• Published 23rd Jul 2011
  • 7,623 Views, 287 Comments

An Azure Future - Krass McWriter

A Human Father and his Pony Son. A TCB story.

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Part 6

An Azure Future part 6

The Get’em Gang Has A Problem

AKA: AAF’s sub-plot so the story lasts longer

John Norris and his son, Azure Wind, were at Top Goods, a local bakery run by an old friend of John’s. Cream Baker as he was known to the general populous, he was better known to John as Grindah. John ordered a chocolate twist, a glazed donut, and a dozen donut holes from one of the clerks, his usual fare when he would make a trip from his apartment. Azure mimicked John and had the same. The baked goods shop did not have its usual cheery atmosphere today. Grindah, instead of being his usual happy and energetic, if not overly so, self, seemed a bit lethargic. John was observing his ponified high school friend’s behavior and noted it was uncharacteristic of him, even when he was a human. Grindah was called so for his ability to keep a sunny and upbeat disposition even when he was doing something most people would detest or just a menial and repetitive task, or grinding as it was called. It also worked on the level that he ground his own flour.

“Hey, shop keep!” John called out to his friend. Even when they were down, the Get’em gang was always up on each other with jokes made at personal expense. The cream colored earth pony’s head turned slowly to John’s voice.

“Whatcha need bro?” His voice carried an outstanding amount of his exhaustion. The pony’s body showed it too, there were heavy bags under his eyes and his steps were shaky. He had lost a lot of sleep to insomnia. John caught on, his friend was hiding something.

John wasn’t going to have it. His friend was having trouble, his friend needed help. Secrets are cool, but not when they’re fucking with you. He may not want help but, by golly, he’s getting it! “Hey, Grindah, whats up man?” John said nonchalantly.

“Huh, oh, sorry bro. I’m just really tired, is all.” The pony yawned. John didn’t buy it. Grindah could sleep through finals in high school, and occasionally did. If he’s having sleep issues, then there is something wrong in the most hardcore way.

“Dude, you are the worst liar ever. I know you too well. What’s up?” John moved into full accusation mode. He wasn’t going to have his friends go alone trough troubles. His friend sighed.

“You remember Noob?” The name alone had memories flooding back. He was his best friend, they were hanging out well before they started the Get’em Gang, he was the closest thing they had to a leader. They were as close as two friends could be. John silently acknowledged Grindah. “He’s in trouble...”

“Wait, what kind of trouble? How come he didn’t contact me?” John felt wounded. Grindah was Noob’s second closest friend, and was picked over him.

The pony picked up on John’s distress. “Hey, we thought you were dead, remember? I thought I was seeing a ghost when you first walked in my shop. He’s in trouble with the HLF in New York. He knew I was in contact with you, but he didn’t have your info. He said something about reciprocation for the ‘dog incident’ whatever that means.” Goddammit. I knew that’d come back to bite me in the ass.

“What does the HLF HQ want with Noob of all people? I mean, no offense, but he’s kinda the craziest and periodically retarded person I know. Lots of fun, he is, but damn.” John was quite confused. If he’s calling in the Dog Incident, it must be serious...

“It didn’t say.” His friend shrugged. Or at least John thought it was a shrug. I need to hang with ponies more... “All I know is that he’s in trouble. I... I have some sleep to catch up on... if you don’t mind.” John motioned him to go off.

Azure had been watching the exchange in silence and finally, after several short moments, decided to ask, “What’s that all about, dad?” He posed, tilting his head in confusion.

“That,” John swallowed the last donut hole, “is us going on a road trip to New York, boy-o.” He stood up and left the shop, Azure followed after a momentary hesistation.

“You do realize that doesn’t explain a single thing, right?” Azure stated more then asked as he caught up to his father.

“Well, he was my best friend for about eight years, and I owe him big time for a favor done a while back. He’s called me up on it so we’re going.” John explained.

A confused look spread across his face. “What did he do that you gotta drag yourself and your son to the other side of the country?”

John remembered the events that constituted the ‘Dog Incident’ as it was called by those unfortunate enough to present for them. He tried to hide his shudder. “Something you should never, ever know about. Ever. If he tries to bring it up, leave.” He gritted through his teeth at the memory of his past shame.

“Bu-” Azure started before he was interjected.

“No Buts. Butts are for pooping. Trust me on this Azure. Its a part of my life no one should know about. I don’t want to know about it and I’m the guy who did it.” John spoke quickly, trying to keep his stomach down.

They arrived at the apartment, and john started packing immediately. “Go get your good saddlebags and a duffel bag. Pack whatever you need. We leave tomorrow.” John dead panned.

Azure stomped. “You said you’d teach me to fly four days ago! You haven’t even done anything for that yet.” Azure was mad. No, Azure was pissed, furious, John had never seen him this angry. It seemed he had finally had enough of his fathers procrastination. His dad was running off, dragging him along, breaking promises. “I’m sick of not being able to fly. I’m sick of being afraid to talk about flight. You said you would help! Now you’re just running off to New York!”

John dropped what he was doing. What do I say? What should one say in this situation? ‘I’m looking for potion so I can personally give you lessons?’ ‘I’m working on it’?’ ‘Shut up?’ Christ... Lets go with this. John knelt down to Azure. “Azure, I’m looking at professional flight coaches and how they teach. I said I will do it. I need your trust. The man in trouble has helped me with more than I care to say and now its time I do the same for him. He needs my help. Trust me Azure, I haven’t forgotten.”

The pegasus shifted and appeared to be in deep thought for a moment.. “Fine. On one condition. No more delays once this, whatever it is, is over.” He demanded. John dwelled on the proposal.

“Fine, I’ll see what I can do. But you have to start school when we get back. Now go pack.” John spoke with an ultimatum in his voice. Azure seemed to accept this and went to his room to pack. John moved up to his room. This better be worth it Noob. Now what to pack for myself? If he’s calling in that favor, I’m going to need some weapons, can’t go wrong with emergency rations, some basic survival gear wouldn’t be out of place either. HLF is involved, so something will need to be done with Azure. Maybe as a pretend prisoner? I should bring some rope in that case.

John stared at an old rifle that his dad used in the last great war, the war on terror as they called it, and a gravity knife with a four and a half-inch blade. Seeing the old rifle reminded John of his own father. The only good thing the old man did for me was when he left me these. I don't like them but sometimes you have to deal with the hand you got. The old man had hardly a sober moment or a kind acknowledgement. He was known more to his harsh hand than kind words. John sighed and shuddered at the memory off his father. What would he say if he could see me today? Prepared to go to battle with his old gear. John lingered on the horrid thought for a moment before dismissing it. He’s gone now. No use thinking about it.

He packed them in his bag, and proceeded to do so with the other supplies he imagined he’d need. Wait a minute... Does Azure even know how to pack? Oh god. I better check on him. John made his way to Azure’s room. He looked around the room, it was a far cry from the cot on the ground he and Azure shared on his first night here, the wall was more posters and trinkets than paint. A majority of them were for the Wonderbolts, John made a mental note to take Azure to a show sometime. The young pegasus had a layout on his bed consisting of a two books, a few comics, a portable game system (How does he even use it?), and a wonderbolt game for said system.

“Is that all you’re bringin’?” John asked with a bit of worry. Azure answered with a confused look. “If there's one thing my father taught me, its be prepared. You might want to bring a sleeping bag and some food just in case the truck breaks down or some unforeseeable event occurs.” John sighed.

“Well dad, I figured that's your problem being the parent and all. Also, I really doubt that the truck will break down, its older than you and still in mint condition. Either way, the trip shouldn’t be more than a week or two.” Never looking up at John, instead looking for more stuff to bring.

“Bah. Don’t say I didn’t tell you so if it happens.” John dismissed. He re-examined the posters on the wall. A good number were for the Wonderbolts, a majority of the remainder for pony bands and musicians. What caught John’s eye was the what the last few were. They were posters of stallions in various poses. I may not have much experience with ponies and their culture, but that would seem to be a centerfold poster. Why does my son have centerfold stallions on his wall? Isn’t he a bit... young for that? Could he... nah. You know what? Fuck it. I’m going in. “Azure, what’s the deal with these posters?” John prepared for the fallout.

“Hm? I know you’re still human and all dad, but I know you’ve heard of the Wonderbolts.” Azure seemed genuinely confused.

“Not... Not those posters...”

“Oh, those are just some bands I like dad. I’ll bring their CDs so we can listen to them on the way!” Azure beamed, happy his father was taking notice of his interests.

John coughed. It was getting pretty awkward on his part. “The um... The other posters...”

Azure figured out which ones he meant. “Oh. Those posters. It’s the Stallions of the Wonderbolts poster series, next month they’re putting out the first one of the mares. It’s supposed to be Spitfire.”

“Oh thank god. For a moment I thought. Oh man... that was close.” John let out a sigh of relief.

“What was close?” Azure asked, curious.

“Nothing. Nothing at all. I’m pretty tuckered out from events. I'm going to bed. Don’t stay up too late Azure.” John walked to his room. “Oh Jesus, for a moment there I thought, oh man.” John flopped onto his bed, set his alarm, and passed out. Tomorrow his ‘adventure’ would start.

First and foremost, Thanks to windchaser or this may have never materialised. Also for editing.

Out of fucking nowhere, the sub plot.

Collectibles Posters. Yeah. fun times.

I hope you guys like the concept of the Get’Em Gang, because we will be meeting these crazies at an accelerated rate.

As always, thoughts, concerns, ideas, what you’d like to see. I’m going to try to put a cameo in each update from here on. So post ‘em in the current TCB thread or email me at KrassMcWriter@gmail.com or if your interested in a cameo.