• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 597 Views, 5 Comments

Mending Fences - Lokiz

Diamond may have turned over a new leaf but her journey to redemption is just beginning.

  • ...


I stir to a unfamiliar warmth near me. My eyes open slowly. Blinking, I notice that I'm in a place I remember, Silver Spoon's room. Looking down, I see Silver clamping my waist. I touch her mane with my hoof. She smiles in her sleep. Silver Spoon's Nanny, Mairieweather, opens the door.
"Oh, you two are so cute. But never the less Dearies you have to get up. It's time for Breakfast."
I slide out from Silver's grasp and her bed. Tired, I walk downstairs to breakfast. It's a wondrous feast eggs, gravy, fried hayseed stakes, honey soaked rolls. I always eat Grapefruit and water at home. Mother says it's the breakfast of beauty. As I eat I start to cry. "Oh my! Dearie are you alright?"
"Yes, Miss Mairieweather, I'm alright."


Silver Spoon entered in a groggy haze, "Mmm food."
I giggle at her normalness. Her messy way of eating looked fun. Hesitating slightly, I dig in, eating vigorously. A knock on the door interrupted my splurging. Mairieweather went to answer the door. Randolph walks into the dining room.
"Young Ma'am, you have to come home."
"Randolph, I'm sorry. But... I am... I am... Going to stay here."
"Are you sure, your parents won't li... Notice. No... They won't. If you wish to stay with your friend, then... I guess.... I can't stop you... But are you sure Ma'am?"
"Well then, I will stay here with you Ma'am, to ensure your safety."
"Is... Is that alright Miss Mairieweather?"
"Oh, little Diamond that is fine," her smile warms my heart.
Happily, I walk over to Silver. She is still tired and unsure of what is happening, "Diamond you have some egg on your snout..."
Blushing, I wipe it off.


Silver and I sit in her room trying to choose who I should apologize to next.
"Alright.... We have desided that it needs to be one of the Cutie Mark Crusader's. But, which one?"
"I don't know Diamond. But, I think it should be Scootaloo..."
I look at Silver for a long second. The memories of my actions fill mind. In anger, I made comments about her wings. This might have been my lowest moment. Regretfully, I went after her for something that she had no control over. There is no doubt that it is one of the worst things I have ever done. I might be irredeemable in her eyes.


I first met Scootaloo shortly after I had gotten my Cutie Mark. I was enjoying a trip to the park when I met a small orange filly crying on the swing. As I approached, I asked her what was wrong.
That small orange filly said she didn't know where her parents went. Concerned, I asked if she wanted to play and she nodded gratefully. Until the sun set, we played together. She'd stopped crying and started to smile.
I went home. Then told my mother I had made a new friend. She asked about Scootaloo, but when I told her about Scootaloo not having a Cutie Mark, she lashed out at me. "Don't affiliate with something as pathetic as not to have a Cutie Mark at your age."
The next day I returned to the park. Scootaloo was on the swing smiling at me. I looked at her and my heart shredded as I responded "don't come near me you swine."
Pain in her eyes, she looked at me and asked, "Why?"
"I can't be seen with someone without a Cutie Mark. It pathetic you... You... Blank Flank." Later I cried in the bushes. I wish that was when the first cracks on my soul appeared.


I enter school with Silver in my wake. I look at the glares of hate pointing in my direction. Each stare hurts no less than the last. But, I bear the brunt and press forward. The little white and brown colt, Pip Squeak, walked up to me and asked, "So how the money coming?"
"Good... I'm just waiting for my father's reply."
"Thanks again Diamond, others might not like you. But, I can see you're a good pony."
Pip Squeak's words warmed my heart. "Pip, do you know where Scootaloo is?"
"No, Sorry Diamond." Quickly, I look around but the bell rings. Reluctantly, I head into class


It's a long day at school. Now that it's over I can finally talk to Scootaloo. I rush up to her as she leaves, "Scootaloo... Can I talk..."
She is surrounded by the other memebers of the CMC. They all look at me with slight suspicion. They whisper to themselves for a moment before Scootaloo's response, "Alright..."
I take Scootaloo to an area away from the other ponies, "Scootaloo I... I want to apologize for how horribly I treated you. I.... was a horrible pony.... I... I am ashamed of my actions and my words. I am at your mercy."
Scootaloo looks at me for a long time, "I know what you are trying the do Diamond, and I appreciate it. But I don't think I can ever forgive you for what you have done... I... I wish you success with your redemption..."
This isn't what I wanted. She turns to leave, "Please is there anything... Anything! I can to make you change your mind?"
"Can you make me fly?" She said with a half smile.


"Are you sure about this Diamond?"
"Yeah... I'm sure. It will be hard but... it will be worth it."
"But how long will this take?"
"Not that long... compared to how long I was horrible to her."


Silver Spoon and I approach Scootaloo from behind, "Umm... Scootaloo?"
"Can you follow me?" She looked at me for a long moment.
"I guess," we walked for a short time. "I don't know what you expect to accom-"
Scootaloo stood speechless. She gulps, then looks at me.
"Diamond, what is this?"
"You said to make you fly. I made this ramp for you to ride your scooter down. And... I made these wings, so you can fly... Er well rather glide."
It was a simple contraption, I made out of cords, wood, wax, and my silk bed sheets. It resembles majestic wings. I help Scootaloo into my contraption. Silver helps Scootaloo up onto the ramp.
"Alright I'm going to try to this," Scootaloo looks nervous.
"Go on, it will be fine." I urged. Silently, I pray to Celestia that it will be.
Scootaloo pushes off. She speeds down the ramp. Holding my breath, I watch. She flies off the edge of the ramp. The wings spring out and catch the air. Her scooter falls. She soares into the sky leaving the tethers that kept her on the ground behind. Silently, Silver Spoon and I watch her as she loops and plays in the sky.


Scootaloo lands and walks up to us, "Wow, that... That... that was amazing."
I smile, "I'm glad you enjoyed that. Please, Enjoy. It's yours now."
Scootaloo gulped and started to say something. She starts looking down. Only to look up in surprise, "You two... Your hoofs! They're covered in cuts and bruises... Did... Did you make all this yourselves!?"
"Yes," blurts out Silver Spoon, "We did and Diamond worked ev-"
I touch Silver with my hoof and shake my head. She stops talking and looks down, blushing a little. "We did make it for you Scootaloo. Please enjoy it"
Smiling, I turn and start to walk away, "Wait Diamond... I'm sorry... I... Thank you..."
I turn and to my surprise Scootaloo is crying, "please don't cry or apologize. I'm the one that should do those. I'm so sorry that I insulted your flightlessness. That was one of the worst things I have ever done. I'm sorry.... I'm sorry that I couldn't look past your wings or your lack of a Cutie Mark... And most of all I'm sorry that I couldn't realize that you are a wonderful pony."
My tears well up as Scootaloo speaks, "I accept your apology, Diamond Tiara... And thanks... Thank you so much for this."
I walk away tears falling down my face.
I wake up my whole body sore from the construction of the ramp and the wings. I look at my hoofs covered in scabs and bruises. They throb with pain. Laughing to myself, I think how my mother would freak out seeing them. Looking down, I see Silver curled up half holding onto me. I never noticed how different she looks without her glasses. I have a little while till school starts. I'm going to lay here basking in contentment. My contentment was over all to quick.
Before school, Randolph calls me. My father is on the phone. Smiling, I go and talk to him, "Father I trust you have received my request?"
"Yeah, I have and here's the thing... I'm not going to do it."
"What! Why!?"
"You treated your mother horribly. But more importantly, what's my motivation? To help a bunch of foals?"
"It's to help me make amends for my actions."
"Make amends? Ha! Well, you'll never make it with that attitude. What's next? You want friends? Other ponies are useless. Just a burden you have to clean up after."
"Father I... I want friends."
"That's... That is Laughable. I bet that's why you want my money, to buy friends. If you want friends Diamond, go and make some. You foolish filly, did we teach you nothing of the world. It doesn't matter if you are liked as long as you have power and status. You stupid, stupid foal." I hear him hang up the phone with a smash.
In a daze, I walk to school with Silver Spoon. She asks what wrong. I ignore her. When we arrive at the school, I seek out Pip Squeak. He's in the student council room. I pause then speak, "My... My father he... He..."
"He approved the money for the playground? That's wonderful"
"No... He..."
"He said it might take a while? That's fine!"
"He said he wouldn't lend me the money."
"Oh typical Diamond. Try to get everyone on your side, then conveniently your father bails. And we will all blame him. You will come out looking like a hero. Not this time Diamond. No! Everyone going to know what you did. How you betrayed us yet again.... I trusted you Diamond... I believed in you well everyone else doubted you... Darn it..."
"No Pip I swear I-"
"Get out. I won't have your lies."
Silently, I watch as any goodwill I have earned is lost. At lunch, ponies actively yell insults at me; Someponies I couldn't see throws their lunch on me. Tearing up, I bend and clean up somepony else's mess. I try to take everything with a straight face, covered in noodles, knowing I deserve even worse then this. I use all my strength to make sure I don't cry. I'm not always successful. At the end of the day I go to leave. I notice a small note in my desk. I pull it out. It reads,
Diamond Tiara
I believed in you when you said you would change.
I believed in you when you said you would fix the Playground.
I defended you when other insulted you.
But, now you've shown your true colors.
I hope you're happy that you're ruined a small filly’s belief in others.
I will never believe in you or any pony again.
Signed, Someone who trusted you.
I cry at my desk.


Silver strokes my mane. As I cry and cry. It's a long time before, I can fall asleep.


I must find a way to make the money myself. I rack my brain trying to find an answer. After a while Silver walks in and asks, "Uhh... How long have you been up? It's the weekend?"
"Not long enough. I need an idea on how to make money.... If my father isn't going to pay for this... then... I will."
She yawns, "that's interesting. Have you considered a bake sale?"
I look at her blankly, "A what?"
"You don't know what a bake sale is?"
"You bake things and people buy them from you."
"And this makes money?"
"Yeah... Well if your baking is good"
"Oh this is why I love you Silver Spoon."
I start baking right away. These have to be the best cookies and cupcakes I will ever make. I meticulously measure everything. The exact right number of stirs. The temperature set to the decimal point. I use Seven timers. Nothing was going to ruin this bake sale.
We set up near Mane St. The sky looks over cast. But, we continue never the less. Just as we finish setting up. The first drop of rain falls. The tarp protects the bake sale. Yet, we are left out in the rain. Silver asks, "Do we have to stay out here? it's raining now..."
"No, Silver I don't mind if you go home. You helped me set this up. I can do the rest."
"But the rain, you sure?"
"Yeah I'm sure."
Silver walks of towards her house looking back periodically to see if I'm going to change my mind. Each time, I smile at her. After she leaves my line of vision I sit waiting for customers.
The rainfall increases. I'm cold. I'm wet. Quietly, I stick it out knowing I must earn the money for the playground. The hours come and go. I sit by my stand. No one was walking around let alone stopping to buy baked treats. All of a sudden, a pink pony bounces by.
"Whatcha dooin?"
"Umm... A bake sale?"
"Oki doki loki, Diamond Tiara. I'll take one cup cake"
"That will be five bits, how do you know my name?"
"I'm Pinkie Pie silly. I know everypony in Ponyville." As she takes a bite of the cupcake tears well in her eyes, "little Diamond, what pain you’re going through"
"What!? I'm not going through anything."
"Silly filly. My pinkie sense tell me when you're lying."
"How could you tell I was in pain?"
"Your wonderful cupcakes sing a song of your sorrow. I'm gonna buy every single one of 'em. The cookies too."
"What? Thanks!?!"
"Silly filly can you make even more tomorrow? have another bake sale? 'Cuz I will tell everypony to come!"
"Yes... Yes I can." I feel joy welling up from the base of my heart.


I work until three in the morning making more cupcakes and cookies. Tired, I retire to Silver's Bed. Silver has been asleep for hours. I curl up with her and drift off to sleep.


We hurry over to the place we had set up yesterday. I was brimming with excitement hoping Pinkie would bring a lot more ponies. When, we pass the corner I stare in disbelief.
I made a lot more cupcakes and cookies then yesterday. But, looking at the line of ponies that stretches far beyond Mane St. I was overwhelmed. As we set up, Pinkie Pie, who was first in line, looks at our wares, "Silly fillys, I don't think you have enough..."
"Yeah... I can see that."
"If you want, I'll let you use Sugarcube Corner's kitchen to make more sweets?"
"Are you sure!?"
"Yeah... Mr and Mrs Cake are out with the twins right now and I have the key" Pinkie Chortles.
"Thank you... So very much"
I spent most of the day making more goodies for the bake sale. In the end we made more than enough to pay for the playground.
I flop down on Silver's bed. Tired, I look at my hoof that still had the cuts and bruises from making the ramp, "Silver?"
"Yes Diamond?"
"What I'm doing is making a difference, right?"
"Yeah, Diamond."
"I just want to know someday I won't be... So... Hated..."
Silver was quite for a long time, "Diamond... I don't hate you."
"I... I know..."


I walk to school with the bits in my pouch. Looking around, I find Pip Squeak, "Pip I have the money,"
"Oh you do?" He looks at me with a distasteful stare.
"Yeah," I show him the bits.
"Wonderful," Pip looks at me smiling. "I never doubted you"
I walk away unsure if he was lying or not. I walk through the hallways and see other ponies who still look at me with disdain. It feels bad. But, that's their fault not mine. I walk down the hallway near lunch time and overhear the Cutie Mark Crusader's talking.
"No, Scootaloo! I don't think she changed."
"You didn't see what she did, Apple bloom"
"Does that matter Scootaloo? She could be lying, or her father could have payed for it."
"No you don-"
"Look at what has just happened Scootaloo. She promised to help pay for the playground. Then her father went and backed out. What kind of father would do that?"
"No listen Scootaloo, all of a sudden she has the money now. And expects us to find her our hero. I wouldn't put planning this whole thing beyond her. She might of had a bad childhood but that doesn't change who she is."
"I saw her and Silver Spoon working a bake sale yesterday."
"You think a bake sale could raise enough? Her father probably bought the things for her. As a way to make her the victim."
"I... I... guess you might be right."
I walk away with tears in my eyes.

Author's Note:

If there are any major errors tell me please...

Comments ( 4 )

This was an interesting chapter.
And, there isn't anything wrong that I noticed from a grammar perspective... but the scene where her Father refused to pay for the new equipment rubbed me the wrong way.
He's been shown to actually be a pretty good pony, who also cares about Diamond.
So, I won't dislike or unfavorite this story yet, seeing as how I AM interested in seeing where it goes.
But it's startling to lose some of the hope I had for it when I started tracking it.

I see what you are saying. But, I want you think about this for second...

In her first appearance Filthy Rich never showed up to Diamond's Cute-ceañera. As well as with his only real in show speaking appearance, with the Zap-Apples, in which he completely threw Diamond under the bus. Filthy could have explained about Granny Smith in a way that didn't completely humiliate Diamond.
What I gleamed from this was that he acts civil towards her as a way to keep up appearances. He cares far more about the customers money and perceptions the about Diamond.

Plus he married Spoiled.... He can't be that good...

I feel that I am missing one of his appearances but I'm not sure.... Inform me if I have...

6633475 Fair enough. Until he has another speaking appearance, his true personality IS kind of up in the air.

As for him marrying Spoiled, for all we know he could have married her in order to keep her from mooching off of some other "poor" sap. but again, we won't really know for sure until he gets another appearance.

I am very much enjoying this story. I love the sound of DT trying to atone for her past sins... Hopefully, it's something that'll show up in the series too.

Keep up the good work :)

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