• Published 10th Nov 2015
  • 9,073 Views, 165 Comments

Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité - Ponelover

Equestria is at war, Princess Celestia deploys the Royal Guard to fight off the Changelings. But the appearance of a certain European nation changes the equation entirely. (being rewritten)

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12th November, 2015 (Edited)

France, 10:00AM, +5 days after event

*News intro for Le Journal rolls in*

“Hello my name is Catherine Fournier, let’s see the headlines for today.”

Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius confirms contact between Equestrian Ponies and French expeditionary force

“The French Foreign Minister has just announced today that contact between Equestrian ponies and the French task force has been achieved. He further added that the French Diplomatic team alongside local authorities in the city of ‘Vanhoover’ is currently negotiating for a presence in the Equestrian capital of ‘Canterlot.’”

French Minister of Economy, Industry and Digital affairs commented on economic downturn

“Emannuel Macron have just commented about the recent data confirming that France will enter it’s worst recession since 2008, saying ‘government action is being taken to contain the recession.’ He refused to comment further.”

President Francois Hollande announced instant citizenship for all foreign citizens residing in France during transition

“After a meeting with multiple ambassadors in the embassy district, President Hollande and Foreign Minister Fabius announced that all foreign nationals residing in France during the event will be granted immediate citizenship and admittance to the 5th Republic of France. The US, UK, German, Japanese, South Korean and other countries diplomatically friendly to France have expressed their delight while the Chinese and Russian embassies refused to comment.”

*Intro for Le Journal rolls in again*

“Hello and welcome to Le Journal, I’m your host Catherine Fournier. After a one day expedition marking the entrance of France into the ‘Brave New World’ as President Hollande would call it. Contact with the rumored nation of ‘Equestria’ was made yesterday as the French Carrier Charles de Gaulle reaches the city of ‘Vanhoover’ and meets with the local city authority.”

*Video of Laurent Fabius getting out of the car and enters a building*

“Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius has announced today that positive contact has been made between France and Equestria in a press conference after the Foreign Minister received word about the contact.”

*The Video then skips to an announcement done by Laurent Fabius as sounds of Camera screenshots ring the background*

“At 1400 hours yesterday, the expeditionary force led by captain Jacques Rousseau has landed in a city called ‘Vanhoover’ and managed to make peaceful contact with the local authorities. As I am speaking, the diplomatic team is currently negotiating with the Vanhoover City Council regarding an audience with the rulers of Equestria. I will now give time to questions.”
*An interviewer raises his hand*
“Mr Foreign Minister, you didn’t mention the names of the rulers of Equestria, just what are the names of the President/Monarch/Dictator of Equestria?”
“Thank you, we have learned that Equestria is a Diarchy with two Princesses currently serving on the throne. Said rulers are Princess Celestia of the Sun and Princess Luna of the Moon.”
*Another Interviewer raises her hand*
“Mr Foreign Minister, have you established contact with other nations other than Equestria?”
“Thank you, as of right now France has only established contact with Equestria but there are future plans to use the carrier group as an expeditionary fleet to discover and establish diplomatic ties with other friendly nations.”

*The video ends and then skips to the newsroom*

“Recent data has suggested that the French Economy is going to enter it’s worst recession since 2008 due to the nature of the event taking place. Emannuel Macron, Minister of Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs arranged a press meeting inside the Shangri la Hotel and commented on the nature of the recession, stating that it is ‘unfortunate’ and further commented that ‘government action is being taken to contain the recession.’”

*Video of Emannuel Macron talking is shown*

“This recession is a very unfortunate event to have befall France, the event that happened 5 days ago is a nightmare for French economists everywhere. With the economy practically in freefall the French Ministry of Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs will maintain the suspension of stock trading throughout France and will take further action in order to contain the recession.” he finishes his announcement to only meet a flurry of of reporters asking him questions.

“I’m sorry but the French Ministry of Economy, Industry and Digital affairs will not comment on the issue.” as he leaves the building.

*Video ends again with the usual skip to the newsroom*

“Foreign Nationals residing in France are now cheering in joy as their ‘legal limbo’ status is revoked following President Hollande’s announcement that all Foreign Nationals residing in France during the event will immediately be granted French citizenship and protection under French law.”

*Skips to a video of President Francois Hollande talking to the ambassadors of multiple nations*

“The President has officially made his visit into the embassy district to resolve one simple question: what to do with the Foreign Nationals residing in France? After a meeting with the Ambassadors of the USA, UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, South Korea, Japan, China and Russia. He announced via the Presidential website yesterday that all Foreign Nationals residing in France will be granted French citizenship status. US Ambassador Jane Hartley has this to comment.”

*Video cuts into Jane Heartley’s video*

“We are glad that President Hollande has taken a step in the right direction. I will always be a proud American but even I must admit that we need to face the realities of the situation. To all my fellow Americans who are currently residing in France. Go to the nearest immigration office and make it official.” As Jean Hartley finishes his comment.

“Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius also urges all Foreign Nationals to go to the nearest immigration office and register their citizenry immediately.”
*As the video cuts into Laurent Fabius answering a reporter’s question*

“I highly...highly recommend to all foreign residents residing in France to go to the nearest immigration center and register their citizenry immediately. If you do that you will now be officially protected under the government of France and your ‘legal limbo’ status will be revoked.”

*Video then cuts back to the newsroom*

“Thank you so much for watching Le Journal, this is Catherine Fournier signing out”

*Roll Ending theme of the Le Journal*

Vanhoover City Hall, 10:00AM, +5 days after event

“Umm city hall presents Mr Julien Thomas from the Republic of France and Ms Daring Do of Equestria!” as the pony announces the arrival of the French diplomatic team to Equestria alongside Daring Do. When the French diplomatic team reached the harbour, they were swiftly taken to City Hall to talk to the mayor and council ponies before they were formally announced to the general public. Numerous reporters couldnt help but stare and take pictures as they walk out. Daring Do announces the intentions of the French diplomatic team to the assembled reporters who finally get out of their stupor and hurriedly begin writing down notes and taking more appropriate pictures with steadier hooves, though a few times there were calls for autographs from the famous pegasus.. The fact that Daring Do is a real pony is a real shocker for the citizens of Vanhoover that wandered by the impromptu press conference. The fact that Daring Do brought in aliens displaced from another world totally brought chaos to the city as everypony wanted to get a glimpse of these ‘humans’, eventually causing the local authorities to set up a cordon just so they could move about with some freedom.

“Thank you Mr Loudmoth, Mr Julien Thomas….err Welcome to Equestria! As foreign ambassadors of the recently found Republic of France, what are your intentions in visiting Vanhoover?” Mayor Red Tape asked. Oh this is going to be so exciting! thought the mare as she observed these peculiar species of intelligent hairless apes, or was it weird deformed minotaurs? Anyway, Red Tape loved her job really, sure it can get really grinding at times and even she admitted that sometimes it can get boring as well. But the feeling of signing in legislation or the thrill that is debating with the opposition really outweighs the costs when she’s run this city for over six years. To great success to her credit, even her opponents couldnt fault her on that.

Realizing it’s his time to speak, Julien starts to speak, “Ms Red Tape, you already knew my name and you know why I’m here so I’ll cut to the chase. France has requested me to go to this city in order to contact your leaders, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. They are your nation’s leaders correct?”

“Y….yes that’s correct” Red Tape replied. I guess Daring Do did tell them everything she knew.

“So I trust that you will do the honor of contacting these Princessess for us please?” Julien was being aggressive in his methods but still shows signs of restraint and politeness.

“What will you be looking to do?” Red Tape asked

“The recent displacement of France from earth to this world has brought us to the edge of an economic recession. We’re hoping Equestria is willing to trade with us and share what they know about this new world we’ve been thrust upon.”

“Oh…..sure, we’ll provide you with whatever you need. But what’s in it for us?” Red Tape asks, she knew that from the tone of his voice that this ‘France’ country clearly needed help. And if they are willing to trade with Equestria, she could use that political capital to benefit her nation.

“Oh a lot of things mon ami,” as he flicked his fingers and the rest of the diplomatic team brought their bags to the front of the desk. “For one, France is obviously more advanced in terms of technology than Equestria from what we’ve seen so far. So I would propose that France would have the ability to upgrade Equestria’s infrastructure.” as he shows her a picture of the TGV

“This is a train?” Red Tape looks in a jokingly manner “Where are the engines and where’s the smokestack? Is this what you call a modernization programme?” the Mare questioned the strange looking train.

“It might not look like much madamoiselle but these trains can comfortably travel at 300-400 kilometers per hour, is much safer than your ‘friendship express’ if Ms Do’s testimony is correct and would provide thousands of jobs which will boost the Equestrian economy in general.” Julien responded.

Red Tape looks at the man with intent, carefully studying his expression and sees no signs that he is lying. “Very well” she said, “Get me Graceful Winds, you’ll gain an audience with Princess Celestia as soon as possible. Again, welcome to Equestria, may both our countries benefit from this mutual relationship.” as Mayor Red Tape extends her hoof.

“So do I Ms Red Tape, so do I” as Julien also extended his hand and shakes her hoof.

This would be the beginning of the French-Equestrian Alliance that would prove to be one of the most powerful Political and Economic blocs in Equis in the years to come. This alliance would propel France’s unknown reputation in Equis from nothing to near-mythological and eventually emerge as one of the if not THE most powerful nation to ever exist in the history of Equis. Rivalling even the great Alicorn empires of old.

Outskirts of the badlands, 10:00AM, +5 days after event

“KEEP PUSHING PONIES!!! WE’RE BREAKING THEM!!” as Spitfire yells at the Wonderbolts who are finally breaking Captain Pincer’s blockade.. The battle as a whole was a complete disaster for the Royal Guard. Casualties are already estimated at easily half of the 30,000 Royal Guard will die and she already knew that the Wonderbolts are taking a beating as well.

In hindsight she should’ve known that the Changelings would pull this trick. The march to the pass was a breeze with the Wonderbolts picking off Changeling scouts that were supposed to inform Captain Pincer’s regiment. It was the battle itself that awakened Captain Pincer from his slumber that proved to be the deadly trick. As soon as Shining Armor realized that his back was under attack it was too late, Captain Pincer had successfully delayed the Wonderbolts long enough so that the rest of his regiment would conduct attacks on his Unicorn combat mages.

The blockade done by the Changelings finally gave in as Wonderbolts carry their wing blades (swords mounted on a pegasus’s wings) to cut down retreating Changelings. With the blockade broken, Spitfire yells at Shining and gave him the greenlight to start an orderly retreat.

“Alright Ponies! We are pulling back immediately!” as one officer instructs his ponies to pull back towards the Badlands pass. Soon all members of the Royal guard are slowly pulling back, with the density of ponies higher. General Shining Armor orders the rest of the unicorn mages to form a bubble shield to cover their retreat as he saw the Changeling swarm attacking the ponies lagging behind, killing them instantly.

The bubble shield worked and that alongside the brave defense done by the 35th Royal Guard regiment is the only thing preventing the wholesale destruction of the Equestrian Royal Guard. Soon enough the battle was over with the Changelings retreating back to their encampments and the Royal Guard retreating back to theirs.

Now back at their encampments, Shining Armour realized that the security of Equestria was at jeopardy, he could mount a defense at Dodge City but that would be too much of a risk to take as the battle of the badlands have shown. He knew what was required of him and told both the Wonderbolt commander and his officers that one word they all feared.

“Evacuate Appleloosa and Dodge City. regroup what’s left of the Royal Guard and the Wonderbolts and tell them to destroy the railroads once the evacuation of the mild west is completed.” as Shining Armor pulls out a map of Equestria “We will mount a defense in Ponyville and in Los Pegasus, coordinate with the local militia if you have to and do me proud.”

“Yes sir!” all the officers said in unison

Canterlot Castle, 12:00AM, +5 days after event

“Message from the Royal Guard Princess Celestia!” a Royal Guard reserve ran through her court as he delivered the long awaited message Princess Celestia anticipated. Hopefully the battle went well. And I hope that even if we lose, we should be able to salvage the situation if need be.

She opened the seal and starts reading the letter. Three minutes in and her face had already paled to such an extent that if somepony were to enter the royal court, they would’ve mistaken Celestia for a ghost.

“I……..I….” Celestia could only stutter as she reads the letter and the list of casualties the Royal Guard have suffered. 16,570 Royal Guard dead and wounded, 2,000 out of 6,000 of the Wonderbolts deployed have died, Appleloosa and Dodge City are being evacuated, the bad news just went on and on.

Quickly Celestia’s regality fell as she sobs. She is powerful without a doubt and maybe if she joined forces with Luna in battle, Equestria could be salvaged. But she knew she is not almighty, experience has told her that her skills are better suited for the office and not the battlefield. And Celestia has been to many a battlefield throghout her life. If she was incapacitated and fell into a coma for just a few days, Equestria would descend into chaos and then the situation would be ultimately unsalvagable.

But then the door slams open as a pegasus stallion enters the door with the mail in one wing and a very important note in another. Celestia felt slightly bemused as the (admittedly) cute stallion pitifully attemps to balance the notes, Is he related to that gray mailmare Celestia thought as he then comes to an abrupt halt and bows to her. She dried her tears and prepared for the formalities.

“A message from Vanhoover Princess.” He says in an unusually feminine voice.
“Yes My little pony? To who am I receiving the message?” Celestia responded in her usual motherly voice
“The Mayor of Vanhoover Red Tape Princess, she also adds a note saying that you should read this after you read the message.”
“Very well my little pony” as the Princess reads the letter, one minute later and an amused smirk fills her face. The French? Celestia thought Are they the same snobby kingdom that collapsed under their own selfishness? And humans? Hairless apes? Better technology than Equestria? Has the mayor gone mad? As Celestia finished the letter. She then took the second note and the first thing she saw was an odd looking rectangularly shaped….thing. Celestia felt intrigued by the design of the object and after some tinkering, a bright light fills the screen and Celestia was shocked. She ran multiple spells for magic detection and found none, she then read the letter which simply said ‘They might help us win the war’.

“What is your name my Little pony?”
“Uhhh Graceful Winds Princess.”
“Tell Mayor Red Tape that I want meet these French people in my castle as soon as possible.”
“Oh y-yes maam!” as he left the throneroom.

Kirin tradeship Amatsukaze (Heavenly Wind), 1:00PM, +5 Days after event

Captain Sanako Nakanishi, Kirin mare of the Amaterasu Empire and captain of the Amatsukaze has just finished her lunch of edamame, rice and lotus petals. She felt nourished and was just relaxing for a while when she heard what appeared to be a commotion on deck.

“Hey what is happening here!” she shouted loudly at the seemingly chaotic situation at the deck of the ship.
“Uhh captain, you need to see this” as one of her crewmembers gives her a telescope to see what is in front of her ship. She frowns a bit as she takes the telescope, walks up the deck and peered through the lens. What she saw was literally impossible to describe.
She has been Captain of the Amatsukaze for years. She knew the Lunar ocenas just as any Kirin navigator that wanted to trade with Equestria would. But lo and behold, a MASSIVELY huge landmass just appeared in front of her eyes, she checks her telescope for any defects in the lenses and found none. A massive landmass just somehow, magically appeared in front of her eyes.

A couple minutes of wondering just how the landmass came to be and she saw a huge Ironclad ship with no sails moving in her direction. She froze and feared the worst, but it never came to pass as the ship suddenly speaks accented Equish.
“Unknown ship, please identify yourself and stand down. We are sending a team for a customs check and we’ll explain the rest.” as a small rubber boat was lowered from the ship and moves slowly towards her ship.

CMA CGM Boardroom, Marseille, France, 3:00PM, +5 days after event

CEO of CMA CGM Jacques R Saade is in the middle of a very important boardroom meeting. After he learned about the displacement he called all members of the executive council to meet at headquarters to discuss the future of the company. The French shipping giant is about enter some very tough times in the future, but with an untapped world right in front of them, they could make a huge profit providing service for goods traded into France and goods traded to the local Kingdoms.

“And so we cannot expect anything from these local kingdoms until the French Government announces anything major. For now we’ll have to rely on our stored funds to keep the company afloat, and I also fear that we may have to introduce mass layoffs in the future if nothing changes soon.” as the Chief Financial Officer of CMA CGM reported on the situation, it does indeed look grim but Jacques still remains a hopeful person and asks the Chief Operations Officer one important question.

“How many ships were in France when the displacement happened” He asked

“We have some 45 ships of comparable size when the event happened. Hardly ideal but that’s all we’ve got.”

Oh dammit he thought, he knew the situation for any privately held company currently residing in Fracne was grim. But CMA CGM deserves a mention in top 10 companies with grim outlooks just next to the IT giants like Google and Facebook.

After some extra thirty minutes of reporting the meeting was adjourned and Jacque feels like he needs to eat food even though dinner time is still 3 hours away. This company may as well be standing on it’s last legs as they prepare for the inevitable bankruptcy anyway, so who the hell cares if the CEO of CMA CGM is going to order huge amounts of food to eat away his misery?


Negotiations between French and Equestrian authorities at the city of Vanhoover successful, the team is about to interact directly with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna tomorrow.

Battle of the Badlands turned out to be a military disaster for the Equestrian Royal Guard. Preparations are being made for a fallback option by evacuating the Mild West as well as reinforcing the defenses of Los Pegasus and Ponyville.

Contact between the Republic of France and the Kirin Empire of Amaterasu made as the trade ship Amatsukaze sails unknowingly into the city of Brest

Author's Note:

Japanese Pones Everyone! worldbuilding set to 11 immediately!!