• Published 8th Nov 2015
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Fright Night Fun - JusSonic

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon begins their first Nightmare Night with the CMC.

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Chapter 1

Fright Night Fun

it was a dark and spooky night in Equestria. It's that time again which the ponies love to called Nightmare Night, a holiday named after Princess Luna's former evil personality Nightmare Moon. It was during this time that Fluttershy wanted to conquer her fear of the holiday and hang with her friends...

But this story isn't about them, but about a certain group on this night approaching a house eerily. One of them knocks on the door loudly. Filthy Rich opens the door and peeks out to see the little mischievous creatures speaking, "Nightmare Night, what a fright! Give me something sweet to bite!"

"Ah, hey kids." Filthy Rich said with a grin as he passes out candy to the CMC and their Dragon Phobos.

"Are Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon ready?" Nyx ask Filthy Rich with a smile.

"Oh, they should be ready. Girls! Your girls are here!"

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon came out, wearing the outfits that they wore when they were exploring Pinkie Pie's not so scary haunted house a while ago. This is the former bullies' first time of going trick or treating with their pals.

"Yew ready Diamond?" Apple Bloom ask Diamond Tiara with a grin.

"Yeah, I guess." Diamond Tiara admits as Silver Spoon straightens herself a bit. "I am a bit anxious...is that a good thing?"

"Sure! It proves how you are given friendship a further chance by going out with your new friends." Sweetie chirps happily to Diamond Tiara. Amazingly, if a year ago, you asked these kids if they would take Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon out on Nightmare Night, they would've said "not a chance". And now?

The former bullies suddenly yelp as Phobos jumps out, booming madly, "I am the Equalizer! Fear me!"

Phobos was wearing his own homemade costume with the helmet of the Equalizer whom, unknown to him, the Mane Six, Ben, Nyx, Spike and Goldie's group was actually Starlight Glimmer. He was even holding a homemade version of the Staff of Sameness 2.0.

Phobos removes the helmet, laughing, "Wow! It even distorts my voice!"

"Oh, Phobos." Nyx said to her friend, rolling her eyes while smiling a bit.

"So that's what that Equalizer guy you and Nyx were talking about looks like!" Scootaloo exclaims, amazed since she saw the costume but didn't know what it was until now.

"At least he didn't take our cutie marks." Sweetie said in relief that the Equalizer creep was stopped before he could get too far.

"Yew said it." Apple Bloom said, nodding in agreement. She's glad the Equalizer has never gotten to Ponyville. The CMC has gotten their cutie marks and it would be ashamed to lose them now!

"Actually, we're still trying to figure out if it's a stallion or a mare." Nyx said, trying to recall if the Equalizer was really a mare or a stallion.

"I can still remember acquiring that thing." Phobos said with a shrug, recalling how the ponies and Dragons got their hooves/claws on that helmet in the first place.


This is a flashback to that scene. This is after the group's meal after their journey from stopping the Equalizer. As they are done eating, Twilight sighs in relief, "Now that was satisfying."

"Hey, what's that you got there, Spike?" Rainbow ask, noticing that Spike is holding something in his claws.

"A little Equalizer souvenir." Spike explains with a smirk to her friends as he shows what he has gotten from the fight with the Equalizer.

He was holding the Equalizer's helmet that had fallen off him after Nightclaw whacked him into a pillar during his fight with Ben, Pinkamena and Arsenal. He spun the helmet around. Suddenly, a small object fell out of it.

"Huh?" Nyx ask puzzled as she notices the object that fell out.

"Hey, what's that?" Twilight ask puzzled.

Phobos picked the object up and examined it. He spoke up in conclusion, "It's a chunk of hair."

"And it's purple." Jack Zen said in suspicion and concern. He hasn't seen that hair, or mane, before but the pony may already recognize who it belongs to.

"Just like Twilight's mane." Spike said, recalling Twilight's mane color.

"An' Nyx an' Rarity's. No offense there, Rarity." Applejack said, apologizing to Rarity on the last part.

"None taken." Rarity assured her friend that no offense is taken here.

"Right, except that hair has a blue stripe on it. And we know the only one who has a purple mane with a blue stripe." Twilight said in concern. She and her friends who has been to the Our Town place a few months ago recalled who the hair belonged to: a certain con pony who tried to steal their cutie marks!

"Aria Blaze of the Dazzlings?" Phobos guessed wrongly.

"Make that the second figure. However, she's still in the human world." Ben said, reminding Phobos that Aria Blaze is still in the human world, most likely under arrest (though the ponies has no idea that she and her pals escaped, but that's another story). "The other figure is a pony. But we still don't know if it was 'her' or not."

"Maybe we should take that hair to Detective Dan for investigation." Golden Heart suggests in concern. Only Detective Dan could figure this mystery out.

"Good idea, brother." Pinkamena said with a nod of agreement. If the hair does belong to "her", then this cutie mark stealing thing may have gotten serious indeed!


The foals of Ponyville laughs as they run through Ponyville, playing games, getting candy, all that stuff. The CMC and their friends moved on, having TPing the tree near Rarity's place.

"So is Fluttershy going to come out tonight?" Silver Spoon ask her friends curiously. She knows that Fluttershy doesn't like the idea of going out on Nightmare Night, preferring to stay hold up in her cottage every night on this holiday.

"Auntie Fluttershy is going to try to do the holiday this year." Nyx explains to her friends, much to their disbelief.

"Seriously?" Apple Bloom ask arching an eyebrow. "Well, Ah did recalled seeing her go into Rarity's place while we were TPing 'de tree...but Ah presumed it was 'ta git treats fer her hideout!"

"I hope Fluttershy would at least do some scaring." Scootaloo said, rolling her eyes a bit. "Not like Pinkie's haunted house thing...or anything lame like a tea party."

"What's wrong with a scary tea party?" Sweetie ask Scootaloo with a pouty look. "It would be sad if no pony shows up, not give you any treats, etc."

"Sweetie, you're too sweet, you know that?"

Just then the group came up to see Pinkamena doing some sort of Nightmare Night game. The flat mane version of Pinkie calls out eerily to the ponies passing or stopping, "Welcome folks! Are you brave enough to pet Azure Draco Draconis the Kirin? Be careful, pet him wrong and he will roar."

The group saw Pinkamena motioning to Azure the Kirin...who is small compared to his big size when the Mane Six, Ben, Nyx, the Dragons, the pets, and Golden Heart's group met him not too long ago.

"A K...Kirin but he looks small!" Diamond Tiara gulps a bit frighten. She has heard stories of a Kirin, but the filly thought they look bigger than this!

"Well he can change his size 'ta his Kirin form 'ta a normal size Dragon an' even adult pony size, well yew could say "Dragonpony"." Apple Bloom admits with a light chuckle.

"So let’s play this event." Sweetie said excitedly. This could sound fun...or scary, depending on how one does this game.

"So Pinkamena, what are the rules?" Scootaloo ask Pinkamena, curious about what rules are being used here.

Pinkamena grins as she explains, "It is simple, just pet him in the right place. Who would like to go first?"

The CMC slide Diamond Tiara up who shivers, looking at Azure Draco who looks back at her. The filly shivers but the CMC are by her side. Diamond Tiara moves to the Kirin being in reaching range to it and she slowly lifts her hoof up lightly shaking but places her hoof on Azure Draco, lightly scratching under his chin. The former bully closes her eyes but hears purring and opens her eyes, seeing the Kirin very happy.

"Well done Diamond Tiara, you're not only was brave enough to pet Azure Draco, you even found his most favorite place to be petted and he rarely lets anypony near him who are mean." Pinkamena said proudly to Diamond Tiara for her success. "But I can look in his eyes and he saw the kindness inside your heart."

"Even if I am mean?" Diamond Tiara ask Pinkamena puzzled.

"It was your mother who gave you no other way, just do not plan to be mean" Azure Draco said with a smirk. She jumps lightly backing up a bit upon hearing him talk.

"He talks!!!"

"When we first met him, we were surprised about it as well." Apple Bloom said laughing as she recalls herself how she and her friends got startled upon hearing him talk for the first time as well.

"Yeah, it was surprising." Sweetie chirps happily as well.

"But it was really awesome." Scootaloo remarks with a smirk in agreement.

"Well you all earned a prized." Pinkamena said as she gives them prizes, a telescope, a microphone, a mallet, a shield, a fake gem, a heart, and a smiley face as they smile.

"Thanks." Apple Bloom said, thanking Pinkamena for the prize.

"Thank you." Sweetie said, thanking Pinkamena as well.

"Thanks." Scootaloo remarks with a smile.

"Thanks!" Nyx and Phobos exclaims happily to Pinkamena for their prizes, though the Dragon was expecting a real prize than this.

Diamond Tiara just look at her heart prize, puzzled as she spoke, "They look strange."

"Well Diamond Tiara, make sure you have them with you when the moon is at its highest point then raise them into the air, aiming to the moon on the highest point to where the Fright Night festivities are and something amazing will happen, trust me on that." Pinkamena said, giving a wink to the filly.

Diamond Tiara wonders if she's right or she's being...Pinkamena.


The group laughs, mostly, as they leave the Apples' haunted corn field. Well, not much of a haunted one, just a rather fake one. Diamond Tiara thought she heard Princess Twilight and her group screaming from somewhere, but felt like she's imagining things.

As the fillies arrives at a part of the festival where the ponies are eating candy or telling ghost stories, Diamond Tiara comments, "No offense, Apple Bloom, but your family's maze is kinda..."

"Corny? Yeah, but we did our best." Apple Bloom said with a proud look.

"And we were expecting to be scared this time." Silver Spoon said with a sigh, shaking her head. The corn maze is more disappointing than the so-called haunted house that Pinkie hosted.

Suddenly a monster came out from out of nowhere, roaring. Well, it would've been scary...except the head is a ridiculous paper bag with a silly face drawn on it and two holes cut in it...and the foals can recognize the overalls that he's wearing.

"Oh, hey, Tough Apple." Phobos remarks, rolling his eyes a bit.

Tough removes his paper bag, frowning as he ask, "What, you ain't scared?"

"Yeah, no offense but it's rather funny than scary." Apple Bloom remarks to her cousin as the others laughs a bit.

"Right, even Pinkie would've try better...and she's the Element of Laughter!" Swetie exclaims with a smile on her face.

Tough Apple could tell that he needs to work up his scare game, he use to freak ponies out with his temper & such, but now it’s not even enough to give one hiccups. So seeing this group not be scared, the stallion decided that it’s time to bring out something to truly bring the scare meaning, to new heights this night.

“Oh, ye want somethin’ scary, well…I got one dat’ll scare ye silly!” Tough Apple issued off in where if he was gonna give a really good scare for the CMC’s bunch to get a good treat, then he’s got one that is sure to beat. The little ones listen carefully as they listen before…a strange song began to start with Tough Apple singing off ‘Headless Horseman’ song. As the guy was gathering around those to listen, as he has something to tell them…

Tough Apple: Just gather 'round
And I'll elucidate
On what goes on outside when it gets late.
Long about midnight,
The ghosts and banshees,
They get together for their nightly jamboree.
There's things with horns and saucer eyes
Some with fangs about this size.

As the CMC, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon & Phobos listen carefully, they see Tough was wiggling sticks over the head & make goggling eyes. Those that listen became intrigue of this tale they never heard till today.

Mare #1: Some are fat.

Mare #2: And some are thin.

Creepy Stallion: And some don't even wear their skin!

Some mares appeared from parts of the corn maze to explain, even a creepy old pony issued off to state such things

Tough Apple: Oh, I'm telling you, little fellas,
It's a frightful sight'
To see what goes on Nightmare Night.

Tough Apple exclaimed to look down to the fillies in teasing to toy, stating this little stuff to get them to figure this out as their minds were boggled in feeling concern. Then without warning, winds were blowing that put out the candles & some mare scream is heard as a curtain was blown that made the CMC group yelp in starting to believe it was real ghost.

Tough Apple: When the spooks have a midnight jamboree,
They break it up with fiendish glee.
Ghosts are bad,
But the one that's cursed
Is the Headless Horseman,
He's the worst.

Now Tough Apple was boggling on down with the crowds that were in the maze, telling a tale here while the CMC group were trying to be brave in hearing this.

Chorus: That's right,
He's a fright on Nightmare Night.

Phobos felt concern from the shadow puppet form Tough was making about this scary tale that he step on a black cat’s tail which made it screech to hid in a pumpkin.

Tough Apple: When he goes a-joggin
Cross the land,
Holdin' a noggin',
In his hand,
Demons take one look and groan,
And hit the road for parts unknown.

The group look from the cat to seeing Tough Apple hopping on a chair wearing a white table cloth to look like a shadowy form of a headless horseman. He was making himself sound like the Headless Horseman was the scariest thing to encounter that other weaker demons of the scary night turn tail, which made the fillies duck down when Tough pass over them.

Chorus: Beware, take care, he rides alone.

The others in the maze sang in feeling this atmosphere really was making things sound fun for them…

Tough Apple: And, there's no spook like the spook that's spurned.

Chorus: They don't like him, and he's really burned.

Tough Apple: He swears to the longest day he's dead,

All: He'll show them that he can get a head

As the CMC, Diamond Tiara & the others looked up, they see how silly they look to stand up again. Tough Apple was pointing out these things before showing before the CMC, a scary carve pumpkin that was lit with flames inside, that made Phobos yelp in being caught by surprise.

Tough Apple: They say he's tired of his flamin' top,
He's got a yen to make a swap.
So he rides one night each year,
To find a head in Hollow here.

Then as Tough Apple threw that pumpkin head in a fireplace nearby, it exploded into flaming fire sparkles that made the CMC duck down to avoid the contact. Then Tough held a knife in stating what the Headless Horseman does which made the little members of the CMC swallow to rub their heads; would such a guy come for their heads?

Mares: Now, he likes them little, he likes them big.

Stallions: Parted in the middle, or a wig.

Chorus: Black or white, or even red.

Tough Apple: The Headless Horseman needs a head.

Soon the other ponies were singing this off near the CMC group in which they were unsure if that was real or not…then Tough Apple came to pluck a tiny mane off Diamond Tiara’s head to aim it closely with the large blade he held.

All: With a hip-hip and a clippety clop,
He's out looking for a top to chop.

Tough Apple: So don't stop to figure out a plan,

Now Diamond Tiara watches in seeing that her lock of mane was being alive thinly by the blade as the chanting of the song continues to explain about the Headless Horseman. Then Tough sliced off a scarecrow with a pumpkin head from the corn maze as it rolled near Silver Spoon who became jumpy at seeing that.

All: You can't reason with a headless man.

Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon show worried concerns, they never knew such scary things could exist to come out on such nights.

Tough Apple: Now, if you doubt this tale is so,
I met that spook just a year ago.
Now, I didn't stop for a second look,
But made for the bridge that spans the brook.
For once you cross that bridge, my friends,

As Tough explain the case, Phobos nervously grabbed some gem nearby in feeling he needs something in his mouth to swallow some fear. Tough explained how he never stopped when he saw the Headless Horseman as he turn & pretended to run as the CMC listen in hearing how this stallion managed to flee for his life.

Chorus: The ghost is through, his power ends.

Phobos was so absorbed into the tale, that he took a pepper shake to start putting it on his gem.

Tough Apple: [bSo, when you're riding home tonight,
make for the bridge with all your might.
He'll be down in the Hollow there.
He needs your head.
Look out! Beware!

Tough was explaining this to all here that wanted to get home, make it straight towards the bridge, before pointing to the Everfree Forest in stating where the Headless Horseman resides in; a location known as the Hollow.

Mares: With a hip-hip and a clippety clop,

Stallions: He's out looking for a head to swap.

All: So, don't try to figure out a plan,
You can't reason with a HEADLESS MAN!!!!!!

Now the ponies of the corn maze sang this off, as the CMC were so concern that even Phobos failed to see his pepper shake came completely open on the gem he had before swallowing it whole. To which then the moon Dragon’s face expression was turning red from too much spice that his eyes were watering as he let off flames as if his throat was on fire. That made the CMC freak out even more to look back at seeing this act….soon the sang came to an end, & then the screen faded out from so much smoke that Phobos made…


The scene changes to the hour at night, in where the scene focuses on the Everfree Forest at this time. The skies grew darker & darker with the stars wipe their lights out one by one, driving clouds secured the moonlight from sight. Never such moments that we find the CMC members; Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Nyx accompanied by Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon & Phobos. As they were approaching the location known as the Sleepy Hollow that was strangely a separate place within the Everfree Forest. Said to be a place where no activity happens of any predators or nothing, it’s just eerily quiet… And these brave little souls enter the place while chill eerie winds blew, making some feel edgy now while hearing creepy noises that made they almost yelp.

“Question….WHY are we doing this?” Phobos asked off in thinking this was a bad idea that none them go home this way, so why take it.

"Right, home is the other way you know." Nyx reminds her friends in concern.

“Ta show Tough dat his story is phony baloney.” Apple Bloom issued off to say this that they are proving Tough’s scary is not scary real.

“Right, Headless Horseman, hah, I heard Rainbow Dash tell scary tales that…well, let’s say I got over them.” Scootaloo spoke off to brag about how she overcame her fears of scary stories from what Rainbow Dash told her.

“Um, guys….are the clouds supposed to look like that?” Diamond Tiara asked in seeing that above, clouds shaped like claws appeared to almost block out the moon light.

“An-and does it look like the forest is closing in behind us?” Silver Spoon asked off in getting a bit scared in seeing the way back was almost…like the forest keeping them in.

“Maybe Tough’s story wasn’t so false, he has been here long enough that he could have seen it.” Sweetie Belle stated in thinking Tough’s story might have been true.

"Maybe Princess Luna is trying to scare ponies again." Nyx said in assuration. After all, Princess Luna has been known to scare ponies a lot with her tricks ever since she'd gotten closer to her subjects on her first Nightmare Night.

Then without warning, howling noises made the fillies & Phobos yelp with concern as windy leaves blew against them that caught them by surprise.

"Maybe it's a dog?" Nyx asked, hoping that a dog howling.

“Oh no, maybe this is like that time I sent you three in the woods to be Timberwolf chow, what if karma’s wanting me to suffer for that!” Diamond Tiara yelps in fearing this was her punishment for one of her old bad deeds from long ago during the Lorcan reform issue, etc. "Or worst, when Silver Spoon tricked Nyx into doing the same thing which..."

"Diamond Tiara, calm down, calm down!"

“Diamond Tiara, we been over this, we forgave yah fer dat. Besides, Ah heard dat fro' Granny Smith a lot o' de dangerous creatures stay away from de location dat’s Sleepy Hollow. Mostly she says they don’t hunt, but sleep…maybe.” Apple Bloom explained off that they forgave the filly from such things while stating another reason here.

“You-you don’t think it’s because the Headless Horseman lives there, do you?” Silver Spoon asked off shaky about why no other dangerous forest creature lives around here.

Then more holding is heard as they felt jumpy to move along before yelping in what almost look like; a ghost with yellow eyes from its tree figure form. They all yelped to back away before seeing it was only a tree that looked like a ghost with fireflies coming out hollow hole. As the fireflies flew off, cricket noises are heard as many listen & some could almost swear the noises contain voices saying…each of those here by name. Owls hooting to frogs croaking to almost give that creepy feeling, the group was having second thoughts.

“May-may-maybe we should do this tomorrow, when it’s….NOT…Nightmare Night?” Phobos asked off in thinking of an idea that could be better for them.

"Right, mommy and daddy should be home worried about me by now." Nyx said, getting scared now and worried that her parents would be upset for her being away from home this long.

“Come on ye’ll, it ain’t dat far, we do this; we’ll prove we aren’t afraid!” Apple Bloom stated off in making a claim here for them to not be seen as frighten fillies.

“Like that time you did your sister’s delivery once? Yah, maybe…it’ll be something like that.” Scootaloo stated in recalling how Apple Bloom braved something dangerous once, maybe they can to.

The group moved along over a wooden board walk over a pond water as wind blew near the bamboo sticks which through the holes; made an eerie sounding response of wailing voices. The CMC tried to not let such things frighten them, but yelp in hearing & looking around to where their imagination made trees & shadows form like scary monsters. They all were starting to feel like maybe the further they going, the more the scariness increases before from a tree branch broke down to touch Phobos’s behind.

“WAAAAAUGH!” Phobos screamed in frightful tone that he was jumpy to collide against spider web before a crow came near as he swatted it away.

“Guys….is that….a graveyard?” Sweetie Belle asked off in seeing where the crow flied off by a graveyard hidden in the forest.

“Okay….maybe we should follow whoever is moving now. I think that last bit scared Silver Spoon off” Diamond Tiara asked off in thinking this much might have caused one of them to run off afraid.

“But, I’m here! And no one’s hooves are moving.” Silver Spoon stated to say she was not leaving the group which was true; all those that had hooves were not moving.

"Uh oh." Nyx said, frightened. If none of them are moving...

“Does…does that mean someone else is approaching us?” Scootaloo asked off with worry in what this means, what if it’s…

“Okay….maybe we should get going, maybe there are someone coming through 'dat is in a rush & we’re in 'de way &….” Apple Bloom was stating in having second thoughts about this, maybe they need to find cover.

As the sound was becoming louder the gang yelped in thinking the worse was coming until….they looked to find it was some grown water plants with large bud things being blown by the wind to hit the fallen hollow log that made sounds of horse steps. It was around then that, the gang was realizing what was happening, they were letting tough’s scary story make their wild imaginations go wild in thinking something scary was coming to get them.

“Gang, Ah think we been doped!” Apple Bloom stated off in what was happening here.

“We have?” Phobos raised an eyebrow in not following.

“Don’t ye see, everything’ in de forest, we imagine it was scary when it wasn’t.” Apple Bloom explained in what was going on that their imagination was scaring themselves.

"Right, we're letting our imaginations get to us." Nyx remarks with a giggle. That story has freak them out to the point of...this!

“Heh, yah, imagine us, getting worked up over nothing like it was a big deal!” Scootaloo smiled off in suddenly feeling her confidence returning.

“You know what, maybe your right. Maybe there isn’t anything here that’s scary at all.” Diamond Tiara stated off in starting to sound brave here, maybe there isn’t anything scary to be afraid of.

“Hah…hah-hah, hah…I don’t believe it! Facing against other scary odds, we let some bogeyman tale yank our chains!” Phobos exclaimed off in not believing that after facing such scary foes, they let a scary story get the better of them.

Pretty soon, the CMC, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon & Phobos couldn’t help but join in the laughter; they were silly to believe all that scary nonsense of a REAL Headless Horseman. They let a scary story blind them & make them feel foolish, it’s kind of funny, they scared themselves in the end, & it’s kinda a funny Nightmare Night prank if ever been pulled. So now there was nothing to be scared of, nothing bad was here, nothing at all that was actually…

“GEHHHHHH-HAHAHAHAHAAAAAHHH!” Then without warning, a strangely magical laughter is heard from off in the distance. That much made the others that were laughing to stop their own laughing riot to look stump, who was that?

“Apple Bloom, tell me that was you pulling a fast one?” Diamond Tiara asked off worried in what she hopes was just a prank.

“No way Ah didn’t do dat.” Apple Bloom shook her head off that what was heard was not her.

“Then…Phobos…he’s got a good deep voice?” Diamond Tiara asked of in who could have done the deed.

“Hey, if I could pull off evil, creepy, magical laughter, then I won an Oscar for it.” Phobos shrug off in stating what he would have gotten from doing that. "Nyx?"

"Phobos, if I was doing it, I would've done so in my adult form." Nyx said, getting scared now.

“But-but, but if that wasn’t from you or any of us, then…from who?” Silver Spoon asked off in concern, who else is here to pull off that creepy laugh.

“GEHHHHHH-HAHAHAHAHAAAAAHHH!” The group was starting to sweat a little in not liking this; that was no way, NO HOW, the wind or their imagination running wild, that was a REAL voice that continues to laugh off evilly that made many slowly turn. Then many of those that were looking at it, their worried faces suddenly look to turn from concern to….an overwhelming motion of FEAR, TERROR, & FRIGHT! “GEHHHHHH-HAHAHAHAHAAAAAHHH!” For appearing within the graveyard was a strange black horse with red eyes & riding it was a strange humanoid rider of dark clothing & a long violet/pink color cape, & as he laughed off wickedly it was seen….HE HAD NO HEAD! “GEHHHHHH-HAHAHAHAHAAAAAHHH!” He held in one hand, a sword & in the left, a glowing pumpkin carve head as he lets off his sinister laughter, there was no doubt this was….the HEADLESS HORSEMAN!

“Ob-ob-ob-ob-ob-ob….THE HEADLESS HORSEMAN! HE’S REEEEEAL!” Phobos was gaping off his terrified gasping mouth before stating this; they are in the ripeness of the real terror that Tough warn them about.

“GEHHHHHH-HAHAHAHAHAAAAAHHH!” Then the gang duck down as they avoided a sword swing while staring into the evil laughing foe; there was only one thing to do.

“RUN FER YER LIIIIIIIVES!” Apple Bloom shouted off this message that they gotta run for it.

Then without warning, the CMC were seen running at fully speed as fast as their little legs can move with Phobos running off to catch them. The Headless Horseman was seen beginning to pursuit the group.

“What’s the plan here?” Silver Spoon asked off in what the plan was to get out of this mess.

“First run, then run some more!” Apple Bloom issued off in knowing what they gotta do here.

“I could have thought of that!” Phobos rolled his eyes in seeing that was a plan even he could have told the others to do.

“Wait a second, I thought you said the tale was phony baloney!” Diamond Tiara stated to Apple Bloom about the tale of the Headless Horseman was false.

“Even we’re wrong sometimes!” Scootaloo stated that sometimes, they aren’t always right.

“WATCH OUT!” Sweetie Belle looked back in screaming in fright as she sees the chaser right behind them.

The CMC & Phobos were trying to flee as fast as they could, but soon the steed of the Headless Horseman was approaching them to which it let off snot steam against the back neck of Phobos.

“BWAAAAAGH!” Phobos screamed in terror, the guy was on top of the slow guy.

“GEHHHHHH-HAHAHAHAHAAAAAHHH!” The Headless horseman let off a sinister laugh as he swung his sword to swipe off Phobos’s head as the Moon Dragon was dodging as best he can. Then Phobos climb aboard on Diamond Tiara to have her give him a ride.

“Do you mind?” Diamond Tiara scolds the Moon Dragon for suddenly using her like a pony ride.

“No! But for now, don’t look back & PICK UP THE PACE!” Phobos issued off to look behind in asking the filly to pick up speed, the pursuer is nearly on top of them.

"Nyx, couldn't you transform to take this guy?!" Silver Spoon cries out frantically to Nyx, reminding her of her battle form.

"I would but I'm too scared to do so right now!" Nyx exclaims, breathing in and out right now. The filly is too terrified to even turn into Adult Nyx right now!

The CMC group were running at their best to get away as they skid down a hill, but then the Headless Horseman made a long leap jump over towards the open skies of a full moon. But as the guy came down, he was in front of the fillies running as they looked back to see…they lost the guy. But they never saw that the Headless horseman saw his prey approaching him as he held up his weapon to prepare to strike.

“HE’S ON TOP OF US!” Silver Spoon yelled out a warning to the group.

“Geeehhhh-Hahahaha…Gehhh-Hahahahaaa….” The Headless Horseman made light wicked laughter sounds as he swung but missed his strike as the group duck each time. As the CMC skid down another hill before falling into the river creek, they were soon swimming for their lives, only to bump into a nearby tree that was in the way, before getting out for them to run as fast as they can.

“Where’d he go?” Apple Bloom asked off i not seeing where the Headless Horseman went.

“Who cares, just run,” Scootaloo issued off that all they gotta do is get the heck out of here.

“GEHHHHHH-HAHAHAHAHAAAAAHHH!” Then along the path, the Headless horseman appeared to block the CMC’s way of escaping him. “GEHHHHHH-HAHAHAHAHAAAAAHHH!” Then the fiend swung his blade as the fillies & moon dragon duck their necks to avoid while turning to run the opposite way. “GEHHHHHH-HAHAHAHAHAAAAAHHH!” Now the Headless Horseman was chasing after the CMC bunch as he swung his sword to almost get them if…Phobos didn’t grab a loose wiggle tree to where the others grabbed by the tail to rotate around the attacker to have them go the opposite way of where the enemy ran towards. The group was needing a way to escape, they looked ahead to see that at the end of the Hollow Wood was a made bridge!

“Hey, remember what Tough Apple said? He said when we cross that bridge, the ghost will be through; his powers will disappear!” Sweetie Belle reminded the gang of what they heard, that the Headless Horseman can’t cross the bridge here.

"Right, the ghost won't chase us if we go past that bridge!" Nyx exclaims, recalling the story and how the Headless Horseman could be stopped.

“Then what are we waiting for, come on, Move it Horsy, move it!” Phobos issued off to say to shake Diamond Tiara’s head to make her mane come between her eyes from wanting to get moving.

“Agh, stop it Phobos, I can’t see….you making my mane block my eye sight!” Diamond Tiara complained off to say this in being blinded without warning.

Then Diamond Tiara collided against the rest as they spin on the dirt before they became straight. But then Phobos looked out to notice, they are heading away from the bridge, the fillies' eyes had mud on them.

“Clear the mud off, WE’RE GOING THE WRONG WAY!” Phobos issued to lean forward to wipe the mud off the others to stare at who they are gonna run into; the Headless Horseman about to slash his blade on them.

"Yikes!" Nyx screams out in terror. Not a good idea to go for here!

Then in a sudden turn, they bump into one another while the CMC group hovered over the guy to gaze down his headless spot.

“GEHHHHHH-HAHAHAHAHAAAAAHHH!” And even without a head, the Headless Horseman still let off a sinister & creepy laughter that scared the little ponies’ socks off as he swung his sword but missed any hits. The gang had to duck & dodge before they had to quickly turn around to flee the enemy to go around a tree a few times.

“GUUAGH!” Then Phobos wasn’t paying attention that a branch knock him off to land on the backside of the Headless Horseman’s ride. The CMC group were still running around in circling the tree while the guy was chasing them until the ponies & Moon Dragon came eye-to-eye.

“Phobos, what are you doing?” Scootaloo spoke off in seeing this Moon Dragon was in front of them.

“What am I doing, why are you behind me? Where’s the headless guy?” Phobos asked off in not following what was even going on here.

“Don’t ye know?” Apple Bloom stated off in what Phobos was even in now.

“You’re riding with him!” Sweetie pointed off that Phobos was literally on the backside of the Headless Horseman.

“I’m WHAAAAAAAT!” Phobos yelled out in shock, he’s riding with the guy trying to cut their heads off. “HUUUGH…GUUUUULP!” He gasped to swallow hard, now he’s in deep soup now. “GUUAGH!” Then in a deja vu sense, Phobos was knock off the tree branch to land right back onto Diamond Tiara.

“Forget trying to lose him, just head for the bridge & let’s get away!” Silver Spoon yelled out their only plan to escape from this horror show.

"I wish mommy and daddy are here now!" Nyx cries out in fear as the group continues making their getaway.

Soon the CMC were running off from around the tree, but so did the Headless Horseman. As the enemy took his swings, the brave little ponies finally were using all their little strength to get faster than the larger horse, & made it to & into the shed bridge, which in turn, caused the Headless Horseman to cease his pursuit, for knowing what happens to him. Finally on the other side, the CMC finally exhausted all of their strength to skid on the ground while they all seem so poof’d out; they made it, they escaped with their lives.

“We’re…We’re safe right, he can’t escape & chase us, right?” Diamond Taira asked off in hoping that this was the end.

“GEHHHHHH-HAHAHAHAHAAAAAHHH!” But then magical laughter is heard that made many look back to suddenly yelp & sweat in fear.

"No, but he can throw something at us!" Nyx exclaims, realizing what the Headless Horseman is going to do next!

For then without warning, the Headless Horseman threw a flaming carved pumpkin head through the shed bridge to the other side.

“UH-OH! Tough never said about FLAMING PUMPKINS!” Phobos yelled out to yelp, apparently the Headless Horseman can’t come after them, but he can throw something else instead; curses, they should have ran further…

“Clopuusfruvhmmm….” Soon the flaming pumpkin impacted into a flaming scene as many of the CMC hugged each other tightly in thinking it was…THE END!

Or was it….?

“Wah-Huh-Huh-Huh, Haaah-Hahahah-Hahaahhh….” Then the flames began to mold together before forming into…a familiar spirit of chaos. “You…you should have seen the look on your faces! Priceless….” Yep, it’s Discord alright, & he’s up to his old tricks it seems.

“Discord!” The CMC trio responded off to stop hugging to notice who was here.

“Happy Nightmare Night, Cutie Mark Crusaders!” Discord replied off in giving a happy celebration to the ponies.

“Wait! What are you doing here? What about the Headless Horseman?” Phobos asked off in what was going on all of a sudden.

“Oh, that was me…Tough Apple told me that you wanted to have a scary night for the first time with Diamond Tiara to be memorable. So, when Tough’s scary act failed, he told you a scary story & got me to help spice up the drama.” Discord exclaimed to mention this about what was done that he was asked to help scare up something good for this group.

“So dat was you?” Apple Bloom asked off in seeing Discord was the Headless Horseman.

“Yes!” Discord nodded off to say this out.

“We weren’t in any danger?” Sweetie Belle asked in seeing they were never in any danger at all.

“Yes!” Discord nodded off again for the answer.

“This was all a trick?” Scootaloo asked off in seeing they were just trick to being scared.

“Yes!” Discord nodded o the third question of the claim.

"And you ate Auntie Fluttershy's cat?" Nyx ask, smirking as she got a troll question.

"Yes...wait, no!"

"Ha! Gotcha!"

“Wow, hear dat gang, it wasn’t de real Headless Horseman, but Discord! Right…um, Diamond Tira, Silver Spoon?” Apple Bloom was stating this big reliever until it became quiet of two other voices.

Looking at Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon, they were shown with frozen faces & their bodies tip to respond in stiffness; much to the others' surprises.

“Oh my, perhaps I was too good in scaring them stiff as stones.” Discord replied off in being surprised by his own touch in what he did; perhaps he overdid it a tad bit.

“Well, you scared the living daylights out of us alright.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes in seeing what happened would make anyone be scared out of their minds.

“Hmm…well, I better get you all back to Sweet Apple Acres for now.” Discord hums a bit in thinking a return to the Apple’s Farm is best required for those that are stiff from being frozen in fear.

“Good idea, I think this was plenty of excitement to take.” Sweetie Belle nods off in agreement, they best get out of here for now.

“Yes, and best hurry, I plan to watch a recording I set in seeing how Fluttershy is scaring the Mane Six silly, oh-ho-ho…..she is something else.” Discord smiled off to look at a pocket watch in not wanting to miss a moment he’s recording a video of where Fluttershy is scaring her friends silly; he’ll wanna have a movie setup for that one.

"Uh, can you drop me and Phobos off at home first?" Nyx ask meekly to Discord. "Mommy and daddy would be worried if I am not back home by now."

"Well, I can do that...but don't expect that they won't be upset for you being out this long, little Nyxie!"

“Well, I’m just glad there was never any real Headless Horseman to begin with.” Phobos sighs off in relief that there was never any real spooky guys around here.

“Yes, Sleepy Hollow is peaceful without any frightful encounter with the Headless Horseman…Or perhaps….” Discord spoke off in stating something here that sounded like…there was more to the story if the tale was real or not. “The Headless Horseman may still be out tonight….as he still lingers in wait. To catch & slice off one’s head.” Then as he spoke darkly, he sliced off his neck to drop his head in his hand to make everyone yelp a bit.

“Eep!” Phobos yelps in squealing in fright; that must mean…there really IS a Headless Horseman.

“Well that’s it for now, let’s snap back shall we?” Discord smiled off to say this in deciding to get going now.

Then with a snap of his fingers, Discord teleported everyone out of Sleepy Hollow there. But as the camera zooms to the other side of the bridge, something is seen that looks like…a horse? No wait, someone riding the horse, & appeared…headless? Could it be…? Well the scene grows dark while some magical laughter is heard in the air, but it seems Sleepy Hollow within a certain spot in the Everfree Forest, still lives up to one’s expectation of a scary tale…


Discord dropped Nyx and Phobos off at the Friendship Rainbow Kingdom castle before taking the rest back to Sweet Apple Acres. By now, the former bullies has recovered from the spooky experience.

"So....Diamond Tiara?" Sweetie ask her friend curiously. "What was it like?"

"Like...I would never live again." Diamond Tiara said, recovering a bit while sighing. "I don't wanna go through that again."

"Yeah, me either." Silver Spoon said, shuddering a bit.

"Well, leave it 'ta Discord 'ta give us a good night." Apple Bloom remarks with a chuckle. She notices two familiar items nearby. "Oh, it's Nyx and Phobos's prizes, 'de shield & gem. They must've forgotten them or Discord gave them 'ta us."

"Say, Pinkamena did mentioned that if we have them with us when the moon is at its highest point then raise them into the air, aiming to the moon on the highest point to where the Fright Night festivities are, something amazing will happen." Sweetie said, recalling what Pinkamena said.

"Wanna give it a try?" Scootaloo ask her friends. She turns to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, adding, "You can too if you wanna."

The two look at each other then nods. Hopefully whatever happens is less scary than what they've gone through! So the fillies goes outside and saw the moon is at its highest point. The good fillies nodded as they raised their prizes, including Nyx and Phobos's, into the air, aiming at the moon on the highest point to where the Fright Night Festivities.

To the five's amazement, the items glows and floated to the air before exploding into fireworks. As everyone, including Nyx and Phobos who watch this from the castle, saw, the words "Happy Nightmare Night, Everypony" appear in the air.

Everypony, in and out of the festival, laughs in delight. What a delightful end to a Nightmare Night!

The End

Author's Note:

Cast list
Michelle Creber: Apple Bloom
Claire Corlett: Sweetie Belle
Madeline Peters: Sweetie Belle
Daveigh Chase: Nyx
Chantal Strand: Diamond Tiara, Various Mares
Shannon Chan-Kent: Silver Spoon, Various Mares
Scott McNeil: Tough Apple
John de Lancie: Discord
Frank Welker: The Headless Horseman, Creepy Stallion
Brian Drummond: Filthy Rich, Jack Zen, Various Stallions
Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle
Ashleigh Ball: Rainbow Dash, Applejack
Cathy Weseluck: Spike the Dragon, Mare 2
Tabitha St. Germain: Rarity, Various Mares
Jason Marsden: Ben Mare
Peter New: Various Stallions
Andrea Libman: Pinkamena Diane Pie, Mare 1
Orlando Bloom: Golden Heart

With special voice appearance by
Samuel L. Jackson: Azure Draco Draconis AKA Azure the Kirin

Well, scary near the end but it works. So whatcha guys think? All right, next up...

"The Detective Duo: Pinkie joins Detective Dan on a case when an important artifact from Ponyville is missing. Will the two be able to solve the case or will it fall apart?"

Detective Dan is back for another one so until next time, read, review and suggest!

Most of this chapter has reference to Disney's film 'The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad'.

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