cutie mark. The way they got their cutie marks did make her wonder for a while but it was a topic she’ll go over another time, “Impressive you three, you feel proud getting your cutie marks are you not?”

“Proud!? We feel great fer finally getting our cutie marks!” All three were hopping around the room like a bunch of grasshoppers. It made Luna smile seeing that. She looked out the window seeing the constellation that she recognized. Instantly, she felt a bit gloomy seeing that constellation.

Sweetie Belle noticed her being a bit down. At first she thought it was their hopping but the idea seemed a bit silly, “Princess Luna… is something bothering you?”

She looked at the three as they pulled her away from the window. A single tear was about to escape her eyes but she did not shed it in front of them, “Forgive me there; it has been a long while since I had my… moments shall I say.” She sat lay down on the bed taking some deep breaths.

All three took her first step next to Luna. Sweetie Belle was curious about what was troubling her, “Princess Luna… are we troubling you?”

She looked back at the window and then back to the three, “No, why would I be troubled with seeing my favorite children?”

Scootaloo found that awkward. She raised a hoof as she pointed out the weird favoritism, “Uh, Princess, I thought Pipsqueak was your favorite child?”

Luna chuckled hearing that response from Scootaloo, “No my young pegasus, while that is true, he is my favorite colt, you three are my favorite fillies.” They opened the mouths saying an exaggerated Aw sound. She bought her head up from the bed bring the three next to her with her wings, “I cannot express how truly proud I am to see that you got your cutie marks.”

She was silent for some time as she looked her window seeing the stars twinkling. A sudden thought of her old friend came to mind. She did not want to let the three see like this, “I am sorry, but… I think I need some time alone. I am just glad to hear your story.” She gestured them with a smile to leave her be as her thoughts wandered off.

They looked at each other, then back at her before obeying her and left. As soon as she heard the door close, she let out a sigh looking at the constellation she imagined, “The young fillies make me glad to have assisted them, but… they always are a constant reminder of you…” She lay in the bed thinking about the times she would have made had she not succumbed into her jealousy, “I… already miss you my old friend…”

Unbeknownst to her, Apple Bloom, Sweetie, and Scootaloo placed their ears on the door listening to what she had said. They backed away looking at each other wondering about what they had learned. Sweetie Belle was the first to acknowledge this new fact, “She made… a filly friend before us?”

Both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo scratched her head wondering about this as well. This was something that they were supposed to not know and now that they do, they were wondering what to do with this new infomation. Sweetie suggested that they return back to Luna and tell her about this, but Apple Bloom was quick to object, “No! We can’t… if we try t' enter while she’s like that… we’d ruin her alone time an' Ah don’t want t' ruin her alone time. She needs it.”

Sweetie sighed seeing what Apple Bloom was saying. They decided to not stand around her door and walk to the main hall where their families awaited, “So then, what else can we do?”

All three put their heads together pondering on other solutions. They stayed like that while walking for a few minutes until one of them got an idea. Much to the both of their surprise and a bit of horror, Scootaloo was the first one to get an idea, “I got one!” They did not like this at all. Anytime she has an idea, they both know that her ideas can end up into trouble even if they don’t, “Why ask some of the ponies here about Luna’s old friend?”

For once, she came up with an idea that didn’t seem that farfetched and possible too if not for one thing that Sweetie pointed out, “I like the idea, but what if her old friend was somepony from way before our relative were born? Not a lot of ponies here know about her like Luna.”

Scootaloo kicked herself for forgetting that fact since they were talking about an alicorn’s old friend, “Well darn, I was hoping that we’d get somewhere…”

Apple Bloom saw that and quickly reassured her friend, “No Scootaloo, Ah reckon that’s a fine idea. But Ah gotta agree with Sweetie here, if Princess Luna’s friend is gone now, an' not a lot of ponies know about her, what other possibilities could there be?”

Again they both put their heads together as they walked. Many ideas popped up in their heads that seem possible. Information on her in a book, historical records, pictures of her and Luna together, all of those ideas seemed possible. Their train of thought broke when they ran into Twilight along the way, “Oh girls! I was coming by to Princess Luna’s room to pick you three up! You were gone for quite a while…” She helped the three get up from their collision. The three were rubbing their heads in a slight bit of pain, “Now come on! You’re going to miss out on the events!”

Twilight went ahead as they followed her to the main hall. All three were a bit let down upon coming up with no ideas on how they are going to learn about Luna’s old friend. When they looked at Twilight, suddenly, they felt somewhat stupid for forgetting the fact they were following the smartest pony in all of Equestria! They caught up to her while Apple Bloom poked her trying to get her attention, “Wait Twilight, Ah… er… Ah mean we got a question t' ask you!”

Twilight sped up not wanting the three to be late to the party, “No time Apple Bloom, I don’t want you three to get late for the party that Pinkie’s holding for Canterlot!”

“We know too but this is important! Please slow down for us!” Sweetie exclaimed.

Twilight almost skidded to a halt when she heard the pleading tone of Sweetie. The CMC ran into her again as she stopped. The last time she used that tone was when a situation was at its most dire or she wanted just to have something important, though most of the time it shifted to the former. She didn’t want them to be late but that tone changed her opinion of the matter at hand. She helped get the three up again, “Alright you can ask me you three but do it while we’re walking to the main hall. I don’t want you three to miss out playing with Babs and Nyx okay?”

They all stood up with smiles on their faces, “Thanks Twi, we really appreciate ya.”

They all walked to their destination not wanting to waste their time standing around while chatting, “Hey, it’s what I do best, now what was the question you three wanted to ask me?”

They were nervous to ask her about this as they eyed each other wondering which one of them was going to ask the question they want answered. Sweetie ended up being the one to ask Twilight the question though how to word it right was rather difficult of her, “Uh Twilight, do you know or at least heard about any of Princess Luna’s friends?”

Twilight gave them the look that the three were familiar with. To them, it was Twilight’s Did you get hit in the head look. Coincidently, she even asked that question to them, “Did you get hit in the head or something? You are her friends! You three, me and my friends are her friends or did you forget that?”

All three shook their heads in agreement though they were beginning to lose a bit of hope if her answer was that, “Thanks Twilight, but that’s not what we meant.”

“What we’re asking truly is… um…did ya know any o' Luna’s past friends?” Apple Bloom asked after Sweetie finished her sentence.

Although Twilight continued walking, there was a split-second she stopped just for a moment when she heard the question. When did they start getting interested or curious about and with Luna’s past friends? She couldn’t help but ask that same question back at the fillies, “When did you three started getting curious about Luna’s past friends?”

Though they were still walking, they covered their mouths realizing that they let a detail like that slip out. They were beginning to regret asking her about Luna’s past friends now, “We… um… we just… got curious is all, sorry if we’re being suspicious.”

Twilight sighed, mentally kicking herself for forgetting that the three are still fillies and of course they can be curious for anything that enters their minds, “Sorry girls, I forgot that you three are still young and of course anything will get you curious.” They all huddled up to Twilight hugging it out. She chuckled as she hugged each one of them with her arms and wings, “Thanks girls, now we should be going now. We don’t want to be late for the party right?”

Their eyes gleamed as they clopped their hooves together, “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS HEARTH’S WARMING PARTYGOERS!” They ran ahead of Twilight to where the party was going to be held. Twilgiht could only chuckle a bit as she walked to where they were going.


The events held in the Canterlot Castle were fantastical as they put it. From playing with Discord on pranking certain ponies like their own relatives to even Princess Celestia and Luna, to stuffing themselves with all the foods they could eat up on and finally at least for them, to getting themselves into a sugar rush and then crash afterwards.

After all of that the three decided to take a break from the craziness for tonight. As they lay down on the table, in the corner of their peripheral vision, they saw the Night Princess slipped away from the festivities. Although they were still recovering from the sugar crash, they still followed or rather, from Scootaloo’s perspective, sneak past some of the guards following Princess Luna. Their miniature size was going to be helpful.

Following her was the easy part, getting past some of the obstacles in their way was the hard part. From a big pond in the garden, to a hedge maze they remembered, and finally passing some of the guards again to an unknown location, they managed to follow her without getting spotted.

That though was what was worrying Sweetie. Ever since they started following her, she was getting more and more nervous. Once they got to where Luna stopped in front of a door, she pulled her fellow CMC behind a bush, “Are you two sure we should be doing this? I was silent for some time but now that we at this point, I don’t know if it’s okay to enter whatever door Luna is in front of…”

Both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked at each other and then to Sweetie Belle. They shared her sentiments about this. Apple Bloom scratched her head seeing how far they gotten, “Jeez, Sweetie, an' here Ah thought Ah was the only one who’s nervous about this…”

Scootaloo ruffled her wings in nervousness. Despite her brave outlook on this, she too was nervous about entering an area they’re not supposed to enter, at least that’s what they think according to the extra security while following Luna here, “Yeah, I guess I’m nervous as well…”

They looked at Princess Luna who was looking at the door for quite some time. They decided that they went as far as they could and decided to go back, “Well, Ah don’t want to be ‘round when she finds us, let’s just go back ‘kay?” Her friends agreed with a nod of approval.

They were about to turn around and return back to the main hall until a certain voice stopped them in their tracks, “What do we have here?” They gulped as they turned around seeing Princess Luna behind them. Her expression was stern almost angry seeing that she was followed by the ponies she helped.

They stared at her for some time seemingly waiting for something to happen. Sweetie Belle was the first to talk, “I’m sorry Princess, we were just curious about your old friend…”

“Ah don’t like this more than either Scootaloo or Sweetie Belle…”

“We’ll return back and never speak of this to anyone… you can also punish us if you wish too.” Both looked at her in shock at first before seeing that they are going to be punished, maybe not by Luna but definitely their families. They bowed their heads in respect as they waited.

Silence overcame them as Luna looked upon them. To them, it felt like time slowed down as they waited for Luna’s answer. What came to them was not an angry voice but rather a jovial laughter. They looked at Luna seeing her covering her mouth as she was laughing. It baffled them to see the Princess of the Night laughing so, “Uh, Princess, why is this so funny?”

She stopped laughing as she eyed the fillies. Instead of her stern, angry expression, it softened to a jovial and mischievous face, “Come now you three, did you really think that I would not notice you following me?”

All three still bore a look of confusion on their faces hearing that, “Come again? Ah don’t know how ya knew that we are following ya…”

She chuckled again from hearing that, “Dear Apple Bloom, I am the Princess of the Night, I’d know my own stealth tricks in the back of my head.” Luna said. All three facehooved for forgetting the fact that they were following Princess Luna, of course she knows all the tricks of being sneaky.

Scootaloo realized as well, that everypony has one through one case of amnesiac moments. To her it was rather funny seeing that, “Wow, I think everypony has gotten through one case of memory loss there.”

“Not long-term thank you very much.” said Sweetie. The three of them laughed together seeing how much fun they went through. After their laughter died down, she looked at Princess Luna, “But Princess, why didn’t you stop us from following you anyway?”

She bought them forward in front of the door, “Because I knew you would be curious about me anyway, I overheard you three talking about my old friend.” She gave a mischievous smile as the three facehooved again. She gave a light laugh as she enveloped the door in front of them with her magic, “I remember keeping this secret to myself and my sister. She was the only friend that ever understood my night during my younger years.”

All three glanced at Luna for a moment before looking back at each other. A filly who understood her night before them? It was a surprising revelation for them, “So what about this filly? She sounds just like any other filly we heard.”

Luna’s voice almost cracked in her tone there. That made the three of them jump a bit before seeing that some ears were in her eyes, “Maybe, but there two special things about her. For one, she was blind…”

Their mouths were wide open hearing that, “Blind? Ya mean t' tell us that yer old friend is blind? As in she can’t see what’s in front o' her? Ah… feel sorry fer her all o' a sudden.” All three suddenly felt sorry for her.

Luna gave a smile seeing her little friends were feeling sorry for her even though they never met her, “She has that trait on everypony. Just like you three, she was bullied, though not because of a lack of a cutie mark, it was her blindness that made her a target.” The magic surrounding the door on front of them dissipated as she turned her attention to the three behind her, “However, she also managed to touch the many hearts of Cloudsdale while she was alive including her oppressors and managed to get her cutie mark. Do you wish to know why you three remind me of her so much?”

Scootaloo gave her a befuddled gaze, “Uh, not to be mean, but you already told us about her that we can connect. She was bullied like us before we got our cutie marks, reformed a bully of hers to being good now like we did, and was a filly like us.”

Luna chuckled again seeing that her pegasus friend was learning, “You are correct Scootaloo, however, that is part of the reason why you three remind me of my old friend. Like you she was a pegasus. However, while she was blind, she could fly.”

Scootaloo was groaning hearing this from Luna, “Ugh, please tell me you aren’t trying to tease me with the flight again.”

“No… okay maybe a little.” She gave a smile telling her otherwise. Her friends chuckled hearing Princess Luna doing that to her, “But that is not the reason why. You three remind of her because of the time you got your cutie marks. Do you three wish to know that second thing that made her special?”

All three glanced at each other wondering about it before looking at her. Their eyes were wide, their ears were flat against their skull, Scootaloo’s wings hung limp, their lower lip trembled, and their eyes were somewhat dewy. Blinking at the sight first before shuddering as she shifted her gaze, she had heard rumors of how cute the look they were giving to her. Now that she was getting first-hand witness of its effects, she had to look away just to talk, “I swear if cuteness is a magical ability, you three would make everypony here faint with your adorableness.”

They three stopped as they chuckled seeing that even the Princess of the Night can be wooed by their look, “So you’ll tell us about what’s the second thing that made your friend special?”

Luna gave them a quick glance. She sighed seeing that they are not using those acute faces of theirs against her, “I will, but promise me that you try that on Tia, I am curious if she can be wooed like me…” They chuckled before doing the Pinkie Pie gesture. Before Luna got the chance to speak about the second that made her old friend special, she heard some rustling from a single bush.

She looked at the bush wondering if another followed them. The idea did not seem right for her since she should have seen this coming. As she made a few steps, Pinkie Pie popped out of the bush looking at the CMC, “You better keep that Pinkie Promise you made!” She went back inside the bush as Luna stood there.

She went to the bush moving it aside and much to her surprise, she was not there, “What in the? How in Equestria does Pinkie do such a thing? This is quite impossible…” She looked at the fillies and all they did was shrug much to her chagrin. She backed away from the bush returning back to the topic at hand, “I will have to consult her personally about this, but regardless, the other reason why she is special is… Well perhaps it would be better if I show you it instead of me talking.”

Luna’s magical aura surrounded the door in front of them as they walked up to it. Already their bodies felt tense and giddy. What could be behind this door, what secrets about Luna’s old friend are behind here, the amount of questions that were coming up in all three were overwhelming them and making them excited.

The door slowly opened as a bright light blinded them. As the door opened fully, they moved their hooves from their face to see a chamber. They made a long sound as they entered the chamber. Despite it night, the light in here was bright to illuminate the chamber here. The chamber itself was made of crystals that shine. At the center of the chamber was a single pot with three windows showing a beautiful flower with a snowflake as the petals.

All three wanted to look inside the pot wondering what was inside that was precious. Luna smiled as she carried the pot with her magic showcasing what was inside the pot. Inside the pot was… nothing. Nothing inside. That made the three a bit miffed about that, “Nothing? Why is there nothing inside the pot?”

Luna put the pot back on the pedestal, “Because, the one thing that was inside the pot is no more Sweetie.” The CMC looked at her oddly. She initially chuckled before slowly dying down to a melancholy tone, “Before my friend faced her fate, she made something special for everypony to see. That special object would end up forever shaping winter.”

The CMC glanced at each other hearing this news. The three fillies looked at Luna who looked to be in a state of shedding some tears. They walked up to her and hugged her. It was not sudden, but it gave Luna a reason to shed some of her tears as she hugs back. As a few of the tears streaked on Luna’s face and drop to the floor, she rubbed her eyes glad to be sharing this knowledge to those who wish to learn about this, “Thank you my friends, I am honestly glad to share this with you three.”

They let go of her and backed away as they smiled back, “No problem, Princess Luna, you needed the good hug.” Scootaloo looked at the pot and the flower on the windows. Already the three can make a guess as to the special object is but it was still hard to believe, “So your old friend made a snowflake?”

Luna though still had a bit of her melancholy tone, was happy to see her pegasus friend learning, “You are correct Scootaloo, my friend made the snowflake for many new generations to come. Before the snowflake existed, winter was not so favored. The snow was hard and the weather was not easy to handle, but when she made the snowflake, winter forever changed.”

They gazed at the pot wondering what was so special about, “Well Ah can see but what was inside the pot that made it so special? Well, before ya released it…”

She glanced at the pot for sometime before answering Apple Bloom’s question, “What was inside the pot before, was my friend’s first snowflake. The original snowflake.”

They stared at Princess Luna with their jaw dropped, “You mean the first, original snowflake made from your friend was put in here?! But why did you let it go?”

Luna could understand Sweetie’s curiosity about why would she let go of such a prized possession. She retained back to the melancholy tone, “Because, my friend would not want that… She would have wanted her all of her creations to descend onto the fields blanketing them in a beautiful, twinkling white.” She replaced her frown with a smile as she pulls out something from her mane, “But that is why there is another item that deserves to be in this pot.”

Sweetie, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom glanced to Luna to see her put out of her mane a beautiful white flower. Dirt magically appeared to Luna’s side as she filled the pot with the pure soil. She made an opening as the flower was put inside the soil and into the pot. Though the flower dangled, it bloomed as it was planted showing its beautiful colors. Luna could only smile and shed some tears seeing that the flower bloomed, “Thank you… Snowdrop.”

The CMC looked at Princess Luna hearing her old friend’s name, “So yer friend’s name is Snowdrop? Ah… like it, reminds of somepony, well, anypony special. Say what does she look like?”

“Thank you Apple Bloom, I appreciate your kindness. She has a snowy blue coat, her mane and tail is white with streaks of blue to go with them.” She turned looking at the three windows as the light shined through on the flower. She smiled seeing the flower bathed in the wonderful Hearth’s Warming lights. She looked to her new friends as she explained what the symbols on the windows are, “Her cutie mark? The marks on the windows are Snowdrop’s cutie mark.”

They gazed upon the cutie mark of Snowdrop. Sweetie walked up the window touching the stem of the gorgeous cutie mark, “It’s such a gorgeous cutie mark.”

Scootaloo touched it as well. She looked to her flank and her friends seeing their cutie marks, “Honestly, I find that our cutie marks pales in comparison to hers.”

Luna snickered when she heard that from Scootaloo, “It would not matter anyway to Snowdrop. If she were alive when you are around, she would be a wonderful friend to have.”

Apple Bloom and company agreed with her as they backed away from the windows, “Ah’d agree with ya, Princess Luna.” They all turn around looking at the Night Princess, “Well since ya got the chance t' show us about Snowdrop, wanna go out with us fer a li'l bit o' fun?”

Luna attained a smirk on her face as she turned around with the three behind her, “Well if you can keep up to the main hall, perhaps we can have some fun.” She gained a head start leaving the three behind, “Well, what are you waiting for? Come! We still have some fun activities to attend to!”

They all laughed as they began to walk their way to the main hall. As they reached the doors out of the chamber, a quiet sound perked their ears. It was coming from behind them. They turned around seeing the flower still there. They looked around wondering what the noise was as they returned to the central chamber. The sound came again but it was clear enough for the three to hear. It sounded like crystals ringing as the sound resonated through the main chamber.

Normally a sound like this would scare the three away, but for some reason, it pulled them in and soothed their fears. The light brightened prompting them to cover their eyes again. As the light dissipated, they look and their eyes could not believe what they were seeing in front of them. In spirit, standing in front of the flower that was planted, was Luna’s old friend. They were seeing the spirit of Snowdrop in front of them.

The three rubbed their eyes wondering whether to believe what they were seeing or not. Snowdrop gave a smile that twinkled like the stars on the night sky seeing the Cutie Mark Crusaders for the first time, “You… are the Cutie Mark Crusaders?”

Now their jaw dropped hearing the spirit talking to them. They were really finding this hard to believe even with all the craziness they’ve seen, “Wait, ya can talk? But... ya supposed t' be… uh…”

“Deceased yes… but you three wished upon the snow, so that you could see me personally. And so here I am.”

Scootaloo was finding that hard to believe more so than her being here, “Wait, we wished on the snow for you to appear in front of us? I mean sure we wanted to meet you personally, but wishing on the snow?”

The calmness of the snow white pegasus was enough to settle her nerves down. The other two extended a hoof to the spirit and they were shocked to actually physically touch Snowdrop. Snowdrop still smiled as she shook her head, “You may find it hard to believe but you wished to see me. I’ve wanted to see you three ever since Luna helped you.”

“Hold on, you saw Luna helping us?” At this point Sweetie finds that anything that is hard to believe thrown out with her talking to Snowdrop. The same thought process applied to the other two.

She nodded in response, “I have, and I’ve seen what you three have accomplished. I know that it doesn’t sound right, but I’ve watched Luna for all these times and I’ve seen her gain you and your family as friends, I wanted to speak with you ever since.”

Apple Bloom could only wonder what Snowdrop wanted to speak about, “Well yer here now an' Ah might as well listen, but why do ya want t' speak with us now? You could’ve came t' our family members long before if ya can do this.”

“She can’t because our families don’t know about Snowdrop. Only we, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia know about her existence…”

Scootaloo waved a hoof hearing about all of this, “That’s a bunch of baloney, I find that hard to…” She was looking at Snowdrop whose expression was a sad undertone, “She’s right about this? I… I don’t like that you should be forgotten, we should tell our family about this!”

She was about to run out of the chamber when Snowdrop put a hoof on her shoulder stopping her, “No… please, I don’t want to be remembered.”

“Why not? If everypony remember ya, ya’d be remembered! We’d be able t' remember yer name in history! So why… don’t ya want t' be remembered?” Apple Bloom was not the only one trying to understand this. Both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were wondering as well.

Snowdrop let go of Scootaloo’s shoulder as she turned around, “As much as I like to be remembered, I don’t want to. Not just because people who learn about me will eventually forget about me when they face their fates…” The three found that realization harsh as their faces gave expressions of sorrow and melancholy, “But because… I’ve already have my life placed on others.”

“Come again? Ah don’t understand two-bit wha' ya jus' said there Snowdrop…”

“You’re referring to the snowflakes made aren’t you?” Though the answer was not what Apple Bloom was expecting, it was apparently correct seeing that Snowdrop nodded in approval.

“The snowflakes? I don’t want to be mean here Snowdrop, but I agree with Apple Bloom here, I don’t understand how your life is placed on others…”

She went outside of the chamber and onto the snowy fields. The three followed her as she explained, “Do you ever wonder what happens to the snow collected during Winter Wrap Up?” All three glanced at each other wondering about it. They gave a nod of approval as they continued to listen, “All the snow that’s melted during the Winter Wrap Up is collected and used to make next winter’s snow.”

Their minds were processing this as she finished. Scootaloo was remarkably surprised as she whistled, “Wait, so you mean that you recycled the melted snow? That’s a hefty load of work to go through…”

“It is… When I worked at the Snowflake Factory, I inspected every snowflake by hoof. Do you have an idea why?” She gave a quizzical look at the three fillies.

The CMC looked at each other wondering about this. Sweetie was the first to come up with an answer, “So that you could craft them correct? I still don’t see how…” Suddenly, the answer to her saying of spreading her life to others came to her, “Because of the fact that you inspected each and everyone one of them, you left a part of you on them.”

Snowdrop continued to smile, “I heard that you were the smart one of the group most of the time, I’d say that it’s coming true.”

Sweetie Belle scratched her head, having traces of red etched on her face, “Well… hehe… I try not to brag about it…”

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were beginning to get the idea thanks to their genius here. Still, Scootaloo hid a smirk seeing that she’s got someone to call an egghead now. They shifted their gaze to Snowdrop who was walking back inside the chamber, “Okay, Ah beginning t' see the point now, but why do ya want t' speak with us?”

She turned around behind the flower again as she spoke, a hint of gladness in her voice, “Because I wanted to see and speak with you personally is all. No other reason for me to see you.” She came forward and hugged the three of them as she let a few tears escape. All three stood there for some time before returning the hug back.

The hug felt like a millennium as they let go. Scootaloo’s eyes were welling up in some tears as she rubbed them away. Apple Bloom saw a bit of an opportunity to poke at her friend, “Aw will ya look at that, Scoots crying!”

“I-I’m not crying! I-I’m just shedding some liquid pride is all, yeah liquid pride.” Scootaloo tried to counter that argument back though it was ending in failure.

“Right and I’d be crying some too if I was like you.” Sweetie couldn’t help but poke at Scootaloo for a little bit of fun as well.

Snowdrop still retained the smile as she hears the crystals calling to her, “My time is up, I have to return back now…”

Immediately upon hearing that, Apple Bloom stopped her, “Wait before ya go, we’d like t' ask ya two more questions, please?” She continued the smile as she stayed listening to her questions, “One, could we tell Nyx about this? Ah know that we’re only suppose t' know about ya but she’s a member o' the CMC and Ah’d hate t' leave her out on this, that and she’s an alicorn.”

Snowdrop’s smile never faded as she answered, “I’d be happy for you to share this with her, as you said she is a member and it would be best for her to know this as well; I already knew that she is an alicorn, but just her please?”

The three stared at her for a few seconds before remembering about what she said. They shook their heads wildly trying to get back on topic, “Right, that’s a promise. Last question…” She pulled out a small cape of the Cutie Mark Crusaders as she extends it to her, “Would ya like t' be a part o' the Cutie Mark Crusaders?”

Snowdrop put her hoof over mouth in surprise to the question. She looked at the three fillies that were smiling for her and waiting for her answer. One single tear escaped her eye as she put a hoof on the cape, “I-I’ll gladly accept the invitation…”

Apple Bloom went up and put the cape on Snowdrop. The cape itself looked absolutely fabulous on her as she finally managed to clasp it together. She backed away as the three looked at Snowdrop with the cape. A few of their tears fall from their eyes seeing that their new friend would soon be leaving them.

They came and hugged her this time. She smiled as she hugged them too letting a few more of her tears mix with theirs. Apple Bloom was the most heartbroken seeing that her going away, “Ah met ya just now an' already Ah’m going t' miss ya Snowdrop.”

She looked at her companions who were sharing with her their love for her, “I… I don’t normally let my liquid pride go out, but for your sake, I’d be glad to let them go for you. I’m going to miss you Snowdrop.”

Sweetie tightened her hug as she said her part not wanting to depart her just yet, “And I’m going to miss you too! Rarity would have loved to remember you and make a dress for you in memory.”

Snowdrop still smiled seeing the love of the three now shown to her. She was truly glad to have met them, “I’ll miss you three too like I’ll always miss Luna.” They let go of each other as the sounds of the crystals resonated and getting louder. One last tear fell down on the flower this time as she waved and said goodbye to the three fillies, “Good bye Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. I am glad... to have spoken with you.”

They waved back as well, their tears streaming down their face, “An' the three o' us will miss ya too.” The sounds of the crystal were at its loudest as a sudden gust of wind came forth. They covered their eyes as the wind was blowing on them. They looked to see Snowdrop’s eyes closed with the wind enveloping her. She slowly dissipated into snowflakes as the whirlwind blew past the CMC and out of the chamber. They followed the gust of wind as the snowflakes that were once Snowdrop soared to the night sky.

They looked at the night sky seeing the snowflakes disappear into the horizon never to be seen again. It tucked at their heartstrings seeing her go away. Luna returned back to see the three of them standing outside, “How long have you three been standing out here? Your families are worried about you…”

They shifted their attention to Luna. Their eyes still had a little bit of tears left in them as they ran and hugged Luna. The hug was rather sudden for her as she looked at them, “What is with the sudden hug? Why are there some fresh tears in your eyes?”

They glanced at her with their wet eyes telling her everything about what happened. Luna was shocked to hear that Snowdrop, her old friend, had decided to speak with them. A single tear of her own escaped as she gazed at them, “I somehow always knew that she would someday speak, but with you it is such an amazement. And you even let her be a part of your club?” They nodded in approval.

So much has happened… She looked up to the night sky seeing the constellation of Snowdrop’s cutie mark. A small smile crept up on her face.

Thank you Snowdrop… She looked to the three fillies, “Now you know why I miss Snowdrop.”

Through them sniffling, one of them managed to get a question. Sweetie was the one to ask her question, “When you celebrate Hearth’s Warming Eve, do you do it for Snowdrop?”

The smile was still on Luna’s face as she answered, “Yes, Sweetie Belle, I celebrate Hearth’s Warming in memory of my friend…” She rubbed the heads of each one of them as they chuckled from that gesture, “And now, she has more friends to remember her.” She enveloped them in her magic as she putted them on her back, “Come now, we must not waste any time! Your family is waiting to start the party and they cannot wait forever! They gave a warm smile as Luna flew off to the main hall.


On the cliff overlooking the chamber, the snow white pegasus watched the four of them fly off. A smile pure as the snow itself came forth as she watched them get further away back to where they were meant to be. Around her neck, the cape that the CMC gave to her was still there as it fluttered with the breeze. The wind surrounded her again as she dissipated into snowflakes leaving the world for another time.

Luna, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo… I’ll always remember you in my heart… Until we meet again, somewhere, sometime… Goodbye my friends…

Comments ( 18 )

*Looks at chapter title.* Just by looking at the chapter title, I already know what Luna's so depressed about.

6611009 A little too spoilerific? :unsuresweetie:

6611637 Depends on who reads the story.

6611646 Conveniently I thought of a better title that wasn't to spoilerific yet has a nice tone with it

6611734 *Thinks for a bit.* Yeah, it DOES have a nice tone to it. And it's not too spoilerific.

6611751 Hehe! Well considering there are actual flowers named that, it makes sense :twilightsmile:

Great story! I have to admit that I almost cried at the CMC's encounter with Snowdrop. :fluttercry:

Anyways, don't forget to link the contest thread in the description; it's one of the requirements. Since you were the first one to submit your entry, I've already judged it. Just have to wait for the rest of them now. :derpytongue2:

6611883 If the rest come that is :raritywink: Sure, I'll put the contest thread on the description since you noted that. I actually shed a few bits of tears of my own while I was typing this, who knew I can make myself cry while writing this? :pinkiesad2:

Liquid pride.

You win.

6624503 Why thank you good sir :twilightsmile: You're not the only one to shed some liquid pride, I shed some while I was writing this story :pinkiesad2:

Wow... This story is just beautiful. :twilightsmile:

6695313 Thank you sir, at least in this contest, there's competition so yay! :yay:

Ahhhhhhhhhahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhg! The Feels!!

6835993 This is my reaction to your comment...

Because I find it so funny! But thank you nonetheless for reading the book! :twilightsmile:

Most of this story is good, but I find issue with the way Nyx was suddenly introduced. Don't forget, most people wouldn't know that name on sight, I understand she's a popular OC and everything, but an OC is still an OC. To a casual viewer, Nyx just comes out of nowhere, that's not to say your story is bad, but it might confuse some people.

All in all, 8/10.

6852039 Yeah that was understandable, originally she was actually supposed to be a major part of this story alongside the other three, but for reasons unknown, I had to scrap that... I may end up editing this story to either add truly or keep her out :twilightsmile:

6852133 Bravo made me loose my liquid Pride:pinkiesad2: beautiful just beautiful

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