• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 1,609 Views, 202 Comments

Tales of Another Ponyville - Paradise Oasis

Stoybelle tells tales of the ponies of a very Different Ponyville....

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I believe in Yesterdaisy

When there is no future, the past is all a pony has....

I've seen this little drama play out countless times before. Two or three weeping ponies, all standing around a beloved older family member whose breath is growing and more shallow. They are all silently saying their goodbyes, their beloved grandma or uncle or cousin closes his or her eyes for the last time. One of the children collapses in tears on the bed as the dying pony stops breathing, and all the ponies present turn to comfort one another.

Crystal Lake, this era's guide of pony souls to the afterlife, appears before the dead pony. Drawing the recently deceased's spirit out of the nonliving husk, the purple mare guides the dead pony onto the world beyond. Neither the dead nor their guide utters a word to me, departing through the wall as silently as they had come. I am left to observe all the events that follow, cataloging all of the thoughts, feelings, emotions and memories evoked by all of the ponies present.

That is my job here, recording events of pony's lives as they happen. My name is Yesterdaisy, and I live between the ticks of seconds. I see all of you going about your lives, unable to see or hear me. I watch all of you on a daily basis, going about your daily lives. I see Rainbow Dash and Sew and Sew looting over designs and patterns, planning the next year's line of dresses and outfits. Cotton Candy is already yakking poor Skywishes's ears off, while Minty is preparing to accidentally drop a whole stack of teapots she's carrying onto Apple Spice's head.

Just another day here in Ponyville, just like all the days of it's past, and many many days into it's future. I can see back into all of the events of it's past simply willing it, and I am here to watch all things that are to come in it's tomorrows. When I look at a filly and wonder why she shivered at the sight of a spider, I can gaze back into her past, and see she was bitten by a spider as a foal. When I gaze upon a stallion who frowns at a slice of cake and eats pie instead, I can look back and see that his wife had made him cake for six days in a row. I can see all that had gone past, my vision is only dark when it comes to the future.

My future is over, it has been ever since this little purple mare with the Pink and white mane went skating on an icy pond, fell through into the cold and chilly waters. I remember my hooves pushing up against the ice, trying to escape from a watery prison. My friends in Ponyville tried to find me, of course... but I was already gone by then. But instead of passing on to the friendship gardens, my maker had a different plan for me. I have become the creator's chronicler, taking note of all that befalls everybody, while completely unable to affect anyone or anything I am seeing. It is my job to watch each and every one of these little dramas play out, such as the one going on inside celebration castle right now.

"It is settled then, we must send out a search party to the lands beyond the valley, in order to locate Wysteria." Spike the Dragon told the two ponies standing before him. "I think we should send out Kimono and her students to bring our princess back."

"No, that's a really bad idea!" Pinkie Pie replied. "We should take volunteers to go and get her back. Kimono and her fighters would be to scary to any ponies that are out there!"

"I agree more with Pinkie Pie's plan, Spike." Princess Pinksparkle agreed, nodding her head at her chancellor's advice. "We will send out a rescue party led by Rainbow Dash. But if anything goes wrong, we will send out Kimono and her companions."

These poor ponies, looking for their princess in all the wrong places. I would love to tell the princess and her subjects where their missing ruler is, but I am forbidden to interact with these ponies, they cannot see or hear anything I would wish to say to them. It is so frustrating to be unable to say or do anything to help all of these ponies with their current plight. It is so frustrating to see everything that these ponies see and do, and yet be unable to warn them about the terrible mistakes they are about to make. it is a tragedy that I cannot prevent these tragedies from occurring.

Going outside of the castle, I see that Rainbow Dash is speaking to her friends, and I can see she is already ready to leap out of the Ponyville region, and go rescue her long lost friend.

"I'm telling you, Sew and Sew dahling, we need to go out and find our Wysteria!" Rainbow stamped her hoof angrily, pacing back and forth as she spoke to her friend. "We can't just leave her out there to face who knows what dangers!"

"Calm down, Dashie! You really need to be more patient!" Her much calmer friend told her, putting a hoof on her friend's shoulder. "We need to wait until Pinkie and Spike come to a decision!"

Oh, Rainbow Dash... if only I had had a loyal friend like you. I might not have met an unfortunate fate that I did, leaving behind a husband and daughter after I went to a watery grave. How I wish my own past had gone much better than it did, and I had ended up living a normal life in the Ponyville of my age, instead of being the guardian of Ponyville's time. In that way, the little pony named Yesterdaisy would have ended up with a much better tomorrow.

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