• Published 2nd Jul 2012
  • 3,912 Views, 271 Comments

The Equestrian Refugees - InspectorSharpWit

After Blueblood usurps the Canterlot Throne, the Doctor sends the remaining supporters of the Royal Sisters away in his TARDIS. However, som

  • ...

Chapter The Fifteenth

Chapter the Fifteenth, or “The Madness of Princess Celestia”

As we run into the crowd, I notice something infinitely more frightening than the explosion itself: The whole room is completely silent, and everyone is in a drunken stupor, staring at the source of the pink light. This causes me to go to a full-on sprint to see what was causing all this.

When I reach the center, I see a beautiful woman with flowing pink hair positively glowing in the center. She’s wearing a flowing white gown and has an almost imperious feel to her; in fact, if it weren’t for that creepy smile on her face, I’d say that was-

“Celestia!” Luna says in shock. “What’s happened to you?!”

I do a double take. “Princess Celestia?!” I gasp.

She rolls her eyes in annoyance. “Oh, I’ve had ENOUGH of this whole Princess schtick!” she pouts. “Please, call me Celly!”

Luna looks mortified. “Sister, you are not well! This is now you should conduct yourself amongst our subje-“

“Please, Luna, let’s give up this royalty thing for just one night!” Celestia groans, swaying slightly. “Let’s have some fun, shall we? Remember when use to have fun with this job? We would summon entire harems just to-“

“THAT IS ENOUGH, CELESTIA!” thundered Luna, her face becoming a vivid shade of red. “THOSE DAYS HAVE BEEN FINISHED FOR CENTURIES!”

Celestia rolls her eyes. “Obviously,” she snorts. “You’re about as fun as a rainy day now, Woona!”

Luna’s pupils shrink to the size of pinpricks. “Do not call Us that name,” she whispers grimly.

Celestia gives her a smirk. “What name? WOOOOOONAAAAA?”

Luna turns even redder in response. “Not in public, Sister!” she whines, almost like a little girl.

“Aw, is someone embarrassed about their pet name?” Celestia teases. “”Don’t worry, WOONA, I’m sure your friends understand!” She turns to me and gives me a leer. “Why, hello there, little human! I didn’t notice you there!”

I feel a heat rise up to my cheeks. “Uh, hello your High-“

“PLEASE, don’t call me ‘Your Highness’!” she interrupts, almost as if the title caused her pain. “Just call me Celly!”

“Fine then, Celly,” I mutter, off-put by all of this. “What can I do for you?”

“The question is, baby, what can I do for YOU?” she says sultrily, licking her lips.

I automatically stare down to my shoes, trying to avoid her gaze. I am the master of my sex-drive, I am the master of my sex-drive, I mentally chant to myself
. She grins and telepathically pulls me close to her. “Aw, is someone a little shy?” she coos, stroking my hair softly.


Celestia starts to push her cleavage to my chest. “You know, I’ve never been with a human before,” she whispers smokily into my ear. “You’re lucky number one…”

Suddenly, I’m dragged away from her by a blue aura. “SISTER, STOP IT! YOU ARE INTOXICATED!” cries Luna desperately while she levitates me into the air.

Celestia blinks, as if she was adjusting to the sudden lack of me. “No, you’re drunk!” she answers confidently.

“Sister, think about your behavior! You’ve been acting erratically, you’ve interrupted this celebration, and you were trying to seduce Sebastian!” she winces slightly and gives me a nervous smile. “No offense,” she says apologetically.

“No, I’m completely with you on this one,” I say, staring at the pink princess. “She’s definitely drunk.”

Celsetia sighs in exasperation. “Fine. I’ll go back with you to the suite! Are you happy now?”

Luna gives her a stern gaze. “Not until you’re there, I won’t be!”

“Gods, Luna! You ruin EVERYTHING!” she groans. “You’re just like mom!”

“Then She raised me well,” Luna said, apparently satisfied. “Now go upstairs, have a nice cup of tea, and get ready for bed.”

“I hate tea,” Celestia sulked.

Luna gives her an icy glare. “Did I ASK you if you wanted tea?” she said in a dangerous voice.

“… No ma’am,” she sighs. She turns to me and gives me a grin. “You got off this time, little human,” she leers, “but don’t expect to be so lucky next time!”

My face all of a sudden feels hot. “Uh, ok,” I reply meekly.

She laughs sultrily, and with a flirty wink, she teleports out of the room in a flash of pink. Luna sighs and turns to her subjects with a weary smile. “We are sorry to have interrupted your celebration,” she says apologetically. “Please, continue to enjoy your night!” With that, she teleports with a midnight blue flash, probably to keep watch over her drunken sister.

The room stays dead silent, the air almost palpable with shock at the whole incident. I was about to speak up when-

“Well, you heard the lady!” declares Rainbow Dash. “LET’S PARTY!”

The room erupts in cheers and the music turns back on, leaving me completely in shock. How did everything just go back to normal?! I thought to myself. I mean, this is the equivalent of watching the Queen of England flash someone at a rave!

“Sebastian!” someone calls, interrupting my thoughts. I turn to find Rarity sitting comfortably behind me, a glass of wine floating beside her. “Mind talking with me?”

“Oh, hey!” I say back, putting on a smile. “Didn’t see you there!”

“Well, I saw you,” she smiles, “and you look almost as good from the back as you do on the front!” Noticing my look of horror, she laughs. “Oh, come now, Sebastian, a gentleman know how to take a compliment!”

I start slowly shifting away from her. “How many drinks have you had tonight, Rarity?” I ask suspiciously.

“Just this one,” she smiles, waving around her half-full glass of wine. “Why? Afraid of dealing with tipsy little ladies?”

I sigh and relax. “Sorry. I guess what just happened kind of shook me up.” I stop short and start to look at her. “You DID see what just happened, right?”

“Oh, that!” she chuckles, sipping her wine. “How silly of me to forget! It feels like ages ago, doesn’t it?”

“No it doesn’t,” I say slowly. “It just happened a few minutes ago!”

“I know, but the memory’s almost fuzzy, as if it happened long ago…” She stares off into space for a while before she shakes her head to clear her thoughts. “I suppose it’s the drinks,” she says ruefully, pouring her wine into a nearby potted plant. “I’m such a light-weight with these things!”

“Right… It’s the drinks,” I repeat, more to myself than to her. “Thant must be it…”

“Well, what I do remember is that Princess Celestia seemed to have quite a crush on you!” Rarity goes on, winking at me. “You lucky, lucky boy!”

I blush and look down to the sofa. “She was just drunk, that’s all,” I mutter.

“Oh, don’t be so modest!” she laughs, pinching my cheeks. “You are quite handsome! Not to mention that clever look in your eye, your caramel skin-tone, your impeccable dress sense... Now if only you cut your hair, you’d be presentable!”

“Hey, I like my hair long!” I protest, instinctively running my hand over it. “My ears stick out, so this makes it less noticeable!”

She giggles girlishly. “Aha, so there ARE some chinks in the armor!” she proclaims, poking me between the ribs.

I grunt and push her away. “Yeah, yeah, it’s easy to laugh when you’re one of the pretty people!”

“Now wait just a minute!” she protests. “Believe it or not, I too have my own insecurities!”

“Like what?” I smirk. “Can’t stand seeing a hair out of place on your pretty little head?”

She blushes deeply. “I can’t help being a perfectionist!” she whines. “It just comes naturally!”

“Look who’s got a chink in the armor now,” I chuckle. “You know, I’d think someone as pretty as you would have a little more confidence in yourself!”

“It’s not that I don’t!” she says in an exasperated tone. “It’s simply because things can always be improved! Why try to be anything but the absolute best?”

“I can agree with that,” I admit, “but when things get out of hand, it’s better to-“

“Um, Sebastian?” a timid voice says behind me. I turn to find Twilight smiling shyly at me. “You wanna come outside to the balcony and talk?”

“Sure, I guess,” I shrug. “You wanna come along, Rarity?”

For a fraction of a second, I see a cloud pass through Twilight’s face, but it passes soon enough. “No, I’d rather stay sitting down, if it’s all the same to you, darling,” Rarity smiles at me. “Besides, I’m sure you and Twilight will prefer to be alone, wouldn’t you?”

“Alright then,” I shrug. “Don’t drink yourself to death!” And with that, the two of us teleport to the balcony, Rarity’s laugh still ringing in my ears.

Author's Note:

Hello, dear readers! Seeing as I have finally been released from [CENSORED], I'll have more free time to devote to the story! I'll try to regain my habit of regular posts, so please feel free to pester me if I start to slack off! Also, seeing as this arc will soon end (not without some more nonsense, of course), if you have any suggestions for the new arc, feel free to post them!