• Published 3rd Jun 2012
  • 11,917 Views, 460 Comments

Lunar Rising - azore24

SG-1 explores a world filled with odd aliens on the eve of one of their largest holidays.

  • ...

Chapter 7

Jack practically flew down the awkward stairs in Town Hall. Having been built for ponies, they were wider and shallower than he would like, but there was no time to complain. The team emerged into the main chamber as a few of the stouter ponies were recovering.

“Colonel O’Neill,” called a familiar voice from the crowd, “what just happened?”

O’Neill turned to see Applebloom peek her head out from behind a curtain. Two other fillies Jack didn’t know also peeked out, fear swimming in their expressive eyes. He knew that SG-1 was presumably on a tight schedule, but what else could he do besides reassure them? “Nothing too bad,” said Jack flippantly, “just a power-hungry villain looking to take over your planet. Oh and there’s an evil alien controlling her.”

“How is that not so bad?” shouted the orange pegasus filly, forgetting her fear.

“Don’t worry, kid, we deal with one of these types once every week or so,” said Jack.

“I’m not a goat,” said the pegasus filly. Applebloom burst out into giggles, causing the two other fillies to stare at her as if she was mad. The orange filly only then seemed to realize she was still locked in an embrace with the other two, the group never having disentangled themselves since Nightmare Moon’s appearance.

The filly struggled for a moment, pulling herself free from the other two. “What’s so funny?” she demanded. Regaining her composure, or more likely putting up a facade, she scoffed, “Ghaah, you scaredy ponies are so uncool. I’m going to go find Rainbow Dash; she’s probably stopped Nightmare Moon already.”

As if she’d heard her name spoken, Rainbow Dash swooped in through the now broken doors and landed angrily next to Applejack, who O’Neill had met at the party. “Rainbow Dash!” shouted the orange filly as she ran over to the two mares.

“Big sis,” cried Applebloom as she also ran to the pair.

“Hey, Scoots,” said Rainbow Dash, “you OK?”

“Consarn it, Applebloom, you had me a might worried. Where’d ya’ run off to?” said Applejack. The admonition didn’t carry much weight, having been said tenderly enough to overwhelm any accusation in the words. Applebloom fell into the embrace Applejack offered as she started bawling.

“OK? I’m awesome!” said Scoots, “You were so brave and cool, going after Nightmare Moon like that. Did’ya get her?”

Rainbow Dash grimaced before responding. Whatever it was she said was drowned out by the third filly’s cry of, “Rarity!”

“Oh, there you are Sweetie Belle; I have been ever so worried. You aren’t hurt, are you?” cooed Rarity.

Sweetie Belle sniffled, wiping her nose on her foreleg, and tackled her sister in a massive hug.

A soft whimper barely made itself heard as Fluttershy stuck her head out from between her forelegs. She had curled up tightly into a ball at the gunfire, and Nightmare Moon’s display of power hadn’t convinced her to unfold herself. She said something, but whatever it was didn’t carry through the clamor in Town Hall.

Rainbow Dash flitted over to Fluttershy’s side, closely followed by Scootaloo, to comfort her friend. “It’s OK, Flutts, Nightmare Moon left.” Another mumble escaped from the pink and yellow ball, to which Rainbow Dash replied, “Hey, no need to worry. I’m here for ya, right? Nightmare Moon had to fly pretty fast to get away from me; there’s no way she’ll want to mess with me again.” O’Neill was impressed by her bravado. He really hoped it was all a front and the mare didn’t think she actually stood a chance against Nightmare Moon.

“But if there’s no sun, then...” Fluttershy’s voice fell to a whisper once more, though to O’Neill’s ears it seemed she was more worried than scared. At least, worried was making a strong push for the lead emotion present in Fluttershy’s voice.

“I don’t know, sugarcube,” said Applejack. She joined the two pegasi, Rainbow Dash having unceremoniously abandoned her conversation with Applejack to see to Fluttershy. “I know it’d sure be hard to grow apples without the sun, though. I can't imagine there being much food for your critter friends, or anypony, for that matter.”

Something seemed to change in Fluttershy, as if some inner resolve had made itself known. She stood up with a determined look in her eye and said, “She has to be stopped.” While her voice was still only just above a whisper, the determination in the tone gave it strength to carry across Town hall.

“Oh, I agree, darling,” said Rarity, “her outfit was simply garish. If she intends to decorate all of Equestria like that, I’ll have no choice but to join this party and stop her myself.” Rarity flicked her mane back, not so much striking a pose as seamlessly incorporating one into her declaration.

“Did somepony say party?” asked Pinkie Pie enthusiastically, who seemed to pop into existence in the middle of the group. “I’m in! Oh, this is going to be so much fun, and then later, I can throw a party for our party.”

“Ugh,” sighed Rainbow Dash, “we’re not partying, Pinkie Pie. We’re going to stop Nightmare Moon.”

Before Pinkie Pie could give any response, Sweetie Belle broke in. “Don’t go, Rarity,” she cried. “She was really scary!”

“Oh, don’t be silly,” chided Rarity, “that hideous excuse for a tyrant won’t stand a chance against us.”

“Besides,” Rainbow Dash cut in, “I think I know who we can start with.” There was a conniving tone in her voice that made Jack all sorts of uneasy. Ponies as direct as Rainbow Dash never went well with plots. His unease was doubled when Rainbow Dash looked up from the group and directly at him. “Hey, O’Neill,” called Rainbow Dash.

“Yes?” asked O’Neill dubiously.

“You want to come help us stop Nightmare Moon?” Jack didn’t know how to respond to that. Nightmare Moon had just appeared, withstood all of SG-1’s firepower, and sent a trio of this planet’s soldiers flying. Even through that, Rainbow seemed certain they had a chance; more than that, she seemed to think they couldn’t lose. Yup, she was definitely the dangerously reckless type.

Almost immediately after Rainbow Dash made her suggestion, Pinkie Pie jumped in and said, “Yay, Jackie’s joining our party. Now we can get to the really good pranks.” Pinkie rubbed her hooves and began to cackle. The lights in Town Hall actually flickered as she laughed, as if the building knew it had been cued.

“It ain’t that kind’a party, sugarcube,” said Applejack, looking a bit disturbed by the light show. Pinkie deflated, drooping over at her midsection while the lights promptly jumped back to their full brightness. Jack still wasn’t sure how candles managed to look like lightning, but that was almost the last question he felt required an answer.

Right now, though, time was of the essence. They needed to get to the library quickly, and having five extra sets of eyes looking, especially eyes that knew Equestrian, would be a great help.

“So, are you in or not?” asked Rainbow Dash, pushing her face right up to Jack’s, snout to nose, with a determined look in her eyes. For a moment, the two groups stood there, facing one another. Pastel ponies stared at SG-1 expectantly. The members of SG-1 watched the aliens with confusion and bemusement. The moment seemed special. Jack could practically smell the significance of the two groups joining up to stop a rogue goa’uld.

The moment smelled surprisingly like garlic breath. Scrunching his nose, Jack pulled his head back and wafted away the air in front of his face. “Pinkie,” he said, looking right past Rainbow Dash, “I think you may want to skip the ‘Gratuitously Garlicky Guzzler’ prank next time. It’s not worth the fallout.”

Pinkie Pie fell over, laughing. “But this makes it twice as worth it! Secondary pranks are even better than the main ones.” While Pinkie rolled on the floor laughing, Rainbow Dash turned on her.

“You set that one up?” she shouted. “Everything I eat is going to taste like five pounds of garlic for the next week!” Rainbow held up her forelegs in exasperation as she berated Pinkie. The rest of the ponies wrinkled their noses and backed away. Now that he was looking, O’Neill thought he could see thin green clouds coming out of Rainbow Dash’s mouth. This world was crazy.

“Come on,” said Jack, taking the initiative away from Rainbow Dash, whom he judged as much too impetuous to think herself in command, “we’ve got a goa’uld to stop.” O’Neill waved for the ponies to follow as he led SG-1 out of Town Hall. As the quite large and exceptionally strange group moved out, they were joined by a sixth pony.

“Hey Cheerilee,” said Carter to the new addition to their party.

“Hello, Sam,” said Cheerilee. “Are all of you heading back to the library?” Cheerilee scrutinized the group, ending up with an overall look of confusion, backing up the disbelief in her voice.

“Why would we be going to the library? That place is only for eggheads; we’re going on an awesome quest to stop Nightmare Moon,” asserted Rainbow Dash.

Cheerilee, one of the ‘eggheads’ who enjoyed the library, snorted at Rainbow Dash. “We can’t stop Nightmare Moon if we don’t get to the library quickly. You see—”

One of those glints that never seemed to lead to anything remotely good appeared in Rainbow Dash’s eyes. “I’ve got it!” she said, slamming one hoof onto the other; the gesture made much more sense when it was a fist slamming into an open palm, but O’Neill had long ago quit questioning the cultural overlap between Earth and alien cultures. Rainbow Dash continued, “that Twilight Sparkle must be an agent of Nightmare Moon! She sure knew enough about it!”

“Wait, that’s not—”

Before anyone could stop her, Rainbow Dash had dashed off, leaving a rainbow trail in her wake. Applejack reacted first, sighing as she bolted off after Rainbow Dash. The other ponies, save Cheerilee, followed suit, heading towards the library at a full gallop. Jack came up short, having also started to run for the library, when he realized that Cheerilee wasn’t following. He stopped at the door and turned to her. “Aren’t you coming? We really could use the help,” he said, tilting his head in confusion.

Cheerilee shook her head sadly. “I’m sorry,” she said, “but what you just did to that banister, she barely noticed it. And she tossed the Royal Guards around like ragdolls.” Cheerilee shivered a little. “I’m just not cut out for that sort of thing.”

“You don’t have to fight her,” said Jack in what he hoped was a reassuring tone. “But we could use another ‘egghead’ to help with the research.”

Cheerilee chuckled hollowly at Jack’s use of Rainbow Dash’s word. “You have five mares that can read Equestrian perfectly well. Even Daniel and Teal’c can figure out if a book is about the elements or not. You don’t need me there.” Cheerilee stepped back and gestured into Town Hall. “They need me, though.”

Jack looked past Cheerilee and saw the three fillies who he had so recently tried to cheer up. While it was true they were no longer frightened, worry and apprehension were on their faces clear as day. Applebloom was being tended to by her brother, but the other two looked lost and alone. “Fine, go play with the kiddies while we save the world,” said Jack. He couldn’t help but break the tense moment with some levity.

“Thank you,” said the now smiling Cheerilee as the two parted.

In a way, Jack was happy that Cheerilee stayed behind. It was partly that he was glad to know the foals were being looked after by a trustworthy pony. Most of it, though, was that he wanted to avoid bringing ponies into a firefight. It said a lot that the five, well six counting Twilight Sparkle, ponies had been so calm in the face of it all. O’Neill didn’t think they’d keep it up for long, though.

The fillies had been scared witless, and Cheerilee had looked for a way out. Even so, there had been no bloodshed, and nobody was actually hurt through the whole encounter. Sure, the guards were dazed, but by the time Jack had left, they were already getting back on their hooves. He just didn’t think they’d deal well with the bloodshed that a confrontation with the goa’uld would surely bring.

O’Neill was still trying to think up ways to ditch the ponies when SG-1 made it to the library. He could hear Twilight talking inside through the open windows. “... six Elements of Harmony,” she was saying, “but only five are known: Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, and Loyalty. The sixth is a complete mystery.”

“Howdy folks, enjoying story time?” asked Jack as he burst through the door with Carter, Daniel, and Teal’c in tow.

“You found it?” asked Daniel hopefully. “Where was it?”

“It was, uh, under ‘E,’” said Twilight as her already purple cheeks reddened.

“Oh,” said Daniel, “I guess that was the obvious place to start.”

A silent moment passed over the group when something clicked in Jack’s mind. “Daniel,” he said in an annoyed deadpan, “‘E’ is an English letter. How could it have been under ‘E’ if they have a different written language?”

“Well, it turns out modern Equestrian is basically English,” said Daniel, who was slightly flustered at having been caught but enjoying the moment nonetheless. “It’s pretty much a direct cypher, but we figured you were glad for the excuse to not research with us. Plus, it was pretty funny.”

“We? Us?” asked Jack. He turned and said, “You were in on this, Carter?”

“Yes, sir,” said Carter with a wry grin.

“Et tu, Teal’c?”

“Indeed,” said Teal’c, “though I believe we have more pressing matters at the moment.”

O’Neill glared at Teal’c for a moment more before silently ceding the point. “OK, so where are these... things?” After a moment he added, “And just what do they do anyway?”

“Well, I don’t really know what they do,” said Twilight, “nopony does. They haven’t been seen for centuries, and the last pony to use them was Princess Celestia. But, this book says that their last known location was the Palace of the Royal Pony Sisters.”

“Sir, that’s where the Gate was,” said Carter. “We may have even seen the Elements while we were there. On the other hand, if they were last seen near the Stargate, someone could have taken them through.”

“Either way,” said Daniel, “we should head there soon. General Hammond will probably want to be told about what’s happened.”

“There’re more of ya’?” asked Applejack.

At almost the same time, Rarity asked, “What exactly is a ‘Stargate?’”

“How can you talk to somepony who’s on a different planet?” whispered Fluttershy, adding, “If you don’t mind telling me, that is,” as she ducked her head down, hiding her face behind her mane.

“And what in the hay did you do to Nightmare Moon back in Town Hall?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“We don’t exactly have time to explain all of that,” said Daniel. “How about we tell you on the way to the Palace?”

“Okie Dokie Lokie!” said Pinkie Pie cheerfully as she bounced out the door.