• Published 24th Nov 2015
  • 2,445 Views, 117 Comments

Dragons Eat Diamonds, Don't They? - Truffles

Meet Spike, #1 assistant to Princess Twilight. It's not surprising he would be called to serve the daughter of Ponyville's richest family, Diamond Tiara, for a few days. A dragon like him should have no issues handling a well-to-do filly, right? o_O

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An Unwelcome Distraction

Spike made his way further down the main hallway, paying close attention to the doors on either side of him. One of them had to be the entrance to the kitchen, most likely the one he and Twilight had seen Randolph use when they first arrived. As it turned out, he didn't even need to remember – he could tell by the faint smell of stored food coming from behind the door to his right, thanks to his excellent sense of smell.

While he prided himself on getting along with ponies and living their lifestyle, he was still thankful for the talents being a dragon afforded him. The fire breath was absolutely awesome, having claws was clearly advantageous, and being both a biped and quadruped as he saw fit was also very useful.

But one of the gifts he cherished the most was his sense of smell. All dragons had keen noses, and as Twilight explained to him many years ago, it was probably due to how they had to find gems for food and their hoards. After all, not every dragon was lucky enough to have a pony like Rarity around to make that particular task a breeze, so his ancestors likely developed an enhanced set of – what did Twilight call them? 'Old-factory' nerves or something like that – capable of sniffing out gems buried beneath the earth.

Also, it probably made hunting prey easier as well; but he chose not to think about that part of it…

In Spike's case, his nose wasn't nearly as sensitive as his elders' were, but it was very good at detecting subtle aromas. In fact, it was one of the reasons cooking came so easy to him – he didn't need to measure ingredients. He simply had to sniff the meal being prepared to tell if everything was correct!

And sure enough, as he opened the door, he found himself in one of the most impressive kitchens he'd ever seen. Two of the walls featured a long, continuous run of base and wall cabinetry in an L-shape; all of it topped with dark granite countertops which included a large wash-up sink placed under two diamond-patterned divided light windows. To his immediate left, not one, but two matching mauve combination cooler-icebox units adorned the opposite wall next to which he was standing. In the center was a large prep table, which had its very own sink. To the right of him, two gold-colored ranges with cooktops sat adjacent to the end of the counter on the right hand wall. As if those weren't enough appliances to cook with, a brick wood-fired grill was built into the middle of one side of the prep table with an enormous flue positioned directly above it to vent the fumes.

Gosh, even the Tree of Harmony didn't create a kitchen this extravagant back at the castle!

Suspended from the vaulted ceiling over the prep table were several rows of wood shelving, with various pots and pans hung on hooks below the bottommost shelf. The shelves themselves were mostly empty, and it appeared many of the items were scattered about the kitchen. No doubt due to the move that was underway, and very likely this is what Spoiled and Filthy Rich had been working on when he had arrived.

Over by the far left section of the kitchen were two sets of glass doors, adorned with the same diamond patterned divided lights. A small dinette table sat between both sets of doors, presumably for the owners of the house to eat quick meals, or perhaps it was reserved for the servants?

“Why hello, Spike!” Spoiled Rich popped out from behind the far side of one of the cooler-icebox units; the little dragon was so engrossed in taking in the spectacle of his surroundings he hadn't even noticed her standing back there. “What brings you down here? Doesn't Diamond have anything for you to do?”

“Not at the moment, Mrs. Rich. She, um – explained – to me what she wants and sent me away for now. So I came down here to see if there was anything that needed doing instead.”

“That filly needs to better appreciate what her mother has done for her in securing you as a helper. But no matter, we can certainly use your help here. Do you see that mess over there?” She motioned to the prep table Spike saw with the unshelved cooking utensils and appliances strewn across it. “Those are the items I had Randolph and the maids pull down to make room for the items I want brought back from Canterlot. The three of them will be leaving shortly to pick them up with Filthy, so it would be wonderful if you could box them up and carry them down into the basement. You needn't put them away; I'll have my husband direct the help as to where they should be permanently stored down there later. You can simply leave them at the bottom of the stairs.”

“Sure, I think I can handle that.” Spike wasn't actually so sure; the surface of the prep table was pretty high up for a dragon his size, so getting those items down to the floor wasn't going to be an easy task. “I'll just grab one of the chairs from the dining table over there and use them to climb onto the table here and lower everything down to the floor, one at a time.”

“Oh, nonono! That won't do at all I'm afraid…”

“Huh, what's wrong? Is all this stuff that important?”

“No, it's not that. It's just, well – pardon me for sounding rude, but – although you come with quite a pedigree, I'm afraid having dragon feet – or any kind of feet or hooves for that matter – walking across my prep table simply won't do.”

She had a point there, he realized, especially considering how pungent he usually left them. Although, in a land of quadrupeds he honestly didn't see how his walking on the prep table would be any different from these ponies eating with the same hooves they stand on all day long. The same dirt that was on the floor was going right into their mouths! But, whatever…

“Okay, fine. I'll just grab the items while standing on the chair.” It would take longer, he surmised, but perhaps it was for the best anyway; it meant he could avoid having to go back up to sit around and wait outside Diamond Tiara's room for that much longer.

“Splendid! Now if you'll excuse me I must call catering to deliver food for dinner this evening.”

“I guess you're pretty busy to do any cooking tonight, huh?”

Spoiled scoffed at the thought. “Me, do the cooking? A mare of my stature? Surely you jest, little one. And before you ask, Randolph and the maids, sadly, lack any professional cooking skills. My husband does a little cooking from time to time, but we usually eat out or – as I just alluded to – simply have a catering service deliver our meals. As you can imagine, we must maintain a high social standing at all times, and cooking our own meals would not give the proper impression amongst our important contacts.”

“Couldn't you hire a chef? There must be one in town?”

“Filthy has tried, my dear. But for some reason the well-known chefs in town either simply refuse to work for us, or they want too many bits.”

No surprise there, who wants to hang around have the meal they just prepared literally thrown back at them by a bratty little filly? Spike suppressed a sudden urge to reveal a wry smile.

“So it's less expensive to have the meals delivered and our help set the table for us,” she continued. “Even the Cakes refused. I suppose too much of their time is taken up running that tiny shop of theirs, and even more so now that they have those two little odd foals to take care of…”

Her disdain over being rejected by ponies well below her own means was palpable, and Spike promptly took umbrage to the slight. “Now don't go putting down the Cakes, I consider them my friends, y'know!”

“Oh, don't get me wrong,” Spoiled quickly apologized, “I've heard their confections are quite popular around here. It's simply frustrating to be unable to get a good chef to cook for us for a reasonable price.” She thought for a moment, and sighed wistfully, “It's unfortunate you're duties don't include cooking for the princess…”

“Um, actually, they do.”

Really, now?” A slight grin formed at one side of her mouth.

To this day, Spike is still not sure why he admitted to that, or for that matter why he said what he said next. He knew it would mean doing more work. But perhaps he responded because of that ego of his; that very same ego, while small, was still potent enough when unchecked to drive a dragon's vanity to the point of sitting in front of a mirror for shameless self-admiration. Or as it had been earlier that day, to take note of his own reflection on the floor. Or ogle his own commemorative statue in the Crystal Empire. Or agree to look after all of his friends' pets while they were away at said empire even though it was too much for one little dragon to handle. Or mistakenly agree to sing an anthem in front of thousands of ponies to which he knew not the words.

“Of course! I do most of the cooking over at the castle. Breakfast and dinner! We usually fend for ourselves when it comes to lunchtime, though.”

“Could I perhaps convince you to cook for us during your stay here? It truly would be an honor to have breakfast and dinner prepared by the The Great and Honorable Spike!” Spoiled laid it on thick, pulling out every stop to try and get him to agree. “And it wouldn't require you to stay much longer each day since the help will be available to clean up after each meal.”

“Well, I dunno… I didn't really agree to being your cook in addition to being an assistant to Diamond.”

“But you are Princess Twilight's assistant, correct? And as her assistant you afford her the luxury of your cooking skills, yes?”

“Yes, but-”

“Don't you think I deserve the same luxury, considering you were hired to do the same job you do for your princess?”

“Well, I – um...”

Ugh, checkmate… again.

This time Spike was on the receiving end of Spoiled's gamesponyship, and he didn't like it at all. Technically, he knew he could still say no since there wasn't anything specified in their agreement. And what could she do, fire him and be without any help? But something in the way she spoke to others – it was demeaning, even frightening. It put one – in this case even a dragon – in their place. A place considerably lower than where it felt she was coming from. And Spike was bearing the brunt of it now.

Additionally, now he knew where Diamond got her ability to so effectively interrupt others: Before he could even make his point, Spoiled flanked it and yanked it out from under him, tossing it out like so much garbage. He remembered how Twilight had explained dragons are supposed to be persuasive speakers. He dolefully laughed to himself that this mare must be part dragon or something.

But it was fine. Yes, it was all really fine – just do some cooking like you've always done. That's what his ego was already saying to smooth things over in his head, explaining to all the other voices that this would be a great way to show off his cooking skills to somepony else besides Twilight, Rarity, and their friends.

His logical brain was working to convince him as well – not only would he get a reprieve from Diamond because he had to clean up all these cooking utensils before him, he'd now even get more time away from her because he had to cook. Yes, agreeing to this would be absolutely peachy!

And yet, why did it feel so rotten? His left eyelid suddenly twitched twice…

But as quickly as the tension built inside of him, it just as quickly vanished. From deep down in his heart, an idea bubbled up into consciousness – something so warm and wonderful he was amazed he didn't think of it before. Something that even if he did have to add cooking to the list of things he was responsible for, it somehow felt good.

And it was also something he knew would drive this mare crazy…

“Okay, okay,” he relented. “You made your point. I'll cook for you and your family.” Spike paused and looked Spoiled Rich right in the eye before continuing. “But only on one condition: Randolph and the other help must be allowed to join in the meal, at the regular dining table with all of you.”

Spoiled Rich glared at Spike, much the same way she did earlier when Diamond had mentioned the three ponies she referred to as blank-flanks. “You-you ask the impossible. It's utterly unthinkable to have the servants eating at the same table as the ponies they serve!”

“Maybe it is in your world, Mrs. Rich, but from where I come from everypony eats at the same table. That's the way Twilight always does it when she has guests over, and I even eat with them, too!”

Spoiled was aghast as to what she should do. She wanted this dragon as a cook – she knew he was a cook and played dumb to get him to agree to it! It would be an undeniable feather in her hat if she could brag to the elites in Canterlot that the princess' personal assistant and chef was preparing her meals! But if word ever got out she was eating with her servants…

“All I want is for you to do the same job you do for the princess, so-”

“And that's exactly what I'm offering you,” Spike countered, butting in the same way she did. “As her assistant, whenever I finish cooking I'm right there, eating alongside Twilight. The way I see it, Randolph and the others are all my equals, so they deserve a spot at the table, just like I do.”

“Trust me, they're not your equals. You're known as a hero in many places.”

“And that's great. But here in your house, they're my equals – especially your butler. So, that's my offer. I'll cook breakfast and dinner if the servants eat with all of us. Deal?”

Spoiled hesitated, glowering at the little dragon in front of her that had beaten her at her own game.

“Very well, you have a deal.” she replied and then thrust her hoof right in front of him. “But, if word ever leaks out that I – I ate at the same table as my servants, I'll be very, very, upset!”

“That's fine,” Spike answered steadfastly, brushing off her hostile tone. “If you don't want anypony to know, I'm more than happy to oblige. I still don't see what the big deal is, but,” he said as he raised his claw in the air, “as an honorable dragon, my snout is hereby sealed.”

“Well, it is a 'big deal,'” she countered. “You and the princess need to get your heads out of the clouds and face reality: If she desires any hope of gaining political power to actually make things happen, she should stop mingling with commoners who can't help her accomplish anything and start associating with the kinds of ponies that can.”

“Like yourself?” he said with a raised brow.

“But of course!” she replied assuredly, completely missing Spike's facetious tone. “She could do worse than have somepony like me working as her royal counsel. As I told her earlier today, she is always welcome to ask me for advice.”

“She already has a six-member court – including yours truly – to provide counsel on whatever needs fixing. But I'll be sure to pass the message along anyway…”

Spoiled frowned. Clearly she wasn't getting through to this dragon, so it probably was a waste of breath to discuss it further. Besides, it was almost time for the servants and Filthy to leave for Canterlot so she needed to make sure they had her list of cookware items she wanted returned.

“Fair enough. We can continue this discussion at a later time. Right now the coach that will take my husband and the servants to the train station is scheduled to arrive shortly, so I must see them off. As for tonight's meal, the pantry is over there behind the cooler.” Spoiled pointed a hoof to where she had been standing earlier, right beside the right cooler-icebox. To one side was a door that was ajar that led into a decent sized pantry loaded full of foodstuffs. “When you're ready to get started on dinner, feel free to use anything in there or the coolers. We usually eat at sundown, so plan accordingly.”

“Yes, ma'am,” Spike replied, his cordial tone having returned to him. “Is there anything you have in mind for dinner?”

Spoiled Rich quietly snorted, “Make whatever meal you would see fit for the princess. So if there is nothing else, I will leave you to your cleanup task. Come to me if you have any further questions as I will be in the study planning for tomorrow.”

“Okay, got it.”

With that, Spoiled trotted away without another word. Once Spike was all alone, he heaved a sigh of relief. He had expected there would be arguments between him and Diamond, but he didn't expect to be in one with her mom! It was a lot more acrimony than he was accustomed to, and he knew he now had two ponies here who were not particularly happy with him.

On the other claw, he still felt pretty good about himself since it seemed like he had won both battles. Diamond had given up arguing and threw him out of her room, and Spoiled was now forced to sit with those she considered beneath her.

It was true, he would still have to cook – and now it would be for six plus himself instead of three. What made it worthwhile however was he'd be serving a meal to Randolph – the kindly old butler in which he'd found a kindred spirit. Somehow cooking for a pony he considered a friend made the whole ordeal enjoyable.

But enough with the self-reflection – the problem immediately facing him was cleaning up this kitchen! The space he needed to cook was being occupied with the cookware that was destined for the basement. He supposed some of it he'd leave alone and use for dinner, but the rest had to go. Or, at least that would have been the plan if a shrill voice hadn't screamed from upstairs.

“Dragon, get your tail up here right now! I have a job for you.”

Ah, the snobby one shrieketh again. It looks like the kitchen will have to wait…

Spike made his way out of the kitchen and back up the stairs. In the hallway Diamond was sitting with her forelegs crossed, her face twisted into a scowl. Although he wasn't positive, he could have sworn her eyes looked redder than usual, as if she had been crying.

“Where were you? You're supposed to be waiting outside my room!”

“You mom and I were discussing tasks for me to do. Looks like you'll be eating a dragon-cooked meal this evening.”

“You? Cooking? Ewww… I don't want your grubby claws anywhere near my food!”

“Too bad. It's a done deal. If you don't like it, I guess you can starve,” he smirked.

Diamond huffed at his haughty attitude. “Well, we'll see about that! Right now however your task is to clean up my room.”

“Clean it up? It didn't look like it needed cleaning a little while ago.”

“It does now,” she finished with a snide grin.

Spike slowly walked through the entrance to her bedroom. What once was a pristine, spotless bedroom now resembled something Tirek had passed through.

“What. The. Buck.”

Author's Note:

I guess you could almost think of this as a "bonus chapter." The events in this entire chapter pretty much took up only a few paragraphs in the original draft, but after I started getting into Spike's head, it became more and more intriguing to explore his thought processes in how he resolves conflict.

Once I got into his head, the little guy one-upped me however and instead made his way into my head, making a beeline for my lizard brain (of course, right?) and started messing with things he has no business poking around in... :rainbowlaugh:

All joking aside, chapters should start coming out more frequently now; so thanks for everyone who has stuck around to wait these early ones out!