• Published 15th Jan 2016
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Zomquestria: Revival - Cyberponychronics

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Chapter 9: The Reversion

After waking his gang, Rick shouts them into formation.

As he commands them to fly up, Thunder stumbles towards Rick, asking: ''Do you really have to shout at them so much? It ain't like we're in a war or something.''

''We are.'' Rick replies while flapping his wings.

'''With who?''

''With this Cyrupt guy you were talking about at the briefing.''

As he orders his group to fly, Rick gets a final question from Lightning: ''How are you gonna find him?''

Rick before taking off himself, Rick says: ''We follow our instincts.''

Jay feels dizzy as he hears Cyrupt's German Laugh.

Heavily breathing, Jay says: ''You...can't kill...me. I...have died many times before.''

Cyrupt laughs and says: ''I can if I wants zu. But you're just a bait for the bigger catch.''

''Bigger catch?''

Then it snaps. ''My brothers! You want them!''

''Yas! You know now the finale part of my meister plan!'' Cyrupt laughs maniacally.

In a furious rage, Jay pulls the needles out of his arms, spread his wings and attacks Cyrupt, who is caught by surprise.

After tossing Cyrupt into several machines, Jay makes his way outta this hell.

As Cyrotten prepare to chase him, they're held by Emerald. ''Let him go, we got what we need. Retreat to your posts at once.

Gary lands to sip on some water as he sees something laying in the sand up ahead.

As he signals his friends, he takes a look only to find...

''Jay!'' Derpy shouts.

Jay rolls onto his back and says: ''You managede to find me, eh? I kinda need some food now, or purely sugar. Whatever they sucked outta me also squeezed my energy.''

Rick gives him a can of Energy Drink, which Jay drinks in one gulp.

''That's better, classic JLP food. Guys, I think we got a thread bigger than C ever was. This Cyrupt guy works together with Emerald.''

Everyony is shocked and Rainbow Dash , who is getting more fed up by the minute, says: ''We got to destroy this Cyrupt guy before he destroys this land.'' She rams her hoof on the ground.

As Jay slowly rises back on his hooves, he says: ''It can wait. As long as he doesn't have Rick and Gary, he can't pull off a Destroy the world plan. Whatever they took from me, it cannot be activated without Rick and Gary. Let's head towards Discord's Barricade. There we can plan enough.''

As the group flies towards Sweet Apple Acres while carrying Jay, they notice smoke coming from that direction.

Rushing towards the Orchard, they see it's destroyed and smoldering skeletons are littered everywhere, including Discord's skeleton.

Jay stands in the middle of the ravaged base and lifts Spike's ashes while releasing a tear. ''They hit home.''

Gary searches the remainings of the barn for survivors as he says: ''Hopeless. They never had a chance.''

Rick then states: ''This wasn't the work of the Cyrotten.''

''Then who did it then?'' Twilight asks.

Rick examinates Jay's legs and says: ''It was whatever they sucked outta Jay. Jay, say something creative.''

Jay smiles. ''Easy as pie, uh...''

He thinks.

''Nothin'. What'd you consider, doc?''

''They took your Element.''

''They what?'' Jay asks.

''But that changes everything! He CAN activate it!'' Rainbow says.

''Emerald must've merged it with Cyrupt. There's no other way possible.'' Gary says.

Then Jay hears a familiar laugh.

''He's here.''

As they look at the smoldering ashes of Ponyville, they see Cyrupt mutated into some sort octopus with green tentacles coming out of his back.

He laughs maniacally and says: ''You see, Cyberpony? I am ze ultimate lifesform now! The one you tried to create many years ago, when you researched cloning.''

Cyrupt hits the ground near the gang with one of his tentacles.

''You see? I have been transformed in something du can become, if you merge withy me!'' Cyrupt says to Jay, Rick and Gary.

''Merge with me and you can become ze ultimate Lifesform yourselves.''

The three brothers throw small pebbles at Cyrupt.

''Never we'll join your evil stuff!'' Rick says while he hits Cyrupt in his eye.

Roaring in pain, Cyrupt grabs Rainbow Dash with his tentacle and wraps it around her, tightly squeezing her.

''Let her go!'' Jay shouts, resulting in Rainbow being lethally squeezed.

After he hears a loud crack, Cyrupt releases Rainbow and Rainbow's lifeless body hits the ground.

Then Jay hears Cyan shout: ''Daddy, help!''

Jay turns towards his daughter and sees Cyan getting wrapped in the tentacle too.

Enraged, Jay roars: ''Let my daughter go, you monster!'' And he rushes to help her.

But he's too late.

A cracking sound ends Cyans life.

As Jay sees the lifeless body of his daughter hit the ground, a green light engulfs him, drawing away the tentacles from Cyrupt.

As Jay draws his Element back from Cyrupt, his brother start glowing in Yellow and Blue as well.

Cyrupt is shocked and asks: ''Was ist happening? Why are my powers slowly fading?''

''That is,'' Jay says, ''because it's a power that originally existed in this world. That power is also in you, but in a different form. You are the corrupted Element of Creativity, corrupted by the loss of your siblings. Left forgotten, you believed that their loss was your fault. And you aren't German, you are Texan. We will restore everything, because we are the ELEMENTS OF FAMILY!''

Jay, Rick and Gary release a shockwave of their energy as they see the world return to it's original state before the Cyrotten.

After they released the shockwave, the three Cybers pass out...

Next Chapter: Changed

Author's Note:

C is notified here but doesn't even get a cameo