• Published 6th Nov 2015
  • 162 Views, 1 Comments

Darkness Arisen - XxLunasMoonxX

Luna and Moonlight Wish are in a wierd place- but they're not alone....

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Darkness Dreaming

The black mare mumbled in her sleep, and Luna felt bad for hitting her. She had suspected that whatever was making that racket was evil, but from what the princess could tell, there was no evident evil in this one. Mayhaps I should walk of her dreams again, she thought. Yes, the princess decided. This needed extra checking-- any threat to Equestria must be found and dealt with. She sighed and released her magic, the warm dream connection spell flowing out of her horn and contacting with the sleeping mare’s head. Luna’s eyes then glowed white as she focused her energy through her dream realm implant.

She looked around a bit and saw nopony. She walked a ways through the dark before seeing a shoddy, two-story house nearby, and approached it. As she approached, she heard a filly crying from the other side. She walked around it and found that the house was in shambles from this perspective, roof hay and plaster everywhere. The mare she saw resembled the one from the real world, other than the fact she was younger. In front of her lay the bodies of three ponies- an adult stallion pegasus, an adult mare unicorn, and a pegasus foal of roughly the same age as the filly crying there. Luna could see the black aura around the filly’s horn spark uncontrollably before gradually turning a faded blue, almost purple. Luna calmly approached the filly.

“Go away! It’s not safe near me!” the filly whined, moving away from Luna’s approach.

“It is okay, little one. You cannot hurt anypony right now.”

“But I-- I… I killed them!” she screamed, bursting into tears. “I never meant to kill them! I didn’t want to hurt them, ever! I loved them, and I killed them! I don’t deserve to live!”

“Calm down, young one. It wasn’t your fault-” As soon as she spoke those words, she stopped, knowing she had spoken incorrectly.

“But. It. IS!!” she screamed, her magic bursting from her horn in a blast of black and deep cobalt, pushing Luna back slightly.

“No, it is not, child! It is not your fault that your magic was not able to be controlled!”

“It is! I’ve held it back all this time, and now, this one time, I let it go on accident- causing this!”

“Child, calm down! This stage in a unicorn’s life is where their magic starts to loose itself on its own!” the night princess screamed over the force of another magic surge. “Calm!” She moved up to the filly and grabbed her, calming her down.

“It is only a dream. Wake up, child. Wake up.”

Author's Note:

((Has nothing to say))