• Published 3rd Jun 2012
  • 6,572 Views, 14 Comments

Applejack's Clopping Partner - videomaster21XX

Applejack requests help for the upcoming 'Clop-Off'

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Applejack's Clopping Partner

“Alright Evening. Just what were you trying to do THIS time?” Twilight Sparkle asked the black unicorn stallion, who was lying in the center of her kitchen. Now this wouldn’t normally be anything amiss, Evening Storm had been her unofficial roommate for a while now, ever since he he came to ask her about learning some simple spell work.

Sitting in the middle of her kitchen, covered in what could only be grape jam, sat a rather frazzled Evening Storm, his coat and mane slightly singed in a few places, though it was difficult to tell on his black coat. Regardless, the state of him, and the fact grape jam now covered a large part of her floor around the poor stallion indicated only one thing; he had tried to cast a spell.
Right from the get go, Twilight knew this pony had high magical potential. The energy that flowed around him was very unique, and so was his cutie mark; two crimson crescent moons forming a sort of circle with a many forked bolt of lightning striking through it. He even looked rather uncommon, with his black coat and sapphire blue mane and tail. Everything about him practically screamed that he’d be great at magic....

Which was of course ABSOLUTELY WRONG.

Both Twilight and himself were fairly certain that his cutie mark had something to do with his ability to learn and memorize magical spells and facts rather quickly. Need the ingredient list to a concoction? He’s your stallion. The exact pattern to a spell diagram? He’s got you covered there as well.

So why was it that EVERY SINGLE TIME he tried to cast a spell, something like this happened?

“Uh well you see...” Evening began rubbing the back of his neck with a hoof. A clear sign to Twilight that he was feeling not only sheepish, but guilty as well.

“I found this spell that was supposed to cause a sandwich to make itself, assuming you had the proper ingredients.” Twilight nodded tiredly as she glanced over at the counter closest to Evening Storm. Sitting atop it was one knife, one plate, one empty jar that appeared as if nothing had ever been in it, and one... block of swiss cheese.

“Just what kind of sandwich were you trying to make with those ingredients?” Twilight asked, knowing full well she was not going to like the answer.

“Um, Peanut butter and jelly,” he replied lowering her head. This answer naturally caused Twilight to blink. Replaying what he just said in her head, she went back over the contents of the counter, neither of them were matching up properly.

“You were trying to make peanut butter and jelly, with a block of cheese? And no bread?”

“Uh well, you see there was bread but now there is uh, Cheese.”

Another blink.“...Are you telling me the CHEESE is the bread?”

“I uh, believe that is what happened.”

“And the empty jar?”

“That was full of the jam.” This caused Twilight to double blink. Did he mean? She decided to vocalize this to him: “You mean the Jam that is currently-”

“Yeah, it sorta exploded uh, through the glass. Somehow.” At this point Twilight was tired of blinking and could only stare at the pony before her with a blank expression.

“So the peanut butter...” She began, letting herself trail off.

“Th-That one I’m still trying to figure out,” Evening Storm said with a visual blush. His facial expressions said it all, the poor thing looked like he wanted to melt away right there. As for Twilight Sparkle, she could only place one hoof on her face as the gravity of the situation sank fully in. The many seconds that passed during this time only succeeded in making Evening Storm even more uncomfortable. This was the reason he had left Canterlot to go on some sort of journey in the first place. Every time he tried to practice any kind of spell, nothing but disaster struck. It seemed that even here, he was just repeating his past...

Pfft Twilight mumbled, causing Evening Storm to look up in surprise. Before he knew it, Twilight was in a fit of giggles, falling to her side as she began to laugh and laugh. Evening on the other hoof, only felt his face getting redder.

“Never a dull moment with you hey Stormy?” Twilight managed to finally say while attempting to get back on her hooves. Tears were clearly visible in her eyes from her extended laughter. With a bit of a shock, Evening realized that instead of mockery, or even annoyance, Twilight only held a smile.

“I- Uh. You’re not, Mad? You’re not laughing at me?” he managed to spit out after several seconds of trying.

Twilight shook her head in response.“Of course not silly. I already know all about your... Quirk when it comes to spellcasting, and I’m your friend. I wouldn’t laugh at you!” Evening frowned, while it may have been the most polite way to put it, the fact that he still couldn’t cast a spell properly really bugged him. Not like he could do much about it though. Every time he tried to improve, stuff like this happened. Regardless, it was overshadowed by her comment about him being a friend. He felt a bit silly that he thought she’d make fun of him, that wasn’t how Twilight did things after all. At any rate, he needed to apologize.

“Yeah, some quirk. Anyway, sorry about the kitchen. And your bread. And what ever happened to the peanut butter...” Twilight giggled again while placing a hoof on his mouth.

“Oh stop it. It’s easy enough to clean up and nopony got hurt. That’s all that matters right?” She flashed him a kind smile that he couldn’t help but return. Course just like life to ruin a tender moment, almost immediately after he had, a loud pounding came from the front door. Twilight continued to smile as she levitated over a towel along with some sort of cleaning fluid in a bottle.

“I’ll start to clean this up, while you get the door.” She said, getting to work. Evening just blinked.

“You want me to see who it is looking like this?” She giggled.

“You’ll live. If they ask, just say you’ve been hanging out with that pony who likes large tubs of jelly.” Soon as she mentioned that pony, he made a wrinkled face.

“Ugh, heaven forbid.” He said with a bit more disgust then he had intended. Twilight just continued to giggle. Giving in, Evening began to trot toward the front door. How was he suppose to argue with her when he had just made a mess of her kitchen? Jam covered body or not, he steeled himself up and opened the door. As the door swung open, courtesy of his magic the one thing he could do properly just like any unicorn, his eyes were greeted to a brief flash of orange and yellow.

“Howdy there Stormy! I know the Library opens in like a half hour or so, but I really need to ask something... Now...” The earth pony Applejack began before trailing off. Evening noticed rather quickly that she was holding her infamous hat to her chest as she stood there. Whatever she had come to ask must have been important for her to do that! Unfortunately, it appeared his rather, ‘Odd’ appearance had thrown her off guard.

“What the hay happened to you? You have a wrestling match in grapes or something?” She asked, causing him to sigh.

“If at all possible I’d rather not go into it. Anyway you need to ask Twilight something right? She’s in the kitchen right now.” He said swaying his head slightly in the direction of the kitchen doorway. Much to his confusion though, Applejack shook her head.

“No, I didn't come here to ask something of Twi. I’m er, Actually here to ask you something.” The way Applejack said that made Evening nervous for some reason. Looking over Applejack now, he realized that she was fidgeting. He couldn’t recall a time he had EVER seen Applejack fidget, It certainly seemed she was rather embarrassed about this.

“Um. Okay. I’m, Listening?” He said blankly while sitting down. It seriously looked like she was about to ask him on a date or something. Well, probably not that, but then what?

“Well uh, boy howdy I didn't think it’d be so hard ta spit this out.” She absently shuffled her hooves as she tried to figure out the best way to go about saying it. All this awkwardness wasn’t making Evening feel any better, he really wished she’d just get to the point.

“Well let me put it like this. Y’all know that event coming up that Lyra and Bon Bon have been a practicing for?”

Evening could feel his cheeks flush red. “Y-yeah I know about it.” Truth was there were very few ponies who DIDN’T know about those two’s recent activities. They were certainly loud enough with it, and with all those hours of practice they put in. Evening still couldn’t believe they hadn’t dropped from exhaustion yet.

“Well ya see.” Applejack said, her voice dropping a few levels in volume. “I was hoping to enter myself, but I need a uh, partner.

Evening sat there as his brain processed this information. He knew from the event rules that you had to have a partner, so Applejack indeed couldn’t enter without one, and since she had come to ask him something that meant.. His eyes widened.

“You want ME to be your Clopping partner!?” He almost shouted, it was only due to pure shock that he hadn’t. Applejack’s response was a loud hush.

“Shhhhhhhh! Don’t go announcing it ta everypony! I’m embarrassed enough by this!”

“Right, right...” Evening said falling into a sitting position. Him and Applejack, doing such a thing... Meanwhile, Applejack’s embarrassment had been doubled.

“Bet yer mighty shocked a mare like me wants ta join in on such a thing.” She said while avoiding his eyes with her own. This time it was Evening who shook his head.

“Not- Not really. The way you move about while apple bucking, that natural grace you exhibit while running.” The last part caused Applejack to blush a bit, Evening didn’t notice.

“It doesn't really surprise me at all,” he continued, “In fact I have a feeling you’re pretty good at it...” Applejacks face flushed the same color red Evening’s was.

“So uh, You interested?” she asked wanting to get to the point, no sense in beating around the bush.

“Uh...” Evening trailed as he tried to wrap his mind around everything that was happening at the current moment. “To be honest I’m a bit surprised you came to me.”

“Well, to be honest, I didn't know who else to ask.” Applejack replied with a very sheepish expression, “I don’t know many stallions you know. Except my brother and that’d just be weird.” Evening almost nodded in agreement before stopping himself. No telling what kind of response was safe to give to that statement. Applejack’s expression certainly seemed convincing though.

“Besides,” she said quietly, causing Evening to lean in just to hear her clearly. “Just between you and me? He ain’t all that good at it.” Evening gave a silent thank you for the fact he hadn’t been drinking anything at that moment. As it was, it was taking all he had to keep a straight face.

‘R-really I wouldn’t have guessed.” He said desperately wanting to change the subject. “But why a Stallion? I mean Lyra and Bon Bon are both mares. Maybe Rainbow Dash could help you out?” Applejack snorted.

“Ya’ll kidden me? Dash is a fine athlete and all, but she ain’t cut out for this kinda shin dig. Besides, er no offense to Lyra and Bon Bon, but doing it with a mare just wouldn’t feel right ta me.”

“Well I can respect that I guess,” Evening said with a nod, “but are you sure you want me? I’ve never done this before! What if I’m no good?” Applejack’s sheepish smile returned.

“Well uh... I might not have been telling ya everything when I said you were the only Stallion I could think of...” Evening didn’t like where this was going.

“What do you mean?”

“Well uh, How do I put this? Oh applesauce, I’ll just be blunt with it. I’ve uh, Seen you when you think no pony is looking.” Her voice wavered as she spoke, her gaze fixed steadfast on the ground between them.

“You saw me?” Evening repeated trying to figure out what she meant. It didn’t take long for his brain to process there was only one thing she could be talking about in this situation. If his face hadn’t been red before, it certainly was now.

“Y-Y-You mean when I was?” Applejack nodded slowly.

“Oh- Oh dear...” Wishing he could turn invisible, he settled for the next best thing, hiding his face with his hooves. “Oh Celestia smite me.” Applejack couldn’t help but giggle. The sound was rather cute. Evening hadn’t thought of Applejack to be one to giggle.

“Oh don’t feel so embarrassed. I know lots of ponies do the same durn thing when alone.”

“That doesn’t make the fact you saw any less embarrassing.” Evening shot back still hiding his face. With a smirk Applejack gave him a slight nuzzle, startling him into looking up. He could practically feel his face emitting heat now, this was beginning to be too much!

“Look here sugarcube. What’s done is done, and what’s seen is seen. The other reason I decided to ask you was... Well because by catching you in the act, I could see you had some talent for it.” She gave him the kindest most encouraging smile he had ever seen. Despite how awkward this whole ordeal had become, he couldn’t help but feel a bit more relaxed at that.

“You’re just saying that.”

“Nope! Nuttin but the truth!” Evening considered this. She was the element of honesty...

“Do- Do you really think so?” She continued to beam at him.

“As sure as an apple is red! You’ll do just fine!” Then with a bit more blush, “Unless of course. The problem here is that you don’t want to be doing such a thing with little ol me.” Evening was quick to shake his head in protest.

“No No! I’d actually be rather honored!” Applejack’s blush darkned.

“I’m just worried I won’t be uh, Quite what you expected.”

“Well, that’s why we gotta practice! So you up for it?” Evening no longer had to think about it, how could he possibly turn her down?

“It’d be my pleasure!”

She grinned. “The pleasure is all mine!”

* * *

Big Macintosh trotted his way across the large orchards of Sweet Apple Acres inspecting the apples like he had been doing every day for the last week. Normally it was his sister AJ who took care of such a task, but she had asked him to fill in for her earlier in the week. Said she had some task she needed to take care of.

She wouldn’t tell him what it was, but he knew full well what she had been up to. With the Clop-Off just a couple more weeks away, she needed all the time she could to get her ‘partner’ up to speed. Despite his reservations about her keeping things from him, he was glad she’d finally have the chance to enter herself. He couldn’t recall all the times she had watched it go by, only wishing she could have entered. A pony with her stamina and agility was certain to take first place too, her partner on the other hoof...

He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t bothered by the idea, but Evening Storm was a good enough pony he supposed. He’d at least treat her right, so he needed worry along those lines. So long as he kept that wild magic of his in check...


He could already hear them hard at work from where he was now. With a smirk he decided to ‘drop in’ on them and see how things were coming. Sure AJ might get a little mad at him for peeking, but it wasn’t like it was some mystery where she had been doing all this. The barn was the only likely place she could set up for it that would be secluded enough.


Big Mac had to pause as he drew nearer to the barn. Those sounds certainly weren’t coming from only one pony, but that speed, that rhythm. Seems Evening really was the best partner for his sister after all.

“Yes! Yes! That’s it!” He heard his sister yell suddenly, causing him to chuckle. She never could hold down her volume.

“A-Applejack keep it down!” He heard Evening stutter afterward, “The last thing we need is for Applebloom to hear and come investigate!”

“M-Mighty sorry there Sugarcube.” Came AJ’s reply. “I just get so darned caught up in the motions that I lose myself.”

Feeling the time couldn’t be anymore perfect, Big Mac threw open the doors to the barn, startling the two out of their little dance. With a yelp they both tried to hide themselves, only managing to entangle themselves together. After some struggling, they ended up as a heap on the ground before the large Red Stallion.

“Howdy” Big Mac said, calmly keeping his poker face perfectly steady. While his sister was known for her exaggerated facial expressions, he was rather well versed in keeping his thoughts and feelings hidden. It worked like a charm, the two looked up at him with red sheepish faces.

“Uh, Hiya there bro.” Applejack said, trying to casually wave while still tangled up with Evening.

“It’s uh, Not what it looks like?” Evening replied, looking the far worse for wear of the two. Big Mac supposed it wasn’t helped by just how intimidating he knew he looked. Sometimes it was a curse, scaring off some new customer or pony he had just met. Other times though, like this moment, he couldn’t help but be glad for it.

“Ya’ll sure about that?” He replied slowly, causing the unicorn stallion to visibly shake. Big Mac felt a bit guilty about that part, perhaps he was teasing a bit too much.

“N-Now don’t get your tail in a knot Big Mac...” Applejack said slowly while trying to unhinge herself from Evening Storm, “It was all my idea.”

“I know,” Big Mac said quietly. If Applejack or Evening had planned to say anything after that, it had been swallowed by the pure shock they felt upon hearing that.

“Y-You KNEW?” Applejack asked dumbly while sitting up. By this time both her and Evening had managed to free themselves, Evening already sitting before Mac.

“Y’all didn’t think I didn't know what was coming up did ya?” He asked.

“So, You knew I wanted to enter the entire time didn't ya?” Applejack asked feeling rather foolish. Her brother nodded his head.

“Eeeyup.” Came the simple reply.

“And, And about me being her partner?” Evening asked hesitantly. Big Mac kept his poker face and repeated his answer, “Eeeyup.”

“You, You don’t mind her choosing me do you?” Evening asked. Though he had meant for his voice to sound normal, it was strangely several octaves higher then he remembered making it. With a chuckle Big Mac decided to calm the nervous stallion, “EeeNope.”

The look Big Mac saw on Evening’s face just then was priceless. It was like he had just been told he was innocent of a terrible crime and thus wouldn’t be going to the dungeon after all. Applejack on the other hoof was giving Evening a slight glare.

“Why would it matter what Big Mac thinks about us? I’m a big girl and can choose my own clopping partner thank ya kindly!” She stamped a hoof in irritation to empathise her point. Evening’s response was to nervously rub the back of his neck with a hoof.

“Well no, but uh, he is really big so I’m kinda. Well-” Big Mac decided to interject before any arguments could happen.

“Now Now, no need fer that,” he said taking a seat, “Evening’s Probably just making sure I ain’t jealous or nuthin.”

“Oh uh,” Applejack suddenly couldn’t meet her brother’s eyes. “I uh, Woulda asked ya but-”

“I know, I know,” Big Mac said making himself comfortable. “Ain’t no problem. I would like to ask a favor of ya though.”

His sister nodded, “S-sure, what do you want?”

“I want to see your routine.” He stated flatly. Both Applejack and Evening leaped backward.

“Y-Y-You want to, WATCH us?” Applejack replied, feeling uncharacteristically shy on the whole matter. Make no mistake, Evening was feeling a bit taken aback himself, but he really didn’t see why AJ would be this embarrassed about the whole thing.

“Eeyup!” Big Mac replied in the same flat manner. Though Applejack was still hesitating it seemed, least to Evening. He ended up glancing between the two a few times before deciding it’d be him to speak on the matter.

“We’re going to have to practice in front of ponies sometime...” He began slowly, “After all this is a public event.” Despite her still obvious reservations, Applejack slowly nodded in agreement.

“Well... yeah, but I didn't think I’d have to perform infront of somepony so soon. Specially not my own brother.”

“Listen Sis, I know yer embarrassed by the fact you like this sorta thing, but I promise you nopony is going to judge you. As matter of fact, I’m just happy yer having fun.”

“Ya, Ya really mean that?” Applejack asked looking far more relieved than she had in days. Ever since Evening and her had begun these sessions, it seemed all she worried about was getting caught in the act.

“Eeyup!” Big Mac said with a bit of a smirk, “but if it’s all the same to ya’ll. I’d rather we still keep Applebloom in the dark.”

“No argument here!” Both Evening and Applejack called in usion, causing them to blink afterward. They both gave each other a blank look before breaking out in laughter. Big Mac just gave a kind gentle smile.

“Now that’s the way sis,” he said with a nod, “Got a feeling yer much better at this all unwound like yer are now. Then ya were stressed.”

“I reckon yer right there. So what say you Stormy? Ready to clop?” Applejack asked, appearing to be her old self again. Evening couldn’t help but feel anxious, he had been itching to go through the motions with a more clear minded and upbeat Applejack.

“I’m ready to tango when you are!” He exclaimed, trotting to their little ‘stage’. With a bigger grin then he had seen her with all week, Applejack took her place next to him. They took a few moments to stretch and take a few deep breaths, before beginning.

Clop... Clop... Clop...

They kept their distance at first, each doing their own thing to warm up. Both being careful not to look at each other, yet making sure to pay close attention to what their partner was doing. It was crucial to match the pattern of their movements with the other. Only until they were matched in timing and rhythm could they move to the next step.

It soon became clear to them they needn’t have worried. They had matched each other in seconds, far better than they had ever performed before. As their hooves began to bob up and down in their rapid motions, their bodies began submit to the cause. Surrendering themselves to the sheer feeling of the movements, they increased their pace.

Clop... Clop.. Clop. Clop. Clop. Clop Clop!

The timing was right, they were now in perfect unison with their motions. Sensing each other’s feelings, they came together, it was time for the main event. Their limbs met, as their bodies shook. With the world melting away around them, they could see nopony except each other. Big Mac watching them had been forgotten, now there was only the performance.


To both Evening and Applejack, it was truly a magical experience.

Several minutes later found them both lying on the stage and panting like crazy. Despite his wearyness, Evening felt rather good all things considered. Sure his muscles ached and he’d most likely pay for it the following day, but never before had they just ‘clicked’ so perfectly like that. It was as if he could anticipate Applejack’s every move and match her perfectly.

“That was... Wow...” Evening found himself saying. He just couldn’t help himself, he’d never felt anything like that before!

“I know how ya feel sugarcube...” Came Applejack’s blissful response. “I reckon we keep doing things like that, and we have a clear shot at the prize!”

“Wasn’t bad,” Big Mac agreed in his calm steady tone, “but ya still have work ta do. Sure ya rhythm was on the spot, and I reckon your style will turn more then a few heads, but it’s still a bit rough around the edges, and Evening? Ya came into the climax a bit early.”

“Yeah...” Evening admitted hanging his head. He had gotten a tad over excited at the end there and ended up finishing before Applejack was ready. That would have certainly cost them points had this been the real thing.

“Don’t sweat it too much sugarcube,” Applejack said with that smile of hers, “you ain’t doing half bad considering your first time was when we first practiced. Told ya you had talent! I knew the moment I watched your moves when ya did it in private.” Evening blushed, while Big Mac chuckled.

“So that’s why ya chose him. So ya like to swing it while alone as well do ya?” The last part was directed toward Evening, who looked rather startled.

“Y-You do it to?” He asked dumbly. Big Mac chuckled again.

“Eeyup! But uh, don’t go tellin nopony alright?” Evening shook his head vigorously.

“N-no! Of course not! I guess it’s not all that strange if you think about it. Still it just kinda surprises me I guess.”

“I tell ya, I understand that!” Applejack said with a rather focused nod. “It was quite the shock when I walked in on Twilight doing it once.”

Twilight does it to!?” Evening exclaimed in pure shock, forgetting to keep his voice down. The action earned him a hissed ‘shush’ from both Applejack and Big Mac. All three stood quietly for a few moments, fearful of a small yellow filly busting in. After several minutes with no sounds of life outside the barn though, they realized they were safe.

“Yeah Twilight does it to,” Applejack said all ‘matter of fact’ like. “That isn’t what surprised me really. What got my britches was the fact she didn’t think nothing of it when I caught her.”

“Really?” Evening asked, his eyes involuntarily widening. “She wasn’t embarrassed? Twlight wasn’t embarrassed.” Applejack shook her head.

“Nope. She wasn’t phased at all. She’s a strange one she is. Catch her sneaking an extra piece of pie and she’s a red as my cutie mark, but walk in on her flailing about like that, and she don’t even flinch.” Evening couldn’t help but shake his head in disbelief.

“Who’d have thought?” he asked stunned. Well, he supposed he could see her being like that. Especially considering some of the things he knew about her, along with all the time they spent together as roommates.

“Anyway, I think that’s enough fer today, what say we get some grub clopping partner?” Applejack suggested throwing a look at Evening with the same grin she had been wearing when they had started their ‘private show’ for Big Mac. Evening nodded part of his response, while wearing a smile just as big.

“Anytime Clopping partner!” He said before pausing a bit. A certain ‘thought’ he had been having off and on since this had begun, ended up surfacing in his mind again, which caused him to chuckle. In turn, both Big Mac and Applejack raised an eyebrow at him.

“What in the hay is so funny bout that?” Applejack asked, causing Evening to blush a bit. Unfortunately, this only made Applejack persist more: “All week ya’ve been getting these goofy grins at times. I think it’s high time ya spilled the cause!”

“S-Sorry. It’s just, something from my past I guess you could say....” He’d have liked to have dropped the subject, but it seemed both were rather persistent in learning about what he meant by that.

“Oh? And just what in the hay happened in your past?” AJ asked.

“I’m rather curious to hear this myself to be honest,” Big Mac added, “ya don’t tend to say much about yerself.”

Evening groaned, ‘You’re one to talk!’ He thought irritably. Unfortunately it didn’t look like he could get out of telling them, so with a sigh, he prepared himself for the task at hoof.

“It’s the, way it’s named.” This only confused the two siblings more.

“The name?”

“Yeah,” Evening sighed, “the Clop-off? Clopping partner? Let’s just say where I come from... Some folks don’t associate them the same way you all do here.”

“I don’t follow,” Applejack said as she scratched her head with a hoof, “far as I reckon the Clop-off is an Equestria wide event, and I don’t know too many ponies who come from outside that!”

“I can’t really explain that part, but I know a few that use ‘Clopping’ in an, Odd way.” Evening was blushing a rather bright color at that moment. He hadn’t heard the word used in the other way for a long long time, so had mostly forgotten about it. Sadly this entire ordeal had caused the faint memory to come to the forefront of his mind on more than just one occasion.

“How can they use a dance routine in an odd way? Do they dance on their front hooves or something?” Applejack asked, looking rather perplexed.

Evening simply shook his head. “That’s just it, they don’t link it with dancing.”

Big Mac actually blinked at that. “What do ya mean? Why Everypony I’ve ever met knows how to clop! It’s the most popular dance around.”

“I know, but they uh, do.” Evening really really wanted to change the subject.

“Alright then just what do they link it to?” Applejack demanded. With a sigh, Evening surrendered to the task he knew he’d have to do. Beckoning them both closer, he whispered to them just what this alternate definition of ‘clopping’ was.

Applejack was the first to react, leaping backward with a face such a color of red, that somepony might think it had been painted on. Big Mac on the other hoof, didn’t seem to react much at all. Then again he was already red, how was Evening to know if the stallion was blushing?

“Why- Why! That’s just silly talk! S-such a thing...” Applejack began, trying to form a sentence.

Big Mac nodded his agreement. “How’d they even come ta such an idea? That doesn’t even make a ‘clop’ noise!”

Evening just shrugged, “You wanted to know, ask them why they think such odd things.”

“Well I guess that’s fair, some ponies though...” Applejack replied while shaking her head. Evening just stood there hoping the embarrassing questions were finally over. Part of him was a bit relieved. He’d rather not have either of them pushing to find ‘where he was from’.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac nodded, “well, I’m gonna go get Applebloom. Reckon she’ll be hungry as well.” His voice hadn't even wavered, Evening was impressed by just how much the big guy seemed to take in stride. As Big Mac left, Applejack and himself waved their goodbyes. They had to stay behind to clean up their dance mat before they could head in themselves.

“So you think we have a shot at winning this dance off?” Evening asked later as they began to trot toward the farmhouse.

“You kidden? With our moves? I reckon we’ll give ol Lyra and Bon Bon a run for their bits!” She responded with a playful laugh. Evening couldn’t help but join in. They carried on like that for a few moments before Applejack’s expression softened.

“Win or lose though, let’s have a grand time shall we?” She said as she gave him that winning smile of hers. As he gazed back, he did his best to match it perfectly.

“Win or lose, I’m glad we’re partners in this.” His gaze moved toward the horizon as he spoke, “I’ve been having the time of my life!”

“Same here partner!” Applejack laughed, as she gazed in the same direction, “Same here!”

They trotted along like that in silence, save for the sound of their hooves striking the dirt. This went on for a while before Applejack suddenly turned her head toward Evening Storm once more.

“So Sugarcube, Wanna have sex tonight?”

Evening beamed; “Do I ever!”

So they did.

The End.


“There we go! All finished!” A pink earth pony with a rather impossible mane and tail said rather loudly as she put the finishing touches on her masterpiece. It certainly was a good thing she knew how to work Evening Storm’s Labtop thingy, this would have taken forever on paper!

“What is ‘All Finished?” Came a rather tired voice from behind her. She spun around to come muzzle to muzzle with Evening Storm himself. Apparently he had just come back from making breakfast, for floating before him was a nice plate of waffles, bathed in his magical aura.

“Thanks I’m starved!” Pinkie said as she attempted to use her tongue to snatch up the waffles. At least that is what she had intended to do, except she only found only air where the plate had been just seconds before. She looked around to find they now floated high above Evening’s head, covered in some sort of protective bubble.

“Wow, you’re getting a lot better with your magic Stormy!” Pinkie exclaimed happily as she stared at the floating plate. She could probably still get them if she tried, they weren’t that out of reach. She had actually been pondering a way to do just that when Evening spoke again.

“Thanks, I’ve been practicing,” he said. Ironically enough, his magic seemed to work best when he was trying to prevent his food from being eaten by Pinkie. Course he saw no reason to tell her that. With a flat serious expression, he continued to speak: “First off, please don’t eat my breakfast.”

“Okay...” Pinkie said a bit defeated. She really liked waffles too, but she supposed it was a bit rude to eat somepony else’s food.

“Second, I repeat. WHAT is done?”

“I said it was finished! Not done!”


“Oh alright. This thing I was writing is finished.”

“It’s not another trashy romance story is it?”

“Oh No No No. I just wrote what you’ve been doing all week!”

Really now?” Evening said with justified suspicion. Last time she had written what he had been doing, she had apparently found the need to add in an alien invasion just to ‘spice things up’ as she put it. Skimming through the document though, it seemed she had been fairly true to the source material. Though how exactly she knew he had done all this he wasn’t sure he wanted to ask.

“Well Pinkie I must admit, everything seems... To... Be...”

He reached the end of the story.

With a bright blush he confronted the pink mare. “PINKIE! WHAT THE HAY!?”

“What? Is something off in the details?”

“Yes something is off in the details! What’s with this ending!?”

“What? You two make a great couple!”

“That’s not the point! We didn’t DO that!”

“Do what?” She asked innocently. If Evening hadn’t been so embarrassed by this, he may have found this exchange more taxing on the nerves.

“THAT!” He nearly screamed pointing at the final few sentences where AJ and Him were said to have, ‘Tussled in bed together’. “We didn’t do that! That didn’t happen!”

“You silly nilly! Of course you did! She even spent the night here!”

“Oh? Then why don’t I recall this?”

Pinkie just shrugged, “I dunno.”

“I’ll tell you why because it didn’t happen!” He screamed. He had just been preparing himself for his next rant when a rather wet Applejack trotted into the room.

“Haystacks, I can’t seem to find any towels,” She said taking a look around the room, and generally dripping on the floor. “Hey there Stormy. Care ta help a gal out?”

She looked at him expectantly at that last part. Evening glumped, with her mane like that, she was looking far more attractive then he wanted to admit. It certainly wasn’t helping his mind process what was going on at any rate.

“A-A-Applejack!? What? But... Why are you here?”

Applejack raised an eyebrow, “don’t ya recall? I crashed here after last night! Gotta give it ta ya too, you were mighty impressive!”

“I- I- GUH!” Evening said before he fainted flat out. His brain decided it just wasn’t up to the task of dealing with all of this. Pinkie was all to happy to grab the falling waffles with her mouth when his magic suddenly vanished as a result. Applejack, who had been too shocked to stop the fainting Evening Storm, sprang back to life once he hit the floor.

“What in tarnation!? Evening! You okay!?” She screamed while gently poking him with a hoof. Despite her prodding, Evening only let out a small ‘guh’ in response. Pinkie tried to watch this in stride, before she couldn’t help herself any longer and burst into laughter.

“Oh man! That was great! Oh my sides!” She said falling to the floor, earning a glare from Applejack.

“Pinkie! What in sam hill is wrong with you!? Why’d Stormy just drop like that?”

“Oh don’t worry about him.” Pinkie replied between fits of giggles, “he just got hit by one doozy of a joke. When he wakes up in a little while, you might want to remind him of the cider drinking contest you two had last night though.”

The True End.

Comments ( 14 )

How many people do you think are going to be disappointing that it's not what they thought it was? dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/discord.png That last line killed me. It would be nice if they were actually in a relationship, but that would of killed the joke. Also, some weird random capitalization here and there, but I liked how you wrote AJ's dialect. It's some of the better ones I've read.

The thing about these stories is that the "teen" or even "everyone" rating gives it away instantly.

you clever bastard you....
was a funny read

................what the hell did i just read:twilightoops:

That was very funny indeed :ajsmug:


And the 'Comedy' and 'Random' tags don't? :trollestia:

By brain.... its broken. This story took away the few remaining brain-points I had left.

Pinkie pulls prank... ITS A CRITICAL HIT!
Brain loses 289 brain-points
Negetive-infinity brain points remaining
Brain explodes.....TWICE!!

This was great, but I hope this doesn't become a thing.

Lol I love the description

(Why my OC and Applejack? Uh... Because the Sun Broke!)


1615232 Wait I just turned on serious mode

Why my OC and Applejack

And I just thought of something:trollestia:

Rainbow Triplets activate: :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: My sides were hurting by the end, but srsly one thing just rubs me the wrong way about this story. Why the buck is everyone so embarrassed to clop if it is so popular across Equestria?


It's not that everyone is embarrassed by it, it's APPLEJACK is embarrassed by it. While it's a popular thing to do across Equestria, it's not something most ponies would expect AJ to be into. Thus why she's secretive about it. You'll notice that Big Mac knew all along and thought his sister was being silly.

As for why Evening is embarrassed, it's because nopony has ever asked him to be their partner before. He never really was popular with mares.


:/ seems legit. BTW the OA video on fanfics ate the rest of my free time. Now I can't stop reading and writing this crap. so...thanks for that. (sarcasm self test complete)

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